Why do white liberals hate themselves and their own people so much?

Why do white liberals hate themselves and their own people so much?

I just saw -pic related- Michael Moore's tweet about the white race (and western civilization with it?) becoming extinct, and from my perspective he seems to be quite pleased about it.

Leftism for whites is self-hatred.
Leftism for non-whites is white-hatred.

if you looked like him wouldn't you hate yourself too?

They are failed products of western culture desu
Can't keep up
Let's nuke a portion of it so I can rise up

So Moore is trying to explain that it was over in a flash and the most intelligent knew how to survive that cataclysm?

Their endless virtue signalling is always paired with an equal amount of hypocrisy.

he's rich, old, and he doesn't have to live in that world he is talking about

Moore is the personification of everything that's wrong with Leftism
Can't wait for the day he finaly dies from a heart attack

Let's see where michael moore lives:
Well, michael moore says that he is from multiracial flint, michigan, which is half white, but unfortunately he actually grew up in davison michigan, which is 94 percent white. He also chooses to live in Torch Lake Township, which is 98 percent white, when he has the choice to live literally anywhere and is worth 50 million dollars.

So he's admitting that white people are being extinguished?

Kill him if you see him.

Leftists love minorities, but only from a distance.

Tell him to kill himself it will help kill off white people.

How does he know? Was he there?

damn capitalism really sucks

>hehehe, good shit Michael!

reminder that Michael Moore's (((producer))) is Rahm Emmanuel's brother

They don't hate themselves, the hate other people who are more successful than them, who of course happen to be white. So they can claim that these people aren't better than the loser liberals, but just used oppression, sexism and racism to get forward, and loser liberals were just to morally perfect to do this too.

That obnoxious fat cuck should be the first to be lynched when the race war happens

>Michael Moore's tweet

Sounds like a summary of Illary's campaign.

>He doesn't know that dinosaurs are a hoax

oh Irony.

at least he's not pretending to feel white guilt like James Cameron here.

>anthropormorphizing dinosaurs

Why do jews hate western civilization so much?