Whatever happened to this subway spic bitch?
Whatever happened to this subway spic bitch?
I fucked her with my brown cock at a party once, it was funny when she tried to speak Spanish as I was fucking her
She has a dick you liar lol
yes she is a slut
she gave her skype in a thread and loves spicy cocks
I have news for you.
it's not gay when a bigger spic fucks a smaller spic
it's our secret spic ritual
Post more Kayla
fuck off jose
she is dead hopefully
spicy cocks are the best kind
She claims to be mormon too
>hispanic mormon
U wot kayla?
I would pay her $3000 for 24 hours of her "time."
Is subway even goof? I usually get cajun food when I go to a mall.
oh jew
>Quedes saber cómo sé que estás mintiendo?
so your saying thats how spics assert dominance amongst each other interdasting
>massive sloot
pick one famalam
subway is okay for the price
Mitt Romney's father is a mormon spic.
We got a wide variety of spic flavors in Mexico.
I am potato flavored.
This is the slutty trump trap, right? She's on my rape list.
wouldn't listing the people who aren't on your rape list be much quicker?
Seriously who wants a bland cock?
>looks like Justin Beiber
>potato flavor
More like A FUCKING LEAF flavor
for example, my uncle treats me like his little bitch whenever he pays us a visit.
Puta madre, carnal. Enseñame tu rutina para estar mamado.
This is just what she has said. She said prior to her last bf she was a virgin and that she is mormon for some reason
>you'll never be on anyone's rape list past the age of 22
>you're 27
Please fuck me
holy mother of trap ass
without cock pics im not convinced a guy can have that body. she has hips and an ass, how do trannies get that?
Into the cute trap folder you go
>premarital sex
if that were true her family would disown her, and she would be excommunicated from the community.
Mormons can't even drink coffee, no way she would get away with drinking semen.
>prior to her last bf she was a virgin
>posts all these pics on the interwebs for strangers
o ok makes sense ty for clearing that up
Shes not actually a trap lads
Fap fearlessly
Fuck off Yeb you're not even in your twenties.
Women are known to be liars. But thats her claim
Pretty sure she is, but w/e
quite obviously a false one though
Before le jooz, these imageboard deplorables have always been paranoid about muh traps. What difference does it make?
>sex: m
>Implying I wouldn't fucc it, dick or no dick
She's already in the trap folder, nothing I can do about it
If it is a trap i would fuck it i dont give a fuck
oo she's a lot cuter. more of her sir
>sex: M
Holy shit, it IS a trap.
Here you go guys, Kayla is a tranny.
But she is pretty damn hot so IDC, I'd fuck her.
Now I'm 100% sure its a trap, masculine bone structure
i'm still not certain Kayla is a chick i missed out on a lot recently anyone care to post pics/ stuff that shes been up to?
I ain't clickin that
that's a completely different girl you idiot lmao
and she has the bone structure of a model. i know you're used to your women looking like monkeys but that girl is objectively attractive
I killed her with my dick
>ain't clickin
it's just showing that the driver's license wasn't photoshopped. it actually says "M" for sex
Really makes me wish I could redo HS all over again with the knowledge I have now and also not being the fat fuck that I was. I could have bagged me a qt conservative white girl so fucking easy
Are you the guy who's related to canelo?
Tell him to fight GGG
Go on...
she a girl. you can't get a hip/waist ratio like that no matter how good of a trap you are, its always in the bone structure
shame about her face though, she would be a 8 if she didnt look like a boy
I am a boy and I have the exact same body type
this is now an /ivanka/ thread
What a filthy faggot
I feel like this guy might have modeled for Shad at some point.
subway employee here.
It's good, if you want to spend $10. The base sandwiches are pretty scarce.
Sometimes you can get an okay sandwich for a good price by playing specials, but the jews at corporate change that monthly.
ask w/e I'll lurk til thread dies. Got lotsa fun stories.
>you can't get a hip/waist ratio like that no matter how good of a trap you are, its always in the bone structure
Spic dicks are more cheesy and fishy than spicy.
>no face
I'll take 's word instead 2bqh
sex M
fuck off with this kike
>what is tucking
Cute child Ivanka. I hope my children grow up to be like her.
>taking some faggot's word over the driver's license that literally says "M" for sex
o ok
Castration and hormones
God she is so stunning
this is now a /tiffany/ thread