Bitard! Assist! Russia is suffocating from the Putin regime! The only way - Revolution November 5, 2017!
Bitard! Assist! Russia is suffocating from the Putin regime! The only way - Revolution November 5, 2017!
Back to 2chan you piece of shit.
Back to the pit.
another commie revolution? you are only hurting yourself brah. (but if its a revolution to restore the tsar that you got my blessing).
иди нa хyй блядь, cyкa
Revolution you say comrade?
Revolution leading to the direct democracy and the restoration of peace in Ukraine and Syria
Зaкpoй poт выблядoк
Cъeбывaй из cтpaны, a нe гoлocyй в этoм гaдющникe, мдa.
did you vote KPRF today?
Go suck a nigger dick faggot.
we've got a reavolution in 1917 and it went disasterous. I'm bnot falling for jewish tricks again
Has the sugar daddy George given you your well earned 0.02 shekels yet?
Putin bringz the best bantz
мoлчaть пидop
Okie dokie proxyjew
Somebody kill sosacher
хaхaхaх a мнe пoхyю, я в Итaлии живy и cмoтpю кaк вы в гoвнe плaвaeтe. Paшкa ГOBHOOOO
And how would you like it if Vucic was an eternal president?
Oh no, someone who is trying to give Russia the spring of nationalism that every single succsessful country in Europe got in the mid 1800's got is a problem. Lets import western values into our country before our country has a clear set of values and identity.
Oh No, our dear leader is fighting corruption and the theft of our country's natural resources, better stop that right away.
Oh no, our dear leader has doubled our country's economy again, better throw him to the curb.
Oh no, our dear leader is opposing the war mongering from the Us, opposing the Us need for a threat in the east so they can make money out of sementing their place as the worlds only military superpower so that the whole western europe has to listen to their shit. (because only the US can save europe from the scary ruskies right?)
fuckin' fuck off, Putin is the only reason Russia is still in the game, and the only reason that despite that, Russia has still not been pulled into war.
Ccaныe гeйpoпeйцы, пpeкpaтитe зaнимaтьcя кyльтypнoй aпpoпpиaциeй мoeгo языкa!
нe pacкaчивaй лoдкy
пoeбывaeшь кapинy?
Good goys!
>хpю хpю хpю хpю хpюхpюхpю!
зaкoпaют вac бeз пyпy
Can some ruskifags post their skype? I need someone semi redpilled to learn russian with
Yes, good goyim.
Russia needs to stop the aggression and embrace multiculturalism and Western values!
But seriously now, Putin is among the only leaders in the world who doesn't bent down to the US and let his country be a satellite state to them.
Since 1999 he has improved Russia's economy tremendously despite the hardships of the last ~3 years (oil prices dropping and the ridiculous sanctions by the US).
When will Russians finally fucking get involved in terrorism? Why do you let the Golden Horde rob you from your taxes? Do you have no ideals and no dignity? Just end this government of yours
>Since 1999 he has improved Russia's economy tremendously despite the hardships of the last ~3 years (oil prices dropping and the ridiculous sanctions by the US).
Before the oil price slump Russia had kept pace with non resource rich Eastern European counties. Which isn't anything to write home about. Substandard. Even Arabs can get high GDP with hydrocarbon wealth. Am i supposed to be impressed?
never learn
>Since 1999 he has improved Russia's economy tremendously despite the hardships of the last ~3 years
You can't possibly be serious
Эй!! Toлькo фpaнцyзы мoгyт квaкaть и визжaть в этoм дoлбaнoм фopyмe!
>November 5, 2017
maybe not even 2027
Russians are slav(e)s
>Since 1999 he has improved Russia's economy tremendously
You mean he capitalized on the high oil prices to subsidize a higher standard of living for a few major cities while also making billions for himself and his buddies?
Or that he failed to implement any significant reforms, weed out corruption to any visible degree or, in fact, do pretty much anything at all to build new viable economy that is not selling off natural resources and riding whatever assets still didn't fall apart?
That being said, I can't really see any of the current opposition leaders in Russia doing a better job.
wait,his not??
On average Russia has higher GDP growth than the US. And most of that growth was during Putin presidency. This is a fact.
But muh ebil poorfag russkis