Daily reminder that if you're not mating with white women you're part of the problem.

If you're hiding in your basement afraid of spreading your white seed you are part of the problem.

MGTOW can fuck off. If you don't want a brown future, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

Other urls found in this thread:


I never got this. White people swear there's a white genocide, but that implies someone is actively killing white people in an effort to eliminate their race.

There's no white genocide. Even if a government (the ones in question being run by Whites -- yes USA included --) brings in nonwhite immigrants, their presence alone doesn't REMOVE white people. Unless there's a race war that the US + Russia + Most of Europe combined lose, there's not going to be some mass extinction of whites.

If you're talking about being bred out, how is that anyone's fault but whites?

Granted, it won't happen. Despite what media may tell you, whites tend to prefer other whites. Having a bunch of shitty alternative options around doesn't change that.

>feminism, women above law, false rape accusations, men losing their entire wealth after divorce is not part of the problem :^)

Deliberate mass replacement of a population is legally genocide per the Geneva Convention, mate.

Merkel and her lot should be indicted for treason and crimes against humanity, and then promptly hanged from lampposts.

Nice pic, saved.

hey I'm borderline schizo

I'm trying here

>mass replacement of a population
White aren't being replaced though. Nobody takes them away from their homes.


is that a digimonm,i forget, tell me what that is right now

I'm 5'4''
No one will want me

You see, here's the thing: we have developed a society where we poison the youth from such a young age that pulling them out of it is practically impossible. Then we destroy the gender relations as they get older so that the complimentary roles that men and women have had in societies for thousands of years is no longer present in the hearts and minds of people. Biological instincts will never go away however so people are still going to try and fuck each other. The devilishly perma-child-like mental state of modern women, and numale bull shit prevents almost everyone from forming meaningful relationships on one front or another. Men become disenchanted and give up. Civilization crumbles. World burns.

Obviously it's more complicated than that, but that's the cliff notes at least.

>Nobody takes them away from their homes.
Have you looked at Europe lately? They literally are in some German cities, and cucksheds have transcended memes to become a reality in Sweden.

Consider also the massive crime rate (most notably sexual assault and rape of native women) caused by the mass migration (which isn't covered/dealt with because muh racism) and the upwards of 8x birthrate of the black/muslim populations.

By 2050, Germany is projected to be an Islamic state, and Sweden a third-world country.

Yeah, it's fucking genocide.

That's a Pokemon nigga

I'm expecting my fourth white child. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME?

I have three, with the possibility of more in the future.

>t. Single dad

There is nothing wrong with racemixing when white males are doing it. You are conquering their wombs and spreading their seeds. Imagine if every african woman got pregnant from a white imperialist. Those babies would upgrade africa to 2nd world standards.

I have gyno and stretched skin and £0 to my name.

I'm 25 and Literally can't find a job.

I will never be able to breed, every woman has already considered me 0/10.

Why even fucking try.

We know cultural genocide when we see it, we were the best at it. The problem is that if you want the fight to stop you have to play fair or we're going to play back.

The scary part is where will the innovations and new ideas come from in the future.
There's a limit to how much a new concept can be developed and improved (see Asians, high IQ, lower creativity)
The human race will stagnate culturally and scientifically
There will be no new toys for the elite who appear to be the architects of the decline
I am trying to teach my children how to navigate this omnishambles

Whites tend to prefer other whites, but those small percentages of those who don't will gradually cause all white people to stop existing as our numbers gradually decrease through intermarriage. A half-white half-black child ceases to be white at all.

>"I'm going to knock up tons of women and let single moms raise the next generation of serial killers"
Great idea, leaf.

In my town there are estates that were built for working class, and even poorer, white people. The native inhabitants. Now, after the local industry went to hell and companies started outsourcing manufacturing from the UK, the local people started having less children, because they couldn't afford them, and they noticed their estates were becoming more rough, less British, as jobs dried up the community spirit and friendliness gave way to depression, anger, despair and isolation. At the same time, institutions like the BBC work an agenda into their programming, that "diversity" is a good thing, that it's wrong, uncool, stupid, evil, to love your nation, to exclusively marry other white people, to have more than 2 kids, to be Christian, be a housewife, to be "old fashioned" by sticking to your culture. Then the Government and local councils start bringing in millions of immigrants, with a massive volume coming from outside Europe, mostly from Africa and Islamic shitholes, and they all have a huge birthrate, demand we accommodate their every need, they bring poverty and illiteracy so they need housing and education and healthcare resources directing away from the native whites to themselves, and then even when they start to physically attack and abuse the local whites, those whites are silenced and the crimes covered up.

In other words, don't be naive. It happens slowly and there are many factors to it.

This is very true and so fucking depressing

PS I'm beginning to really hate storefronts

I'm guessing this applies to Canada, so they are technically a white country. America is a melting pot.

i'm dating a high iq white girl praise me as you would hitler


we need to keep wealth away from minorities

one drop rule

hi jizzmop, did it occur to you that neither asian nor black countries have the same tendency to invade OTHER races the way that your brethren do

just asking. looking forward to your response. you are the ones initiating contact, not the other way around


>implying niggers didn't chase genetic superiority out of africa 50k years ago when
it's payback time

this didn't work in Latin America, won't work anywhere.

>"Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups. Genocide is directed against the national group as an entity, and the actions involved are directed against individuals, not in their individual capacity, but as members of the national group."

>"Genocide has two phases: one, destruction of the national pattern of the oppressed group; the other, the imposition of the national pattern of the oppressor. This imposition, in turn, may be made upon the oppressed population which is allowed to remain or upon the territory alone, after removal of the population and the colonization by the oppressor's own nationals."

>Raphael Lemkin describes the techniques of genocide: Political, Social, Cultural, Economic, Biological, Physical, Religious, and Moral

Daily reminder a Polish Jew that coined the term genocide predicted the white race's fate. We're fast approaching the second phase of genocide, when the oppressor's values are enforced on us.

there is white genocide but it doesn't have to be a conspiracy: whites accomplish a lot in these times, transport is easy and the people of the world are drawn to their homeplace. As long as whitey keeps being successful and the easy transport remains, the genocide will continue.

if you dont believe in life after death then it doesnt matter what happens to earth or human race after you are dead, so what does it matter to any of us?

absolutely zero, untill they are hunting us down it doesnt affect us at all

>Africa for Africans
>Asians for Asians
>Europe, Australia, Americas, parts of Africa etc. for Europeans
I guess that's why they say "white countries" instead of paralleling the saying with "Europe for Europeans"

That's a Heracross playing a Saxophone in E flat

if we're using up our safebuffer we should benefit from it, not pay for it

Latin America before race mixing with Europeans
>backward savages
>Cannibalism and human sacrifice common
After race mixing
>2nd world
>not practicing cannibalism
It did improve Latin America. North America is only better because the savages had all been wiped out before hand by disease. A millato Africa would be a leap forward from native Africa


How long until whites are able to Lebensraum/Mainfest Destiny our way into space? While the Earthjews may want to ruin white separatist colonies, it'd be a lot easier to defend and ensure homogeneity due to the scales involved.

It actually does have a massive effect. Every time before I'm about to pay my taxes I have a fucking REVULSION


And then I file my taxes. If my communities were cleaner and nicer and full of well to do white people, with the fucking trash white people that we can all reprimand socially without being called racist...

That's the ideal.

Crime rate by race & income docile - Washington Post

Table 43 of the FBI - Crime Rate by Race

Welfare rates by Race

Chicago Crime Rate by Race:

NYPD Crime Rate by Race:

- USA:

- Canada:

- Brazil:

- United Kingdom:

- Germany
Black welfare queens*
83% single motherhood rating in Milwaukee.
79% single motherhood rating in Detroit.
70% single motherhood rating in Dallas.

72% black kids raised in single mother homes nationally
>82% of of white mothers with multiple half black children had the children with multiple fathers
>98% of white women with half black children receive 0 financial support from the father
>97% of white women with half black children are on government assistance
>97% of half black children to do not have their father active in their life
>94% of half black half white children don't have a good relationship with their father

>Daily reminder that if you're not mating with white women you're part of the problem.
Okay then... Time to breed with some white women