Why does everyone on Cred Forums call themselves a part of the right or "alt right" when you are all leftists?
>praises hitler You do realize national socialism is a leftist ideology, right?
>despises globalization, TPP, and outsourcing of our jobs You do realize all these positions are leftist positions, right? All these benefit a capitalistic society, these all benefits republicans.
>hates on refugees, immigration, and minorities Again leftist positions, they lower the minimum wage, saturate the labor force. All of these things are beneficial to a capitalist viewpoint and are despised by the left as they harm your every day average joe.
>muh nationalism Again leftist, or is it just a mere coincidence that countries that are all 90% white and upwards are all effectively socialist countries like sweden, denmark, germany...etc? Lets not forget how much nationalism were in countries like in russia during its commie era and in every country that has ever had communism a leftist ideology.
All those positions are racist and xenophobic so they're right wing.
Joshua Evans
Mason Baker
The KKK was formed under the banner of the left.
Again, racist and xenophobia is a leftist ideology.
Cooper Carter
Quiet racist.
Samuel Diaz
Fascism is not left wing, user. Its as far right as it goes
Adrian Peterson
>tripfag >retarded post
what a shocking turn of events
Angel Sanchez
i just literly got more retarted from reading dat
Wyatt Jones
Not an argument.
Hitler was leftist, blatantly so.
Matthew Lee
I wasn't providing an argument as you didn't provide one either. Merely a comment, retard.
Alexander Allen
im so retarted rite now. i dont even no how 2 respawn
Nolan Ward
Not an argument.
You cannot say you are right while believing in everything the left stands for, retards.
Nathan Watson
>Why does everyone on Cred Forums call themselves a part of the "alt right"
How to spot a shill
No one used this term until this shitty election
Michael Diaz
holy fuk.
look. there are different brands of "left".
Ours here in America is all about cultural diversity and promoting weird shit. They want to give Pablo amnesty after breaking our laws. They want to allow in Ahmed so he can bomb us.
We have to deal with those issues first.
Left and right ideologies will ultimately lead to the same thing... Fascism on the right. Communism on the left. Equal but opposites. Both authoritarian in their own way.
The middle ground is best, but that is only when Pablo, Ahmed and Jamal gtfo.
Jason Miller
Also, I don't think you understand the difference between Trump/Ron Paul conservative and a Neo-Con.
Because you're a tard. And that's alright. But don't start shitposting like a fuckstain until you know what you're talking about.
Michael Ramirez
The US isn't leftist. That is WHY the US is 60% white. You are capitalistic, the home of capitalism, pablo and ahmed are beneficial to you because of them being low wage workers.
Europe a place that is socialist has 90%+ white for a reason, pablo and ahmed aren't beneficial since they the country isn't as capitalistic as the US.
The US is right, Europe is left. Wanting the removal of pablo and ahmed is beneficial to one ideology, the leftist one.
Nicholas Davis
LEFT, RIGHT, it's all dated and useless in todays world. This definitions come from French Revolution more than 200 years ago, anyone still using them with no reservations is uterly retarded.
Andrew Bell
That is why we want Pablo and Ahmed out. Hillary Clinton wants them to stay.
Again, get the fuck out. You're lowering my IQ just reading your inane rambling fucktardery.
Joseph Johnson
>Hillary >a democrat Also they want pablo and ahmed because they guarantee votes.
Its sort of funny seeing how backwards your country is that people are voting against their best interests. Minorities profit more in a capitalistic one because corporations obtain more money from having such large amounts of low skilled worker.
But you're all retards.
Trump is a liberal.
Christian Perry
If you think open border is a leftist ideology you are very stupid.
Like stated before, you are retarded and a leftist.
You oppose everything that benefits a capitalistic country. Do you think capitalism does not thrive from globalization, TPP, open borders, outsourcing...????