Do you believe in climate change?

Do you believe in climate change?

Will it inevitably end our society if nothing is done?

Other urls found in this thread: CO2 EIR 2007.pdf

Yes, and it will likely make the planet uninhabitable within a decade at current emission rates.

Anyone who 'disagrees' is a blindered retard. Open a book.

Yes, in fact, last decade they said that we would start to see irreversible effects by this decade, and they even reinforced that by saying it will come next decade. I don't know about you, but scientists are pretty consistent in saying it will always be next decade.

Anthropogenic global warming is a psuedoscientific religious cult.

That chart is an example of financially motivated scientific fraud.

I disagree.

Climate change is a scientific fact; but man-made climate change is bullshit and is just more ways for the government to tax you and move jobs over seas. India and China do a fuckton more pollution than we do and they will not slow down.

Yes absolutely. Anyone who researches the topic for ten minutes will find a wealth of evidence supporting the theory and the vast majority of the scientific community agrees on the subject. If you don't accept it you're a retard.

Yeah I believe in it. I also believe human impact on it is negligible. But all of human history and pre-history has taken place during an ice age so it makes sense for people to freak out when the earth finally warms up enough to finally melt off the last of the ice caps.

You're an example of a fucking idiot

Humans have an impact but there's no current solution. Meme shit like solar and wind are short term at best

I believe that Climate Change is an excuse for the United Nations to steal $100 Billion each and every year.

Humans are unable to effect the climate on a global scale, short of setting off every nuke ever made, and even then the effect would be relatively temporary.

Climate science is a fraudulent industry, designed to generate panic amongst the general populous over something that can't be "solved" but can fuel the consolidation of power to the ruling elites. Meteorology is a legitimate science, but anyone who claims to study climate is part of the problem. Also anyone who would defend this fraud by pointing out the legitimacy of meteorology, or thinks there must be some validity in the science simply because "scientists" keep claiming it, is also part of the problem.

I am an actual environmentalist too. I've done more to clean up the world than most who have come from a climate studies degree. Conservation and cleanliness is an extremely important imperative. Most every "environmental group" is a communist/socialist front group with loathsome means to an abhorrent end.

Already opened a book. Read it enough times to know "blindered" isn't a word.

How do scientists estimate the temperature on Greenland 10,000 years ago?

Air bubbles trapped in ice cores.

So climate scientists are worried about global warming right? Why don't we ever consider a perfect solution to this? Nuclear Winter.

Hear me out. Normally, nuclear winter is a doomsday type scenario, an unintended consequence of large scale nuclear war. But, in a controlled situation, with very precise planning, couldn't it be the savior we need?

Think about it, we're worried the earth is getting too hot. Wouldn't an unending, centuries long winter be the perfect thing to buy us some time? We can prepare for it, build underground farms, horde food, and make sure everyone is ready. Then we go out to the middle of nowhere Russia or the Gobi desert or Africa and just let the nukes fly. Send so much shit into the atmosphere that our planet is cloaked in darkness for centuries. No more global warming, the pretty polar bears are happy, and liberals shut the hell up for a bit.

We have the technology, we have the computational power to figure it out, and we have the will to do something real about climate change right now. What are the arguments against it? It's really a perfect plan. We can then use the time we've gained in this winter to figure out how to curb CO2 emissions once it ends. Everyone wins: the planet and us!

What I don't understand with Ice core is how do they know the ice is really that age, like what happen if at some point the climate was hotter and ice melted? How do they account for losing X amount of year out of that sample?

The methodology used is similar to the following:

Pocket-protected scientists built a wall of iron and crashed a diamond car into it at 400 miles per hour, and the car was unharmed.

They then built a wall out of diamond and crashed a car made of iron moving at 400 miles an out into the wall, and the wall came out fine.

They then crashed a diamond car made of 400 miles per hour into a wall, and there were no survivors.

They crashed 400 miles per hour into a diamond travelling at iron car. Western New York was powerless for hours.

They rammed a wall of metal into a 400 mile per hour made of diamond, and the resulting explosion shifted the earth's orbit 400 million miles away from the sun, saving the earth from a meteor the size of a small Washington suburb that was hurtling towards midwestern Prussia at 400 billion miles per hour.

They shot a diamond made of iron at a car moving at 400 walls per hour, and as a result caused two wayward airplanes to lose track of their bearings, and make a fatal crash with two buildings in downtown New York.

They spun 400 miles at diamond into iron per wall. The results were inconclusive.

Finally, they placed 400 diamonds per hour in front of a car made of wall travelling at miles, and the result proved without a doubt that diamonds were the hardest metal of all time, if not just the hardest metal known the man.

they dont they pretend they know to get funding

Reminder that global warming alarmism relies on cooked data

ice age

The whole branch of "science" they invented is based on making blind assumptions, why not make a couple more?

Yes, I don't understand that either. In fact the whole "science" of ice core temps and CO2 concentrations is suspect. You'll never hear that from the LeftStreamMedia though. But if you want to get technical look at this: CO2 EIR 2007.pdf

Read the section called "The Truth About Ice Cores."