Cred Forums I honestly think Russia,Brazil, India, Germany and Australia will become superpowers in this century.
Current superpowers are China and USA.
Cred Forums I honestly think Russia,Brazil, India, Germany and Australia will become superpowers in this century.
Current superpowers are China and USA.
Russia will eventually die because they dont reproduce
India will collapse because they cant Stop reproducing
Australia does not have enough population to be relevante
Not Australia sorry.
He had our chances. Now it's just degmage control, which doesn't really work either.
None of those countries besides India has the population to be relevant.
India will become a superpower of sorts if they manage to stay together, but they will never be on the level of China.
>,Brazil, India
Superpower by 3.560 just you wait
Germany is the strongest power in Europe and is basically the leading force of the EU.
I can see them being a superpower one day
>five non-white countries will become superpowers
You can't have a superpower without a military, populated by old people and foreigners and missing any resemblance of geopolitical ambition.
Nah leave us alone please.
If we become a "super power" we will have to deal with a shitload of refugees and that will be a bloodbath because we haven't learned the ways of sweden.
>Cred Forums I honestly think Russia,Brazil, India, Germany and Australia
your IQ has to be under 80
You have all the equipment to do so.
It just needs to be executed.
>pic related
"Großdeutsche Lösung" when?
Joke aside, I doubt it will be "germany" in name. We might get to completely controll the EU, if the US pulls out of influencing us for some nebulous reason, but else it will be difficult indeed.
Brazil will never become a superpower, too many niggers.
>and australia
is having sheep a superpower?
You forgot South Tirol and Slovakia, fatty.
As an Australian I can tell you right now that we're not going to be a superpower ever, the government is too incompetent and all too ready to sell our country to whoever wants it, which is China at the moment.
Britain will rise again, we were just a bit strapped for cash after beating the Aryans is all. Now we done left the EU and are decucking we will kick out all the niggers and sandys causing us trouble. And all we need to do is make our Army bigger, it's a fact that at the moment Britain probably has the highest standard to numbers ratio of any Army in the world.
They are slowly imploding m8