Looks Like Even the Onions Is Shilling for Hill

Let's face it, whenever a liberal talks about being 'practical' these days, they're talking about glueing their lips to Clinton's ass because voting for Jill Stein or holding out for Sanders just won't stop the Trumpocalypse.

For that reason I don't think that's a stretch. Anyone else find stuff from the Onion or similar sites desperately trying to push for people to vote for her?

Other urls found in this thread:


They've done anti-Hillary articles m8.

A Hillary supporter bought the onion earlier this year. It's been obvious m8.

The onion was bought by an pro-Hillary newspaper mogul that explicitly says he buys media to influence public opinion. This isn't a conspiracy theory they don't even take it off Wikipedia.

Yeah no shit, the Onion has been obviously anti-trump and pro-hillary for a year now.
And also unfunny,


>Top aides told reporters that the “Hillary Clinton on the Issues” section of the site has been revamped so that users can adjust the former secretary of state’s positions on the economy, climate change, taxes, national security, the minimum wage, gun violence, and dozens of other topics until her worldview perfectly aligns with theirs.

nearly all media outllets are liberal-owned, just ignore them or poke holes in their shitty narratives

Don't have it, but there's a webm about the grabbler jew onion did, are they really this fucking gay now?

Really? Where?

Wanting a leader who can inspire them? Wow. Just wow.

Are you fucking dense?
The article is making fun of how it's now considered unimportant that a president be someone of exceptional character.

Could be a valid interpretation but my feed is just jammed with people telling everyone to 'suck it up' and vote for Clinton. I still find it suspect that it's come out at this time considering who owns it now.


they turned retarded after a Clinton surrogate bought it

This is only funny because it is inconceivable that they would have run this article in 2008.


Onion is owned by Univison

I've started seeing obvious anti Trump pro Hillary shit coming from The Onion recently. Pic related really triggered me. Going to unlike their page soon if they carry on doing it

The Onion is fucking terrible now. Has been for a while.

Some Mexican dude bought it. It's propaganda like all the rest.

They were bought out by hillshills maybe 2-4 months ago (or longer?)

They're bought out by hillary bud, they're going to keep on doing it, so you'd be best to just unsub/unlike them right now if you don't like it.

>triggered by satire

time to drop onion

The onion is top notch.

this. It's old news actually, I'm surprised everyone on here doesn't know this already

testing if banned

After the birther thing there was big headline
"Trump cannot produce documents to prove he's not a steaming pile of shit"

It was disgustingly cringey and obviously an overt indication that the onion is under shill control.