>not driving one of the most reliable and capable vehicles ever made >not spending your weekends upgrading it or getting as far into the woods as you possibly can >not being able to live entirely out of your vehicle in remote areas during the habbening wew
i already did with the op pic thats a nice truck too tho mirin
Jason Richardson
Your car is shit. Get on my level fag.
Also, this exact model was my first car. Gave £400 then it emptied my pockets every time I got in it. (vid related.) youtube.com/watch?v=5NEskpWsMkI
Ian Cook
I don't have a car at the moment, but I was always fond of those ugly Datsun cars from the '70s. They were the easiest cars to work on and were the most reliable cars on the road for the same reason: everything under the hood was so simple and basic there wasn't much that could go wrong. Today's cars all look the same and require computer technicians for the simplest maintenance.
Mason Collins
Nice. The wife has one and I have a Tacoma. These fuckers will go places half tons can't.
Jose Jones
I have a 1971 Ford Bronco.
John Walker
>2016 >not driving a MK 1 Pepe Shitposter
Christopher Martin
And the rest of the Ford gang.
Nathaniel White
>its exhaust leaves a trail of shit and piss behind
Ethan Reed
I take trains and bike.
Fuck cagers.
Kayden Nelson
"B-b-bread?" No, fuck off.
Ian Barnes
>falling for a gasoline jew God gave you legs for what purpose?
Evan Lewis
old school broncos are cool but FJ40 still beats it
Christian Murphy
mercedes sl500 from the 90's.
Thomas Barnes
WHy are euro cars so fucking ugly?
Nolan Turner
Oliver Perez
shit i meant s500 not sl
Gavin Brooks
2003 Prius Decent gas mileage still. No pickup, not compfy and repairs cost an arm and a leg. Looking to trade up and out soon. Not sure what to get though since I drive about 200 miles give or take a week.
Mason Hill
Juan Morales
I drive a 2014 ford fusion SE. I'm 6'5" and as far as 4dr sedans go, it's by far the most comfy for me. It's a great car.
Henry Richardson
Jack Butler
Asher Baker
2015 BMW m3 fullbolt ons 2016 Volvo XC90
Gabriel Gray
what year is your tacoma? i love the pre '95 mini trucks but the tacoma is pretty based
>living in an inner city no thanks jamal
>im incredibly poor that must suck user
Ryder Hughes
Looking at the Dacia Sandero.
Renault engine in it and has everything you need for a car, 4 seats and a steering wheel.
Jose Morgan
Built before Sweden became a nation of cucks
Not unusual to go over a million miles on original internals, can make 300+hp on original engine internals just fine.
Ryder Green
I'm a 6'4" chef at Wendy's with a 9 inch cock making over $130,000 per year.
I get a new corvette every 2 years
Christopher Brown
Jeremiah Roberts
I don't drive.
Isaac Lopez
Now this looks like fun.
Henry Garcia
you can get something used with all the basic necessities for the price of a base model sandero.
Jonathan Gomez
>driving the motorized jew good goy
Levi Baker
here have this awful picture of my baby in last year's blizzard
'00 4runner 3.4l
Grayson Walker
13 Mustang GT, fun for road trips.
Jacob Peterson
BMW 3rd series. Still a virgin at 22. FeelsBadMan.
John Butler
i like the double stack
Josiah Ward
>calls himself a nationalist >buys a jap car
Shadilay to you
Nicholas Price
1st gen Mazda Miata and Suzuki GS500.
They just werk.
Hudson Lopez
78 FJ40 86 FJ60 and 07 FJC
Bentley Nelson
Asher Campbell
Was it difficult telling your father you're a homosexual?
it's a good little truck that's been easy to work on.
Aaron Howard
Buying a car that costs more than you make in a year... Top KEK
Matthew Stewart
>IFS >flex
pick one
Cameron Lee
Sebastian Hughes
Here's mine
Asher Clark
>I'm a cuck
E46 M3 master race
Kevin Turner
But it is used and i also have to waste time to look for a decent car which has not been fucked over by the previous owner, plus warranty is shorter.
I could get a brand new Sandero with 5 years warranty to begin with.
Nathan Carter
Looks like we're coasting in a /p/o/l/ thread
2002 Nissan Sentra checking in, it does its job fine and can last a really long time if I keep up with taking care of it.
>cagers REEEEEEE /n/ pls go
In my case it was inherited from parents and I cannot afford a new one.
Michael Gutierrez
Also have my 2008 G8 GT. Manufactured in Australia by Holden and imported to the US as a Pontiac.
Brandon Barnes
2015 Hyundai Sonata
Jose Scott
Logan Mitchell
For an old ass gen 1 hybrid, yes. A few years ago I had to replace one of its systems that basically controlled how the whole car functioned and it cost almost as much as a new trani. Also it can only have special tires.
I can't do any maintenance either because I don't want to be shocked to death.
Toyota makes great cars, and its been a hell of a trooper, but I need to move on.
Ryan Clark
>1st gen Mazda Miata Same senpai
Nicholas Davis
Second gen XJ's are kinda ghey bro first gen 91-95 is best gen
Owen White
if not b8, autism. all of you are degenerates.
Levi Jackson
2016 gmc sierra
Shes a good girl so far
Julian Fisher
>falling for the gasjew >not walking or biking
Tyler Long
>tfw I own three cars >tfw they're all euroboxes with the fastest being a 2.2L BMW
I would literally murder people for an American car, especially a truck. All I want from life is a farm in Montana and a F350 long bed crewcab from the 80s
Nolan Rogers
>not wanting an american pickup that a fat fuck was shot to death in nigger are you straight-fuck'n gay?
Sebastian Hall
It's coming in five weeks
Brody Watson
>Leaf springs
Carson Fisher
enjoy your third world piece of shit that isn't very cheap when you get ac or an auto trans. Even Jeremy Clarkson think that a manual in traffic is retarded.
Eli Sullivan
2004 mercury marauder
Kevin Cruz
Jayden Morgan
What year is she OP? Been meaning to pick one up. I'd like a newer LX preferably '03-'06 because it's so /comfy/ but they've gone up in value. Might settle for an older Land Cruiser if I get a deal.
Michael Wright
335i BMW. FBO kit with tune. Pushing about 500hp
Asher Walker
>I get 9 mpg
Luis Williams
My uncle and cousin are both chefs at Wendy's. My uncles cock is only 8.75 inches long but as GIRTHY as a can of soup. My cousins cock is an impressive11 inches long but normal girth.
They're both 6'4" and drive Porsches
David Anderson
>I'm too poor to afford gas
Ride the bus
Jack Thomas
I usually drive a volvo vnl 780. Put a fair number of miles on it.
Luis Powell
>giving your money to the oil jew
Zachary Cook
>being so poor you care about mpg
I used to DD a turbocharged Saab 9-5 that averaged 13mpg around town, and I did pizza delivered in it
I later instaleld a boost controller, put it up to about 300whp and then delivered pizza for 3 more months before I traded it for a MG
Bentley Perez
I really like this car op, what is it?
Evan Sullivan
My Sunday whip.
Joseph Rodriguez
>Not buying exclusively at shell stations
Jeremiah Ward
I've always wanted to drive one of those, did the front left tire come off while you were driving?
James Brooks
Lol you can keep that Jew meme. Cars are a real man's hobby. Enjoy you anime
Elijah Morris
My '98 Chevy Blazer would pull your POS SUV outta the mud every time. >368,450 miles >Do all the work on it myself (O2 sensors are a bitch to reach in this thing) >Gets me through rain, mud, snow, and sleet without fail Chevy Blazers are the best cars period.
Zachary Williams
jokes on you i get 11
>not having a shitty corolla as your commuter sure is fucking gay in here
Adrian Evans
Sensible 27 year old adult here. I drive a 2016 ford focus s. Paid $16 k for it brand new. Over 32mpg average. Love it.
Carson Campbell
For reall? Fuucking sweet
Liam Bell
>Not enjoying both cars and anime >not fetishizing the FD because Initial D
Dominic Stewart
got an 09 Buick Lucerne
Bentley Rodriguez
Im a white man who lives in Baltimore
Carson Jackson
1983 f150 4x4, 300 straight six with a granny 4 speed. Decent on gas and indestructible, has half a million on the engine and still runs perfect.
Daniel Ortiz
2015 Rav4 limited orange colour.
Christopher Ramirez
joke's on you, I only like american animes and I drive the sport edition of a Honda Fit.
Ayden Long
Just bought a 2012 1.2ltr petrol corsa as my first car.
Only has 26,000 miles on the clock.
Bit of a cuck car but I put up with commuting by train for so long that anything would do. Cheap to run, low insurance.
Adam Ross
>Sensible >Paid 32 grand for a car already worth barely 20, and will be worth
Camden Lewis
94 camry
not pretty or in any way impressive, but it just goes and goes and goes
i want an old nissan patrol
Austin Harris
Fun as fuck
Levi Green
No, wheels still firmly affixed to the car.
Ethan Kelly
>implying I meant good anime and not lolicon rapist shit
>implying I don't hill climb during lunch hour to running in the 90's
Liam Brooks
your transmission will assplode over 200hp. I have a 92 turbo convertible.a first gen 9-3 and a 9000.
Brody Martinez
>he thinks jacking off to cartoon drawings of 9 year olds isnt manly while turning wrenches on your old truck is wow man i dont even know what to say
>My '98 Chevy Blazer would pull your POS SUV outta the mud every time. wow that is some severe delusion youve got there lmao
Chase Gray
>27 >adult Pick one
Your brain just stopped developing two years ago, babby. Try my 43.
Oliver Davis
Austin Jackson
Thank you Netherlands.
Mason Gomez
>he actually faps to the rapist toons and drives a Prius
What a cuck
Samuel Jones
Justin Ramirez
William Sanchez
>Corsa E >Not a B
Ya dun fucked up mate, Corsa B is the best fun you can have in a small car
Jace Cruz
>not enjoying boko no pico in the back of your HiAce van
William Taylor
mirin and a bit jelly; there are almost none of them left here
Michael Perez
Angel Watson
BMW E34 518i. Most reliable car ever built. Engine is a bit weak though.
Brayden Robinson
>Delusion Every time me and my friends go mudding, rock climbing, beach cruising, etc. there hasn't been a time where I havent pulled out a friends jeep or gmc jimmy. Blazers are GOAT
Christian Williams
excepting the train shit this car looks like the banjo kid from deliverance
Jaxon Bailey
I love old Mercs myself. Your ride must be comfy as fuck.
Zachary Barnes
>he cant detect sarcasm
Brayden Miller
And yes, it's compensation for my large dick.
Nathan Morgan
Josiah Williams
Julian Thompson
>jeep or gmc jimmy. kek thats because those are total pieces of shit you realize were talking about a land cruiser here this fucking guy lmao
Ryan Jackson
Owen Ward
06 Nissan z33
Christopher Watson
Nathaniel Taylor
huh. the wheel well looked all fucked up in the first pic. Cool car though brother
Dominic Wilson
Depreciation motherfucker, you lose around 1/3rd of the value of a shitbox the second you drive it off the lot, and another half over the first 3 years
That 32 grand car will be worth 10 by 2020
Blake Rivera
yeah but no
Liam Brown
My other car is a 2012 FJ
Andrew Ward
Suzukis are garbage tier
Heres what I drive for the time being. 2000 honda crv.
Not my actual car btw
Isaac Richardson
this is what i drive, same color too. i'm gonna eventually lower it a tad and put black rims on it.
don't make fun of me.
Michael Lewis
i just had to buy a car and the amount of smart cars selling for bottom dollar in america is unbelievable. are these things still popular in europe?
Tyler Flores
Yeah you only care about that kinda shit when you're poor with no passion
Cooper Edwards
i want to just go claim one of these
Julian Hall
>Passion >Ford Focus S
Top kek, enjoy throwing money in a hole mate
>tfw my POS MG is faster and cost me literally nothing to buy
Wyatt Cook
i don't need a car to get around my mother's basement
Luke Bennett
My dream car.
Zachary Cook
>Land Cruiser vs Chevy Blazer What the hell do you know about cars, what can your POS "mighty land cruiser" do that my Blazer wouldn't blow you out the water? My Blazers both lighter and stronger than yours lol >this fucking guy likes land cruisers Might as well get a FJ Cruiser you hipster faggot
Jordan Turner
Used to drive a Jeep, loved that thing and felt like I was fighting the Japs and Krauts in WWII every time I drove it.
Too bad it wasn't practical in any way.
Sebastian Campbell
Have an 81/82/83 Frankenstein FJ60 that will pull down a parking garage faggot Also have a 93 Honda wagon
Dylan Rivera
>lowering a crossover/shitbox >delete this and kill yourself
Easton Jones
Meh it was a steal with the low mileage for the price I paid.
Only plan on keeping it for 3-4 years.
Joseph Stewart
>i'm gonna eventually lower it a tad and put black rims on it. >trying to turn a mommy blogger mall crawler into a tyrone transporter
Chase Lewis
AC? It aint warm enough for that and auto is more expensive.
The point of the cheap car is for it to be cheap.
Mason Nguyen
jeep TJ
Dylan Wright
I have a 2005 Honda my parents bought me in HS, I plan on getting pic related or something that looks good to clients, and I'm not gonna Jew out 50,000 shekels for a new car
Jace Fisher
2003 infinit g35
Really want and need a truck.
Nathaniel Lee
Id post a pic of my poorfag hillbilly fuckabout but i actually earn money.
Joseph Bennett
I'm extremely confused on what you wrote. My car was around $16k off the lot. When I pay it off in 2 1/2 years it'll actually be worth around $10k. Either way I don't really care because I just need something for good gas mileage and can't ride a cruiser in the winter. It's a decent little cheap car. I probably won't ever buy anything for over $20k. I'd rather invest in property or something that means something. Not to show off to niggers and spics.
David Brown
Well it's your choice, I always say a first car should be
Joseph Young
>His car has less than 150hp and weighs less than 2 tons
William Myers
dat suspension
Cameron Adams
Currently it's a jeep cherokee, jeep tj, a truck, and a little 4 door commuter car. I got the bases covered I think.
...oh and a couple dirt bikes.
Michael Gray
Isaiah Price
send me a dolly sprint please
Oliver Adams
I would if I was 17, but I'm 26. Had a license for a long time but never owned due to city centre living, just rented when required / used pool cars.
Now I moved out into the countryside and I need to use it for commuting / business travel, so can't have a clunker breaking down on me on the side of a road m8.
They threw in a years warranty too.
Caleb Anderson
Muh nigga Just got my first mercedees > 2016 gla 250
Aiden Hill
> not driving a reliable diesel shitbox that can run on cooking oil instead of a glorified penis enhancer that requires gasoline to operate
Landon Roberts
Is that title accurate? It was actually abandoned? It's the most iconic supercar of all time???
Angel Nguyen
>Foxbody Kill yourself
Xavier Robinson
>are these things still popular in europe?
No, the novelty wore off. They are too expensive and way too impractical.
These are just for driving inside the city though. It's basically a taxi, only you drive yourself so you don't get ripped off / beaten / kidnapped by the taxi driver. And for that they are excellent.
Kayden Lopez
Chevy malibu, only a couple years old. Live in central ny, not sure how it's going to handle in the winter
Landon Perez
>not driving a Toyota
Gabriel Long
>getting this butt blasted about a chebby if you are this retarded and delusional about your utter shitbox no amount of specs and actual facts will convince you. there is a reason the toyota land cruiser is the #1 car used in the australian outback/the african desert/alaska and iceland and not a single shitbox blazer is found.
Anthony Gomez
I drive a 2006 honda accord v6. Good amount of body damage from me being a retard. No AC. It's not impressive but it runs. Pain in the ass to get out of though since it's such a low car.
Next car maybe a jeep or something. I just want something that will run, drive in snow, not a pain in the ass to get in and out of and drive over a sidewalk if I need it to.
Ryder Davis
2015 fz07 2010 Chevy express 3500 6.0 gasser
Isaiah Rivera
>Reminding me old Wendy's fries exist Fuck you ;_;
Christopher Martin
It's fun, but takes too much gas, I want a '95 Supra or a Monte Carlo SS instead.
Bentley Long
those are hard to find here, diesel cars lost popularity and only started to pick up again after the nigger in chief artificially raised gas prices.. almost none of them have a standard gearbox
Leo Wright
Mini Cooper 2016 136 hp. One of my favourite cars driven.
Nolan Powell
2004 blue honda pilot my moms old car she gave me for free, it runs thats all that matters
Connor James
I like the look of fiat challengers but i dont like the build quality
Daniel Myers
>and I'm not gonna Jew out 50,000 shekels you will jusr keeping that audi heep runnung faggot. there are more than just upfront costs with cars.
Jack Jackson
i drive 3 hours a day so i'm thinking about getting a 35+ mpg car. should i get a mazda 3, honda civic, or toyota corolla?
Chase Myers
Landcruisers btfo even 40's military jeeps faggot >Also >Buying a car from arguably the most nationalist country on the planet makes you not a nationalist
Hunter King
2003 Audi A6 Avante Wagon 3.0 NASP
Getting some new brakes, rotors, and CV joints installed next week. Also have to fix a leak in the AC and maybe sanding down & painting the rims, other than that it's comfy.
Nathan Cox
Ford focus
Hudson Harris
>Implying the BMW M5 isn't one of the sexiest cars of all time
Juan Miller
>Getting gasoline after habbening
gl hf
Get a mountain bike and a knife.
Ryan Baker
did the flex meme ever wear off or is that still a thing in the jeep community? i been out of the jeep game since the mid 2000's
Brandon Wilson
Money pit luxury car.
Ian Reed
golf TDI
Logan Clark
Forgot the pic
Christopher Reyes
No, at least for AK, blazer is the shit. Even more is the two door yukon! God tier rare.
Nicholas Butler
This is my current car >you will not be able to get a recent year corsa in Mexico
Justin Mitchell
>Buying a cuckd version of a muscle car that was a joke even when it first came out Get fucked millennial trash
Jeremiah Collins
'14 ram 1500 even with the stock 3.92 gearset its still not enough truck for my heavy ass camper. Going 3/4 ton for my next truck.
Brody Sanders
Can't go as deep innawoods as OP, but it can go out some ways.
I can live in it. The back seats fold flat, can sleep two comfortably.
Jackson Cook
Audi isn't like Mercedez or BMW in that they actually can be fixed by yourself and there is a good aftermarket in case things go wrong because of Volkswagon.
I would find a used one and run a computer diagnostic, or get a mechanic to check it out. After you buy a new car the price depreciates a tens of thousands immediately. It's jewy to buy new ones.
Ethan Hughes
2000 Jeep Wrangler limited
Ian Gray
Nice /o/ thread going. I like it.
Connor Clark
86 FJ60 205k miles 2F motor 4 on the floor All emission controls removed
Gavin Gonzalez
Judging European cars by Spanish brands is like judging American cars by Mexican brands.
Ian Kelly
>petrol Stop using that word Its improper English and you have never seen petrol in your life