Argentina or Mexico?

In what country would you rather live and why?

Other urls found in this thread:



Mexico so I can sneak over the border and live in the US instead

Mexico. It's white

And I dont even like my country. I just cant stand overpopulation, hot weather, pollution and mexicans.


Macri just started a DRUG WAR like our last retarded president. You guys also became the Drug Kitchen of the World thanks to Peña helping Cartels to settle down their new HQs in Venezuela and Argentina.

TOp kek thats not even a question.
Id literally rather live in zimbabwe than Mejico.

tierra del fuego is /comfy/

I am japomexican and my boyfriend's parents come from Sweden.

Marry me


It's less violent and the climate is more comfy

You spics are fine. Stop being niggers, by guns in the US and take back Mexico from the cartels. How fucking hard is it? You guys have good enough people, a good culture, why shit up somewhere that's already shitty more?

we have a drug problem in only one city.
he just started to care about drugs again, sending the border patrol to the borders and adding some road controls. it's not a war

Argentina seems pretty comfy desu. Would any anons recommend a vacation there?

Any US/Canada flag saying Mexico is a chicano.

Argentina obviously. I don't want to die

visit Buenos Aires then look for a nice city in the patagonia and you are done

Niggers tend to stick with each other, so your answer isn't surprising.

How's it like knowing your average joe couldn't point out your irrelevant country on a world map? You're a literal who to normies.





Fuck that commercial is good.


Italian food > beaner food

less shitskins
Most American posters are chicanos

Argentina because I like to have my head on my shoulders

Argentina. I dont feel like getting hit by stray bullets during cartel turf wars


Santiago del Estero is great this time of year

>Argentina y México se odian a muerte.
>Ser chileno pero usar proxy Mexicano.

I see what you did here.

Seriously, how many Mexicans would be for a funded war on cartels and crime in Mexico? Is it an accepted part of your culture?


Because its white.

Chicano detected

Mehico is a fucking shithole.

And a reestablishment of schooling and intellectual production?

You forget.......... and jews controling my country.

>Argentina y México se odian a muerte.

First time I hear this tqbh

Not where my home is, it's pretty damn cozy. Every country has shitholes though, just look at Chile, there are more shitholes than livable environments.

La primera vez que lo escuchas.............Pero en el fondo sabes que es verdad.

kek, Did you mean shitlenos?


Hmm... somehow it makes sense, even if it doesn't


I bet you're chusma. No way I am getting close to you.

m8 60% of American posters here are chicanos who hide behind the American flag to be "White nazis"

Is this a preview of Trump's Wall?

>Ser rico
>Ser puto

Eso es mejor que ser puto y ser pobre.
Al menos te das la buena vida, tu familia es muy libre respecto a que eres gay?

>be me
>born in Mexico
>move to US
>do something with my life
>have home in Mexico
>visit family every year

I don't think you understand what Chicano means.

Absolutamente asqueroso

I killed my father and took over his company.

I am free to do anything I want, including inviting high school boyos to my private pool parties.

el chicANO

la patagonia, go to bariloche, or hang out in buenos aries. the city is fucking dope

>m8 80% of Argentinan posters here are santiagueños who hide behind the Argentina flag to be "White argentinians"



At least in Mexico I can find work.

All my Argie friends are constantly telling me about ridiculous protectionist taxes on electronics, massive strikes, and no jobs available.

I'll be damned if I go on the dole.

Besides, my ancestry lies in Mexico, and it's very close to Texas.

What are chicanos?

Helping to destroy US culture and the nice place you like to live in?

Y que hay de tu mama?

Con la jefa nadie se mete.....

I miss Patagonia so much


If only.............

THEY took her....

It basically means "A politically motivated hispanic". As in "Marxist SJW Raza Unida pan-hispanic retard".

Fucking mojado apologists ruining the Mexican-American community and preventing us from gaining any sort of momentum towards being a model minority.

Creo que te has ganado el premio de ser el poster mexicano más pendejo que he leído

>sudaca attempt at shitposting
There's literally nothing offensive about the term Chicano, especially because it doesn't apply to me.

If you can show me what US culture is like, I'll admit to helping destroy it.

She moved to Sweden and now has a harem of muscular black men.

Mexicans living in America.........

Bad b8, m8, k8 your sel8

>I-i swear I'm American g-guys.

KYS shitskin

The actual term is someone of Mexican descent not born in Mexico. Most know very little about Mexican culture and are basically American. Pretty much any 2nd generation Mexican-Americans.

On this website, however, it's an attempt to insult any Mexicans living in the US. Mexicans in Mexico that visit these boards are weeb cucks who try to fit in with the "white" people, and anyone else who uses it just sucks at banter.

We use to have the white picket fence thing going on. Capitalism, you have to innovate to go forward, good entertaining media. It's dead now and it wasn't your people's fault so fair enough. It might of been the unregulated "freedoms" that destroyed any freedom in the end.

I don't consider myself American, I'm a Mexican living in the US. I was raised the same way I would have been raised in Mexico.

No, Chicano is a hotly debated word and has been such since the 70's.

So you're a immigrant destroying American culture and race.

Go back to your country and then KYS

Pelea de chicanos y sudacas que divertido!

Ya que hay tantos mexicanos aquí, ¿Qué piensan de que los gringos los consideran genéticamente inferiores en base a estadísticas de iq, crimen, etc.? ¿Ustedes mismos se consideran genéticamente inferiores? ¿Viven en negación de su raza y se creen blancos por ser gueritos? ¿Sólo vienen aquí por los lols? ¿Qué piensan de Trump?

Eso es por que vives en un barrio lleno de Mexicanos, de aseguro en L.A o algo asi.

Vete a jew york, pa que veas lo que es bueno.

En new york, casi no hay mexicanos es muy comfy.

term used to describe the offspring of wetbacks. A number of them have the weird tendency to chimp out over the land lost after the burger-taco war.


we are underpopulated and the jews are taking the patagonia because of that

Argentina of course.

Why don't you go back to Mexico then? Do you want to conquer? Want to take land?


En gringolandia los mismos mexicanos se odian entre ellos.
Los latinos odian a los mexicanos y viceversa.

Una mierda vivir allá en gringolandia, si me lo preguntas.

really? as far as i know it's used to refer to the anchor babies.

¿Que es eso?

Because where ever chicanos and Mexicans go, Mexico comes with us.

Argentina of course.
I live in the far south and we're bros with the argies.

mehiko ofc, rather be surrounded by sandniggers than literal niggers

"American Culture" is a mixture of multiple cultures. There's a reason why regions in the US are so distinct. However, Mexican culture and what you consider American culture are not very different, both countries are very westernized.

>American race
Will do.

I'm living in Georgia, with a bunch of rednecks. Pretty cozy here. Most have guns, and it's relatively safe because of the lack of niggers. The rednecks don't make the best decisions, but they're better bro's than a nigger could ever be.

I visit Mexico every year. I do plan on eventually staying in Mexico, but I'm still finishing up school. The US gives everyone opportunities, and I'll be damned if I'm not going to make good of my life.

Gûeritos. Les dicen así a los de piel clara o personas con características caucásicas por más vagas que sean.

>Mexicans Whites.

top kek

Best episode ever

The Wikipedia article has a good summary of it.

I'm familiar with the overall discussion because my family was some of the primary families involved in hispanic advocacy organizations in America.

At this point in the game, most assimilated, decent hispanics regard Chicanos as nothing but Anti-American traitors..

Our community has slid back from the nearing model minority status we had in the late 90's/early 2000's.

on the other hand...

Pues en México los mismos mexicanos se odian entre ellos. La verdad no me explico como pueden caer en tal contradicción. Tratan de ser blancos actuando como blancos y odiando a los mexicanos. Pero ellos mismos son mexicanos. Es realmente trágico.

Dude, Mexico got KRAUTED UP during the Civil War, and at other varying times.

Mexico and Germany are super-bros, so it is not surprising that there are a lot of white Mexicans, along with the Irish diaspora who also settled.

Los redneck son básicamente racistas......Dale gracias a tu ancestro que no saliste negrito bimbo, que te hechan a patadas.......

>Georgia sigue siendo mexico...... todo el sur es puro mexicano.


Argentina is nice but boring.

Be beheaded or have your eye pocked out by a nose?
Tough choice man, tough choice

Argentina, because they're white

Si, por eso me caga que se indignen con lo de trump, los mexicanos legalizados y viviendo en gringolandia, odian a los mexicanos ilegales.

Como si nomas ellos quisieran ser los únicos mexicanos viviendo allá.

Por eso me vale madre lo que diga trump, espero que los corra a todos.



Mexico definitely, I actually like your people a lot.

Argentina. Reasons? Culture, literature, beautiful cities and more European vibe.

>¿Qué piensan de las hamburguesas que les consideran genéticamente inferiores en base a las estadísticas de IQ, crimen, etc.?
Nada en realidad, aunque no me extraña los índices de criminalidad, digo solo vean a los típicos chicanos y cholos, algo así o es de extrañarse

>¿Ustedes mismos se consideran genéticamente inferiores?
Semejante pensamiento nunca me había cruzado por la mente hasta que visité este lugar. Tengo carrera, un par de años de experiencia (lástima que por el momento NEET de mierda), y algo de plata. No creo ser tonto como otros colegas que ya hasta 2 crias ya cargan y económicamente jodidos.

>¿Viven en negación de su raza y se creen blancos por ser gueritos?
Por favor, ya dejen ese meme por la paz. No, solo soy de tez clara, no güerito (aunque viendo bien a algunos "güeros", varios solo tienen la tonalidad, más no las características propias del caucásico, aunque han un grupo pequeño que si lo llega a tener).

>¿Sólo vienen aquí por los lols?
Básicamente, aunque de vez en cuando uno se topa con sujetos discutiendo una que otra cosa interesante (aunque nunca falta el memero que descarrila el hilo una y otra vez).

>¿Qué piensan de Trump?
Nada en realidad. Ni le odio ni me agrada, solo un evento inesperado de eventos
>huurrr durr el piensa que hillary es buena
No, ella es el diablo encarnado.

>Por eso me vale madre lo que diga trump, espero que los corra a todos.
Opino exactamente lo mismo. Ojalá abran los ojos una vez que Trump gane y los saquen a patadas.

None desu senpai

We need to build that wall ASAP

Mexico, because it would be easier to escape to the US from there.

Para la otra hagan un hilo de donde quieren vivir.......Si en Chile o en Argentina.

paler than the clouds


not so fast mehmet

>No, ella es el diablo encarnado.
De acuerdo. En realidad yo prefiero que gane Trump. Sin embargo, su comportamiento me llega a irritar (y también me da risa, claro).

Argentina, on any little town near Bariloche. I've been to a lot of places in Argentina, and I'm always treated nicely, maybe because I'm an italian nigger just like them.

Creo que los chilenos son más bros. Así que Chile.

t. Tizoc

Pic related


Trump es buena onda, y tiene razon son gente ilegal que buen trabajo pueden tener?

El mexicano webon va y se hace narcotraficante, en vez de estar en el campo chingandole y ganando dolares.

No entendí tu meme.....

im a mexican american, never anchor baby, i think both countries suck honestly, but if you rich mexico is the place to go, you can live like a fucking king

He discutido su discurso con algunos amigos, y aunque nunca falta el que se vuelve hostil y te llega a llamar estúpido por remarcar los obvios errores garrafales de la cultura del país, ellos concuerdan que ese tipo es el menos psicópata de los dos. Lo único que les preocupaba es una posible crisis financiera que pudiera desatar por sus políticas, algo que en algún momento también llegué a pensar (que comparando eso a que la bruja de Clinton comience una guerra donde involucre naciones poderosas es mucho mejor).

Pls stop. You're not helping

obviously the one where the stew maker doesn't live


La Catrina es nuestra

The funny thing is that he's an idiot.

Mexicans and most Americans have very similar values, with a few exceptions.

Hay mucha gente blanca en Mexico como foto relacionada. Mi vecina es rubia de ojos azules (es de Zacatecas) Conozco mucha gente asi en Chihuahua (gueros, pelirrojos, descendientes de alemanes, etcetera).

Se que ve que tiene dinero la morra..........

Pues si, México es un país muy diverso.

Pero admite que los "gueros" son simples mexicanos "blancos".

Además, la crisis financiera ya está y no creo que se vaya con Clintón tampoco.

but you already live in argentina.

kek, el mundo esta en crisis.

Haga lo que haga trump es la misma.

así es

>u r gay


yeah... if you dont have uncles there

Argentina, only because it's white

kek, no me expresé bien: Que con trump las cosas empeorarían más (que sería casi nada comparado a lo que Clinton pudiera desatar, dado al hábito que tiene ella ,y los demás miembros de la pandilla, de bombardear a diestra y siniestra otros países y luego dando excusas, que ya a estas alturas ya nadie se las cree).

If you are born in Germany, raised by a German family with German culture, and decide to move to the US, do you instantly become an American?

There definitely are differences in Mexican and American values. I actually get shit done, and I'm not a pussy with things that need to be said.

look Cred Forums this is how populism ruins a generation

nice proxy amigo

el sujeto tiene algo de razón, hombre.

>Comienza la canción
Esto es oro puro.

Of course there's differences. Americans are more ambitious, and are more skeptical in general. Mexicans are more family-oriented, and are possibly one of the few nationalities MORE prideful than Americans.

But they're compatible cultures that have been proven to get along and mix well. Americans and Mexicans can understand each other, and worship the same god, by far and large.

>If you are born in Germany, raised by a German family with German culture, and decide to move to the US, do you instantly become an American?

i'll be back

just one thing to say about this video:

>El peruanito que hacia: "quiero guerra"

Everyone is concentrated in Buenos Aires where there are 9 Bolivians, 14 Paraguayans, 5 Peruvians and 20 humans per square meter


our little micico

>¿Viven en negación de su raza y se creen blancos por ser gueritos?

¿Qué intentas decir?
¿Qué si pareces blanco no eres blanco?

If Mexico was in South America instead of the side of the largest world economy it would be as rich and relevant as Bolivia. Argentina, for sure.

>Mueren 2 paraguayos y 5 personas

HAHAHAHAH...........En realidad Argentina es un pais muy comfy.

never forget

North mexico.

spic reporting in

> inb4 CHI

what's up with kid Evo Morales?

>¿Qué intentas decir?
>¿Qué si pareces blanco no eres blanco?
Claro. Creo que nadie en Cred Forums te consideraría blanco si sólo te vez como un gûero. Que tu te consideres uno... Allá tú. Aunque por supuesto, también depende del grado de tu herencia. Hay algunos blancos mexicanos que sí son blancos de verdad.

Some places in México are straight up Mordor. Argentina has no-go zones but not entire regions.

the sad fact is that they're so prideful and stubborn that most of them are reluctant to see the flaws in the culture (the same happens with americans). And it's become clear that both play the dindu card:

- mexicans screw things up (despite some of their countrymen telling them things will be bad for them if they keep doing what they do)
their reaction?: It ain't my fault, i dindu nuffin (mexs/whites/anybody is responisble for it. not me)

- americans consume drugs nonstop, their youth become dependent on that toxic shit, they die or end up mentally fucked up
their answer?: it's the spics's fault...we dindu nuffin (forgetting the part their culture promotes "let's rave on all night n shiiieett!!!! GIBS DRUGS NOW").
Both have stolen niggers' culture: shame on both


No tenemos las verdaderas facciones de los anglosajones....

Nuestro piel esta tan mezclada que puedes ser "blanco" pero tu hijo puede salir de otro color.

No somos puros, nuestra sangre esta muy "diversificada" y "disuelta"

If you aren't a anchor baby call yourself an American. That's the problem with you spics

this kids show was funded by the kirchner administration, and they try to pander to venezuela, bolivia and every populist shithole like we "were" with diversity

Right, we do. But I think for a lot of us, our ethnicity and culture are important, just as many Americans of German and Irish descent are also proud of where their ancestors came from.

>Was it Santiago del Estero?

It just like Mordor, my friend.

this is obvious Photoshop, we don't look like this.
there is light reflecting from this guy's face, true Argentinians are completely opaque, our skin absorbs all light

- Nada, la mayoría de americanos lidia día a día con mexicanos de las clases más bajas por eso opinan eso de nosotros
- Por supuesto que no, tenemos esta extraña idea de que nuestro meztisaje nos dio las mejores caracateristicas de los blancos e indigenas
- Vengo aquí para leer las ideas de otros nacionalista como yo, de vez en cuando salen temas muy buenos y por los bantz
- Mexicano no es una raza, sólo una nacionalidad. Aquí asociamos el ser muy moreno con pobreza, ignorancia y crimen y viceversa con ser blanco
- Trump -muy en mi opinión- puede salvar EUA de convertirse en otra Suecia

kek, ese niño aparece aquí en la tele mexicana, bueno en el cable.

En un canal para niños entre 4 y 8 años.

>What did Argentina mean by this?

> be spic
> make 100k a year 2 year out of college
> good job desu

i dont care that my parents came here 30 years ago

populism is really the cancer of our times

>Tu ya eres un puto "burges capitalista americano".

Ya acéptalo mi amigo, otra cosa que me caga es cuando vienen los mexicanos del otro lado a su rancho hablando ingles con el nopalote en la frente, nomas para creerse mas por venir de "estados unidos".

Tu ya estas del otro lado, tu naciste allá y te criaste alla, no hay nada que puedas hacer.

>Vantablack, made by Surrey NanoSystems, is the blackest material on Earth. That means it absorbs more light (and reflects less light) than any other black material around. The previous contender for the crown, used in the Hubble space telescope, doesn't even come close.
Interesante. ¿Qué estudias argentinegro?

That's like being a triple manlet.

no1 in America would live anywhere else...the rest of the world is shit...

Argentina, hands down. It's nearly all white. No evil Aztec culture. Isn't trying to reconquista the USA.

Verga, en verdad es material?

Pense que era una cara censurada con paint, kek

Argentina, I feel that mexico is going trough their narco years like it was in my country in the 80s 90s, probably the capital is safe but you never know what narcos are capable of.

Sí, yo también dudé un poco. Por eso me fijé en el filename y lo googlée.

>A country ruled by jews and reptilians


>>Mexico. it's white.
confirmed Mexcican't shills.

>Vantablack, made by Surrey NanoSystems, is the blackest material on Earth

i thought the blackest thing on Earth was the musician Seal

Argentina so I dont have to deal with murderous cartels.

Wrong, never go to the capital, the most unsafe place.

just go to Monterrey or Cancun

I'd go with Argentina, because regions like Tierra del Fuego look pretty comfy.

Get out of the trailer park at least once

What kind of spic you homo?

I have bad news user...

Is Egypt the best Arab country?

shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeetttt, da joos can make you disappear (literally) wonder everybody fears da kike



>Arabian Spring leaded by Hillary shills

And If you don't mind putting a feet in front of the other then El Chalten for the vistas.

It's obvious all south american niggers need to be slaughtered, from this thread alone. But as whites are we really better. We need to really fucking put up because we are not doing better than these niggers.

Argentina, undoubtedly!

lmao the most shitty city in this fuckin country, let me guess another dumbshit regio?

kek, da joos were a mistake.

Sweden. They have prettu girls and apparently they like race mixing.

Not, proudly "beach boy"

Brasil in the back.

no, goyim were the mistake, and all of them will be dealt with in due time
>jewish hand rubbing intensifies


I hate mestizo scum

> Tu ya eres un put "burges capitalista americano"

> Pero trato de ayudar mi abuela y mis primos :(
los visto cada verano, y mando dinero con ropa :/

I hate mexican """"culture""""" so much I'd rather go with my fellow whites at Argentina.

Argentina and Patagonia >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mexico. No fucking question

If you go to Mexico at least you are not sudaca am I right?

>murricans on "kill anyone sending money to tacoland now!!! " mode
> former mexs still sending money to their relatives because they are in great need

if they find out they will throw you into the oven senpai, keep it to yourself.

Kek the only reason people knowledge about your country its because 99% of latina camgirls are colombian

opps, i mean

If im stuck there, then obviously argentina

if not, then mexico so i can drive to canada, probably get an asian gf while there

I mostly send to my cousins
my parents, before i moved out, would send to their relatives more often. One cousin got his visa legally already.

My grandmother, who along with my grandfather cane from Mexico, has a lot of European heritage. She doesn't talk much about her parents, but her name is "Olga". That, added with freckles everywhere, is an interesting mix of genes

Whatever my blood is, I am an American now. I will MAGA, I will build wall, and I will remove Kebab!


the cuckest of the cucks

>Mexico. It's white

#REKT By a Mexica

>You are not a mexican anymore

Well, you are right, you can warever you want.

ninguno pinche wey, tercermundistas retrogrados

...hearty people, formidable football, fierce adversaries, loyal friends, amazing food (their barbecues are almost as good as ours), delightful music, plus they have the warm serenity of South Americans.
But above all, I envy their persistence! No matter what, they never stop believing they can achieve their dreams.


Mexicans, on the other side, have no self respect. They submit themselves to the decadent and deluded savages from U.S., waiting for their generosity and good will. Just like perfect servants.

Is Patagonia the biggest meme ever? In every Argie thread there's a flock of foreigners saying >muh patagonia
It's a shithole full of corruption just like the rest of the country, the only difference is that it looks "comfy" in pictures to snowniggers standards.


mexicans seem better people
argentinians are malandro as fuck
but id rather live in ba or cordoba and fuck some cute argies


Argentina. I get the feeling cartels would rape my pink boipucci if I lived in Mexicant.

>Le bonobono has speak

Whatthefuck are you saying?

You have to expect meme knowledge from europeans and americucks for anything related to south america.

We need this wall built yesterday.

>Show me the boypucci

Hello Polak i think your flag is drunk or something ^^

Mexico, because it's closer to the US and thus I would be out of the shithole quickest.

Which one did it better?



Wtf is this even question? Argentina ofc....

cuba is also corrupt as fuck but is comfy for turism, its the same thing

if mexico was safer id sort of think about it, but its a shithole as is

argentina is the obvious choice

I dont know anything about argentina but its probably just mexico with a different name and less drug crime so i'd go there

Is that more like a challenge?

I bet it does.

Argentina by far. It's comfy, mountainous and not infested with murderous spiclets.

not on the back, on their side

Yeah but people who go to Cuba are not the kind of Cred Forumsacks. Here "comfy" means Svalbard.
