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How'd I do? Did I get it right?

Other urls found in this thread:

>German Ideal

It's Nazi propaganda directly aimed against what Germans were and instead some kind of pagan like LARPing.

Are Germans no longer like that?

Hello? pls respond

pls respond


I dont get it.

What wrong with Richard Spencer? I mean he's a Pan-European faggot but aside that?

People always meme about
>le the nazis were all cool and non-degenerate
>look these neo-nazis XXDddd

fixed that for you

Yeah, probably pretty spot on to be quite honest. Disappointed you didn't use the right color for the greentext and didn't use the font I used for the
>Cred Forums

fixed it 4u


Is non-jewish puppets good? That name is kind of ambiguous.

Other than that it looks good.

Thanks btw, took the liberty to refine it a bit

I should have said "Not Jewish puppets"


My autism got to me, had to outline everything with a thick black line

>thinks that anyone covered extensively by the media isn't a jewish puppet

Controlled opposition is a thing. Look at Teresa May.

I like this one.

Teresa May isn't even controlled opposition, shes just establishment dressed as not. UKIP is controlled opposition if anything, or the BNP.

>stirner fags haven't all been shot yet

What the fuck?

Fucking hell. How about you all go claim a high velocity lead projectile with your skull you dumb fuckers.



Wow, clever

jesus dude


That is some weapons grade autism

Yeah okay.

No they still are

Nazi propaganda portrays German women as pretty which is absolutely kekworthy

>t. Russia's step son

>donald trump
>not a jewish puppet

Most of the "Almost there but not quite" Are just as much of "Jewish puppets" as Trump. Hofer, Wilders, The Le Pens, Orban, Jimmie, and possibly Höcke.

what's wrong with Pierce? I get Taylor and Spencer, but Pierce wrote of the Day. Seems like a traditionalist, no tattoo faggotry like the neo-Nazi guys.

Is right.

It's an idealised version of the german people, that never fitted reality. Most of my family is blond with blue eyes and they don't look like that at all. Some (me inclusive) have had blond hair as kids but became some kind of brownish and we have green eyes. Aren't we german now? These pics are just like the photoshoped pics in magazines. They show an unattainable unrealistic ideal.

Fuck, I really shouldn't have phrased it like that. I meant that those guys were okay and not bad. As for Taylor and Spencer, I think they're alright in the sense that they represent a nice almost normal version of white identity and white nationalism. Pierce and the National Alliance were alright for the time and did a similar thing, except for the fact that they wanted to take a
>when the time comes we're gonna round em up and kill em all
approach which is harder for normies to swallow.

That is precisely it, what I have been trying to get my head around.
This is my conclusion: compromising the message in order to appeal to the masses is fate bestowed upon the "alt-right". Started with "not all Jews", "being gay is o-kay!", "based black man bee-tee-ef-oh Marxists", etc. Slowly subverting the group by shilling the pillars that once stood out of the sphere and pushing degeneracy as normalcy.
When the time comes, you can leave the nation or leave the Earth. All niggers, not picking and choosing.

The following video is made by Sinead, who is an alleged mudshark and kike actress who has gone off the deep end (recordings of her going super saiyan over dumb shit), but I feel that it borders right on the line of brotherly criticisms and overt shilling (saying "I disagree with Trump's policy regarding Israel's interests and general hasbara acceptance" and Common Filth's stance on degeneracy in regards to whites/absolving the Jew of all guilt):

I'm not a fan of Taylor, although I do like AmRen's colour of crime report. Don't know enough about Spencer to make a claim, though.

Wew, settle down their autism boy.

>Wie die AfD leben möchte
Well no shit?! Who wouldn't want to live like that? And why the fuck is it alway right wing populism? It's of course not populism to to say "Peace and love and everyone should be free and we should take care of everyone and joy and happiness!11" Fucks sake. I want a pretty and faithful wife, three beautiful children and a good boy dog. And I'm not ashamed to admit it.

Let me guess, black co-worker? Sorry mate, no picking and choosing. There can be no compromise, it was precisely that "inches to miles" compromise that the kikes used to subvert.

What? No, it's just that you made a much of inferences on what I was talking about but they were all a bit off.


Whose puppet was he?

OY VEY You filthy racist populist far right NAZI!

Please read the thread. I fucked up, he wasn't a puppet none of them in that bit are puppets

>the Le Pen family
>not a bunch of jewish shills
JMLP was the only one who had conviction, everybody else in the FN is an opportunist trying to grab their cumulative mandates and that sweet euro-parliment paycheck.

You said that Taylor and Spencer
>represent a nice almost normal version of white identity and white nationalism
which is not entirely accurate. The alt-right is filled with kike apologists or kikes themselves.

Then you said
>Pierce and the National Alliance were alright for the time and did a similar thing, except for the fact that they wanted to take a
>when the time comes we're gonna round em up and kill em all
approach which is harder for normies to swallow.
which I said I disagreed with, to hell with normies, they can go die in a hole. I said that compromise is what got the alt-right in such a shitfest. The mass exposure and subversion destroyed it.

Hence the
>quite not there

It's not "quite not there", it's "not even trying to do anything except be the next status-quo and become the exact things they are denouncing"
How could people fall for them is beyond me.

>which is not entirely accurate. The alt-right is filled with kike apologists or kikes themselves.
Again you're taking a few people and then lumping them in with everyone. Plus the actual "alt-right" is literally just white nationalism in a suit. Milo isn't a "alt-right", in fact the only fag I can think of that is "alt-right" is Jack Donovan but he's a joke anyway so I don't give a shit about him.
>to hell with normies, they can go die in a hole.
See, that's the problem though, now is not the time for violence, that comes later.
>I said that compromise is what got the alt-right in such a shitfest. The mass exposure and subversion destroyed it.
The reason this happened wasn't compromise but the lack of organization. It's a mixed bag though, on one hand hierarchical organization makes it so that it's easier to infiltrate and completely fuck everyone involved but a lack of organization means that you subvert it quite easily

Then whats the other option for French people?

Not really, most of the good ones died out. Mostly cucks left now.

None. Except perhaps expatriation.
That's why being french nowadays is even more depressing than it usually is.
>inb4 GenId and Vox Populi fags tell us about their irrelevent "movements" that refuse to gain political power because "muh opposition to the system"

Name me one alt-right member that isn't a kike, shabbas goy, or an e-celeb hopping on the bandwagon for Patreon cash.

I like the suit point, but it's who wears the suit that is important.

> that comes later
Have we started the fire?

>The reason this happened wasn't compromise but the lack of organization. It's a mixed bag though, on one hand hierarchical organization makes it so that it's easier to infiltrate and completely fuck everyone involved but a lack of organization means that you subvert it quite easily
That's because it was meant to be on the chans, not in the mainsphere.

>Name me one alt-right member that isn't a kike, shabbas goy, or an e-celeb hopping on the bandwagon for Patreon cash.
Richard Spencer.
>names the Jew
>not an E-celeb that hops on the bandwagon
The only thing that I don't like about him is
>acne so he looks dirty
>needs to lose weight
>his suits don't fit very well
>he sounds like a bitchy whiny man
>not married and doesn't have kids
>he talks to the media at all
>pan-european identity/nationalism shit which is retarded and would erase European cultures
>doesn't hold any values as far was what the goals should be
>shits on constitutionalism or any one with any sense of ideology that might be constructive

Most important point is the JQ, can you give me a video where he states this? Like I said, I don't know a whole lot about him, so.
Your critiques are kind of funny, more like nuisances. The pan-European one sounds like some globalist agenda, though, I'd tread carefully. I'd hope for him to change that shit up quickly.


I might actually be wrong on the JQ, I swear he's talked about it before but I can't find anything short and sweet

Well, he seems like a good guy.
My point being, most of them are crypto-Jews who subvert or Jews themselves.

It may very well have been (the alt-right, that is) a planted belief system subverting what was a good thing just so that the Left could have a box to throw at the, what's the word I'm looking for... deplorables.