Remember most American Muslims are Peaceful

Please don't let the recent attack by extremists cloud your judgement.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck Muslims they can all go to hell!

muslims need to leave earth asap

Thank you for posting this wonderful thread, verily, there is no God but Allah (swt).

Thank you, salams.

May we all be rewarded.

i dunno you guys have assault pressure cookers

Somebody burned down the shooter's mosque. I think mosque-burning will become a fine tradition of retaliation against muslims' violence (although it'd be safer just to burn them all now).

>Remember most American Muslims are Peaceful

I will, but i'm still going to kill you.


says this while raping your children...

Remember people are getting tired of their loved ones being exploded by the relgion of peace.

But most of them still hold extreme views, because Islam is an inherently extremist religion

Finding anti Muslim threads on Cred Forums is like finding blacks in prisons, so very often and yet so satisfying

>Remember most American Muslims are Peaceful

Nice taqiyya shitskin

The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim. One that's on fire is acceptable as well I suppose as long as they are on fire and no one puts it out.


Fuck the apologetic, Islam is here to stay, you think we're violent now, just you wait, oh my oh my just... you... wait...

You won't see us coming.

Fuck that faggit Muhammad


You really can't be a Mohammedan and not believe in Sharia. It would be like a Christian who doesn't believe in the bible or the ten commandments. Get it through your head. Islam and muslims are at war with the world. They want Islam all over the world. It is a cult that will stop at nothing. Why do you think they are in western countries? To make a better life for themselves? Wake up

Islamic dogs. How did Isis become Isis, from the Koran, who follows the Koran, Muslims. My point Muslims follow the same thing terrorist do, at any moment they can change. So let's get Donald Trump to be the next Hitler and gas all the Muslims. Brw where the fuck is America when u need em, they spend so much on their army and can't just blow Iraq the fuck up. Russia, Puttin don't give a shit. Fuck the innocent. They are most likely to turn Muslim. For the life of some Islamic Christians, we will completely destroy Isis leaders.

They want Islam all over the world, true, but what's a small country compared to America's army?

We need to stop taking their shit and finish it. ERADTICATE THE MUSLIMS

The human race is useless. We create so much conflict, it's sad, we should just live as one, one happy community. But that's impossible, as long as everyone has their own ideas we will never. Until the earth explodes with us on it, the only mankind will be at peace

Why are you so down and upset ?? You live in Australia, the best fucking country on the planet.

Relax, take it easy, start breathing.

Smile. I am a Muslim, I can help you friend.

I do live in Australia, but that doesn't change that of war breaks our lives will change into either a life that survived or a digit that died, condition will be horrific in war, life will be hard. "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” The premise is that WW3 will collapse society back to the stone age." Albert Einstein. It's obvious. Life is useless. So what if I live in Australia, so what if I can afford to live a average lifestyle in Australia, the money we use on entertainment is a waste, we can fix so many things, but our enjoyment comes first. Happiness is nothing more than a chemical reaction. So don't tell me how to live

there's no sharia in the quran and muslims are only required to obey the quran. just think about it, the quran is the word of God written by Muhammad, while the hadith/sharia was the words/acts of Muhammad written by a person, hundreds of years after Muhammad's death. i mean just think about it. sharia shouldn't exist.

Every person has the right to live, doesn't matter how they turn out. But taking someone else's life is plain heartless. Killing people since they don't follow your religion is so childish. Oh no, they ain't listening to me, wah, wah. I'll just force you. It's such a stupid idea. The Koran may have some good things, but sticking to the one point to kill everyone one is like having rules and breaking ever other and following the most stupid one.

You're on the right track friend but you need to further educate yourself on Islam using authentic sources which is Shia Islam.

What would you most like to know about our religion ??

the ISIS killed people not for religious reason. even if they said they do.

Ok, I ain't gonna read the Quran, I am I Catholic, I beat to stick to my religion, at least Catholics don't force people into their religion, we accept the fact others are different and we must RESPECT it. For all those apart of Isis their souls will be tormented in the fires of hell

Hey, you won't get any argument from me about your religion; yours is one of the great religions on this earth. You should read it, everyone should, no harm in doing so, you will definitely learn from it, a person should never cease learning because when they do they become stale and closed minded. Our religion teaches us to not have blind faith, we are to educate ourselves and then choose if we are to stay as Muslims.

But before I go any further, you seriously need to look at what you're saying about ISIS. You've got to learn about how they began and how they function and who they serve.
