You literally can't make this shit up, Sweden never disappoints.
>Leaders of the Church of Sweden, the official government-endorsed religious body, say that wearing a cross necklace is “un-Christian, and that God has a pro-immigration and open-borders philosophy."
>By the way, they insist, homosexuals should be low-key so they don’t “provoke” Muslims.
>The stunning positions taken by the Swedish church group were uncovered by Nima Gholam Ali Pour, who warns in a report for the Gatestone Institute International Policy Council, that the nation is very close to having a “new religion.”
>"In Swedish Christianity, Jesus has been reduced from being the son of God, to an activist fighting for multiculturalism and open borders. According to Archbishop Antje Jackelén of the Church of Sweden, Jesus has clear political positions on both migration and integration policies,”.
>"The leadership of the Church of Sweden no longer wants to lead a Christian community; they want to lead a general ethical association for humanistic values,”
How are swedish people not hanging these people from the lightposts?
This is blatant treason
Jaxon Martin
Thats what you get when the church receives government money
Aiden Cook
too pussy to do anything.
Colton Martinez
This has to be BS, I refuse to believe that these opinions exist in this time and place
Noah Davis
It's idolatrous as it violates the 3rd commandment Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth: 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God [am] a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation] of them that hate me; 6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. >Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image >Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image >Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image
Zachary Mitchell
>Only threat is prison >Swede prisons are like 5* hotels >Literally nothing to lose and everything to gain >Still do nothing
Part of me likes to pretend that Sweden isn't lost.
Josiah Roberts
That makes me uncomfortable. They are destroying the true christian traditions and giving space to the mudshits. What the fuck happened to the viking and shieeet?
Brody Flores
So there is still something below what current pope does.
But soon i thing catholics will reach that level too.
Asher Reed
Well, the younger generaiton is either cucked or extremely uncucked, I've heard a lot of people talk about stoning feminists
Julian Cox
Kill left scum without remorse!
Joseph Morris
But that's backwards thinking, no? Shouldn't they be progressive and allow everyone to express themselves and their culture equally? Dem double standards Sven.
Asher Parker
>I've heard a lot of people talk about stoning feminists Those kids are muslims.
Colton Clark
no, muslims don't give a fuck about feminists in sweden
Jaxon White
>extremely uncucked
This will happen eventually it just depends on whether or not it'll be too late. All younger generations rebel against older generations, every generation gets slightly more degenerate than the last, until things are so degenerate they rebel by going in the complete opposite direction and go full traditionalist.
Wyatt Harris
Actually Muslims are fucking feminists in Sweden
Henry Bell
Imo the only way for it not to be too late would be if it keeps getting worse so people become less cucked and militant
Gavin Lopez
otherwise the indoctrination will just sink in and we will become like usa (60%)
Michael Rivera
That is what's going to happen. How long can you beat a dog before it rips your face off?
Charles Long
After the murder of the French priest by the ISIS terrorist, the Swedish curch wouldnt bring out a statment, they eventually came out with something pc-shit that meant nothing and as a reaction of that a group started on facebook called "MittKors" which means "My Cross" In this group people were encouraged to take pictures of themselves wearing their cross as a sign of solidarity for christians all over the world who are being persecuted and killed. It wasnt any political group behind it or anything like that, it was 3 female priests who started the group and people started joining it and taking pictures of very diffrent kind of crosses. How did the Swedish Church react to this? By calling the group suspicous and "fishing in murky waters", bascially a phrase used when they referr to people who are talking like racist and far-right people.
After that i sent in my papers to leave the Swedish Church
tl.dr Swedish Church are cucks who dont like crosses, so i left them
Jace Campbell
>Jesus has turned from the Son of God to an activist fighting for multiculturalism.
Worst superhero ever
Charles Baker
>Jesus has clear political positions on both migration and integration policies Muh fairy tales! This is not canon reeeeeeeeee
Colton Campbell
Why didn't you stay Catholic?
Adam Flores
>By the way, they insist, homosexuals should be low-key so they don’t “provoke” Muslims. The level of cognitive dissonance is strong with Swedish
Matthew Brown
a Captain Sweden of sorts
Owen Wright
>i sent in my papers to leave the Swedish Church It's like a club that you sign up for?
>Leaders of the Church of Sweden >a cross across from what?
Benjamin Sanchez
>bishop >her
White Western women are going to be our downfall, based Japanese and South Korean girls are the only ones worth going for.
Jack Butler
because they're swedish, my favela-dwelling monkey friend
Brody Clark
You have to send in papers to leave your church?
Christian Wright
You dont know what it means to be a member of a congregation?
Yeah a public display just doesnt cut it anymore
Joseph Phillips
The snowball effect now in full force in Sweden
Alexander Flores
>and that God has a pro-immigration and open-borders philosophy." WEW LADS! You cant make this shit up!
Gabriel Martin
They've always been like this. Remember, the Visigoths who the Swedes have long attempted to claim as their ancestors invited Muslims into Iberia and then converted en masse to Islam. Nothing has changed.
Andrew Perez
nigger, visigoths are not anyone's ancestors swedes is the oldest germanic group
Aiden Gonzalez
>government-endorsed religious body what are you soviet russia?
Aaron Bailey
>The Spanish and Swedish claims of Gothic origins led to a clash at the Council of Basel in 1434. Before the assembled cardinals and delegations could engage in theological discussion, they had to decide how to sit during the proceedings. The delegations from the more prominent nations argued that they should sit closest to the Pope, and there were also disputes over who was to have the finest chairs and who was to have their chairs on mats. In some cases, they compromised so that some would have half a chair leg on the rim of a mat. In this conflict, Nicolaus Ragvaldi, bishop of the Diocese of Växjö, claimed that the Swedes were the descendants of the great Goths, and that the people of Västergötland (Westrogothia in Latin) were the Visigoths and the people of Östergötland (Ostrogothia in Latin) were the Ostrogoths. The Spanish delegation retorted that it was only the lazy and unenterprising Goths who had remained in Sweden, whereas the heroic Goths had left Sweden, invaded the Roman empire and settled in Spain.[42]
Flags will be removed alltogether because they are racist.
Cooper Richardson
>You have to send in papers to leave your church? Yes. Everyone born before 1996 is born into the Swedish Church, and is forced by law to pay 1% of their income to the church. You have one opportunity a year (end of October) to leave the church by sending a paper to your local congregation.
Carson Long
What are you a Cathar?
>Matthew 19:17-19
17 “Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.”
18 “Which ones?” he inquired.
Jesus replied, “‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, 19 honor your father and mother,’ and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.'”
Justin Sanders
enlighten me then. You were supposed to be secular country, but the fear of communism made you add religious traditions/symbolism