You guys are voting for Hillary Clinton right?

You guys are voting for Hillary Clinton right?

Do it for Her

Other urls found in this thread:


This illegal, foreigners can't contribute to campaigns which by buying from her site is donating to the campaign which is a federal electoral crime.

Do you honestly think she gives a shit?


nobody is voting for hillary.

>voting for a walking corpse

No it's just another crime added to her list.
*This is illegal

I am. Fuck the oompa loompa drumpf and all his inbred supporters

I'm voting for Hillary.

In 2 months, Cred Forums will be pretending like it knew she was going to win all along and that the 30,000 Trump Generals were all satire.

It's strong in this thread

>a fucking leaf

They are actually satire though, \pol\ isn't actually a right-wing board

I look forward to the day of the rope

Yes I am, who else here /ArtilleryForHillary/?

The 'Woman Card' is actually a thing HRC promotes herself with? Does she actually know that's something not only the right, but also moderates and classical liberals make fun of her with?


Still no bites?

She's flipped their jokes back on them, it really shows how politically adept she is


Buddy, she's done nothing for me. Why should i do anything for her? All she talks about is her, she's not interested in murrica, it's laws, or helping people.

I'm willing to listen if you have a realistic outlook on how she's HELPED people, because her whole career has been about fucking people.

so taking your example, mathematically applied. She should be fucked, just like she's fucked this country.

Picture related, even the standing president has said she's deplorable.

I'm willing to debate this like a civil human, if you are.

nice le meme. You must be new here

Chris Stevens can't vote because Hillary let him die

Yeah it totally wasn't the Republican congress who voted to cut security there eight times.

...but I'm not laughing...

Literally who?

Why are you voting for a US president from Canada

Do you have a legitimate reason for voting for Hillary?

>OP gets paid $15 USD for going to something advertised on craigslist
>OP sits for two hours while trump speaks
>Hillary Clinton emerges from underneath her black strongman that dragged her on stage
>OP has to sit behind her while she speaks for 15 minutes, coughing and hardly being able to speak
>OP claps when the sign comes on at Hillary's back
>Goes back to canada with 30USD and some pins, a womans card when he's a man.
>Another leafposter


Depends who you "fact check" with. It's in quotes because information is so malleable in the information age.

I'm just bumping and waiting to see if OP is CTR.