Time for a Flag Bearer thread

Time for a Flag Bearer thread.

Other urls found in this thread:



is there one with america and a fucking leaf?





Nice edit to /fit/



This thread is cancer


Is that Margaret Thatcher on /k/'s flagpole?







>Saudis way over Iran

How much of a bluepilled tard one needs to be in order to process such thoughts?


>Brain drain the country
>Better than the richest middle easten country


fyromcucks out

>richest middle easten country

>Caste system
>"stone worship bad, no historic buildings or sites for you, ever" Wahabbism
>Welfare state that somehow still manages to be drowned with impoverished people

Nah, that is just a disaster waiting to happen.




and a furry
can't disagree

someone post the northern england > southern england > londoner one

>Holy Roman Empire



Probably (((Feinstein)))




This one was truthful
not sure it still is


delete this



>america is portrayed as shit
>Texas and the south ubermensch
Make up your mind britbong



What is this? The soldier looks like an imperial guard and the creature looks like one of the insects from starship troopers.


There isn't that much of JIDF these days. Unless they count as SJWs.


Because it's a fucking starship troopers post.

fuck, you beat me to it



Diane Feinstein. Notorious anti-gun hysterical busybody leftist.

Correction: there aren't as many CLAIMS of people being JIDF, because CTR is the new unfalsifiable ad hominem for paranoid people.


Are khazars a thing

>British women
>On par with any of those
Have you met limey women? They're just as ugly as ours only more demanding

scotland better than Ireland

>Commiefornian senator



>Israel doubles as America

How deliciously subversive!

Fuck Ohio



Argentina should be grabbing Chile's flag with his free hand.


turd sandwich?






>the kraut is confused by the site of a food which is not wiener schnitzel or halal kebab

I've seen that fluff in the stores

Is it something worth trying or is it a coronary in the making

peanut butter and fluff sandwich is godtier. but pure sugar so use sparingly.



>American regionalism

so adorable

Work in progress

>Necron masterrace
good man


Strongly agree

>mismatching camouflage

As a michigander can confirm this post is underrated.


allhhu bless kalipha al-izzehehbed

now to fix arms and the necron flag/staff, might need to find some references

underrated post

worst one yet