I have been choosen to be part of an electoral table the next sunday

I have been choosen to be part of an electoral table the next sunday.

In case you are not familiarized with the law of my country, the members of electoral tables are chosen by draw. If you refuse to go, you will have the police at the gates of your house that same day. It's considered an electoral crime, punished with prison from four months to one year, or by fine, which can go up to 3000 euros.

If you go and fulfill your obligations like a good sheep, they pay you 64 euros.

I consider this democracy shit and I don't want to colaborate with it, but on the other side, I may have a lot of problems if I don't go, for nothing.

So, what should I do?

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>the gates of your house
fuck off richboi

Go and support nationalist ideals. Spain, you are no slouch, you should be proud that two continents an ocean away speak your language. Spain is for the Spanish. Make your ancestors proud.

Daily reminder that Spain is Europe's Mexico

So, having a house with gates is considered a luxury in Canada?

Every one in europe has gates autismo

And you are america's Mexico

vote nationalist

keep the migrants out of spain

you get the idea

annex portugal if possible

>64 euros
will have to do it tomorrow and we will only get drinks and a lunchbox
i hate living in Poorlin

I don't think you get idea, I have to go there and take care of the electoral table. That includes tasks like preparing the place, maintaining the order, receive the votes, count them, etc. During that time, I have the consideration of state worker, and I gain some privileges. For example, I can require policial forces if they are needed to maintain the order, and I can't be arrested during that day

I can't do political propaganda, it's also considered an electoral crime.

It's the same in Germany? I thought we were the only country doing this shit.


well do it for your country and take your money I guess

Yeah bud, we can only use hockey nets and picket fences as our "gates'.

What do you actually have to do? Free money doesn't sound that bad.

you go there, you slack off, they replace you?

as a spaniard you really should have this figured out by now

Eso mismo me paso a mi en junio, menos mal que solo era suplente y no falto nadie.

That really doesn't sound that bad. Stop being a little bitch and go collect votes.

>I can't be arrested during that day

Shut up shitskin. Spain is great. Romania is Europe's mexico

Only in Berlin and a bunch of other States, not on federal level

No, that would be Argentina


But if you won't do it, someone else will have to, or you could ask your government to waste more tax money paying public workers to this job because your lazy spic ass can't grasp the concept of civic duty and rather stay home playing video games and jacking off to anime.

Latin cultures love gates and barriers and walls.

Dunno why Mexicans are so triggered by Trump's wall. Go to any Latin American city and you will see metal bars on all the doors and windows, along with a fence or gate across the driveway.


I have always hated this democracy, and I feel like a hypocrite having to collaborate with it. That's my main problem.

I may present an argument within the next six days, but I would have to lie, and say that I have to take care of my grandma or something like that. I don't like to lie either. And anyways, without some reliable proof, the electoral council won't believe me.

>go - get paid 64 euro

>not go - police hassle and fines


if you really don't want 64 euros you can send it to me

Yo ya fui suplente hace siete años y ahora me vuelve a tocar pero de vocal, una gran mierda. Pero si no fuera por sentirme como un hipócrita, tampoco me importaría tanto.

¿Tu que crees, debería ir?

cause chaos Father, kek wills it

Romania is europes honduras

Do your fucking duty as a citizen
If you don't like it leave the country

Also this.
The swiss spend 22 years of their lives staying on guard for their nation, OP will survive one day

Failing to fulfill your duty as a member of an electoral table is also considered a crime.
The law in Spain is very tough with this.

My problem is that I am thinking someone loyal to my ideas should not go

>civic duty

This democracy is shit. I can't feel any civil duty here. Sorry, but I don't.

Are you expected to give a royal rimjob if his majesty requires it?

The state /=/ the country

If I could feel proud of my country I would be more than happy to do anything for it. But I can't. Spain is no better than Sweden, for example. They only difference is nobody cares enough to make fun of us.

Also this.

Yeah, but the rest of the west isn't better.

>I consider this democracy shit and I don't want to colaborate with it, but on the other side, I may have a lot of problems if I don't go, for nothing.
you're a moroccan immigrant, aren't you?



No, but you are a spaniard in Germany.

Why would you like this democracy? It's the worst of the systems, a bunch of idiots gathering together to impose their will on the worthy minority.

>the next sunday
Where are there elections in Spain next sunday? Just asking

Galicia. It was just a question of time though, for one reason or the other we have elections every three months....

Ve, no hagas el indio. El "gobierno" es una puta mierda pero créeme que no vale la pena la burocracia policial a la que te van a someter si no vas.

Como tu bien has dicho es un sistema por y para retrasados pero no participar e ignorarlo lo único que hace es que todos los perroflautas podemitas, progres, moros y demás chusma lo tengan aun más fácil.

No soy el mismo user, pero igualmente yo iría... Más que nada por evitar el lío en el que te puedes meter por no ir.

Entiendo el dilema moral que te supone, pero mientras el status quo sea el que es, no nos queda más remedio que aceptar ciertas cosas.

Ok tios, de verdad me sirve, porque no tengo nadie en la vida real que comparta mis ideas con quien poder hablarlo.

Pues nada, toca aguantarse.

Lock up the commies

Y rezar para que no te toque volver en Navidad, porque los politicos de mierda obviamente ni valen para negociar ni van a tener la decencia de cambiar la fecha.

In Spain only homeless people don't have gates. Everyone else wants to keep them out.

Era cuestión de tiempo que me tocara, porque vivo en un pueblo pequeño y por un motivo u otro hay elecciones cada tres meses ultimamente.

Lo de Navidad sería demasiado. Entonces si que le mandaría un escrito a la junta electoral, diciéndoles directamente que fueran ellos a la mesa.

Y me da que es lo mismo que va a hacer mucha gente.

>when your birth rate above replacement level