Why the fuck would people actually support a racist like Donald Trump when he is exactly doing what Hitler did?

Why the fuck would people actually support a racist like Donald Trump when he is exactly doing what Hitler did?

Why did we not learn from history?

Oh it's just white Americans because of their education xD

Other urls found in this thread:


Because he is doing exactly what Hitler did.

Bad b8 m8 0/8

read mein kampf, trump is nothing like hitler

Because Hitler was right

I can't tell if ctr is this bad at shilling or if Cred Forums is mocking ctr


wtf i hate trump now

ctr is really this bad.


You don't even get paid for this shit, do you?


Trump is a zionist shill and probably the least racist candiate. That's why I'm with her.


> he is exactly doing what Hitler did
German education, everyone.
We is engineers

Hillary will do anything she's paid to do.

wtf I hate Trump now

Oy vey, im scared. What if Trump is Hitler?

>Why the fuck would people actually support a racist like Donald Trump when he is exactly doing what Hitler did?

I think a lot of americans are like me, in that they'd really like to try invading Poland just once in their lifetime.

I like being racist! It protects me from muslim scum who wipe their ass with their hand!

> implying what Hitler did wad wrong.

Could you imagine?

> Literally "like" hitler
> Hasn't even attempted an armed coup on the White House
> Doesn't even intimidate voters into voting for him
> Isn't fighting against a puppet government and communists

America would turn to shit

>Trump is a zionist shill and probably the least racist candiate. That's why I'm with her.

Your not voting for shit you greasy dago fuck.

It would be terrible.

Literal hell on earth

I can't even

Wow so problematic



That little girl is asking for rape.

This thread triggered me, can you even imagine?

>at least half of the men in these photos would be killed on the battlefield
>at least half of the women in these photos would be raped by bolsheviks
>the german people would never again reach this level of social harmony
>the german people would never again recover from the spiritual death of 1945

I mean just think of the children

They wouldn't even get to experience a LGBT parade.

Never feel love in their hearts.

>Because he is doing exactly what Hitler did.

how was hitler a fucking kike like trump faggot


Look at those poor souls. The emptiness in their hearts.

They would never experience the joy of multiculturalism.

>1 post by this ID

Poor little nazi bastards.

Idiot detected.

85% of all Germans think like OP, that's why this country is turning into a hellhole all over again. pls have mercy and nuke us already


We must save the world from problematic people like this guy here.

This, met some old friends that i haven't seen for a while which are all sandnigger cock loving cucks. All fucking unviersity students.

This country is finished.

Never give up hope user.


t. achmed



>white girl in the middle
Wow this picture is fucking racist

The world is not EUROCENTRIC people!

Hitler actually was part jewish

It's like the world revolves around this girl.

I mean, this girl is literally Hitler.

If Israel existed like it does now, Hitler would be a total zionist

If they can fake the holocaust & 9/11 they can fake that too.

Many supposed Hitler written documents have been proven false.

Trump may hang around with Jews for most of his life, Clinton just pays them.

I would never take anything of the official narrative at face value.

>Comparing Trump with Hitler
You must be turk or a faggot, or a turk faggot.

The election really doesn't matter, what has to change is the people.

How do we achieve this? If one nationalist group arises in Europe & gets elected, and has as primary goal to replace the Jewish federal reserve, this will cause a trigger affect, and eventually all countries will demand it. The people will demand it.

As they lose power, people will respect the elites less, they lose influence and before long the empire will crumble.

Presidents can be assassinated. (JFK cough* cough*) Nationalist movements can't.


xD xD xD xD whatta fuck man i literally pee my pant



found the shlomo

Russia sure love it when their Jew emperor kills 66 million of their own population systematically.


> le daily kraut b8

Gulag 2.0 When?

can you actually quote (in context) any racist statement from Mr. Trump?


Not a racist... He is literally reaching out to all Americans... committed to liberty and justice for all... Not going along with the establishment, liberal narratives, current administration policies, and the globalist agenda, doesn't make you racist...


Time to pack my bags and gogo to USA

A German that doesn't like Hitler. My god it's happening.


Change donald drumpf to obama and you are right.


Even your techno propaganda sucks compared to ours.

not sure if you have been paying attention ahmed but the left is actively blaming white people for all their problems even when they are white

its racist. the dictonarys definition of racism is not the liberal definition of it just as hero, courage and strong are not in line with what you find in a dictionary when liberals talk of these things

How can Mother Russia even compare?


mmmmmmhhh jews tears mmmmmmh fuck

he looks jewish

Do Jews with straight hair even exist?

Pretty sure they don't.

Putin on Auschwitz youtube.com/watch?v=OG3PnQ3tgzY


Stupid Americans are going to cause WW3 if he wins

What a waste of trips.

Hitler did nothing wrong





why would actually someone vote for permanently lying criminal, with the blood of multiple people on her raping children when she isnt busy sacrificing them to their lord and savior moloch/lucifer (i wish i was making that up)

Kek shall lead us through the chaos which will engulf the world and devour the owls, freeing us from the shackles of the false order put upon us and this world by the kin of moloch

USA actually has the power to do what Hitler wanted to do. It's going to be wonderful.

>able to eliminate jews
>when usa is controlled by the invisible jews that no one can get to

Hitler didn't want to eliminate the Jews, he wanted to have a nation for his people.

Wait a minute.

When did Trump become a failed artist, serve in the military, and get arrested for a failed coup?

Hey assholes, can you please fuck off to reddit/stormfront already?

You give this board a bad name. "Le hitler did nothing wrong XD" was only used by teens that just got on the website to try and act edgy and about as funny as the shrek meme. Faggots like you and David Duke that cling onto Trump's campaign like a flea with your autistic racist ambitions can't take a hint of when you are unwanted. Seriously fuck off already

Also OP is a faggot



There is no defense dumb kike

The Golden Dawn is inevitable.

There is nothing you can do.

I've seen this argument everywhere. "How can you support LITERALLY Hitler!!!!111"

He's fucking not.

It's almost like it's not supposed to be funny.

You can't even understand it.

The ones who started it understood the world in a manner you never will.

It is already over.

We are learning from history OP.

A vote for Hillary is a vote for Merkeling America.

Enjoy some globalist red pills OP.







> Americans and their education
Their education didn't teach them the full truth about the holocaust and now they're using their brains and questioning the lies they are perceiving

What's your point, halalkraut?

Did you drop your fedora?

Only ones who ever take it seriously are Cred Forums edgelords

>Did we not learn from history?
If we learned from history we wouldn't be in the problem we are in today.

>Rome faced the same issues with migrants then as we do today.
>Rome had the same issue of how much free shit should be given to the people.
>World War 1 showed us why government-owned schools are bad.
>World War 2 showed us that we are the bad guys.

No Cred Forumstards are the ones who think it's just a meme.

Wait, Trump engineered a false flag and had the congress burnt?
Did he brokered a deal with the electoral college to be appointed president after?

Ignore the OP, most Germans have no understanding of the history of last century.

What about Obalf Niggler?

Isn't he doing the same thing?

What's this Congressional Black Caucus bullshit?

Can you imagine a White President speaking to a Congressional White Caucus? How is this ok?

holy shit FBPB

How autistic do you have to be to actually believe that the extermination of 6 million innocent people is justified?

People see it as a meme,because that's all it is. A joke. An idea that would never make sense no matter how many times you turn it around. Supporting one of the most unethical, tragic, evil events in human history has always and will always be unacceptable by every standard and rightfully so.

If you actually believe something like that should happen again or is in any way good for the human race then you need to be examined at a mental hospital and eventually taken out back and dealt with like Old Yeller.

I don't, the extermination thing didn't happen.

He did one thing wrong... he didn't get rid of ALL of them...

Because he like racism and Hitler ? By the way we would like to see people like you dead, so it's a win win situation.

Get the fuck out of Germany Mehmet, turkcroach don't belong to Europe.

Prove it.

Also I notice you didn't say 11 million like the actual official numbers say, because you are a kike shill possibly. Oy vey muh 6 gorillian. Fuck off.

inb4 (((coincidence)))

You sound like Cher making no sense about Donald being racist because of the use of Pepe. You will come to know the power Pepe padawan.


M8, university students are a minority in Germany... Only a minority in Germany got the Abitur.


literally why I'm voting for him

(jk it's his 91 talks to congress)


(citation needed)

>Obalf Niggler
this doesn't even make any sense. there's no punchline. it's just a halfhearted "lol stupid name + variation of the word nigger"

How brainwashed do you have to be to actually believe that the extermination of 6 million innocent people happened?

People see it as a meme, because that's all it is. A justification to take land in the middle east and collect welfare from post-WW2 Germany, depriving the original inhabitants of those places of their wealth, while securing positions in government, banking, and the media to further deprive the people of their wealth and control the narrative. An idea that would never make sense no matter how many times you turn it around. Supporting one of the most unethical, tragic, evil events in human history has always and will always be unacceptable by every standard and rightfully so.

If you actually believe something like that happened then you need to be examined at a mental hospital and eventually taken out back and dealt with like Old Yeller.


>muh steak salesman is exactly like a 1930s german chancellor meme

Love this meme

Btw, Germany died in 1945. Good riddance eternal kruat.

There's a cycle to these things.

First CTR rolls in, completely oblivious to the way people discuss things here and are obvious as a fart in church.

So the lurk awhile, soaking up the culture.

Then the start to question what they've always "known."

Eventually Cred Forums turns them.

Then a new batch of CTR shows up.

Guys, remember the
>1 P O S T B Y T H I S I D

>when he is exactly doing what Hitler did?
making their country so great that other countries get jealous and declare war to then?

Freedom of speech friend. :^)

Besides, what are you gonna do about it mister internet tough guy? Cyber bullying isn't welcome here.