Sandy Hook Thread?

Thoughts and opinions?

I was having a conversation with a friend about it and I remember her biggest point was that proper autopsies were performed on all the victims by a credible medical examiner giving the detailed causes of death. I could have sworn though that not all of them were properly autopsied, or that they were done on the scene.

That was just what I recalled, could be wrong, but I'm curious what are the most glaring or often cited issues with the even?

Other urls found in this thread:

One bump.

Bump for freedom.

Do you know how bumps work?

Were pictures of the scene ever released?

dead nancy lanza shows up to the candlelight vigil and gives an on TV interview as "anne haddad".

ballsy AF

They dont even look the same

Guess not.

This was the article she used as basis;

>that proper autopsies were performed on all the victims by a credible medical examiner giving the detailed causes of death. I could have sworn though that not all of them were properly autopsied, or that they were done on the scene

There is no way to prove this since no one, not press or citizen has read these autopsies. They passed a special state law that would not allow FOIA requests because it would be "traumatic" for the parents

Anyway watch this it's pretty good

our first paid shill. welcome.

Where were the medical choppers?
Why were the kids pronounced dead at the scene?
Why was there a sign saying everyone must check in?

Just a few questions.

That pic is one of them. If you watch the footage from that time and place it never happened like reported. A cop car was recording it and it shows nothing.

Start vid at 20:20 watch this vid for proof of "anne" being nancy.

wtf I hate Sandy Hoax now

As I recall, wasn't the cop car dash cam inconsistency explained? Something to do with that it's actual filming time didn't match the time indicated which was an error with the cam, and it was later corrected and then the real time changed to match the footage?

Or something like that, I remember the dashcam seeming like great evidence, but then some guy tore it apart and pointed out why it didn't make sense upon first viewing.

Sounds like something you come up with to explain away something. But SH is so full of things like this...

If you watch the vid there's a part about the air pics of the shooter's house, and how police cars or whatever had parked there and made a lot of tracks in the lawn. But it turns out that was the wrong house, that was the neighbour.

Then there's the helicopter footage of people walking in circles when "evacuating", actually walking around the building and back in from the other side, then out again.

It's okay. People with autism have a hard time identifying facial features.

Totally different jaw structure
Totally different chin formation
Totally different nasal structure
Totally different nasal passage shape
Totally different nasal tip structure
Totally different teeth gap

And more but less pronounced different features

dumping what i got








>le autist maymay

you got me! haha

in your opinion, is this SWATter also the father of victim "ben wheeler"?

I remember some people saying that Robbie Parker was Tony Hawk. Autismal as fuck.

There is some sketchy shit about Sandy Hook but taking the crisis actors angle is gonna make you look insane


You CAN bump as OP you stupid fucking retard.

This board is garbage thanks to idiots such as yourself.
