Ok, I don't know, so what if YOU'RE stupid

Ok, I don't know, so what if YOU'RE stupid

Three cheers for little Jon Snow? Ok, sorry, inappropritate

Sorry, I guess I misspoke again, SERIOUSLY inappropriate, and also, he can totally see AND hear you, and holy fucking shit are you ever annoying as all hell

Anyway, I sincerely do apologize to any actual PTSD sufferers, but I didn't even consider all the possible problems with this before doing it, so

And that's not even supposed to be some kind of impressively cucked up sexual innuendo, that was a serious attempt at explaining my actual situation here

Sorry, that came out way gayer than I expected because I'm way more homophobic than you think I am, but whatever

And as usual, I cannot see an alternative, because all the alternatives I can see are AWFUL as hell

None of which were even a thing of any kind until like four years ago, or maybe decades or centuries ago, or whatever

So basically, yes, ">""these people aren't kidding around at all, and they're talking about stuff that I have no actual reliable knowledge of whatsoever", buy wait, what was *I* talking about, because if these people were talking about anything remotely like what I was talking about, then................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

And I'm not saying I don't trust whatever stuff I end up saying, I'm just saying that I don't believe anything these LITERALLY psychotic and treasonous assholes say about LITERALLY anything whatsoever.

Hahaha, kids and their total lack of practical (or even just analytical) experience with actual life or death situations that involve other real people


>moments before this post.jpg

"It's too brutal", you say, as you finally notice the difference between someone who's merely cucked to death and someone who's REALLY cucked to death and life and whatever else, but just fundamentally really cucked as all hlell

sage...you should seek help op. CTR

Three letter acronyms detected in... an American flag with a particular IP address that exists in the real world

sorry, I guess I was wrong yet again. three or four letter acronyms detected in....

Hey, you know who I hate basically more than anyone else, on a personal level? Feminsts.

And that's not some sort of attempt at being a Canadian feminist, I really, LITERALLY, hate feminists. It's just a confession of my obvious, kind of trivial, personal sins.


And that's not something I'm somehow perversely proud of, that's an actual confession of a real weakness. "Opening the kimono" if you would allow a genuinely awkward Jewish kind pf phrase here

Wait. sorry, what I meant was, I'm extremely proud that I hate feminists and everything they stand for, and I hope they all literlaly just die

Wait, sorry, what I meant was, I declare sheanigans on all feminists and all their cutural marxism111111111111


So, in all seriousness, just to demonstrate again that I'm rational and coherent, I've gor to say that we here in Washington sate have a class of cigar-like electronic cannabis items that are actually genuinely stylish and personally frightening for once. Sorry, Colorado >____

kek @ myself and my repeated psychiatric hospitalizations (literally like 8 times now , I mean really, you have to at least make some kind of attempt here

Oughta be 9 soon, op. This thread is bonkers.

Wtf is happen....5 5 7 2 1..ing in th....FIVE FIVE SEVEN TWO ONE..is thread

So far, I've never actually been hospitalized for things I've said on Cred Forums, only stuff I've done myself, personally

And therefore, I don't expect that to happen on the 9th time, either. Sorry :/

Or maybe it will, I don't know, it really depends on what it is, and no, seriously though,

it's really bad

no. I seriously don't even care what it is, it's really bad so stahp