This fucking picture makes me believe Hillary no longer wants to be president.
She's being forced to wake up at odd hours of the night she's not used to and forced to give comments about random wackos in the country she literally gives no fucks about and thinks are beneath her.
She's realizing this will be her life for the next 4 to 8 years and she no longer wants it.
This picture makes me believe Hillary is just done and wants this all to be over with. This is her 2nd time running for President and 2nd time losing.
I fear once the Democrats lose office they will then let the economy and its people fall into a massive freefall in a bubble we all know we're currently in - and then blame it all on Trump.
I fear once Trump is in office the media, ALL THE MEDIA, will do daily hit pieces about 'how Trump fucked up today' and disregard any credibility whether it's actually true or not.
She either becomes President, or Chelsea goes to gitmo.
Joshua Rogers
Julian Collins
She's not alive and ok. If you want to know the truth go to this website. just copy and paste and it will take you to a site that will show you EXACTLY what is happening now. Hillary was arrested on 9/11 the Hillary you see at south carolina is a COMPUTER GENERATED IMAGE, cgi, it's what they do in hollywood and what they do when they want you to think planes hit the towers on 9/11. Go to th site and look at the photos.
Asher Davis
where's the video of this?
Thomas Allen
that interview was fucking despicable. she has no passion, and that is why she is losing. she is literally just saying such generic and shitty statements, typical copy and paste politician. disgusting. i cant wait until she does.
Jonathan Lee
They'll try and spin how it's proof that Nationalism is bad just like during brexit.
Lincoln Collins
reminds me of those photos of McCain with the creepy lighting that starting getting posted late in the 2008 election on here
Charles Fisher
I think she's realizing that she won't be president, but she can't back out or quit even though she's sick and tired.
Ayden Adams
> nope. also why would the government arrest her then hide the arrest.
Tyler Lewis
OP I think that picture is just the face of someone who woke up to be told something happened yet again that will help her opponent beat her.
Hudson Turner
Grayson Taylor
>She's being forced to wake up at odd hours of the night she's not used to and forced to give comments about random wackos in the country she literally gives no fucks about
That is exactly what the job she is applying for is. Dumb bitch was never fit for the office if this is her outlook.
Noah Howard
not really scary.
nobody watches the news
Jackson Parker
Nathan Johnson
She is definitely drugged out on something
Jacob Moore
Let this happen, please entertain me
Thomas Jenkins
>one single image of Clinton looking tired mid-interview is enough to change my entire perception of her campaign The worst part about this is that you don't even realize how stupid you sound.
Levi Perez
I personally believe she's running to save her life or families lives. All the money she has taken from foreign governments wasn't for nothing. She has to deliver something. And if she doesn't win there will be hell to pay. I fully expect a huge ramp up in terrorism during Trump's first term as a result of Hillary not being able to deliver what Saudi Arabia and others feel they've paid for. And of course she'll be dead soon, probably with Bill, Chelsea and her family.
She doesn't want to be president, she HAS to be president.
Jack Garcia
Screen cap some shit and post it here.
Luke Allen
did somebody say Dukakis?
or Nixon walking on the beach?
Logan Miller
nice proxy leaf
Evan Allen
the tegretol is making her drowsy
Robert Evans
Liam Morris
Owen Sanders
That's an interesting point burger.
Daniel Bell
Not even close to the same thing, moron. In this picture she's doing what every other candidate does, which is talking to the press. If this lone image of Clinton looking a bit sleepy, of all the fuckups and mishaps that have happened during her campaign, is the thing that changes your view of her intentions, then you're retarded.
Thomas Thomas
Grayson Wood
Remember when it was Trump everyone was saying doesn't even want the presidency? Good times.
Brayden Ward
this is just a still image.
she's still a wicked revenant who wants to be president.
Jace Harris
Youtube link to the interview?
Joseph Baker
She wants it. I don't think she knows why she wants it anymore, but she'll want it until the last light fades from her eyes.
Tyler Howard
All of this has happened before. All of this will happen again.
Hudson Barnes
nobody here is pro hillary unless they are being paid to be here
Caleb Jackson
I actually got hard reading this slowly.
Benjamin Morris
She looks like shit
Most women of her age are slowing down and enjoying retirement, not running the world's superpower
She's delusional
Feminism meets reality, if she had a ball bag she'd have the energy to do all this
Michael Morris
It sort of seemed like she was trying the new Obama approach, where he acts very blase and tired of it all. Like, "come on guys get it together!".
The idea being to emphasize her as 'cool' under pressure I suppose. But it back-fired
Jaxon Roberts
see If you want to frame it this way then use a photo of her collapsing or coughing. Right now you guys just look like idiots.
Levi Wright
We should all tweet this to her.
Elijah Bell
Add that to the giant pile of crimes she's committed that she will have to answer for if Trump wins and she has a hell of a lot of motivation.
Alexander Gonzalez
>She's being forced to wake up at odd hours of the night This interview was at 8:00 pm. The woman is dying
Ian Cruz
The media attacked Reagan everyday for 8 years. Trump can withstand it.
John Gray
how much money would actually be lost if hillary loses the election
This must be numbers that no normie could even write out
Hudson Bennett
If nothing else the (((MSM))) is finally being exposed for what it is worldwide. Any credibility they had has been flushed right down the shitter. For this alone we should vote Trump.
Adrian Harris
This is what happens when you make a deal with Moloch.
Backlash is a bitch, no matter how much fake Karma and humanitarian bullshit you organize. She cannot escape what she is guilty of.
As above, so below.
So she has made a deal below, for great power it comes at a cost.
Joseph Jones
>nobody is pro hillary unless they are being paid to be ftfy
Kevin Morgan
yeah and nixon too
even when Nixon was the one that ended Vietnam war, fucking leftist media was still against him
Gabriel Walker
Recent gallop poll shows the following amount of people believe the media: Democrats: 52% Republicans: 14% Independents: 30%
overall: 32%
No one believes the media anymore.
Blake Evans
Right, this wasn't even the infamous 3am call. No excuse to look that unpresidential during an attack on America.
Parker Miller
lol and then the msm shit on trump for saying condolences , because 'trump was hoping everyone in new york died' ?? this is how fucking retarded the media has become
Daniel Davis
Feels great man
Brody Robinson
this all day every day this. i've been saying the same thing for over a year. at this point if she does get in office within the first 3 months she will sign more executive orders and pardons than any potus in history and then she will resign or die
Ethan Lee
I honestly hope the media keeps ramping up their attacks on Trump. The more outrageous their claims get, the less credible they make themselves in the eyes of the public.
Matthew Wilson
I ain't clicking that shit nigger
Benjamin Perry
Trump has brought so much garbage to light. Not just the media, but so-called conservatives had to take off their masks. He has a knack for flushing out the enemy within.
Brayden Brown
I dont think trump wants it either. Its like that little league south park episode
Christian Nelson
This is different
This time the media are breaking themselves upon the rock that is Trump
He will survive it, bit they wont
Nathaniel Kelly
This was proven to not be her, but a similar looking hag
Jack Thompson
Too spicy.
Cooper Price
>beginning: "I've been briefed on the bombings"
>reporter: "What's your reaction to Trump immediately calling the explosion in NY a bomb?"
Christopher Flores
don't feel bad for, wish for her death
Jordan Morgan
Anthony Evans
That was glorious Thank you user
Joshua Thomas
What pisses me off is they're not. My dad still supports Hillary Clinton and he actually believes that her collapse on 9/11 happened solely because of her non-contagious pneumonia that has been getting passed around her campaign staff. He thinks everything happens the way the news says it did and I've given up on redpilling him.
Parker Cox
Low energy. She definitely isnt ready for the 3am phone call if she cant handle a 10pm commentary. Sad!
Jaxson Lewis
that sleepy eye is fucking weird though
it actually looks like she legitimatly had a stroke
Lincoln Bailey
>if you kill your enimies, they win
Lincoln Harris
That poor reporter that took the photo. He committed suicide by shooting him self in the back of the head, twice, while bound and tied to cement weights. Then he jumped into a river.
Dominic Collins
Where the fuck is the JUST edit? Fucking pol losing its touch.
John Myers
>No Diazapen Dick
Eli Lewis
>I fear once Trump is in office the media, ALL THE MEDIA, will do daily hit pieces about 'how Trump fucked up today' and disregard any credibility whether it's actually true or not.
Kind of like how both sides of the political spectrum have done this since the implementation of free speech?
Aaron Cruz
One side of her face droops more = stroke.
Brandon Rogers
She is being weakened because of her attacks against Kek and his prophet Trump (dbuh) One day Kekism will rule the world with an Iron fist and we will all obey the laws of Kek.
William Diaz
Becoming the president is the only way she can get away with everything she's done at this point
Oliver Bailey
It leads to " - World Class Investigative Truth"
Someone post screencaps. I don't want to risk actually poking around on the site.
Jordan Lewis
Thank you Lao Yang
Daniel Miller
Also I doubt she enjoys getting roasted by Trump daily.
>She doesn't want to be President She doesn't want to be a convict either.
Tyler Bennett
Caleb Baker
Alright I caved.
The website seems safe, but it's batshit crazy-tier.
Brandon Reed
>You guys
She's pretty low energy in that picture. The video is even worse. Her handlers didn't even dope her up before sending her out.
You're kinda the idiot here.
Connor Long
she could have just retired to private life when she quit being secstate. Republicans in Congress would not have press her as hard about benghazi and the email server.
Ethan Walker
It's just a thread on Cred Forums not a thesis paper.
Dominic Martin
I counted 16 uhhhs and ummms in that 1 minute video. Low energy. Also, it's painfully obvious she wasn't even listening to that reporter's question.
Zachary Cox
Can someone please post the gif from last night showing and explaining that Matrix glitch?
Landon Ross
She is turning into George Soros before our eyes.
Kevin Butler
wtf is wrong with her ear, that's not a normal human ear
Evan Bell
>dubs >punching pepe Fucking witnessed and saved user
Jordan Hall
I image when Trump wins the media will act much like they did in Hungary when the right-wing party won after 8 years of left-lib rule. >OMG IT'S BEEN A WEEK SINCE THE ELECTION WHY HAVEN'T THINGS GOTTEN BETTER YET? SEE, THESE RIGHT-WINGERS ARE ALL INCOMPETENT LIARS!
Lincoln Bailey
Landon Gray
this is why the chinese are taking over
Eli Reyes
But if trump or any other decent person had won, she'd go to jail for the emails and murders and pay for play, it just never fucking ends, how the fuck could she possibly get away with that unless a democrat won and pardoned her?
Aaron Reyes
Optical illusion, her hair is making her ear lobe look super long. Her hair is the same color as her skin though which is weird.
Isaac Barnes
Jacob Reed
She's trying really hard to make an "I'm ready for the job!" face but she just looks depressed and sleep deprived.
Jace Reed
Yeah they might have a month of shilling before Trump's AG gathers enough evidence for the arrest warrants.
Luis Rogers
this. this sums it up nicely
Kayden King
I think she's trying to imitate what us humans would consider a solemn expression.
Adrian Gutierrez
Christian Lee
The reason I don't like this bitch is because of how unapologetic she is. Who the hell coughs so much close to a microphone and doesn't even say "excuse me"? Instead this bitch cracks jokes as if she wasn't subjecting thousands of people to her flem.
James Fisher
>implying we haven't been non-stop posting about how she collapsed or all the gunk she spat out since it all first started in early September, if not before Nice try.
Luis Myers
Ia! Ia! Clinlhu Fhtagn!
Parker Powell
52% of democrats. That is pretty low for people repeating their bias and viewpoints.
Jonathan Gray
Before the autists get mad at >She deserved, it not him This pasta is from Hillary's perspective, that's the kind of narcissism and self entitlement she has
Nathaniel Watson
this is copypasta of which may itself be copypasta , but i dont think so
Jose Mitchell
That's the face of a woman who is beginning to accept the fact that she got schlonged again, this time by a reality TV star with a bad combover, despite having the backing of every major media outlet spinning things positively for her and covering for her, and despite the fact that she had an endless flow of cash and endless corrupt connections to support her campaign.
None of it was enough to overcome the happenings. She's the 2010's version of Baghdad Bob. Blunders, misfires, and random happenings going against her narratives proved too much. Nothing to see here, don't mind all of the shit hitting the fan in the background. Ignore my faintings, my coughing spells, the Islamic terrorism, the chaos in the middle east that I caused, the email scandals, the pay to play schemes as secretary of state, and mysterious assassinations of key people who potentially would throw a wrench into my campaign.
It was supposed to be her time. A smooth-talking jack-legged negro stole it from her 8 years ago. Now she's seeing it happen to her again. The presidency is slipping from her grip. She'll be too old and unfit to run again after this cycle. She'll die an angry and bitter death on a hospital bed as she watches the combover man with the prize he didn't deserve to win. She deserved it, not him.
This fate is most suitable for such a lying, murdering, pathological cunt.
Jonathan Cooper
Yikes. She looks like Laci Green.
Brandon Edwards
50% of democrats are berniebros
Nicholas Gomez
most liberals get their "news" from late night satirical comdey talk shows.
i get my news from RT, Al-Jizzera, BBC, AP, Reuters, local network news(not the national networks news), and what ever Cred Forums provides links for.
She should have learned from FDR. America likes their leaders to look strong. Which is why he went to such great lengths to hide his polio and his crippled legs.
Luke Russell
How do you want your campaign ma'am?
Dylan Phillips
Nah, she's just dying.
Brody Bennett
I am surprised when I talk to bros online how bitter they still are. They might say they will vote for her in a poll but I am certain they will be too apathetic to vote on election day.
Tyler Taylor
Ready to crash this plane, no survivors
Isaac Myers
OF course they're bitter. The primary was fucking stolen from them. From the initial reaction you'd think they would be firebombing campaign offices.
Logan Bailey
the frog go to her
Ryan Rogers
I hope this cunt dies in terror and humiliation while filling her panties with shit surrounded by people that are scoffing at her disgraceful exit.
Ayden Hernandez
>This fucking picture makes me believe Hillary no longer wants to be president. She looks like a zombie.
Praise Kek.
Charles Brown
Wasnt she overheard screaming at some donors " he'll see us all hang if he wins.."
Easton Thompson
>this whole thread
Joseph Bell
It's not about her outlook, it's the fact Trump is threatening to prosecute her and she owes a lot of foreign powers a lot of favors still.
Charles James
Wow let me cherry pick a picture where trump looks bad and say he's not interested in being President anymore
Fuck off
Gabriel Lopez
I realize that it was rigged but I think that he would still genuinely lose. Hillary had all the black support.
Hunter Martinez
Kek cucks to the very end
Wyatt Gomez
You cough into your elbow not your palm. Absolute barbarian.
Carson Hall
hahah there we go
Joshua Harris
Fucking Amen. Most of what made me enjoy Trump was how he completely cleaned up all the idiots the Republicans had thrown out.
Christopher Davis
Luis Stewart
For the record Trump never said that, Rudy did.
Luke Murphy
I honestly dont get why people aren't actively fighting the media more. Not hard to turn clickbait into nulled
Lincoln Cruz
Charles Mitchell
Jonathan James
Julian Taylor
Botox forehead?
Her neck looks like a huge foreskin
Tyler Thompson
>mfw internal polls >sick and tired of this
She's aware her popularity doesn't exist beyond the virtual world of msm.
Jose Morales
>not taking the persuasion pill stay weak
James White
Britney, if your foreskin looks anything like hillary clintons neck you need to go to the doctor.
Brandon Thomas
Ayden Evans
Thanks for correcting the record!
Lincoln Gonzalez
Wtf, I hate Trump now
Alexander Anderson
She only had a chance because she is married to Bill, has a D next to her name, and Obama's approval rating is still over 50%.
Take away one of those and Trump would be looking better. Take away two and Trump would be running away with this.
Her whole campaign is being sold as Obama's third term. Much like how Bush Sr ran as Reagan's third.
Aaron Reed
...then do it
Nathan Jackson
Oliver Gutierrez
gj doing keks work m8
Kevin Lee
ok. we await your CTRing memeskills
Christopher Ramirez
Joseph Barnes
Make sure to also get a picture of Trump collapsing, and having an unstoppable coughing fit.
Or can you?
Juan Murphy
Is it even possible to cherry pick a GOOD picture of her from last night's abortion?
Matthew Lopez
hahahahaha fuck
I love scott adams, I see him around town sometimes. Great dude.
Owen Turner
#Sorosleaks sounds like a PSA for incontinence.
Tyler Lopez
she looks likes a heavy glass wearer who just lost them
Henry Robinson
Nathan Foster
Holy shit Laci Green is a jew? I honestly thought she was a goy looking to make some money by pandering to feminists and giving numales an excuse to look at titties without feeling bad. Coincidences everywhere in this bitch.
Dominic Johnson
How YUGE is his mansion?
Colton Stewart
I lol'ed
Wyatt Richardson
That's the face of a woman who is beginning to accept the fact that she got schlonged again, this time by a reality TV star with a bad combover, despite having the backing of every major media outlet spinning things positively for her and covering for her, and despite the fact that she had an endless flow of cash and endless corrupt connections to support her campaign.
None of it was enough to overcome the happenings. She's the 2010's version of Baghdad Bob. Blunders, misfires, and random happenings going against her narratives proved too much. Nothing to see here, don't mind all of the shit hitting the fan in the background. Ignore my faintings, my coughing spells, the Islamic terrorism, the chaos in the middle east that I helped cause, the email scandals, the pay to play schemes as secretary of state, and mysterious deaths of key people who potentially would throw a wrench into my campaign.
It was supposed to be her time. A smooth-talking jack-legged negro stole it from her 8 years ago. Now she's seeing it happen to her again. The presidency is slipping from her grip. She'll be too old and unfit to run again after this cycle. She'll die an angry and bitter death on a hospital bed as she watches the combover man with the prize he didn't deserve to win. She deserved it, not him.
This fate is most suitable for such a lying, corrupt, pathological cunt such as herself. .
David Clark
Do you also have video of him being dragged into the back of a van after collapsing in a gutter?
David Bennett
>Kind of like how both sides of the political spectrum have done this since the implementation of free speech?
The media has nothing to do with free speech. The media's only job function is to report on factual news - that's it.
Reporting news and "free speech" have nothing in common.
As soon as you implement "free speech" you are implementing opinions.
Opinions are not news facts.
Ryder Gomez
double dubs. Hillary confirmed old one.
Ryder Cook
topkek, old crooked illary looks like she's starring in a hostage video every time she's in front of cameras
Anthony Gutierrez
>those eyes
David Powell
Isaac Peterson
Pretty sure she's a mormon.
t. observer of the youtube atheist "community" circa 2006-2010
Jayden Howard
>She's realizing this will be her life for the next 4 to 8 years and she no longer wants it.
Once she's in she can go on vacation.
Nathaniel King
Jason Morales
Bentley Cox
Looks like Hillary is having a pretty ROUGH RIDE
Nicholas Nelson
please post screenshots
Eli Bailey
Your dad is a faggot. Show him this post
Isaiah Reed
Angel Ramirez
Leo Walker
Joseph King
Good luck
Carter Phillips
Christian Scott
Brandon Ward
She don't lie, she don't lie, she don't lie
Eli Gray
Ian Miller
checked and underrated relevance
Alexander Powell
post screen shots
Juan Reyes
Brody Morales
fucking dead woman I bet she is on a zombie ritual (scopolamine)
Owen Parker
Lol ur dad is retarded my dad isn't even White and even he can see that trump is the people's choice.
Jaxon Gonzalez
Looks to me like she was caught off-guard without make-up.
Oliver Sanchez
Well done sir.
Michael Gomez
I've been thinking this too.
What better way to nip the rise of nationalism in the ass than to crash the western economy about 3 years into Trumps first term. They will view it as a just punishment for our bigotry.
Lucas Reed
Not really, it's typical Cred Forums tier stuff But it is really interesting
Austin Robinson
Brody Cruz
Cognitive dissonance is a bitch huh?
Noah Hernandez
Holy shit fuck her. Fake jew.
Kevin Kelly
jesus christ I never actually saw the footage till now
How is the media getting away with just calling that a "spot of pneumonia"? She doesn't even look conscious in the video yet they never posted it once
Jason Richardson
Based Ecclesiastes
Joseph Taylor
Even worse, the media called it a "stumble."
Chase Parker
>daily hit pieces about 'how Trump fucked up today' and disregard any credibility whether it's actually true or not.
Considering they tried to smear him as irrational for claiming it was a bomb during the (pic related) interview right after she told them it was a bomb, hit piece would be an understatement.
These people may literally be mentally unstable.
Blake Robinson
Jesus, she has less energy than Jeb!
Ryan King
I used to work in the law courts here in Australia. I noticed something about the female lawyers\judges, they all seem to genuinely become crazy and basically act as if they have alzheimers or something after a certain age. It's as if males have continuous nervous energy throughout their whole lives, while women simply melt down if they're active anywhere near the level of males for that long.
This is what Hillary reminds me of. Female judges literally walking in and almost sitting on the laps of other judges in the middle of court cases because their minds are that far gone.
Bentley Parker
The irony is that Asuka is actually the doll and it's a huge part of her character how she's projecting that to others, mostly Rei. It's rubbed in your face so much it's amazing how most Asukafags completely miss it too.
Eli Bell
>Non-contagious pneumonia >Passed around by staff
Did you slap him for being a fucking retard?
Asher Russell
It's not even a 3AM phone call.
Jeremiah King
this is usually how presidents look after the second term. tired as shit, ready to get back to the ranch and pull some weeds, do some fishing....if she can barely make it thru the campaign stage, what the fuck will she do if she makes it into office and actually has to do the job??? fuck this gay earth.....
Grayson Sanchez
It's because it's not true and a stupid smear by idiots who care which cartoon girl is better.
Jayden Lee
I know these feels
Jace Hernandez
She needs to be powered up. Women need their rituals to prepare. Hillary probably needs longer than usual to get ready.
Asher Hall
"nigger i dont give fuck....where's my ripple?"
Christian Evans
We aren't paying you for this pathetic shit-tier shilling attempt.
Easton Allen
Her face at 3AM.
Nolan Hughes
>3 AM phone call
Christian Ramirez
Maybe she tried on some gauges to appeal to younger voters.
Jose Gray
they are just reaching so far with their attacks, its pitiful. they look and sound like angry children. i agree, i dont even think most liberals can honestly convince themselves to believe this shit.
Daniel Lee
Nicholas Peterson
Citation needed
Luke Brown
Because they are dishonest and conniving kikes
Brody White
Women belong at home with the kids and taking care of home making. That's just all there is to it.
Jason Young
Jose Garcia
>of all the fuckups and mishaps that have happened during her campaign, is the thing that changes your view of her intentions, then you're retarded.
He reached the tipping point. That's science.
Who's the idiot now?
Justin Perry
Landon Gray
Should I request a cum shop of this, or is that too low?
Jackson Morales
I love seeing that kike Blitzer getting BTFO, got any more?
I love the cuck culture of submission and surrender - this guy actually wrote this article when they still have the better chance of winning.
Camden Taylor
Good analysis,
I cant wait for talk radio tomorrow desu
Gavin Brooks
The record has been corrected
Asher Davis
Nice one, Bong.
Hudson Stewart
They surrender so fucking easily KEK U C K
Owen Allen
The Bernie people are not only permanently pissed about being fucked over, more and more of them are realizing that Trump is the lesser of two evils as more and more proof comes out and exposes her audacious lies and sheer corruption.
Jaxson Hall
Bitch would have faceplanted if they hadn't carried her like a sack of smelly potatoes.
Jaxon Foster
Parker Barnes
>I fear once Trump is in office the media, ALL THE MEDIA, will do daily hit pieces about 'how Trump fucked up today' and disregard any credibility whether it's actually true or not. So everything will stay exactly the same, and even fewer people will trust the media. Not sure what the problem seems to be
Justin Butler
Jaxon Myers
Alexander Gomez
hillary is a synth ausbro
a synth of the nwo
Liam Martin
Elijah Roberts
Am I the only one who'd love to get a bj from her?
Jayden Wright
Why should that rancid piece of shit get a vacation? Her whole life has been a vacation from responsibility and accountability.
I've worked my ass off my entire life. In my entire professional career, I have had two legitimate vacations. 14 years, 2 vacations.
Fuck that bitch. I need a vacation on HER dime, not the other way around.
May the Clintons burn in hell
Christian Brown
Asher Baker
>that picture >my sides
Asher Price
Ryan Evans
i bet 20$ she has cancer and they are drugging her with morphine, she doesn't look good
Easton Reed
wonder how she'll be at the debates, she cant be that out of it on stage, so she'll have to go up sick and sober
Austin Hughes
did someone photoshop her eyes?
Logan James
explain the implications of this
Mason Ward
Henry Clay ran for president several times, but he never gave up until the 8th try.
Aiden Smith
She'll probably be on a cocktail of things just to keep her standing during the debate.
Though from what I hear they're going to segment the debates quite heavily, they'll probably give her alot of resting time between segments..
Grayson Gonzalez
Damn this has been a fast week. Election night will be here before we know it. Honestly I'm very scared of what the Clintons/DNC might be capable of pulling off in spite of her falling support. Here in PA I can't believe that she is still up in the polls. Outside of Philly and Pittsburgh, and probably Scranton/Wilkes-Barre, it's major Trump country.
Sebastian Hernandez
Asher Murphy
It's called being tired user
Xavier Watson
>what the Clintons/DNC might be capable of pulling off
They have massive amounts of money, and Hollywood in their pocket.
Prepare for "We are the world" style pro Hillary idiocy.
Ayden Turner
>8 years
I'm glad they're accepting a second term already
Ryan Watson
nice knowing you, user
Hunter Nelson
The implication of his picture is that men and women are mentally as far apart as women and elephants or elephants and chimps
wow, at this rate theyll probably all be sat round a table
Joshua Morales
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as the US, is in fact, the jews, or as I've taken to calling it, jews plus US.
The US for instance has a central bank that is privately owned by the jews. The central bank prints money and the US borrows it at interest. The US has to ask the jews for money if it wants to do anything. This is one of the main ways the jews control the US.
Russia's economy is largely based on oil so the jews had the US crash the oil market. Russia is currently hurting but still surviving. The jews want to run an oil pipeline through Syria to bypass Russia and crash their economy... to force them under their control like the US is under their control. Iran, China etc etc all of these people are future targets of the jews and why the US calls them "evil" just like how Germany was supposedly "evil" because Hitler wanted to create a new German economy.
[So it should be no surprise at all that the US and Israel back ISIS in Syria, they have no considerations for what is right or wrong, morality. The jew and it’s owned states are consumed with a blind, satanic thirst for money and control.]
That's very basically where we are, the jew controlled world vs the independent world
Grayson Barnes
I kekd
Kayden Fisher
Trump has said that she can sit, but he will stand.
The imagery would destroy her. She cannot afford to sit if he insists on standing.
Easton Smith
Women and elephants can often have a lot in common, especially the feminist breed of women. Same with elephants and chimps. They vote for them same party.
Adam Fisher
Jaxon Campbell
kek. Kikes...always up to no good. I second this--any more of Blitzkike?
Jaxon Martinez
that's demeaning to elephants
Lincoln Perez
thats donkeys and chimps viktor
Adam Foster
Marco Rubio drinking water mid speech pretty much ended his run. Might sound 'stupid' but this is the American public we are talking about. Never was about policies
Chase Barnes
Luis Fisher
It's not uncommon for elderly people who are on drugs that make them woozy to schedule their doses for the night time when they're going to be sleeping anyway
Ryder Clark
>Mfw the paid opponent has so few ways to advocate for their candidate they have to defend low ball attacks to retain any credibility
Jackson Cox
T-that's impossible!
Adrian Sanders
Hahahah, or paying her and want return/results on their investment
Austin Taylor
Thank you, CTR; 0.01 fucks have been deposited into your account.
Jack Allen
>tank rides >beach walks >holding a crying black baby >"there you go again" mid sentence photo
you really miss the precendence of a photo that is seen as embodying the candidate's stature
Eli Hill
fuck man, I thought of that connection a year ago while re-watching the 05-now seasons.
great find, Nig.
Samuel Evans
post the complete set
Kayden Phillips
"Hugh Mungus"
Daniel Richardson
Pepe, what have you done to her?
Michael Barnes
I'm not referring to their mascots, Crandall.
Julian Cook
That's some glorious shitpoting
Aiden Collins
If the media does that then Trump will be unchecked. If the media sheds it's credibility entirely then it will become entirely useless.
Kevin Sullivan
>What we had to do
Alexander Perez
but-but ... redpill should be voluntary and offered only to those asking for it.
Jeremiah Green
Over $1 billion of Wall Street banker's and globalist elite's money.
They are going to come for her head when she loses.
Anthony Perez
I thought it was pasta. Was it OC ?
Julian Stewart
and the best cartoon girl is misato
Juan Parker
why is there no white in his eyes?
Easton Mitchell
i can confirm having to work her entire life probably helped make my mother crazier with age. fuck this world, it needs to be rebuilt.
Jackson Jenkins
Lucas Cruz
Based ching chong
Daniel Harris
That's a rubber mask
Joshua Morris
Colton Hughes
Collapsing in public and getting mad at cartoons is what really fucked her over. It just makes democrats look like humorless crybabies.
Kayden Lopez
Trump doesn't want to be president, he just wants to win. If he did win, he would quit after a month because it would be too much work for him.
Ethan Turner
Julian Green
>Big brain means smarter in completely different animals Using your logic whales are secretly psychic super geniuses who can fold space with their minds.
Elephants and whales have bigger brains mostly because their brains have a larger body to control. Comparing humans to elephants is pants on head retarded. while the chimp comparison is more justified due to similar size it makes the difference seem much less pronounced with males having 3.8 times more neurons and females having 3.2 times more neurons than a chimpanzee.
Your point nor its implications are even wrong but by making retarded comparisons you are weakening your own point.
Zachary Mitchell
pretty sure it was OC from this morning. the Chinaman wrote it