Seriously what the fuck happened to my generation, makes me sick.
Seriously what the fuck happened to my generation, makes me sick
What do you think it smells like?
Hope she gets raped by a rottweiler
That's why woman wore skirts. So we didn't have to see that shit
She's obviosuly not wearing a pad/tampon either, so her lack of skirt has nothing to do with it. She's just a feral pig.
Dumb bitch just ruined her jeans
Jokes on her. Those pants are ruined.
poo poo pee pee
look at me
look at me
>fish, cunt, and blood
>letting women have rights
Mental hospitals closed down in the 80s. Today is the outcome.
We did this, user.
Yeah I realize that, but still, that shit is nasty. That doesn't turn anyone on
I've hated women enough to last me 5 lifetimes. I blame western culture more than women for the degenerate situation. But still, holy fuck. Women these days are a travesty, a trainwreck, an abomination.
I've seen my whole life how women are degenerate because they have a culture which allows and encourages them to be degenerate. People told me to "go outside" as a lazy way fo brushing off what I said. I told them that I think the way I do because I've been involved in society all my life. I know how people and women are. I've been going out more lately, it just amazes me how degenerate women are, and how nobody in public seems to be disturbed by it. Women can be absolute pigs in any way they want and nobody has the balls to say or do anything about it. Sad!
This is what happens when you shut down too many lunatic asylums.
Feminists are so dumb Cred Forums convinced them ruining their pants with period blood is empowerment
I love this place
It's the tumblr meme shit and thinking having mental illness is cool. There's no way a proper functioning human would do this shit.
Don't give up on women user, you'll find a nice lady one day. Tip:don't look on tinder or even city girls and you'll find a keeper
Imagine life before tampons.
Yeah. I was in a city centre last night to see a film, and the number of barely dressed women staggering around drunk was depressing. I don't fit in with the modern world.
Rotten eggs.
I'm a KHV. Zero chance of that happening. Don't want kids either so I'm basically trapped. I just want a nice quiet gf.
>Those pants are ruined.
Implying she wouldn't wear them again.
I know plenty like that. I go to a regional university doing a health degree and 99% of my cohert is nice, respectable women. Quiet, smart, able to hold conversations etc
I read a lot of the so-called misogynist writings of history but nobody warned me they were also prophecies
I already have given up on women, I had my time with them, it's over. But I'd be lying if I said that it didn't bother me, or that I have control of the situation. I never wanted it to end up like this. But in these discussions, everyone favors women and puts the blame on guys like me because men are bad and women are good in western society. That's how it works.
>Seriously what the fuck happened to my generation, makes me sick.
You're liberal progressive scum, that is what happened.
>tfw #FreeBleeding was originally a Cred Forums raid
No one to blame but ourselves, fàm, the memes controlled us
Its the USA media that has brainwashed everyone desu, I know no one irl who acts like those tumblr retards
I'm at university too. I'm incredibly shy and anxious around women though.
>people and women
That gave me a smile
>I've seen my whole life how women are degenerate because they have a culture which allows and encourages them to be degenerate
Woman are a change of the world. We are fucked, because they spend more time with younger generations
Woman are probably brainwashed on purpose to change next generations
There is only 2 issues left: "Who benefits by brainwashing them? Who is behind it?" and "What is a purpose of making Western even more degenerate?"
her boo looking cute obv.
I remember this
oh fucking Cred Forums we had some fun before I grew up and came over to Cred Forums
You know what is "giving up on woman"?
You willfully put your gene pool out of a game and decide that you don't want shape future generation
You leave this world to rot, faggot
Mfw people think mental illness, fools, and general idiocy is a symptom of their day exclusively. It is every bit as foolish as the people that believe they are living in the era of greatest enlightenment and the preceding generations were barberous and immoral.
Procreation means bringing more people into the world to suffer.
Cred Forums is dead, has been for years, I honestly don't know how to feel considering I stopped browsing a while ago
Cred Forums is filled with 12yos and weabs shitposting all day long. That board has gone to hell.
yes it has
Cred Forums will never be great again
>"What is a purpose of making Western even more degenerate?"
I don't think there's a grand scheme behind everything happening in the world today, I think it's mainly capitalism/technology getting out of hand along with some behavioral sink and some other factors.
>Implying I wouldn't fuck her like that.
I have seen firsthand how almost NOBODY ALIVE ON THE FUCKING PLANET thinks the way I do. I am almost a complete fucking loner, mentally. I am not going to put more people on the planet and make them think like me so they can look around at the degeneracy and have people give them a hard time too. It's not happening. Go kill yourself, Poland. I can go on and on about this, but I know better than you what is right and wrong for me.
Cred Forums is full of idiots. You think this whole "man up" bullshit is going to change anything. You are all so unaware of how truly degenerate western civilization is, and it only gets worse. Even the most dedicated right wingers are degenerate hypocrite scum.
the misogynist tried to tell us that women were easily deceived and prone to Hysteria but the last 50 years have proved them completely wrong!
That defeatist attitude is worse. Of course no one's going to do anything with that faggot pessimistic attitude you goddamn faggot leaf posters spread all over the place
It's been that way for years. There is no genuine outlet of which to not be defeatist and actually do something. I still have no reason to believe Trump is any different, if he gets elected, he will be expected to be held to a much higher standard. Cred Forums is full of denial and is over confident, but at the same time, you are all locked in your echo chamber here. I am not being defeatist, I am accepting reality.
that's period blood dude
You should give up porn
Nah, too old.
>I never wanted it to end up like this
Yet you don't want to do fucking shit to change it
>I have seen firsthand how almost NOBODY ALIVE ON THE FUCKING PLANET thinks the way I do. I am almost a complete fucking loner, mentally. I am not going to put more people on the planet and make them think like me so they can look around at the degeneracy and have people give them a hard time too. It's not happening. Go kill yourself, Poland. I can go on and on about this, but I know better than you what is right and wrong for me.
How about it?
You don't enjoy living here
You don't want to change it to become enjoyable to you
Why won't you kill yourself?
Why you want me to kill myself, if I want to change this world to become better and more enjoyable in a long run?
Do you seek company to commit your suicide?
It means saving our people holy shit
Why not get raped by a frog?
Our Founding Fathers understood that giving women political power was the beginning of the end for any empire.
We have failed to learn the lessons of history.
I now understand why Brits beat up you people and murder you in the streets. It's totally justifiable now.
I am being realistic and seeing the world for what it is, you are responding with hysteria and empty platitudes. Cred Forums is an echo chamber. You are just pretending to have infinite stamina/determination on here. It's all an act. The real world is diametrically opposed to what I want, and people like you are delusional frauds that want me to waste my life away struggling when it's pointless anyway.
>Know someone who acted like this
>Complete with x/y/z pronouns
>She's at uni so OBVIOUSLY she's always been a lesbian and only just found it out now
>"Wow, you're just a typical straight white male, user. Fucking patriarchy oppressing me!"
>Skip forward a year
>No longer at uni
>Has a bf
>Isn't a complete retard (still slightly retarded on some thing, but it's a woman what do you really expect?)
It was so bizarre, it was like watching someone be temporarily braindead.
That doesn't convince me. I'd make a shit dad anyway.
Just end your life then you nihilistic cunt
You will one day with more years of experience. Don't end up dying sad and alone. There's nothing more fulfilling than a happy family, as rare as it is.
My sister is like that. Pronouns, purple hair, the works.
I did for a few months. Didn't help me really.
She pooped her pants. Gross..
Thanks doc.
>Drinking red lemonade
>This is the first picture I see when putting the cup to my mouth
Honey mustard
I don't want to end up like my parents arguing all the time. I lack the social skills to get married. Don't have much money or ambition either. Once my parents die I'll probably off myself.
There's still hope. I believe in you to cure her.
Like a ton of pennies. Blood has a lot of iron in it.
Old pennies, fish and blood.
>life before tampons
Probably not that bad. I sometimes wad up paper towels (better than toilet paper or napkins) when I don't have a pad with me. I imagine it was different in prehistory, when cloth had yet to be invented.
Fucking kill me.
You can improve yourself man, I have terrible social skills and basically hikki after smoking too much but you have to believe and allow yourself time to get better
Cunt. You even admit to the other bloke that succeeding is very hard. I am not nihilistic. I just accept that the world is a certain way, and I have no fucking pull, power or influence to change it. Why is this so controversial here? Don't you people hate delusional fucks that think they can win at everything? It took me a while to accept reality. It still sucks, but that's life.
34. There is porn of it. No exceptions.
Jesus fucking christ, how can she even live with the smell? The smell of period is one of the worst smells there is, especially if the blood has been drying fir hours in the pad or in this case, clothes. Fuck this shit.
It's supposed to be hard. Just because it's hard it doesn't mean you should take the easy route and live miserable. Taking the hard route means better rewards. Life is about a struggle and it always has been. If you can't handle that just start taking female hormones and call yourself a woman.
> I am not going to put more people on the planet and make them think like me
>I am being realistic and seeing the world for what it is, you are responding with hysteria and empty platitudes
>The real world is diametrically opposed to what I want, and people like you are delusional frauds that want me to waste my life away struggling when it's pointless anyway.
Why then you are struggling to make a point to make me think like you do? What would that change? Is that realistic?
What's the point?
It smells like a disgusting mix of rotten eggs, used diapers, and rotten meat. One could even argue that the smell is distinct and can't really be described, but It is really, really gross.
t. a guy who had to clean the women's bathroom every night.
why were you cleaning womens bathrooms ?
I'm doing CBT soon I think. Idk if it'll help. Still not sure what to do. The future terrifies me. I'm too far behind.
So I assume women just used to bleed everywhere? Wonder how our ancestors viewed it lel
I've heard that's pretty good, thinking about doing it myself. Good luck to you mate.
obviously you idiots don't understand the inconvenience of tampons. why don't you stick something up your pussy every hour and a half just because you don't want to gross someone out
Women rarely associated with men outside of the home so I doubt they saw it very often.
I was a janitor.
They sat on a rag. Hence the phrase "on the rag."
I mean in hunter gatherer societies, tribes etc. Can't really avoid it there.
68. Katy is bi, so deal w/it.
Thanks. I haven't given up all hope.
all the women these days act like shitty female anime protagonists from the late 90's they are:
>wear super revealing clothing
>weird colored hair
She's preparing for collapse when tampons won't be available anymore