So who won the Russkie "election" ?

So who won the Russkie "election" ?

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Are they dead?

nah, drunk slavs are magical, hard to kill

Bydlo doesn't die

ni unkillable some say so long as their blood alcohol concentration is high enough.

You are weak, westerner. This is a really really tame aftermath of a friday night out

True dat. My friend fell off a building, 5m tall, straight on his head. Crushed his skull and had some minor brain injuries but survived due to the insane amount of booze in him.

Jesus that pace is an bottomless goldmine.

my friend fell of the 5th floor of a building on concrete and he survived, had to learn walking again and stumbles now a bit, not even kidding
apparently he was super lucky
point of the story drugs are bad mkay

`Bog čuva pijane`

an old saying

Election was fair, if disagree you die

>russian election

Well, I walked home from a night out with a broken leg, didn't even notice. Woke up the next day, somewhere around noon, set it straight, went to check it, doc said it was broken but set back properly, gave me a cast and no problem.
Yeah, don't do drugs, do booze

Fucking kek.

Why does the one on the left have a hardon?

As seen from the picture - gravity of the "rodina" won.

dat knife men... LMAO, what a way of life in russia. This can only happen in Russia

daily reminder that slav magic is real

Russia won if it was Putin.

Did they died?

Who won the Russkie election?
Russkies did.

take a wild guess

Look at all those muslims. Wow, Polska, so progressive.

Courtious drunks, at least.


Is that cow ok?

the guy from his pic is just as nigger tier. these people literally beat them self up because muh football team lost, absolute human garbage tier.

Was dis?

Wtf happened?

I just wish they wouldn't use these gay fireworks.

How is that cow still living? It's face is torn up.. Mmm, I guess if you only slice off the face and not the vital organs it'll live.. But without the senses of sight or smell.

I would imagine you would have to feed it thru a tube or something.

Definitely not Russians.

"United Russia", who do you think? T'was known way before the elections started.

I'm more surprised it's not bleeding out. I guess it's brain wasn't affected enough to kill it outright. It's like that webm that shows the guy with his face blown off. He's not dead, but I would guess he's soon to die.

Someone shot the cow in the head with a rifle. I've seen several deer like this. People go for the brain shot and end up taking off the entire lower jaw/tongue. Sometimes they bleed out, sometimes they don't and end up starving to death because eating is now impossible.

wont they mercy kill it?

it was hit by a train desu

>So who "won" the (((((Russkie))))) "election" ?



There's still milk left in it.

Was this a brexit riot?

this is some wild shit, wild east

yeah yeah you are so graft and mighty and we totally care about our gibs hunters. Enjoy your muslim dick, sanctions from germany and plastic, government regulated cutlery


Ivan, Ivan ...

fucking degenerate psheks

>Every winter in Moscow and other major Russian cities, the cold lulls hundreds of people into a slumber from which they never awake. Though killed by the sheer force of nature, few would succumb were it not for two human factors: affinity for alcohol and indifference.

memes aside, slavs die like flies.

>yeah yeah you are so graft and mighty and we totally care about our gibs hunters

Thanks for confirming :)

Is this why cows are sacred in India?

nobody in here answered the question

thanks for nothing


1st - UR, as always.
2nd - Zhirinovsky
3rd - commies

it's a rhetorical question because the elections are blatantly rigged

you're a real payne in my butt

Love how they are walking like they were marching.

I think a train clipped it

Where will you all go when the door shuts?

>work with pole
>over here to save money for a house back home
>he is yokel
>got elbowed in the rib by a lithuanian so i could watch the yokel staring a toaster like it was a living god

2 people stood waiting for toast while this kid just stands there mesmerised, I thought he was going to have an aneurysm when the second one put a sandwich in a bag before placing it in the toaster.

Are things really this bad in poland?

He been huffing gas or what?

that's awesome. how do?

Or so drunk he's got alcohol in his saliva and when he sneezed it aerosolized. Probably was lighting a cigarette or something.

>slav magic

It got hit by a train.

Parnas 0.68%

South African immigrant fag on suicide watch.

There have been headless chickens before, that survive because they have a portion of their brain left.

zhirinovsky threatened to nuke poland and few months later sent a letter asking if we would like to partition ukraine with you, that guy is a batshit craz yjew

>LDPR second place
of all things

well he's not wrong about romania desu

>Bulgaria should annex FYROM
>romanians are clay grabbing gypsies
he's kinda based

I think if i were to ever kill myself it would be getting drunk and freezing myself to death. I heard when the end is near and you start to freeze a warmth covers your body and you slowly slip away into unconscious never to away again.

Zhirinovsky sounds like a reasonable guy
Would consider voting for

Funny thing is, it was probably a lot more democratic than the US election lol

The cheating that is reported now, is very comparable to what was reported during the democratic party's election of Hillary.

>Romania is an artificial state supposedly created by Italian Gypsies
Meme potential?

the people

>your flag

Absolute madman.

He's literally "Cred Forums: the Person"

I heard stories about people falling from 10+ floor and surviving just fine. Not all of them were drunk though.

Only like 30% of the country voted. We don't give a fuck about elections.

United Russia ~74 percent of the parlament seats.


the cuckolding party of Putin. Everybody else on the list was a controlled Kremlin opposition with exception to Parnas. Look how based Putin is
1)he made revision of Holohoax a crime punishable by prison sentence
2)advocating anti-communist cause in WWII will land you in prison
3)pointing out crimes of Red Army will land you in prison
4)inflammation of ethnic and religious hatred will land you in prison. Hate speech laws essentially. Countless nationalists are doing time for this
5)let construction of huge fucking mosques and ordered to give the mosque in Chechen Republic #2 in government sponsored "National Symbols of Russia" election
6)keeps open border policy with Central Asia, Russian citizenship can be bought for 30,000-50,000 rubles. 9 million of fucking illegals in Russia and 12-15 million of Central Asians in Russia overall
7)Called the real nationalists "morons or provocateurs"
8)everything is corrupt beyond belief In a any state related project, at least 80% of budget would be stolen
9)he let 3-5 millions of Chinese and sells out Russian lands to China
1),2),3) - Federal Law 80
4) - paragraph 282 of the Criminal Law
Maksim Marcinkiewicz(jailed twice for "hate speech" alone) and Movement Against Illegal Immigration activists are good example

>According to an investigation by Russkaya Gazeta, about 30 percent of students in Russia will be children of immigrants or guest workers by 2020.
7) Direct Line with President on "Channel 1" 18 Dec 2003
8) countless exposed info by various people (Google RosPil)
>The Interior Ministry has claimed that there are 2 million. Other estimates place the Chinese population at 5 million.

>be Putincuck
>annex Crimea to save it from evil nationalism
>so moslem chechen hill niggers can organise this
>Days of Checen Culture in Crimea
>Russian government plans to open 4 NEW MOSQUES IN CRIMEA
>Russian currency devalued by 117% because of annexation
>quality of life dropped
>but Crimea IS SAVED from nationalism and new mosques soon to be there!

And this including all the "dead souls" and old folk, that goes just because they remember how in soviet times not voting could cause you troubles.

> Russkie "election"
UR 74,7% now

Putin is actually based. Just like Singapore, freedom of speech never trumps respect of authority and religious figures. I used to hate the guy but he knows how the world is really run.

Counted =/= voted. Also, like I always tell, it doesn't matter how much supporters you "actually" have, if non of them will take his ass from a couch to vote for you. And vice versa - you may have a small base, but if they really dedicated you might win in a landslide.

This guy party gets 15% (and no, he is not ultra-nationalist).

United Russia has the leading plurality. Parliamentary elections aren't really something won or lost.

This is good, because Natalya Poklonskaya is running on the United Russia ticket. If she becomes an MP in the Duma that gives her a chance to gain public recognition and set herself up for a successful 2018 presidential run.

People didn't was to vote for Kasyanov, what an incredible surprise.

Worst "opposition" ever.

15% из 225
Ocтaльныe 225 мecт вoт тaк пoкa

>Counted =/= voted
Well, then it barely a quarter of the population.

Looks like they made their harem stand on the sidewalk.

Learn Russian, faggot. "If" they stopped counted now, this would be result.

>are they dead?

Nope, just Russian.

Let me guess - you voted for Pornass, right?

Lee Kuan Yew fought corruption. Putin gives all his friends pieces of the pie. I mean, look at this shit:

>Jesus that pace is an bottomless goldmine.

Пo пapтийным cпиcкaм, гдe y eдpa 50%, oпpeдeляeтcя тoлькo пoлoвинa дyмы. Ocтaльнaя пo oднoмaндaтникaм.
Meньшe нe бyдeт, oднoмaндaтники вытaщили eдpo дo 75%
Пoчти вce пoбeдившиe oднoмaндaтники в дyмy - eдинopocы.
я ливaю

>russia won
Oh well...US will win the next russian election

Nope. I хyй лoжил on elections. And I'm glad to see that the rest of the country have done the same.

That's a good one. Have a vodka vlad.


>Ecли бы пoдcчёт гoлocoв зaвepшилcя пpямo ceйчac, тo бoльшинcтвo мaндaтoв пoлyчилa бы «Eдинaя Poccия»
>Ecли бы
>Дaнныe для диaгpaммы cчитaютcя aвтoмaтичecки в peaльнoм вpeмeни.
>К ним пpибaвляютcя мecтa нa ocнoвe дaнных o лидиpyющих кaндидaтaх-oднoмaндaтникaх в oкpyгaх.

Well, good for country you didn't. Retards shouldn't vote.
>Пo дaнным нa 19 ceнтябpя 1:54 мcк явкa нa выбopaх в цeлoм пo Poccии cocтaвилa 46,8%.

Yeah, that includes regions like Chechnya with 99.99% of votes.

>Ecли бы пoдcчёт гoлocoв зaвepшилcя пpямo ceйчac, тo бoльшинcтвo мaндaтoв пoлyчилa бы«Eдинaя Poccия» — 75,3%

>Well, good for country you didn't.
Why? Maybe I would have voted for UR.

Looks like a lunch break to me.

Did she win? Is she an MP now?

I think Putin won....but i can be wrong, right? : >

Damn, that gif, just fucked my mind. Epic troll, well memed.



Better save than sorry.

That clown. Jesus, Russia has big problems with cadre.
Our own clown didint even get 1 place in sejm.

also 75,6%

вoopyжaйтecь и ждитe пepeвopoтa. Пpи cмeнe влacти, peзкo нaчинaйтe yбивaть нaцмeнoв и кoppyпциoнepoв

I bet most of the country would have voted for UR. They just don't give a fuck.

Who gives a shit? Poland is a non-country

Peвoлюциoнep = пидopac

I think she might be a great President. He actions pre-Crimea shows that she's jew-wise and is sick from Tatars and asiatics.
>She banned main tatar organisation "Mejlis" as soon as she could
>jailed ethnics as much as she could
>(((hired professionals))) tried to kill her, failed and ended up beating her badly, so half of her face now moves weirdly;
>she jailed (((Ruvim Aronov)))
>destroyed murderous jewish-tatar ethnic clan "Bashmaki".

>that much butthrut,
Are oyu immigrant from motherland who is deeply in love with mother russia but has to make capitalist fiflty dollars to life?

She has Emperor portrait instead of Putins(almost all other politicians have his portrait) in her office. And look around, that's how Russian Natioanlist decorate their habitat, monarchist in Russia = Russian ethnic chauvinist and her actions prove that. The only share thing about her is joining "United Russia", but it's probably to get Presidentship on its ticket and purge the party later.

She ordered icon of Imperial General who purged and killed drowes of moslem hill niggers with all their families and helped to purge """native""" kyrgyz from conquered lands to China. She will literally bring them to heel.

Damn that pic.
>from Russija with love
Tough contest for best waifu

You never know. That's why every person (except retards) should vote so not to cry after that it was someone else's fault that his party/candidate didn't make it and not to sperg like

Nikolai was from the German-Russian house of airstocrats which Katharina the Great was part of, right?

Nah, she's is too crazy monarchist-lover. We have enough of them already in the government.
top kek

Everyone else in the establishment = Russian genocide. Either Madam President or Nationalist Revolt. Two options to save Russian race

I have no mouth and I must moo

Is she actually a popular figure within Russia?

God-forsaken anti-Russian anti-Putin commie shills. The Empire protected all of Europe from Islam and you protected you shit-asses for its lifetime. I swear to god I hope you all drown in Zyklon-B I don't care if there's several dozen of you or a million the Red Terror will not rise again.

jesus fucking christ, tone it down a little bit
do all of you samefag at the polls, really? we're so pressed that we counted florida twice and still fucked over the winner

Putin should be a little concerned...

Turnout hovered around 40%—down from 60% in 2011 and the lowest since Russia became an independent country a quarter of a century ago—showing palpable voter apathy, particularly in the country’s biggest cities, Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The bigger question is should the West be concerned? What comes after Putin could be blessing or a curse.

£550 for Russian citizenship? I'd pay that just for the novelty of it.

i think you brits get complimentary polonium and a fruit basket


>Talking with copypaste

I would think a higher turnout would be more indicative of people being satisfied with the current administration whereas large turnout would point to the people wanting change a la Trump/Bernies momentum.

Sorry should say lower turnout

sounds familiar :DDDD

How to Drive Fast on Drugs
While Getting Your
Wing-Wang Squeezed
Not Spill Your Drink
by P.J. O'Rourke

"’s important to be drunk because being drunk keeps your body all loose, and that way, if you have an accident or anything, you’ll sort of roll with the punches and not get banged up so bad. For example, there was this guy I heard about who was really drunk and was driving through the Adirondacks. He got sideswiped by a bus and went head-on into another car, which knocked him off a bridge, and he plummeted 150 feet into a ravine. I mean, it killed him and everything, but if he hadn’t been so drunk and loose, his body probably would have been banged up a lot worse – and you can imagine how much more upset his wife would have been when she went down to the morgue to identify him."

Sorry Kolya.

it'll be bitter from stress hormones tho

mustard gas

UR 75,6% now



how do you punish the 25%? do you just close their newspaper/ tv channel/ webcast like the last 15 years or is there more to it? genuinely curious

I don't think that many people cares about her beyond half-forgoten memes.

Actually around 50%, which isn't normal.

Holy shit, I just got a strong redpill on romania. Thanks, Russkie.

Obviously we will send Communist into Gulag, LDPR into Sakhalin, SR into Canada, and everyone below them into US/EU.

where are other ruaboos? there are normally like 10 in any ru thread. ahem... mh17

>sending them to canada
genius. 5-d chess, fuck me

>Single-member district

its a benis. i dunno whos ass it goes in but its a benis

>frequency of posting changes the accuracy of the information
Go around Moscow metro stations Belorusskaya or Novoslobodskaya. There are paid promoters on the streets of two biggest "law firms" in that citizenship selling business. They promote it as a "help with documents"("пoмoщь c дoкyмeнтaми"). Or call this number(pic related) third biggest firm

To a degree. A few percentage points down is one thing in a situation as you described, 20% in that short a timeframe indicates a lack of candidate choice or concerns of election legitimacy. Low oil prices, inflation, high interest rates and the sanctions have pissed off a lot of rank and file in this resource economy.

Post more russian retards webms please. I'm depressed right now, need a relief

i wonder what it's like being that dude with 1 chair
>if i of not going to work do you wonder if no one will being notice?

If i ever end up in Moscow i'll give it a whirl.

All your parties suck until you nuke Moscow.

Are these guys for real?


Я их вceх хoчy пoвecить

It doesn't work like that.

Top kek

>pic related

Not a Russian speaker, could you provide translation?
I saw some of their posters on RT and looked for others in the internet. just wtf

75,3% now

He's his relative and a leader of the Russian biggest organised NS brigade
Гoтoвь aнyc KGB IDET

i can understand the tits, but why the big belly ? that's weird as fuck.

>after a few bottles of vodka

Kek that western weakling is funny.

>human garbage

At least they defend Poland against the shitskin scum.

reverse googled your pic, this is the only place it appears:
it's from September, 2014, when crimea was barely "annexed". do you think they organized everything in just a couple of months?

they also had an estonian culture day

damn putin getting cucked by the eesti, am i right

united russia

all hail MP natalia