>yfw the ISIS cells will be activated before the election
Adam Garcia
Bump for potential
Jose Anderson
They have to if they're going out of power. /Babyrage
Hunter Cooper
Litterally where?
Dominic Walker
Its only a gas prblem sorry its nothing
Owen Powell
It's actually pronounced "Barthelona"
Michael Gutierrez
>murka bombs saa killing hundred and lets isis take the base they were staitoned in >next day explosions in new york and barselona Instant karma
Jack Nguyen
>minutes ago >Gas technicians have visited the area and have not confirmed it was a gas explosion
Jonathan Jones
so it wasn't eta?
will they ever pull anything off?
Benjamin Morris
It sounds so fucking gay that way. Fucking homosexual Spaniards, wtf were they thinking?
Ryan Ward
k-keep me posted
Adrian Ortiz
Spaniards and their effeminate pronunciation of their own damn language.
Daniel Miller
why would desert dindus blow shit up in barcelona now?
Logan Kelly
It's fucking nothing. The original in catalan is "Barselona". Barthelona is just the spanish translation.
Justin James
Islamic attack inside someone house, and it's not a barrack? It's a gas leak you know it
Jackson Nelson
They were thinking about smegma.
Michael Ramirez
>An exposion rocked a residential area in Barcelona minutes ago
Lionel Messi BTFO
Gavin Butler
Freddie Mercury disagrees with you.
Nolan Anderson
This is literally just a gas explosion. Someone kept the stove on overnight, it went boom. This is what such a thing looks like, happened some 100m away from me once.
Tyler Bennett
Why is gas explosion now the default cover for these events.
Aren't they actually pretty rare, in comparison to terrorist attacks, that happen every other day.
Eta is over it's done, whatever our retarded government says to infuse fear
Andrew Hall
>messi caused it by accidentally rolling into his sprite pool with a pack of mentos in his pocket top kek
Austin Murphy
kek. i was on a school holiday in madrid, and they sent out a threat or something. my spanish teacher said not to worry about it, as they never act on their threats.
Brayden Jenkins
"Put Your Tongue On Your Upper Gum And Blow"
Connor Clark
>implying there's a reason for us to know a city in Spain >ever Almost as irrelevant as your entire country.
James Evans
Fucking Buddhists.
Bentley Morgan
My leftist professor refused to take us in a trip to Barcellona because it wasn't safe, two years ago. Too many pickpocketers
Parker Reed
fucking kek. i went to madrid with school at 15. saw a lot of kids steal people's phones.
Luke Gray
looks like that second floor Apert. is kill...since the only deceased is a woman, it's safe to assume the blast originated at the kichen
Lucas Gomez
This, he choosed Vienna (pre-migrant crisis) and based Bratislava.
Eli Taylor
There's been buttloads of Gyppo's in Spain for 100s of years, so much so that there's a separate 'Spanish Gypsy' catagory
Cameron Cox
Yes, sure
Angel Rogers
If that was in BANGladesh there would've been at least 100 casualties.
Adrian Rogers
>(((The Sun))) Isn't The Sun right leaning generally? Or at they controlled by that Neocon Murdoch?
Dominic Moore
Ethan Parker
Looks gas related. Pic related.
Not happening.
Oktoberfest is starting. Could be happening there.
Fun fact: 1.4mn invaders arrived in Germany last year alone. Less than 100 are employed. GERMANY YES!
Lucas Wilson
Last year a gas bottle exploded 200m away from my school. Some granny fucked up royally while cooking, but she survived nevertheless.
Carson Young
not in the daytime at an aprert. complex bro, people here cant afford to Idlelly sit on their asses in workdays...a kitchen gas cylinder explosion here usually only kill the wiminz too
Ayden Young
That was a gas explosion, kid.
Evan Robinson
Less than 100 are employed. While this is true the rest of them are all in training to become the EU's Doctors, Lawyers and teachers as well as religious leaders. This takes time, don't be so racist please.
Samuel Jones
I'm an American living and working in Barcelona for 3+ years now.
It's not Paris.
Generally speaking, Spaniards are too lazy to commit legit crime themselves, and they don't seem to be as interested in committing cultural suicide as the rest of EU.
Justin Baker
Looks like it considering women do stupid stuff. >middle aged woman left stove on >BOOM >"Who wants tapas?"
Ryan Morales
>illiterate immigrants are training to become doctors
Logan Taylor
>Spaniards are too lazy to commit legit crime themselves, Yeah, that's why in nigger and latin american countries, where everyone is so hard working, there's so much crime.
Matthew Fisher
Don't they have a lot of Muslims there now though? And multiculticucks?
Adrian Parker
I was there about a month ago. The city definitely felt very safe, there were far less blacks than most of Europe and I think I only saw a couple of Muslims over the week I was there.
The only bad thing that happened was that there was a suspected bomb a couple of blocks away from where I was. Police handled it very well though.
Jaxon Cooper
ETA doesn't existe anymore, it was operación GLADIO the whole time.
Nathan Diaz
>3rd world 70 IQ islamic pigdogs training to become rocket scientists and neurosurgeons
Owen Adams
What we consider "a lot" is far behind London and the kinda shit you have to deal with but yeah Barcelona is a ISIS hotspot, luckily our police is used to bust terrorist cells.
The multicultifags are a fucked up situation but they hit their popularity ceiling a year ago.
Asher Brown
Isn't your NHS prettymuch run by 80 IQ Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi/Flip/Nigerian doctors and nurses ??
Liam Long
Way more than what I saw back in the US, but, not anything close to what I've seen in France/UK.
Nicholas Reed
Also, I've seen like maybe 10 full on burkas since I've been here. I saw 10 before getting to my hotel last time I was in London.
The Spanish are lazy as fuck, and it's really annoying, but, they don't seem to have been invaded yet. Although, honestly, I walk by a big "refugees welcome" banner on a gov building often, and idk if there is much gibmedats available for "refugees" here, so maybe they are trying to suicide but just can't afford the bullets?
Wyatt Gutierrez
I'm 23 yo right now, I live, work and study in a southern city with 693.000 inhabitants. First time I saw an arab in my life was two years ago in a touristic trip.
Carson Morris
Nathan Thomas
>Spaniards are too lazy Said the burger >and they don't seem to be as interested in committing cultural suicide as the rest of EU Said that to Podemos, Catalufolandia and the Vasque """"politic"""" Parties
Xavier Phillips
Don't drop your tendies now folks
Matthew Cooper
>Isn't your NHS prettymuch run by 80 IQ Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi/Flip/Nigerian doctors and nurses ?? London has a few of them, hence why it's falling apart.
Jaxson Baker
Not in Barcelona it isn't, feixista
Luke Torres
Ryder Watson
Spain gypsies are the fucking worst thing in this country, they are parasites of our Social Security (free healthcare paid by our taxes), they don't work, they don't have jobs, they sell drugs and the worst thing; they see you as superior and they are over the law. Cops don't do shit about this fuckers, they are not like Romanians, they are fat lazy fuckers, horrible beigns, horrible women. They smell like ass and are dirty as fuck.
And yes they get all kinds of gibmedats for dem (fake) programs, THEY ARE WORST THAN NIGGERS OR SHITSKINS.
Isaac Roberts
*they see you like they are superior
Jason Powell
as in, Barcelona in Spain?
Or some random town in USA that steals European names?
Jackson Ward
Noah Ward
I think there's even a Madrid in New Mexico.
Carter Wood
Hey buddy its not a happening unless its in America
Christian Flores
dammit stop believing in lies no terrorist ever was Islamic ok