pedophiles must be shot in the head, starting by juliana robin and all freemansons from brazil.
Andrew Powell
Joiner du chatten kompis?
Dylan Moore
Held og lykke med det hele
Husk at fokusere på muslimerne, det er det folk interesserer sig for.
Juan Bell
Mange takk. Hvordan er gruppefronten i Danmark?
Christian Davis
Pas. Det interessere mig ikke, da vi har en god diskussion næsten hver dag om muslimerne.
Logan Nguyen
You should put the boots to your king, medium style. He's been talking mad shit about you.
Wyatt Gray
Anti-Islamsk innvandring til norden er selvfolgelig en av våre forste prioriteter, uten tvil.
Adrian Ortiz
Much of our respect for our king has gone down the drain with his... recent utterances.
Isaiah Anderson
Hvorfor er det overhovedet nodvendigt med endnu en national gruppe? Snakker medierne i Norge ikke meget om muslimerne og de negative aspekter i deres parallelkultur?
Jason Rodriguez
Har aldri hort om Discord
Levi Perry
is the 'Pan-Scandinavian Movement' still a >thing ?
Brody Richardson
Er bare en browserbasert (dog med et eget program om du foretrekker det) chatside med fokus på sikkerhet og encrypting.
Ikke noe vanskelig å komme seg inn i. Bare bruk linken jeg nevnet, lag en bruker (om det i det hele tatt trengs) og snakk i vei.
Ian Myers
We've already made the Nordic Union, which pretty much only lacks better military cooperation. But Sweden and Denmark are talking about that.
Noah Kelly
but it isn't like a Kalmar Union 2.0, right?
Blake Hughes
The Swedish identitarian youth group "nordisk ungdom" talks a lot about this, and have tried to spread its branches into Norway as well. With little success however. Its present almost exclusively in Sweden.
Pan-Scandinavism isn't a current vision at the time being, but a possibility in the future. As things are now, our nations need to focus on saving themselves, although we most definitely can and will help each other in our struggles.
Ryan Robinson
Det dur pa het en med dur durka derp det my wife gets fucked by shitskin immigrants and I'm too cuck to do anything derp durp det er med
Hudson Gomez
No. But Kalmar was about having a central government, like the US, where we would be downgraded to states.
Now we can become eachothers citizens overnight, and cooperate politically