Somewhat of a dilemma here

Somewhat of a dilemma here.

I've known many niggers in my day, but also many blacks who are educated, respectful and professional. How do you draw the line? I hate niggers, but I also don't think all blacks are niggers.

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They all have a nigger on the inside don't worry about hating them just never relax around them

I actually hate white niggers more than black niggers. "Nigger" to me is someone who willfully engages in a culture of ignorance, and it pains me that white people can stoop to that same substandard.

Red-pilled nigger > nu-mmale feminists "rapefuggee's welcome, treat them with respect, BUT ALL WHITE MEN ARE EBUL RAPISTS" hypocritical bitch-cunts selling out everyone's safety and their nations just to virtue signal harder.

My thoughts exactly

Don't deal in absolutes.

Not all blacks are niggers

Never relax around unknown blacks

Never go around niggers without a weapon nearby

Always load your guns if niggers have a chance of being around

Send them all back. You can go with them and figure it out once you get there white boyy

White cuckolds are objectively worse humans than black niggers and there are arguably more of them % wise

I'm OK with this

spot on.

Just like quantum physics, everything is a wave of probability. Sometimes you can observe a black man and he will be a good man. But probability says that much of the time upon observing a black man, he is violent. There is no defined state until you observe.

There is no distinction.

Blacks are niggers and niggers are blacks. Your "highly educated" nigger sits at the top of the normal distribution of nigger IQs and is, in actually, somewhere in the upper-middle of white IQs.

Niggers have different genetics, haplogroups, lower IQs, different cultures, different skull shapes, and thousands of years of different evolutionary developments.

There is no line and no distinction. Blacks and niggers are one in the same and are merely spread along a distribution. But, at the end of the day, they are all subhuman pavements apes.

Quantum physics is bullshit there's no such thing as probability.

Not in my experience. I know many blacks with whom I would trust my life. I've also seen and known many, many niggers.

Let me see your paper on the topic

In that case sometimes I'll deal in absolutes because I wouldn't want to deal in an absolute heh

promoting racial warfare between whites and blacks is what the globalist wall street bankers want, because while whitey and darkie are fighting each other georgie is fucking everyone.

who is this semen demon?

>there's no such thing as probability.
>American statisticians

Well maybe I know the few exceptions. I know black men who are intelligent, successful, and against affirmative action and getting other awards for their skin color. I posit that somewhat redpilled black men exist

That's what I'm saying user (not the guy you're responding too right now). There are many great black people who I would love to sit down and talk with and be friends with - but there are also statistically a LOT of violent ones too, when compared to the total black population. Whether that's due to race, culture, etc. I don't know, but I'm sure you know Cred Forums's consensus on that.

I agree with this.

As says, you merely don't observe them all the time. You can't ever know that just because your anecdotal niggers in your neighborhood aren't violent to your face, or in public, that they aren't that way deep down.

There are plenty of "redpilled" black dads I have seen humiliating their children through online Facebook videos just because they skipped school or something (you know, even more typical nigger behavior).

Black IQs are lower period. Not every nigger is a Thomas Sowell or a Frederick Douglass

Most famous niggers are degenerate rappers and gangbangers. And the "intellectual" ones like the fag of the Daily Show are puppets for (((them))).

>Against affirmative actions
Honestly, niggers need it if they even want to stand a chance in life lest they be subject to the constant horrors of low socio-economic conditions and WORST OF ALL, other niggers.

Oh, I would agree that most are niggers and one must be observant enough to see the difference. My point is that there are blacks who are not niggers, and they should be allies when the day of the rope comes

Rate them as individuals, not categorizing them.


nigger is a state of mind. a nigger is someone who lives for flash and ignorant prestige and will get over on anyone/do any underhanded thing in order to live that way. not all blacks are niggers butniggerdom is a cancer on black culture because a culture of niggermancy has been inherited and spread through out the black race because it is the easiest way to achieve gain instead of perseverance, humility, and hard work. now that (((society))) propagates niggculture it has spread and is infesting all corners of the globe and all demographics of people.