Where to Start

Hey Cred Forums I'm a super newfag both here and just politics in general.

I've been lurking around for the last week or so and it's just been getting me thinking about what I know and I've realized I know jack fucking shit about the world.

What would be some good ways to introduce myself to general politics and world issues that isn't following the very biased US Media?

Other urls found in this thread:


how old are you? Can you vote in this election? if so, who you're gonna vote for?

I'm 24. I'm thinking Trump or Gary Johnson. More so Trump because I think he actually has a chance to win.

Learn a lot of history, learn economics, pay attention to the news, continue to lurk here until you get it, I know this might get down voted but reddit is a good place to learn how to argue and know how much you know about a subject (though don't think you'll ever convince anyone over the Internet), research what the redpill is about, don't be afraid if you don't believe in Jewish conspiracies just yet you will in time.

Reccomendations for people to follow: Stefan molyneaux, Ben Shapiro (he's a cuck but if your still a liberal at all he'll get you out of there), black pidgeon speaks, mike cernovich, Dan Carlin (his podcasts only), Joe Rogan, Alex Jones, Milo Yiannoupoulos, Argent Templar, Millenial Woes, RamzPaul, Mde: World peace (TV show on adult swim), Murdoch Murdoch, That Guy T, Charlie LeDuff, Jack Donovan, Davis MJ Aurini, The Golden One (YouTube channel), Pat Buchannan, Christopher Lasch, Turd Flinging Monkey, Brother Nathael, Christopher Cantwell

Cred Forums anyone I'm missing?

Oh shit forgot Jared Taylor though he might be too redpilled for you right now.

Not strictly politics related but Elliot Hulse gives good life advice and will get you in a redpilled state of mind, Dan Carlin again has a great history podcast I highly reccomend the one he did on ww1, and Jabzy is a pretty decent history YouTube channel.

Watch this documentary


To begin with. It is long but you need to see it. Watch it an hour at a time over a week if you like.

That'll give you a good foundation to understanding modern politics over the last 100 years.Then you can go from there.

Few other major guys I forgot; Gavin Mcinness, Thulean Perspective, and Paul Joseph Watson.

Also here are some more redpill Youtubers



These one's are a bit more niche but some of my favourites




Oh also definetly watch argent Templars series on American Political history

get your general economic information / worldnews from reddit then come here to discuss it is my best recommendation.

at first the discussion will sound like satire (jews and niggers) but you will eventually realize it's >80% true. But don't let Cred Forums make your opinions for you, make them yourself.

Remeber all news is biased so dont start shilling news like rt
Just come here for unfiltered news

>get your general economic information from reddit

wtf no get it from marketoracle.co.uk/

What is wrong with you people?

Here is what you need to know about the state of our culture.

If you ever want a good laugh (2.5 minutes):

>Gary Johnson Loses It! Goes Full PC Over Term 'Illegal Immigrant'

Johnson is a fake libertarian. There only few libs left. For example Ron or Rand Paul. Most people jumped on the marxist bandwaggon through. Johnson wants gu control for instance. Fuck him and go for Trump.

You've got to start by becoming pessimistic and untrusting.

You've got to realize that every single action in politics is a calculated move designed to fuck you over.

You've got to realize that no-one tells the truth, everybody lies, no-one wants to trust you or your fellow peasants with any semblance of power or financial success; they want it all for themselves, right at the very top. Those so-called Masters of Mankind who believe it is their moral right to tell you how to lead your life because you're too stupid to do it for yourselves; that full globalization with only them in command is the only way for humanity to move forward.

You've got to realize that everything in the media is 100% guaranteed biased, blatantly untrue or idiotically ignorant.

This is why Trump is so popular; he seems to be fucking over the establishment time and time again. This is why we hate Clinton - because she's a sock puppet for the creepy old men who sit in skyscraper penthouse offices with tinted windows and play proverbial chess with people's lives.

But most of all, you've got to learn the basic historical principles of rationality, evidence based thinking and factual science; religion and all other decision making processes come after those. Rational evidence based thinking is the only fool-proof way of coming to the correct conclusion and that just believing what people tell you is an absolute NO. In instances where there is no clear, objective answer, then you must learn to think for yourself - this applies to all things in life.

Do these things and you can consider yourself 'redpilled' with the knowledge that this planet and our civilizations are grimdark, fucked up and designed to see you fail.

fire up gazza!

Here are a couple of basic political points to help you on your way, as almost universally agreed upon by Cred Forums:
>Hillary Clinton is a manipulative, murdering, psychopathic bitch who almost certainly has a terminal neuro-degenerative disease.
>Mainstream media is not a source of factual news, only agenda-pushing bias in favour of the very people who want to destroy them.

>99% of individuals in life are idiots who believe everything they hear and care more about feeling good about themselves than actually making a change or difficult decision.
>Islam is the enemy of mankind and all freedom-loving people. It preaches pedophilia, violence, deceit and the slaughter of all non-Muslims. The world would almost certainly be better off if all Muslims disappeared tomorrow.

>All men are NOT created equal.

>There is a huge problem with violence in the black community that needs to be sorted out. Many on Cred Forums go further than this and believe it's because they're black, but I personally believe it's purely a cultural thing caused by their obsession with violent gangster culture. 50% of all violent crime in the US is committed by it's 13% black population.
>Political correctness is almost always bullshit. These 'social justice warriors' are so cringe-worthily apologetic in their desparate attempt to feel good about themselves that they will suck the dick of any and all minorities and actively destroy their own culture and heritage just to get brownie points with the mainstream, liberal-loving media.

>It is not racist to be proud of being white. If blacks can be proud of being blacks, I can be proud of being white god damnit.

lol what the fuck, I thought libertarians were all about property laws?

If you have enough money: travel.
Nothing can replace the contact with reality. There are a lot of thing you couldn't learn if you don't live them.
(random pic absolutely not related)

>Donald Trump and Putin actually decent leaders. They don't speak behind bullshit biased rhetoric, they actually care about their people and are intelligent enough to see the true problems in our societies and work to fix them. Donald Trump's clown act is an attention-grabbing act; he's actually extremely intelligent and would make a fantastic PotUS.
>The refugee crisis is a systematic attempt by certain groups to destroy Europe by liberal apologists and Islam. Over 70% of refugees are fighting aged males coming without women and children, most own phones and are actually economic migrants who aren't running from war.
>The EU is universally bad and Brexit is a good thing.
>Many governments actively want to promote interracial black guy/white woman relationships in order to destroy the white race.
>Multiculturalism is a failure.

Maybe soon you'll begin to see it all just like we do. See, Cred Forums is actually an apocalypse cult born from the a desperate desire for change; we seek the "great happening", an event that rocks or ultimately causes our civilizations to crumble so that we return to a simpler time where thinking was clearer and the insanity of modern western culture breaks back down to survival as it has 99.9% of all human history.

This is the case because today's world is so laughably against us that many see no fucking hope if things continue the way they are; degeneracy will take over all reason, freedom will be destroyed by political correct censorship and simply existing as a white male will be seen as a terrible thing.


>(((Milo Yiannoupoulos)))
No wonder Cred Forums has been utter shit for months now.

Johnson supports the TPP, which is another rewrite of SOPA, PIPA, etc. You absolutely do not want to vote for Johnson.


The first thing to do is keep your eyes and ears open.

Everything has a flip side; it's important to look at something from multiple angles, not just the one conveniently presented to you on the TV screen.

Begin reading and learning about how easy it is to influence human thought and how marketing of all kinds is designed to get you to think in a certain way to benefit the ones who create those advertisements.

Do not believe everything you read/see/hear at first glance; evaluate it against your personal experiences. There is no greater teacher then experience. If you have no background in a certain area, read and learn from a variety of different sources and schools of thought, and see if they have any actual worth.

Society has changed; no longer is critical thinking respected. Rather, it is designed to have you repeat what others say, believe what others say, and do what others do. After all, if everyone else is jumping off a bridge, what could be wrong?

In the end, YOU have to decide how to live. YOU have to make hard choices. YOU have to take self-responsibility.

That's why red-pills are so hard to swallow; it takes actual effort and critical thinking to view an event of way of life from a different angle.

However, there is certainly some bad medicine, even among red pills. Just as you evaluate everything else you see in the world independently and critically, please do the same on this board.

So Russia won anyway? I think we're too far fucking gone to come back. A trump presidency could kick us back on the right track but that's only if he does some pro-American propaganda on our kids.

Lurk moar you fucking pleb or stay at Cred Forums you millennial cunt

What's wrong with people?
>hurr durr i lurked for a week
Have atleast the decency to ask specific questions in threads who interest you

No go fuck your self you derailing cunt

without milo, the kike is in it for the gibs

Milo is good for noobs who don't believe in an international Jewish conspiracy. Reddit too. I really don't care how we do it but we need to get our numbers up if we want to save the west and this is the best way.

Obviously he is. At the same time I think he could be good for opening up our brand to normies.

Welcome, newfag.

You've gotten a lot of excellent advice again that I won't repeat.

Some extra:
>women actually live in a very different mental space than men, this leads them to value different things and behave very differently
>pol will say that this headspace is due to their genetics of them being women, but the constant barrage of their upbringing and education certainly has a lot to do with it too. They end up with this weird mixture of selective empathy, where they'll cry seeing a movie and say "refugees welcome" but don't look twice if a white guy needs help. Its because they've been told that in the hierarchy of people who need help, white guys don't, women do, and under adult women you have children, trans, refugees, muslims etc.

On materialism in culture
>Our entire culture is built on boistering up their hollow sense of self with possessions and the approval of others. Hence why social media is really popular. Women tend to want more approval, hence the popularity of it with them
>For this system to work, you need people to feel defective, unhappy or lacking by default. A lot of the feel-good advice will therefore be really phony and bandaid on a bullet-hole sort of thing.
>a lot of the feeling of being defective works by installing a competition / comparison with others
>a part of getting redpilled, or seeing the world as it is, will involve you gaining a cynical or depressed view of the world, especially then lots of people will offer "good advice" that you shouldn't listen to.

On news:
>don't listen to one news source, but to several. It's okay to keep listening to CNN, but then always check Russia Today on the topic. Know both are saying what fits their own agenda but at least you'll gain perspective.

>voting for Gary "$30,000 on memes" Johnson

>it's just been getting me thinking

>where to start
>been lurking a week

There you have it, lurk more. Read, read, read - then question everything and use syllogisms (google it) to reach your own conclusions.
Vote Trump, Johnson is only a catalyst for the unaffiliated.

The USSR is dead, but Marxism/Bolshevism, lives on and when you research that further it opens up even more troubling questions.