Why do our women want to destroy western culture?

Why do our women want to destroy western culture?

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because we let them out of the kitchen and stopped beating them -- they are simple creatures and will wander when not shown authority

Women have no sense of culture. Most of the time they don't intentionally do it, their degenerate behavior contributes to it.

And Western Culture has been being muddied up for the past 60 years, ain't no reversing that.

Because that guys a cutie 3.14 (no homo) and the chick checks her white privillege every 40 mins.

Lol that's my ex

Women don't want to destroy western culture, they don't even think about it.

Women will destroy any culture when they are given the same rights as men. Islam will too, one day, have a movement of egalitarianism/free love, and Islamic societies too, will fall - and another society will inevitably take over the Islamic societies.

All civilisations have a Golden Age, and all civilisations will have a Kali Yuga - a Dark Age where civilisation collapses.


because its their nature, retard

Ideological subversion?

>Why do our women want to destroy western culture?
Liberal media and their liberal education tells them western culture MUST be destroyed.

Women don't care about western culture, or anything beyond them


You guys can keep posting these stories in an attempt to make Muslims look like monsters but the fact is that 99.9% of them are tolerant, peaceful and just want to live a simple life

Because Jews guide them instead of White men.

>99.9% of people on earth are good people who will never commit murder
>therefore we shouldn't do anything to prevent people from committing murder

Women being useful for anything than their
designated roles? Ayy LMAO.

This time its just muslim men getting white GFs. Technically haram anyways.

A woman concerns herself with things other than race, culture, etc. They have no sense of concern towards outside cultures because they are malleable, and should we be overtaken they will simply join the other tribe. Men are the ones who go to war, they are the ones who die to protect their tribe, women simply look to propagate their genes with a strong male to continue the species.

truth, the problem is the civilization if it doesnt fall to another in war becomes a victim of its own success and eventually destroys itself, complacency breeds weakness and the people who would be purged in war for being too stupid or weak are allowed free reign to live and prosper and continue their genes thus bringing down the rest of the group

>tfw white gf
>tfw hispanic

White men act like complete pussies nowadays

Get out there and take what is yours, white girls belong to you. Act like it. Women love a sense of entitlement from men. (Even if feminists bitch about it, they still want you to dominate their ass)

>undateable white chick
white guys do not date white chicks under a certain level, generally.

only really ugly white dudes, or the coloured take them

To be fair, that's probably the least offensive inter-racial couple because the kids can pass for Italian

Destroyed at the beginning, but not by women.


Just get over it. Mankind chooses we love and want to have families with. Do you get it? Western culture is a melting pot by choice.

They don't. As far as the race mixing meme, only 7% of whites who are married in the US are in an interracial marriage and even then most of that is with hispanic "whites". Maybe like 1% of those whites in an interracial marriage are with blacks or other non-whites. The problem comes from those that don't marry and just pop our little mongrel kids, thankfully though we have abortion for a lot of those. There is a disturbing trend though of white women wanting little mixed race kids as tokens which is 100% the (((media)))

I like Julius Evola too

Post yfw artificial wombs and genetic engineering will make women redundant soon, heralding the start of the space age.

>eat the shit you ae spewing

what the radicals do... is straight out of the book
what the moderates sometimes don't do... Is in the book
death to you infidel, enslave and rape your women...

This quite honestly. I will say though that the middle portrait of the black woman holding a white child isn't her kid.

Have you ever watched Stargate? Don't become the Asgard

They don't

The ones who do this are just usually brainwashed slags who want to virtue signal and think having a mudshit pet makes them look/seem interesting.

Most women are children from cradle to grave. They can't into culture or politics.

I don't fucking care honestly.


Pakistan? yes homo

>I hear since you can't go near women...
you fuck boys instead

> tfw white
> tfw no petite chica gf

>tfw no one ever names the vaginal jew

Goddamn fools

all those goats skipping leg day
shaking my head to be honest family

Their problem was because of cloning. I'm suggesting sexual reproduction, just an artificial one, that would eliminate that risk thanks to gene variations of the two parents and mutations between generations.

You obviously stay in your basement then. I guess by whites you mean "appear white". Unless both of your parents moved here directly from Iceland you likely have some native, African, or Latin hidden in your genetic makeup.

Weak boomer fathers couldn't raise their children right Bc boomers are the biggest pieces of shit to have ever lived. I have a redpilled qt who feels just like I do about almost everything political. It's Bc her father isn't a weak fgt.

Because they're women.

They need to be kept in their place or they'll go nuts.
If you treat your woman like the subservient piece of shit she actually is, she'll not only behave, she'll thank you for it.

>a bit extreme, but I must agree half-heartedly.

women seem to be far more self centered
and always want more, and governed by muh feelz

Because their own men have become weak and submissive.

I wish I could disagree with you, but women just want an alpha male!! I have found if you treat them like dirt they stick to you like mud.

same here.

>fact is that 99.9% of them are tolerant, peaceful and just want to live a simple life
As long as you don't fuck their sisters.

Came here to post this.

This is true. Every girl that has fallen in love with me, I have treated like I don't even like them.

Haha even my wife asks me from time to time if I even like her. It's a delicate balance of making them feel loved and beautiful and like you could leave them at any mound not give a single fuck.


>tfw no qt3.14 gf

well because our traditional values and the American System have all but been destroyed, as women have steadily smoking the Feminist bullshit for decades now. They are taught that all the things that made America great, prosperous, and powerful, are in fact relics of a bygone, evil age, smugly standing on their platform of supposed moral superiority, when in fact they have shit all over the very things that allowed them to progress so far to begin with. They don't really understand the forces they have unleashed in America, but it doesn't matter, as their new religion of being PC thrives of professional victimhood, rather than any true progress on these matters. They are actually bringing about a new kind of tyranny, but are too self-righteous to ever consider the danger for even a second. Plus, most of these new third-wavers are relatively young, and thus suffer all the issues of youth in addition to their new religion of Matriarcy. In time some will grow out of it, some won't, but by then it won't matter. So much hatred has been unleashed by both sides it's akin to a forest fire of epic proportions. Your only choices are thus. Fight it and burn with the rest, or wait for it burn out on its own. Either way, get ready for some rough decades , Trump or not. I like Trump, I really believe he will try all the things he has promised, but the damage is just too much. We are still dealing with the fallout of 9/11 to this day, the America from before that time is dead.We can Make America Better, but it will never be truly great again, if it ever was truly.

Because now they actually want to be men, which is impossible, so they are resentful towards men and the achievments of men.

Feminism said that women and men have equal abilities. Now an individual woman feels inferior every day in her normal life because she is so far below the standard, not realising all women have been entered into the wrong game. Life has been turned into a series of jars that women fail to open. This is all mens fault and we owe them money to buy jar openers or the government has to make jars easier for women to open. NOT BECAUSE WE AREN'T AS ABLE, MEN ARE JUST SABOTAGING US HNN. They struggle with lightbulbs, just turning things baffles them.

It's all sad stalkerish hate boner shit. People need to look into the life of Germaine Greer to see the kind of subhuman that has been influencing the group psychology of women. She's a rambling, mentally ill, pedophile apologist cat lady who was married for only one year so she spent her life sabotaging everyone elses marriage.
Google her quotes and you'll see stuff like 'The gender war is fought at the domestic hearth.' Shes a total fuck up and tried to say on question time that there's a pedophillic attitude thats creeping into normal fatherhood, based on absolutely nothing. She thinks women sleeping with 13 year old boys is fine though. (that way they wont grow up to be in evil MARRIAGES enslaving women and forcing them to have healthy kids)

relax dude, you female resentment is showing. It's to easy to hate them, that's what these globalist bastards want, just like they drove a permanent wedge between the races. Divide and Conquer. They don't want to be men, just what they have been led to believe an Ideal Strong New Woman looks like, AKA an ungrateful fool who cant understand their self-righteous need to fit in with the new coke brand of PC ideology is actually hurting them and tearing our society apart don't hate them for what they have become, I pity them and our society while holding my nose in revulsion at their see-through attempts at a new tyranny. Blame the bastards who brainwashed and devalued our women through multiculturalism bullshit.


Women are submissive creatures and they want to be controlled, hence big business and police state; also more likely to be communists from maternal instincts of caring for their children.

why cant guys just admit that women want big dicks?

and before you say "women can't measure", it's entirely men's fault for constantly lying to women about their size by telling them that their 6 incher is 8 inches long (because average cucks know that 8 inches is superior). women get all confused by it.


The synapses part is the best. Molymoon has elaborated on single mothers which is great, but the brain part is critical BTFO that needs to be remembered.

17% less neurons

40% less synapses

In Islam they say a woman is half a man in every way, seems they get some things right. People need to understand there is no way to educate women to be more than they are, they cannot understand fucking mid level speech at all.

because the majority of white men suck :*

>tfw white gf
>tfw black

ah, self-hating white men or white men who hate everybody. There's middle ground, but it's hard to maintain that balance between total suicidal depression and kill-them-all levels of rage. Find the balance, and if you cant, always strive for it, not just in this aspect, but in all things, the striving for that balance, however flawed is still better than falling into the mires of both extremes. Once you are stuck, its hard to get out.

I am a white girl and my boyfriend is white, but this butthurt in here that girls have different preferences is adorable.


Women don't want to destroy Western culture. They are a reflection of the quality of men in a society, having no agency of their own.

when the nips so pink you think they were photoshop hue/saturation shifted at least 40 points

Such butthurt happens because of the demographic future of the planet and all things involved with it, i believe.

There's only so much space for insertion in the vagina. And the G-spot is only a couple of inches in.

Women also have muscles that allow them to tighten their vagina up.

So the only reason for a woman to need a penis that is longer and wider than average is if she has such a huge gunt that a normal penis can't fully enter her vagina and her vaginal muscles are so horribly worn out and she's such a dead fish in the sack that she has absolutely nothing to contribute to the sex.

The "big cocks" meme is basically because women don't take care of their bodies and are bad at sex.

Pretty shocking, really. Talking to some teens anonymously online was terrible. I had to be a troll. No, bitch...

Looks like that generation is toast and I'll have to find wives out of the rubble and slaughter. No worries, all this judgement day hoo-ha can't come soon enough. They will learn to grovel.

Jade eggs

Also, it's been proven that woman's DNA is more closely related to the Simian than the male's. Call it ancient aliens, whatever you will. This is the reason it seems they have a penchant for the lower races and find them agreeable.