I think it's fair we do. If it wasn't for their desire of destruction we would be living in a better society
Can we blame the downfall of western society on women?
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Didn't the Bible do that?
Well, duh
Tell women to be useless whiny sluts?
Nah, it's the men who are cucks and let this happen, women were always whores and weak minded, but men always kept them in check. Today's nu-males and cucks are only to blame for this travesty
That was the jews but still it was the women who accepted the task
No, women aren't to blame, but people who brainwashed women
>I think it's fair we do.
Maybe.., but you should also blame the fools who emancipated the plebs who emancipated the women. Change always comes from the top.
it's our fault for letting them think they matter.
Yes, women are to blame for everything that is wrong in the world.
Women is our greatest ally
You can't really blame them. They are as they are.
It's the Jews who have been agitating them and setting them off in the wrong direction.
The female qualities are great and necessary, but they have been hijacked and let loose in a destructive manner
Jews and societal media
Honestly, this famalamadindondundang. Men before knew how to keep whores at bay, but nowadays they're so brain-dead and thirsty for pussy they would do anything the bitches say.
Women and Jews. Women should be grown in vats and used only for pleasuring men. Jews should be exterminated.
Gender segregation due to 3rd wave feminism is to blame.
That's as close to a utopia as you're gonna get on this Earth.
It can't be entirely blamed on women, however.
There are enough wealthy male assholes and a slew of drug slingers and degenerates that willingly followed the drum of the money machine.
It's all part of the kikes endgame.
People don't deserve utopia, they deserve what they have. That's why I have no friends.
Yup 3rd wave is the problem, schlomo
>tfw parents bought into feminism and liberal degeneracy hard as fuck
>let myself get fat because dieting is just fatshaming from the patriarchy
>got redpilled a few months ago at 22 and desperately trying to undo the damage
I want to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
If the men can't control their women, Who is at fault there?
I think it's fair to say that we can blame the destruction of women on western society. In fact, it's not western society at fault; western society has been dead for centuries, and replaced with merchant politics.
Women are proximately responsible, but men gave them power. There is no one to blame for the downfall of the west but white men and until we accept this responsibility there's no hope of saving it.
No. It's the Jews.
It's also the white race's fault for being weak stupid cuckolds
Anyone who says whites are the "master race" should be gassed
No because women didn't give themselves rights
The people who jail the men when they control their women.
Too late faggot. Getting fat permanently alters your body's biology and losing weight is now almsot impossible.
Women cant do anything unless men let them so no. Id say the problem is emasculated men before women.
Frankfurt school and Marxist politics' combined with hyper individualistic consumerist society is to blame. This shit was started by ivory tower ((scholars)).
can you ask your grandfather if he remembers why the jews used women to destroy western society?
pretty much why islam treat their women like the way they do otherwise they will make Miley Cyrus Hijab in 1 week
>They pushed liberal ideologies that don't match reality
>They destroyed family units
>They vote like fucking retards
>They ruined workplaces,
>They pushed for insane regs on everything
>They ruined incentive for men to work hard and have a loving familiy- the odds of that coming to fruition is less then 50% and growing.
>America is fucked. The fall of western society will cause serious harm to all the world.
10/10 answer. The "anti patriarchal/LGBT/Women's Rights" organizations.
>Nah, it's the men who are cucks and let this happen, women were always whores and weak minded, but men always kept them in check. Today's nu-males and cucks are only to blame for this travesty
Men never kept women in check you're delusional
"Hurr me big alpha you beta cuck"
Women have a role in society due to techno-economic change
>I think it's fair we do
>men have all the power in the world
>make all of the decisions
>decide to give women way too much power
>Women literally manipulate men at every level of government
>Men let women walk all over them
>not mens fault
What a bunch of cucks. Why cant you pathetic betas accept the fact that once upon a time men literally controlled everything and you GAVE IT ALL AWAY FOR PUSSY.
It's our own fault as men for getting weak. Letting them vote and have equal rights was our downfall.
A strong nation comes from how well you can control your women.
It jewish WOMEN who have pushed feminism.
They project their anger at paternalistic Judaism onto western gentile culture, which has often provided a degree of equality between the sexes not found in other cultures.
Most of the influential, radical feminists are jewish women
My point is women has the rights men gave them in the XX century.
Even more, in XXI century they are gaining new privileges every year over men.
So you give your hand to a bitch and cry when she bite you?
Yeah I know.
Maybe I'll just dedicate my life to anime instead.
>>They pushed liberal ideologies that don't match reality
Liberalism started properly in the 19th Century when women were tied to the home
>>They destroyed family units
The nuclear family is a shitty degeneration away from the extended family which leaves men isolated from other men
>>They vote like fucking retards
Women voted more rightwing than men in the UK from 1979 to 1993, maybe the same was true elsewhere
>>They ruined workplaces,
True but the technology which brought women into contact with men in the workplace cannot be uninvented
>>They pushed for insane regs on everything
Meme cuckalt-right argument. "Reducing regulations" - boring, hear this every election cycle
>>They ruined incentive for men to work hard and have a loving familiy- the odds of that coming to fruition is less then 50% and growing.
Men aren't loved they're valued
>>America is fucked. The fall of western society will cause serious harm to all the world.
US economy will continue to grow whatever you think, America is hardly "fucked". Go and live in Russia for some perspective.
>men gave them
men or jewish organizations?
>men or jewish organizations?
You do realize the jews are entirely patriarchal and the only ones with power are men right? Men and jews are the same thing
what? have you never heard of the hysterical jewish mother? the rabbi wife's paranoid stereotype?
0/10 for not understanding anything about the Jewish Hierarchy. Almost every single jew with power in the world is a man.
well doesn't mean the jews are not women worshipers. Why are 99% of women feminists jews?
Blaming failure on others only means you've pointed the finger of shame squarely at yourself.
Not only jews, ruler class want their votes, ongs and other lobbies around women has their own interest, and so on.
The decline has to do with a nebulous combination of sin, technology's implications, liberal politics, and ppls unwillingness to do anything to reverse it. #JesusChrist
That chimp in the back is uggly af.
pretty much all women don't feel bad for being the tool the jews use to destroy our society
The women who agitated for prohibition are exactly the same as todays SJWs
They are moralistic… the morality can change 180º but the crusading nature remains the same.
We see the same with Christian churches… a lot of them literally believe the polar opposite of what would have been conventional morality in the exact same church only a generation ago.
There is something in the psychology that needs to feel they are fighting for the good… there is less devotion to actually figuring out what actually IS good.
>Why are 99% of women feminists jews?
Do you even know what a jew is?
Whats the scene of that pic.
In our materialist society nobody gives a fuck about the society itself, much less vapid young women, they want the new Ipod, the new Chad and the new miniskirt.
anyone with a jewish mother or who convert to judaism?
Don't know, Little Caprice fuck a lot.
>the new Chad
You mean Chad Warden?
seriously, agreed 100% with your comment
99% of women are not feminists
99% of women are not jews.
Your claim that literally 99% of women are feminist jews shows how little you know about the world, but considering you live in a 3rd world shit stain your knowledge about women probably comes from Cred Forums and /r9k/
Stop posting
Would put my dick in that mouth desu.
fuck me, i've been looking for that scene for ages.
The leaf's revenge is real.
My grandfather was a jewish soviet war hero who came to israel and started a traditional hard working family with his polish wife.
He also died last week at the age of 95 so fuck you.
How many white people has he killed ?
Considering his wife is not jewish you are not a 100% jew, am I right or wrong?
No, men are the downfall of western society for ALLOWING women to get control.
We are the responsible people. We should have never let this happen but we did.
>Liberalism started properly in the 19th Century when women were tied to the home
mostly incomparable ideologies.
>The nuclear family is a shitty degeneration away from the extended family which leaves men isolated from other men
the family unit is the cornerstone of society home boy. no family, no kids, no husband generating for society, women becoming spinsters with 5 dollar pussy not worthy of shit
>women are dem voters in us
the fucked America I am talking about is not disaster-just a place that is not congruent with traditional American Values. I place I dont want to live. Pandering to shit skins, enormous taxes, death tax, decline in manufacturing because of stupid regs-alot of them being related to having employees-Diverstiy hiring, insane sexual harrasement stuff, payroll taxes, unemployment- having employees is a losing situation.
Have fun with all the Muhammads mate. I don't want to become the shit show the UK is turning into. I like having free speech for starters. Also, fuck royalty. My ancestors killed yours for American sovereignty cuck boy.
Who let it happen? Men. We had the power to stop them at every moment and now it might be too late.
Strong redpill nuke youtube.com
"sexual liberation as form of control"
I think that's what the girls in the forground are laughing about.
Looks like the jews couldn't control their jewry
His wife was jewish and escaped the holocaust. IDK how many people he killed but one of his brothers died in the battle of berlin
>The women who agitated for prohibition are exactly the same as todays SJWs
I agree
The SJW phenomenon has been within humanity since the dawn of time
It's natural for women to seek to make their surroundings more amenable & agreeable to their sensibilities
If women settled for second best we'd still be hairy semi-upright apes
No doubt there were female/feminist excesses in the Roman era which would look very similar to SJW actions today
Cred Forums blames the media/Jews/Frankfurt School/Marxism and it's a load of bullshit, the answer to all this is lies in humanity's archaic nature existing in an advanced world
uncensored jewess
>escaped the holocaust.
fucking nazis!
You want the patriarchy back?
Under extreme conditions male and female roles go back to their natural place.
Look at the gypsies. They are poor, degenerate and liberals. Sure white are superior naturally but I wouldn't be so sure poverty will allow society to be family focused.
No we cannot blame the downfall of society on women alone. Men were the ones that allowed them to have rights and destroy society.
>the family unit is the cornerstone of society home boy. no family, no kids, no husband generating for society, women becoming spinsters with 5 dollar pussy not worthy of shit
It's dying for most men & women because it is *obsolete*
The typewriter didn't vanish because of a Marxist conspiracy, it just didn't make sense versus the personal computer
In the same way, women can earn their own money and delay pregnancy thanks to birth control
Society needs to find a way forward, but resuscitating the decaying corpse of state-licensed marriage is not the answer
>the fucked America I am talking about is not disaster-just a place that is not congruent with traditional American Values. I place I dont want to live. Pandering to shit skins, enormous taxes, death tax, decline in manufacturing because of stupid regs-alot of them being related to having employees-Diverstiy hiring, insane sexual harrasement stuff, payroll taxes, unemployment- having employees is a losing situation.
America is only fucked if you can't adapt. Everything you list is a logical outcome of the modern age, save perhaps the NAFTA outsourcing
>Have fun with all the Muhammads mate. I don't want to become the shit show the UK is turning into. I like having free speech for starters. Also, fuck royalty. My ancestors killed yours for American sovereignty cuck boy.
Have fun with all the Mexicans mate. I don't want to become the shit show the USA is turning into. I like having healthcare for starters. Also, fuck republicanism. My ancestors killed yours for British sovereignty cuck boy.
women have always been weak minded pawns following whatever is trendy and what makes them feel good inside, regardless of the consequences
we still blame jews for dictating what now makes women feel good about themselves, such as defending niggers and rapefugees
What are you talking about? Gypsies are ruled by a dude literally called Patriarch on every Clan.
the women often have sex with men from other families and men with women. The kids learn sexual dancing since early age.
I wouldn't call that patriarchal in any sense of the word
Hmm. Take a trip to London and look at some burkas and tell me men can't control women. That's the one good thing Muslims do.
>the women often have sex with men from other families
Low tier gypsies pimp their wives and daughters
High tier gypsies will kil you if you touch one of their women
>High tier gypsies
do they exist? if so I think they are the minority
>I think it's fair we do.
It's actually mandatory that we do. We're not doing it because we need someone to pin the blame on or something, we're doing it because it's the truth.
The ones in charge of drug dealing have money, they're still subhumans, but don't need to sell their kids for a living.
anyway, the point is that poverty doesn't bring family focused. It could help people realize their only property is their family though
It's a fact, during our last economic crisis the numbers of divorces fell, with economic recuperation they're rising again.
>with economic recuperation they're rising again
So, women who still think they can do better? LOL
"Dedicated soldiers of the sexual revolution"
>Down fall of society is always directly related to how conservative their women are.
Thanks for this, a good listen