I'm not saying I'm Shadman...

I'm not saying I'm Shadman, but if you were to be surprised at a sex pairing that most people ITT wanted and somehow see it show in the comic, what would the pairing be?

Thank you for helping out. Not saying I'm Shadman.

Other urls found in this thread:


as long as jeb is watching in the corner im ok with it

Could you repeat the question?

Huma Abedin obviously

Hillary Clinton First Presidential Candidate Proposing to Abolish U.S. Borders


A Look At One Of Hillary Clinton's Early Scandals


Huma Abedin EXPOSED- Terrorist ties to 9/11 funders


BERNIE BUST: Only 150 turn out at Sanders Ohio stop for Hillary


Google Subverting Election for Hillary


Prominent Latino activist Tony Yapias charged with rape


Forget 3AM Phone Call, Hillary Looks Too Sleepy For A 10PM Call After NYC Bombings


I kind of want a threesome between Trump Clinton and Putin

>implying putin doesnt secretly want trumps dick

Jeb! selfcest!


>saying I'm Shadman
definitely shadman

Jeb is a mess.

seconding this

Monica Lewinsky

Maybe a 3 way with her and Bill.

hillary putin?

This and yeah, Jeb in the corner.

futa loli hill

This pretty much.

I like that shadman found trump's face so repulsive that he decided to keep it off screen altogether.

that leafy face on a tree top kek

There need to be more Secret Service guys.

Loli Hill and Huma please

Oh god this.
My sides would be gone for good.

His face is right there, dumb shill.

Loli Huma, Loli Chelsea Clinton and Hilloli in slutty clothes, whoring at a street corner and then later gangbang at an invite-only fundraiser


this is good too

Can we make Bill an adult and her father? Then he can have a threesome with Lewinski and Hilloli.

You mean like this? Or both Hilloli Clitton and the young Hamas Ab' E Din?

Make it an NTR story about how Bill fucks women while Hillary watches but can't do anything to stop. Then, Hillary uses Bill's popularity to run for office, but it's not working, so she starts prostituting a bit for money. Then have her start doing anything for money, like eating a fat Arab's shit and taking dog cock for Saudi money.

Have her be innocent in the beginning of the story and have her get NTR'd by Bill and then slowly become corrupt and take any stance and do anything for money and votes.

This election in a nutshell. Could even have her get cucked out of the presidency like last election.

For pairings, Bill on the Lolita express, Hillary and Chelsea getting gangbanged and acting like complete whores for Jewish bankers.

>For pairings, Bill on the Lolita express
this too. should definitely bring up bill clintons long and notorious past as a child rapist

hilloli x barron trump

I wanna make her my daughteru

literally this.

More chin references as well

Have Bernie Sanders being raped by those two BLM futa Sheeboons.

I think he meant both lolis.

/x/-File here
You are focusing your energy, sexual energy, the highest and most potent energy known in majik toward a sigil.
This sigil is a young and vibrant hillary. You're pooling energy in mass toward this. In revitalizing Hillary.

This is chaos majik 101 folks!

These bitches

She ookkinda fuckable mature on this photo.

>Hamas Ab E Din

im in fucking tears

Yes totally you are not shadman.


Give her a dick, non-Shadman.

Someone post the new page


Loli hill getting fucked by Michelle Obama.

huma, fucking lol

nice to talk to you you fucking perverted schmuck

Make a dick version pls. Also put a guacabowle somewhere

Monica, shad

For us 90s kids


too late

Young donald trump obviously, + putin
Perhaps some malia obama aswell.
and hey presto you have a unfinished comic not shadman.

some vile shit with her being raped by pepe and forced to eat his shit and piss

Love his twitch stream


You're art sucks Shadman

Holy shit i didn't even think about that
>coz im not fucking autistic


Sounds interesting

im kidding, i agree, energy should not be focused on this

Gotta have it end with Hillary saying anything and doing anything for votes and money. Finally, Hillary is in the biggest gangbang of her life and the Don walks in and says "Hillary, it's over. You don't have to do this anymore." And the Don walks over an picks up a crying Hillary, she looks emancipated, drug-addled, and disease ridden. He says "look what you did to yourself. Come on, it's going to be alright, we're going to Make Hillary Great Again."

Comic ends with a healthy, smiling, pure, divorced, logical consistent, safe Hillary Clinton under a Trump presidency.

Kek this