Brit/pol/ - Tomorrow's papers edition

>Nicola Sturgeon 'has abandoned 2014 referendum lies to argue for independence at any cost

>Boris: Send Migrant Boats Back To North Africa

>'I'm a non-binary 10-year-old'

>Tory Eurosceptics push for hard Brexit

>Nigel Farage asked about 'skinny dipping antics' by Marr show

>Labour shadow cabinet: 14 'would return' if Corbyn wins

>Theresa May set to trigger Article 50 by February, EU's Donald Tusk says

>Bring back Britannia to rule the waves after Brexit

>After 1,200 years, could it really be time for the penny to be dropped?

Other urls found in this thread:




First for a 5th thread for when 4 just aren't enough.








>bongs can't even organise having a single fucking thread
Just go back to sucking Muhammad's cock, you're more productive that way.

It's like there's some kind of ((outside influence)) or something at play :O



>t. 60%


And apologies for creating a new thread, I just didn't know which one to post tomorrow's papers in.

There's usually just one. I hope you lads sort this shit out.



America is literally a huge thread split.



Just spent a two week holiday in Pakistan lads.


>good will hunting and Starkey's monarchy on at the same time
What do

How was your arranged marriage.

Are you a Pakistani?

I hate Nicola Sturgeon so much, she's so goddamn annoying that she

Good banter m8.

Were tickets expensive?


Nah m8. White British.

Reasonably so, yes, but because I got them just after peak time, they were at a cut rate.

Did you think it was like a zoo? Did you eat some dodgy stew? Did it disagree with you? Did you turn a greenish hue? Did the food go right through? Did you need to poo? Did you do it in the loo? Did you also need to spew? Did you manage to aim true?

Does anyone else find giant supermarkets such as Tesco and the like to be really comfy?

I like to go to Tesco when its quiet inside and rainy outside.

The artificial lighting and the colours of the products combined with the maze of isles and the atmospheric sound of functionality and random people deep in the background I find divine.

Going from the chilly meat section to the warm and toasty bakery section is quite something.

What the fuck is wrong with me.

It was fairly crowded, and the food was okay. Got used to it after the second day, decently clean if you know where to look.

Can confirm, Lancashire is FUCKED except for my borough.

Sorry the papers are so small, lads.

The guy that normally does them is away.

I'm having to rely on someone else.

Large supermarkets where you don't matter are cozy because you get to be anonymouse.


>Ukip's new leader says she counts Vladimir Putin as a political hero

Who said that UKIP is dead?

Morrison's is the comfiest imo. Asda, Lidl, and Aldi all feel clinical too. Co-op reeks of communism. Sainsbury's is comfy, as is Tesco. Waitrose feels like the epicenter of one too many midlife crises to be comfy.


No worries lad, we still appreciate it.

Putin is doing a whole lot of good for Russia.

Some lefties started calling me a fascist when I said that once

I get what you mean lad. Has to be a really big tesco extra though
There's something surreal about walking past an aisle with row upon row of tiny children's shoes

Putin is the new "literally Hitler". I think he's alright.

I think the entire goal of life is to be /comfy/. I'd say I am. Go to University that isn't a shithole, have a caring family, coin collect as a hobby, live just across the border in North Wales, where nothing bad ever happens, and have a QT Kiwi GF.

Yeah, It's like every /wg/ wallpaper ever

Did you Fug any qt Pakistani women?

>he doesn't go to the farmers market for fresh produce
>he doesn't support the local community
Fucking globalists

>There's something surreal about walking past an aisle with row upon row of tiny children's shoes
Oy vey that reminds me of auschwitz shut it down

>Putin is doing a whole lot of good for Russia.

lel. It's an AIDS ridden poverty-stricken petro state.

>There's something surreal about walking past an aisle with row upon row of tiny children's shoes

As a parent you can never forget the smell of a babies head . .. it's kind of warm-milk and talcum powder!

I love smelling babies heads . . . .until the parents get pissy and call the Police.

Nah, I'm taken m8.

Just had to go and make it fucking weird didn't you lad

I like Aldi and Tesco. Very comfy. Asda creeps me out.

This is an MP.


The more you think about it, the funnier it gets.

What would you do if a roastie ever accused you of mansplaining?

Pretend to be Jewish and report them obviously

Second hand record shops for me. The smell of old records is really distinctive and it makes me really nostalgic.

Do a 360 degree turn then walk away.

as someone that worked nights in one for a year I now permanently hate them

it always feels like I'm back at work, covered in damp moldy beer dragging the cages out. that yeasty smell was the worst

pirouetting is for queers you puff

Whatever ahmed i bet you didn't like touching their bacon either

Daily reminder things will never get better

Short of a nazi-style purge, all European cities will forever be full of niggers and non-europeans. The damage is done.

Yer mam didn't mind me touching her bacon last night laddo

>tfw starting to give a shit again
>tfw the feeling of hate is coming back

N-No please.. I just wanted to be comfy.

>what is mansplaining
>are you womansplaining mansplaining to me

Lads USPS lied to me again. I feel really let down. Why are all couriers unvaryingly shit?

Where'd you go?

I like Tesco too


I think you're looking for invariably, it's one of my favourite words

Looking forward to drone deliveries desu, although I hope they make them human controlled so I can land a comfy job piloting drones all day

>farmers market
>fresh produce

Ahahahaha you're fucking kidding right? That's just the shit they can't sell in the real shops, the worst of the worst. Seriously, if you like tapeworms and good poisoning then yeah go for it, otherwise get your food from a place that adheres to trading standards and can be held to account for what they actually sell.

>implying we won't get a nazi-style purge

You some kind of farmer, cunt?


keep up the good work lads

Finally, only 1 Brit/pol/ in the catalog.

hey lads what's going on with our boi Alex? Is he really losing it? He was pretty unhinged in the last few videos


Not so sure lad, at least with human couriers you get to use deadly force to recover your stolen property from them.

>implying the nazis had gas chambers

Farmer's markets vary wildly. Sometimes it's produce from smallholders who can't get wholesale contacts, then it's usually pretty good because they're basically hobbyists
Other times it's just the deformed shit from big farms that wholesalers won't take. Eggs are a good indicator of this. If they're selling very large eggs with thin shells don't buy from them
t. grew up on a farm, mother still owns one

How /comfy/ are you, lads? I'd rate myself as a 9/10 on the comfy scale.

>If they're selling very large eggs with thin shells

Ok - what's the story behind these?

>You some kind of farmer, cunt?

Grown up in the countryside, anything the big supermarkets refuse to buy off you, just put it in some artisan packaging and flog it at the farmers market, the self-satisfied smug wankers who buy will buy any old shit if they think it makes them a little bit better than the plebs who go to normal shops. They laugh at you when they see you buying from them, no joke.

>tfw when you realise we could never gas Jews in large numbers as it would be too costly and ineffective
Sometimes I wish the holohoax was real desu

A Strasserist or Hitlerist one?

6/10. Still depressed but I did some good work gardening and cleaning today.

>the sheer amount of plastic paddies in the northern ireland thread
wew boy

>smallholders who can't get wholesale contacts

If they can't get wholesale contracts it's usually because the quality of the food they produce is shit. This applies to smallholders as much as anyone else.

About 6/7. 10 is only accessible during thunderstorms.

This. Farmers are anything but 'salt of the earth'. Greedy, money-grubbing cunts one and all.

Not sure how you can even have an opinion on him or analyse him desu. I watch hours of videos and still have no idea what he believes in. It's just autistic blur.

10/10. Currently pouring through excel databases of Labour members and can work at home for the rest of the week until the leadership election is done. Comfy as fuck.

I'm lying in bed with an apple, texting my QT Kiwi girlfriend from my North Wales bungalow. Only sound is the ticking of my Union Flag clock.

You know, user.

Are you the Labour employee from the previous thread?

Had a pretty scary dream the other night lads:

>wake up one day
>Labour is suddenly in government
>Jeremy Corbyn is Prime Minister
>start panicking and wonder how we could have been so stupid to elect him

>find out that it's actually "opposite day"
>apparently the BBC had reported that Labour was in government because it's opposite day
>everyone got confused and just went along with it
>feel relieved because everything will go back to normal the next day

>QT Kiwi girlfriend

Normies out REEEE

>Farmers are anything but 'salt of the earth'. Greedy, money-grubbing cunts one and all.

Do your farmers get the same degree of massive public subsidy as ours do?

Upland sheep farming is the best - the whole industry is basically a scam. You can't make a profit from wool in Britain, hasn't been possible since the 1890's and the collapse in the wool trade following the development of the steam ship and mass cheap imports from Australia and New Zealand.

But if you're a retired stockbroker whose had a nervous breakdown at 35, you can buy a farm, get a handful of sheep, claim your massive subsidy and burn the wool instead of selling it. Absolutely astonishing level of scrounging.

DPD are god-tier

>>wake up one day
>>Labour is suddenly in government


I'm on edge. I feel like I could be rushing into doing something stupid.


>wake up one day
>Labour is suddenly in government
>Jeremy Corbyn is Prime Minister

I will let you in on a secret - Corbyn doesn't want to be Prime Minister and plans on resigning before the 2020 election once his enemies are crushed and the successor has been groomed.

She sees Britain as a kind of Imperial motherland.

>Do your farmers get the same degree of massive public subsidy as ours do?
About $20bn a year.

Wholesalers have quite strict rules about uniformity with eggs. If the eggs at your farmers market are clearly not standard it's likely the rest of the produce is cast-off as well
That's disingenuous lad, plenty of good smallholders don't get wholesale contracts because they produce on a very small scale or because they're not professional farmers and don't see it as a source of primary income. I know a handful of retired farmers who've moved into smallholding as a hobby and only sell their produce to local businesses and private clients for cash on the side

>She sees Britain as a kind of Imperial motherland.

Why? Is she genuinely deluded, or does she pretend the empire still exists to keep you happy?

>once his enemies are crushed

How is he going to do that?

As in, she sees Britain as the mother of her country and so strives to be productive.

>plenty of good smallholders don't get wholesale contracts because they produce on a very small scale

This is possible but vanishingly rare in my experience. Every farmers market i've seen is just the shit they can't sell to the supermarkets repackaged.

wonder how the bbc will spin the isis attacks

Never heard of corn subsidies?

It's why the US used corn syrup instead of sugar.

Regardless of my opinion of Corbyn, I really do think New Labour was a spent force, even before 2015. Just look at all the candidates they came up with after Ed Miliband resigned. None of them had any charisma, creativity, or imagination. They were almost zombies.

Do all colonial types like the British accents? In Canada women love English accents of almost all types.



Hope you lot voted for Corbyn to ensure Labour's death

I have a pretty decent RP accent, and she's into it.

'Poor transgender refugee has mental breakdown due to racism and sets off a bomb in protest of the patriarchy.'

I have a rough Yorkshire accent and people here find it fascinating.

You mean 'poor transgender child refugee on the verge of curing cancer'.

I'm disappointed you all sound like Yanks and drive on the wrong side of the road.

RP is the absence of an accent.

Do you roleplay as her colonial superior with her blacked up like a wog and you in a pith helmet?

>How is he going to do that?

Taking over the party machine at every level (which begins at this years conference when the current staff in Golders Green have their contracts renewed, or in the case of the Blairite wreckers they get made redundant) replacing Blairite MP's with local, working-class, MP's from our hugely increased membership. I'm literally writing long-lists for potential MP's as we speak, along with updating whose voted and who they voted for. We've got hundreds of thousands of new members and we need to work out which ones are potential MP material and which ones are scrubs. Rule no.1 is they have to be local, no more posh MP's from inner london councils parachuted into local seats against the wishes of the local parties, rule no.2 is they have to be state educated, no public schoolboys allowed. Comprehensives preferably. A handful of middle-class types can be permitted in the big cities and in no-hope Tory seats, but elsewhere it's working class or bust. Gonna be a long task, but we're getting started on it now since the election is a forgone conclusion.

There's MP's and journalists out there who would kill their mothers for a look at what's on my hard drive right now.

>they have to be state educated, no public schoolboys allowed
Are you doing any sort of filtering based on tertiary education (or lack thereof)?


>space rocket engineer John Paul Joe Muhammad Bob accidentally tragically accidents 150 people in synagogue motive unknown

>Wholesalers have quite strict rules about uniformity with eggs.
Yes, I can go with that but as you know many home grown veg looks pretty mutant.

There is nothing wrong with it but it just doesn't fulfil certain criteria when it comes to being aesthetic to look at.

I thought you would have some insider knowledge about eggs - rather than a commercial view?

>you all sound like Yanks

I see you've never heard our butchered """French""" or people from Atlantic Canada talking.

>Regardless of my opinion of Corbyn, I really do think New Labour was a spent force, even before 2015.

They were fucked after the Iraq War - they ought to have lost in 2005, if we had a vaguely proportional electoral system we would've lost then and that would've been better for the party long term.

>None of them had any charisma, creativity, or imagination. They were almost zombies.

That's Peter Mandelson's doing. It was imperative that the Parliamentary Labour Party was stacked with loyal, obedient zombies whose only discernable trait was loyalty to New Labour and hostilty to socialism. Charisma, charm, local roots, all these things were seen as risks by the paranoid authoritarian leadership that ran New Labour, Campbell, Blair, Mandleson that whole cabal, so they deliberately stacked the PLP with absolute cretins and we're now paying the price for that.

We're undoing the damage they did, bit by bit, and these fuckers are fighting back with every ounce of strength they have cos it's not just about ideology or politics - they're fighting for their jobs, for the expenses, for their non-executive directorships, for their well-paid sinecures, for their kids private school education to get the into the British elite. Hence the scorched earth tactics they've employed.

Homesick Refugee KILLS Brit Lad on Night Out; "Absence of sand made me do it," says Refugee

>He's thinks peace could have been maintained between the British Empire and Nazi Germany throughout the 40s

Is this the cunt who got arrested for insulting ARE LUCIANA?

>Are you doing any sort of filtering based on tertiary education (or lack thereof)?

Not really, there's one or two Oxbridge in there but it's not a problem to have gone to uni and got a degree. Helps too if they've done some political science or economics as an undergrad.

These are very long lists tho, the shortlists won't be ready until we've spoken to these people face to face and got the measure of them. There's lots of stages here (formal meeting, informal down the pub meeting, looking through their history for any skeletons or potential liabilities etc) this is just part 1 of a very long and boring vetting process.

Talk to us boyyo.


>second coming of christ John Paul Ringo George Ahmed Beatles Reunion Queen Mother Britain Diana Muhammad Churchill Brunel tragically assaulted by suspicious probably islamophobic and racist types claiming to the real victims who chased after him like a pack of wild animals assuredly with the intention of harming him while presumably instantaneously converting his peaceful chemistry set into a bomb and detonating it

Why are lobotomies and electric shock therapy viewed as barbaric but no gender reassignment surgery?

The defendant's lawyer Urma Gawdyara-Cyst claims that her client should not have to face charges because he was under the influence of alcohol and wasn't used to its effects, coming from an Islamic culture.

Pic from my trip to Pakistan.

I think you just went to Birmingham by accident.

>tfw now I've finished sixth form I officially have no friends

Looks like Newham to me.

You seem to have misunderstood
There's nothing actually wrong with oversized eggs, they're perfectly edible. Tend to be a bit 'thin' so you have to cook them thoroughly, no runny yolks
They're just a good indicator that you're dealing with rejected produce because a small independent wouldn't try to sell those, they'd keep them and use them themselves either for cooking or as animal feed. If a market is selling cast off eggs they'll almost certainly be selling cast off fruit, veg and meat too, which you don't really want to be buying (it'll be older, won't have been handled very carefully and may have parasite damage or parasites themselves)

Do any of you lads have tapeworms?

milo is so obviously trying to be christopher hitchens but he has none of the substance

Lads, just got called perfidious by a Yank because I said I'd rather go AWOL than fight to protect the US as an ally. Why are Yanks so butthurt about everything that doesn't suck the American dick?

Could be Luton desu

Shocking lack of diversity.

Could be. I made a point of avoiding that place when I was in the UK.

They weren't really your friends if they don't make the effort to keep in touch with you

>christopher hitchens

Christopher Hitchens was a hack.

It's an easy buck saying edgy atheist things to midwestern Americans. Money for old rope.

On the substantial issues (Iraq, Afghanistan etc) Hitchens was proven wrong and was lucky to die when he did otherwise he'd be considered a laughing stock today.

Nah. My sister got one when we were little, had to go to the doctor twice a week for ages. Not sure how they get rid of them in humans, when dogs get them it's just tablets from the vet

That's why I said 'officially'. Leaving sixth form just makes it a formality

Pakis there are nicer than Pakis here.

Milo is way better.

That's a pretty low bar to clear.

fuck off GCHQ

It's nothing too serious. I'm just wrestling with an idea.

I'm considering making a comeback on YouTube. I haven't made commentary videos for a while but I'm bored as fuck these days and I feel like doing something creative again. I'm just worried it will backfire and end up turning into a massive cringe-fest.

Do you work for Police Scotland, by any chance?

Paki women there are better looking than Paki women here too.

Lads I have an hour of work to do but can't be fucked

Wat do

''''British'''' pakis are seen as shit tier even by pakis in other parts of the work. For years it was easier for them to come here than to go anywhere else, so the ones that couldn't get into the US or Canada came here instead. I mean the rest of them are still snackbars but they might be a slightly better class of snackbar

>fuck off GCHQ

Implying that GCHQ and other UK intelligence agencies care about Sturgeon.

Boss is turning me into a socialist la.

RP is the way everyone should speak English desu

Haven't seen anything about Milo in ages, he used to be pretty funny but I think the stuck up his own arse act he did has stopped being an act and he'll end up doing something thick that fucks him over.


Moved back in with my parents
Starting to think they don't love me

You might as well give it a shit, you've got nothing to lose and it's something to keep your mind occupied. You gonna share the link with us, so we can mercilessly mock you?

lobotomies are evil but ECT works wonders for a lot of people. The idea that it's some kind of torture is a meme desu

Just do it lad and if it turns out shit don't make any more
You never know, you might get noticed by Jahans and become his sidekick and premier underboob scrubber

it's imprecise and archaic

DBS is where it's at

Shag a sheep lad.

Is there a hq pic of this or a link to the story?

well until we catch up to that star trek shit some people need ECT. It is unpredictable but the people who go for it don't have much to lose and it works a lot of the time

My cock is raw from all of it m8

brit/pol/ political survey time! Let's do this

1. Do you support leaving the EU?
2. Should Trident be renewed?
3. Should the railways be nationalised?
4. Should the minimum wage be raised?
5. Should gay marriage be allowed?
6. Should the House of Lords be reformed, left the same, or abolished?
7. Do you support reforming the electoral system?
8. Do you support fracking?
9. Do you support nuclear energy?
10. Which party would you vote for if an election was held tomorrow?

Let me guess: homemade motivationals of Corbyn quotes and pictures of your drawing a hammer and sickle in the snow with your pee?

DBS is already very viable, with promising results
ECT is being phased out harscore these days

How patriotic.

1.) remove xenos
2.-10.) see above

i hate to say it, but tory

Sturgeon is not dragging this country down any further. If we go independant with her bullshit economics we'd be Greece 2.0

Make it hereditary again.

>1. Do you support leaving the EU?
>2. Should Trident be renewed?
>3. Should the railways be nationalised?
>4. Should the minimum wage be raised?
>5. Should gay marriage be allowed?
>6. Should the House of Lords be reformed, left the same, or abolished?
Left the same
>7. Do you support reforming the electoral system?
>8. Do you support fracking?
>9. Do you support nuclear energy?
>10. Which party would you vote for if an election was held tomorrow?

I can't keep up with that shit anyway. By the time you've read about one thing something new comes out.

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. No
5. No
6. Left the same
7. Yes
8. No
9. Yes
10. Conservatives. Maybe UKIP.

>1. Do you support leaving the EU?
>2. Should Trident be renewed?
No, make your own missiles instead
>3. Should the railways be nationalised?
>4. Should the minimum wage be raised?
>5. Should gay marriage be allowed?
Abolish legal marriage, replace it with civil unions (extend them to straight couples)
>6. Should the House of Lords be reformed, left the same, or abolished?
Replaced with an elected second chamber
>7. Do you support reforming the electoral system?
>8. Do you support fracking?
>9. Do you support nuclear energy?
>10. Which party would you vote for if an election was held tomorrow?
No fucking clue

what was London like?

1. Yes
2. Yes (used to serve on V-class boats)
3. No
4. No
5. Yes but ministers who don't agree with it shouldn't be forced to conduct marriages.
6. I like it being appointed but the appointment system needs amending.
7. 1st past the post is best for local accountability.
8. I support limited fracking until studies show its safe/unsafe.
9. Yes.
10. Conservatives.

2.of course fuck that commie shit, faggotory is haram
6.Traditions should be maintained
10. dunno ukip/tory

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. No
4. No
5. No
6. Hereditary
7. No
8. Yes
9. Yes
10. Tory

>1. Do you support leaving the EU?
>2. Should Trident be renewed?
>3. Should the railways be nationalised?
I don't think so but trains are a pisstake these days
>4. Should the minimum wage be raised?
With inflation
>5. Should gay marriage be allowed?
>6. Should the House of Lords be reformed, left the same, or abolished?
>7. Do you support reforming the electoral system?
Yes. It's fucked when the part that got the third largest amount of votes has 1 mp
>8. Do you support fracking?
Not really
>9. Do you support nuclear energy?
>10. Which party would you vote for if an election was held tomorrow?
No idea

>1. Do you support leaving the EU?
>2. Should Trident be renewed?
>3. Should the railways be nationalised?
>4. Should the minimum wage be raised?
no (it should be lowered)
>5. Should gay marriage be allowed?
it should be voted on by the church people (bishops or cardinals or whoever)
>6. Should the House of Lords be reformed, left the same, or abolished?
left the ssame
>7. Do you support reforming the electoral system?
alternative vote sounds good, but how would that change constituencies
>8. Do you support fracking?
I don't know enough about it
>9. Do you support nuclear energy?
>10. Which party would you vote for if an election was held tomorrow?
Conservative (UKIP will have lost too much support and FUCK LABOUR!)

1. Do you support leaving the EU?


2. Should Trident be renewed?


3. Should the railways be nationalised?


4. Should the minimum wage be raised?

Slightly, but nothing extreme. It should be good enough to live on.

5. Should gay marriage be allowed?


6. Should the House of Lords be reformed, left the same, or abolished?


7. Do you support reforming the electoral system?

I don't really give a fuck.

8. Do you support fracking?


9. Do you support nuclear energy?


10. Which party would you vote for if an election was held tomorrow?

Probably the Conservatives. Voting for UKIP is a waste of time.

I did about 10k words on DBS last year for a report
it has some side effects which they are unable to predict, but it helps reliably with things like parkinsons and dementia

more so than ect

it essentially goes to the source of the area o the brain, and uses electrodes to stimulate certain places

>people want to increase the minimum wage
>so more poles and romanians come

The sheep shagger understands.

You guys should abolish child benefit, housing benefit, and the state pension.

No, the minimum wage should be for Brits only. Poles and Romanians can settle for the scraps for all I care.


This and also privatise the NHS

>1. Do you support leaving the EU?
>2. Should Trident be renewed?
>3. Should the railways be nationalised?
>4. Should the minimum wage be raised?
>5. Should gay marriage be allowed?
>6. Should the House of Lords be reformed, left the same, or abolished?
left the same
>7. Do you support reforming the electoral system?
>8. Do you support fracking?
>9. Do you support nuclear energy?
>10. Which party would you vote for if an election was held tomorrow?

Privatise the NHS? Fuck off.

Who're the first few MPs to be cleansed, lad? Should give the boot to Yvette, Ange, Owen, Hilary Benn and Stephen Kinnock first I reckon.

>left the same


You mean like the scraps you get at the chippy?

fuck off poor fag

>1. Do you support leaving the EU?
>2. Should Trident be renewed?
>3. Should the railways be nationalised?
>4. Should the minimum wage be raised?
>5. Should gay marriage be allowed?
No, just civil unions
>6. Should the House of Lords be reformed, left the same, or abolished?
Restore the hereditary peers
>7. Do you support reforming the electoral system?
>8. Do you support fracking?
Not sure
>9. Do you support nuclear energy?
>10. Which party would you vote for if an election was held tomorrow?

isn't even that about to be replaced with some shit where you stick your head in a cluster of magnets and that has the same effect as direct stimulation without any invasive procedures or inpatient time? Literally 'walk in zap walk out'? It's coming on leaps and bounds and nobody seems to give a toss

>1. Do you support leaving the EU?
Fuck yeah.
>2. Should Trident be renewed?
Of course.
>3. Should the railways be nationalised?
It seems like the right way to go, by the looks of it our rail is really not up to standard.
>4. Should the minimum wage be raised?
Nah, minimum wage should be for people at the start of the job ladder, it is not a living wage.
>5. Should gay marriage be allowed?
No, marriage is a religious thing.
>6. Should the House of Lords be reformed, left the same, or abolished?
Needs to be hereditary again, fuck Blair.
>7. Do you support reforming the electoral system?
Maybe AV, PR is shit though.
>8. Do you support fracking?
Yeah, don`t see the problem myself, only seems to be tree hugging hippies that are opposed.
>9. Do you support nuclear energy?
It`s the future.
>10. Which party would you vote for if an election was held tomorrow?
UKIP, Conservatives are bound to win, but they need opposition and I wouldn`t vote Labour.

Maybe. I need to think about it some more. I don't want to rush into it to just end up deleting the channel after a few videos.

I would probably post them here, don't worry about that. I'll need brit/pol/ to help me get views, even if it does mean having a few of you autists shitting up the comment section on my videos.

I will come to a decision within a week.

What's the fucking point anymore, Brit/pol/?

>Leave EU
>Renew Trident
>Should the railways be nationalised
>Should the Minimum wage be increased
No, and in a perfect world remove it
>Gay marriage
Meh, don't really care that much, even as a bi fag. Most likely for me; not allow a marriage, but a allow a civil union or whatever they're called
>Should the House of Lords be reformed, stay the same or be abolished
Remain the same
>Should the electoral system be reformed
I've never heard of this, only started caring about politics in the last year and I'm a Newfag here, what's this about?
>Support franking
>Support Nuclear energy
>If the vote was held tomorrow, who'd you vote for?
Probably Tory? I have no idea though, like I said relatively new. Definitely not labour, SNP etc.

Also, I'd like to others opinions on Scottish independence. It's a weird issue for me, it was two years ago when I was 16, and I literally couldn't give a shit about politics in the slightest, but due to the overwhelming leftists narrative up here it was pushed down my throat by friends. As it stands currently, under SNP, it's an absolute fuck no, due to how bad they would run the country and already are to be honest. I was wondering about Scottish Independence under an actual competent government though? Could it work?

Liz Kendall, Danczuk, Tristan Hunt and Chuka are the big Blairite hitters

no idea
some things might require stimulation all the time, rather than something removed or whatnot

>all the bluepills ITT who would actually vote tory
brit/pol/ is dead

That'll just make employers employ Poles and Romanians instead of Brits.

>1. Do you support leaving the EU?

Yes, EU is neo-liberal and anti-democratic

>2. Should Trident be renewed?

No, waste of money, provides no utility and exists purely as a form of tribute to Lockheed Martin and to keep us in the USA's good books

>3. Should the railways be nationalised?

Obviously, it's a natural monopoly

>4. Should the minimum wage be raised?

Yes, but preferably by strong trade union activity rather than by the government,

>5. Should gay marriage be allowed?

Yes, although I don't care at all for marriage.

>6. Should the House of Lords be reformed, left the same, or abolished?

Abolished, it's a relic and a form of institutionalised corruption in the form of patronage

>7. Do you support reforming the electoral system?

Yes, our current electoral system is just about the worst of any major western state.

>8. Do you support fracking?

No, think there's a lot of evidence it can lead to serious environmental problems

>9. Do you support nuclear energy?

I prefer renewables, but nuclear is a half-decent backup so long as it's done safely

>10. Which party would you vote for if an election was held tomorrow?


Because I don`t have a fucking leaf on my flag.

>povvo thinks other people should have to pay for him and his mates to get their stomachs pumped when they go too hard on the white lightning round the back of aldis on a Tuesday night

Why should I pay for healthcare for your kids? You shouldn't have had them if you can't afford to take care of them.

1. Do you support leaving the EU?

> It's the will of the people as established by a fair referendum, so yes

2. Should Trident be renewed?

> No. There are more important things to spend money on

3. Should the railways be nationalised?

> Yes. The service currently offered is an expensive joke

4. Should the minimum wage be raised?

> Red herring. The real issue is the underpaying huge companies being subsidised by Working Tax Credit

5. Should gay marriage be allowed?

> Why not? I'm going to start telling adults who they can and can't marry

6. Should the House of Lords be reformed, left the same, or abolished?

> Reformed democratically. Unless we go for PR, in which case it's no longer be necessary

7. Do you support reforming the electoral system?

> PR needs to happen. The Tories don't have a real mandate, we need more moderating influence

8. Do you support fracking?

> No opinion

9. Do you support nuclear energy?

> Yes

10. Which party would you vote for if an election was held tomorrow?

> Labour

vote tory so you don't waste your vote on a party that will never win

Tell us who you'd vote for then. UKIP? Seems good but it'd be a pointless vote, they won't win. Labour? Have a little communism to spice up our lives. Come on then, tell us the one true glorious path.

We`re pretty much a two party state and UKIP seem to have dragged the Conservatives to the right a bit.

Hey, don't look at me.

I never jumped on the Tory bandwagon.



. Which party would you vote for if an election was held tomorrow?

Plenty of constituencies where ukip are a more viable choice than the tories
Entire swathes of the north and Wales

I have been to the hospital once in my life and I'm 28. I see no need in paying for the poor and the sickly. I would rather pay for my own private insurance

There is no alternative who will get enough votes. If you don't vote tory, General Corbachev gets in and that's worse.

but mummy May said something nice about grammar schools! We're still dying out as a society but fuck yeah grammar schools

>le ukip is a wasted vote meme
we literally only got a referendum because of UKIP

i'm looking forward to that springsteen autobiography

might ask for it for christmas

When JFs have to earn 35,000 to become citizens we`ll certainly be better.

Literally just Nige and opportunistic tories, lad.
Lots of kippers have been against Nige every step of the way.

Laugh in their face, because saying someone is "mansplaining" is admitting they're too dumb to understand what's being said.

>all these commies supporting a nationalised railway service because of the current monopoly and expensive nature of it

>1. Do you support leaving the EU?
>2. Should Trident be renewed?
>3. Should the railways be nationalised?
>4. Should the minimum wage be raised?
>5. Should gay marriage be allowed?
No - cat is out of the bag now though
>6. Should the House of Lords be reformed, left the same, or abolished?
Reformed. There are many now.
>7. Do you support reforming the electoral system?
AV+. PR is a meme.
>8. Do you support fracking?
>9. Do you support nuclear energy?
Yes but Hinkley point is a complete fucking disaster.
>10. Which party would you vote for if an election was held tomorrow?
Tory. The majority of UKIP is far too incompetent and disgustingly greedy when it comes to expenses.

My answers

>1. Do you support leaving the EU?
>2. Should Trident be renewed?
>3. Should the railways be nationalised?
>4. Should the minimum wage be raised?
To a living wage
>5. Should gay marriage be allowed?
>6. Should the House of Lords be reformed, left the same, or abolished?
Reformed, with strict regulations
>7. Do you support reforming the electoral system?
Yes (Additional Member System)
>8. Do you support fracking?
>9. Do you support nuclear energy?
>10. Which party would you vote for if an election was held tomorrow?

Where abouts you from?

Either we need to stop subsizing it or it needs to be properly nationalized.

>Who're the first few MPs to be cleansed, lad?

Tristram Hunt, Chuka Ummuna, Ian Austin, Caroline Flint, Yvette Cooper are all potentially gonna lose their seats in the boundary review. Fabian Hamilton isn't too bad but he's gonna have his seat merged with Richard Burgon so his days are numbered.

Beyond that Michael Dugher, Dan "mi5" Jarvis, Hillary Benn and Liz Kendall have to go. Jess Phillips is an odious bastard who needs turfing out asap. Barry Sheerman is clinging onto his job despite promise to resign back in 2005, he needs gone. Anna Tuley, John Woodcock, Jamie Reed, Tom Blenkinsopp, Peter Kyle, Karl Turner and Frankie Field. Maybe even Arr Luciana? Angela Eagle is on half-decent terms with Corbyn, or was at one point, but she's her relationship with her CLP has totally broken down and she doesn't even have basic contact with her own members any more, so she's gonna step down.

Corbyn wants to extend an olive branch, and that will work with some of the so-called "soft left" but it won't work with the ultra-right headbangers. Examples need to be made there. Luckily a lot of those soft left types have a real hatred of the Blairites cos they're the ones who marched the soft left up the hill, promising them a "swift execution" and that Corbyn would resign, before they all did a runner and left them holding the baby once Corbyn refused to stand down.


He's nothing, everyone hates him, he's a borderline peado alcoholic sex pest who will probably end up in jail before 2020.

>getting rid of a few poles with shit jobs will save us or any of Europe from drowning in africans once we get weak enough for the open replacement to kick in
>look at based Moggy though! He's got glasses and a creme egg, I love the tories

>2025: PM Patel promises to introduce grammar madrassas and reduce the immigration quota to 2,000,000 a year
>brit/pol/: "fuck yes, BASED tories"

any red rose bros?


ooh a survey, i like surveys

>1. Do you support leaving the EU?
yeah i voted out

>2. Should Trident be renewed?
probably but it should be replaced by a much smaller force

>3. Should the railways be nationalised?
nah not much point now
privatisation has not been a great success but people forget how shit BR was

>4. Should the minimum wage be raised?
don't know enough about the economic case at the mo

>5. Should gay marriage be allowed?
sure why not? i've got nothing against gays

>6. Should the House of Lords be reformed, left the same, or abolished?
partly reformed. get the bishops out. if only because while they are there, there's a case for having other religions represented there too. don't want that.

>7. Do you support reforming the electoral system?
yeah i voted for the alt system in the referendum

>8. Do you support fracking?
not convinced by it

>9. Do you support nuclear energy?
yeah it's the least worst option at the moment. don't want the fucking chinese building power stations tho

>10. Which party would you vote for if an election was held tomorrow?
dunno really

pic unrelated

What's wrong with Dan Jarvis? I thought /pol would like him seeing as he's an ex service man

1. No
2. No
3. Partially
5. Yes
6. Abolished
7. Yes
8. No
9. No
10. SNP

1) Yes
2) Yes
3) No
4) No
5) Yes
6) Reformed
7) Yes
8) No
9) Yes
10) UKIP

Here, have a better one.

UKIP would be the same as the tories if they were in power tbqh
They are just civic nationalists.


Stop ruining our country.

God Save the Queen!

Joining Labour as an ex-serviceman seems retarded tbqh
Especially after the Iraq war.

fuck your shitty roses

>What's wrong with Dan Jarvis?

He was parachuted into Barnsley against the wishes of the local party, has no interest whatsoever in the town, does fuck all constituency work, all the locals despise him cos he's posh as fuck and got chosen over a local candidate who was much better. Currently shagging a neighbouring MP for political reasons.

Oh yeah and he's an mi5 agent. ;)

We'll team up and crush your swine filled county.

>1. No
>10. SNP

Scotcuck confirmed

Still, perhaps he'd make Labour better?


red hands > red roses

fuck off get your own rose faggot

absolutely, I vote for them as the best we've got right now but they're cucked to death really

>Still, perhaps he'd make Labour better?

Only if by "better" you mean "insanely right-wing" (which tbf, is probably about right for Cred Forums)

Ribble Valley here

Corbychev is kind of doing that, the problem is he`s an actual socialist.
Still, better than a blairite.

>all the locals despise him cos he's posh as fuck

The locals despise anyone with the ability to read.

>He was parachuted into Barnsley against the wishes of the local party,
What's wrong with this?
>has no interest whatsoever in the town, does fuck all constituency work, all the locals despise him cos he's posh as fuck and got chosen over a local candidate who was much better
Yeah he kinda sounds like a dick
> Currently shagging a neighbouring MP for political reasons.
For political reasons? What are the reasons? who's the MP?
>Oh yeah and he's an mi5 agent. ;)
Lol how do you know this?

Things can only get better

>his emblem isn't wheat and swords
>he doesn't live in based Cheshire

You have to remember, as far as people in South Yorkshire are concerned the state should provide absolutely everything to them. This isn't a minority view, it's the prevailing mindset.

If Dan Jarvis personally delivered large amounts of cash to them every morning they'd complain about him waking them up.

>Oh yeah and he's an mi5 agent. ;)

That's Corbyn m8

Properly nationalised is bullshit. You're saying an issue not created by the free market, should be handed over to the state and completely remove any last remince of the free market, which I highly doubt there's that much in the railway industry left. I can't think of any nationalised industry that's worked well. Just think how it worked when Britain was on the brink of becoming full commie in the late 70s

I would compare "properly nationalised" to "communism has never been tried, we need this brand of communism"

>insanely right-wing
Fucking UKIP is insanely right-wing to lefties.

you fucking leave our swines alone

True. If Labour became even a little more electable theyd be able to put in all of their other bad policies.

Not sure I'd agree that Corbyn is good. But yeah, socialism is better than blairism.

Piss off anthony

No, anyone who drinks excessively should be left to die in the streets.

West Lancs master race


so when will Labour embrace the immortal science of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism?

It's our country now and we'll do what we want. Get used to it or move to fucking Carlisle

I'm sincere

just turn my country into sweden senpai

When you say south, do you mean London or the actual south? Like below London?
And arent northerners more benefit dependant?

Cred Forums is so shit at this time, when is the best time to go on?

When the Americans and Canadians are sleeping?

>What's wrong with this?
It's not democratic
>Yeah he kinda sounds like a dick
He is.
>For political reasons? What are the reasons? who's the MP?
Not saying.
>Lol how do you know this?
Because my job often involves working in Westminster and it's quite openly talked about (Woodcock too apparently)

>It's our country now and we'll do what we want. Get used to it or move to fucking Carlisle

I'm a proud Glaswegian loyal to Her Majesty. I will always be British and won't be moving anywhere.

Independence is a ridiculous idea and it won't happen, so accept it.

Corbyn and his handlers are literally purging the Labour party right now, once he wins in a few days the party will actually stand for something that isn`t almost identical to Cameron`s Conservative government.

Caseworkers usually remain at the constituency office. What are you doing in Westminster, senpai?

why would you talk about this stuff on here? not complaining but seems a bit risky

>My political views are shaped by the football team I support

Pathetic and contemptible

Don't be cheeky m8 tell us a bit. Thanks for the info btw.


Migrate when ready
>inb4 5 posts early

It's 1am over there, don't you have work tomorrow?


Because he's either lying or showing off on this Mongolian throat singing forum at 1am

sad either way

My views are nothing to do with football. I barely even watch Rangers games these days.

>Caseworkers usually remain at the constituency office

That's right, and normally I do, but sometimes I get to go to Westminster and work there. 90% is in the constituency though.

>why would you talk about this stuff on here?

Cos it's amusing to me that the degenerates of Cred Forums have a better source of information to what's going on in the Labour party than the Guardian and the New Statesman.


Every single time.

Fuck's sake lads.

Just go to the first thread posted lads

Jesus, that was autistic.

>It's 1am over there, don't you have work tomorrow?

Working at home until the Labour leadership election is done, my MP is in parliament and I'm holding the fort down here whilst simultaneously doing other Corbyn related campaign work (which isn't my job, but my own free-time activism, I don't get paid for it)

Doesn't it bother you to be such an obvious stereotype?

Yes but it'd be left wing. I'd like to see Labour and the Tories actually have different policies. However it's important that they(Labour) stay unelectable until UKIP or arron banks' party becomes the opposition. then we'd have a comfy right wing opposition to a right wing party in power.

New thread, lads

Not really.

You're a traitor.

What do you think Corbyn's chances of winning are?

This. Just keep going to the earliest thread made and this threadsplitting autism doesn't work

Why would you work in Westminster at all? As a constituency caseworker you wouldn't have been issued a pass for Parliament. You'd need to be escorted around, which just isn't a good use of time if you're 'working' in Parliament now and then.

Only way you would have a pass is if your MP explicitly asked for one, and could then prove it was necessary for your work.

Given you're in the constituency all of the time, I doubt you could work in Westminster, though you may pop there now and then for a visit.

((threadsplitters)) OUT

No, it's here:

>let's just ignore the confession
>yay for justice

>What do you think Corbyn's chances of winning are?

Winning the Labour leadership election? 100%

Winning a general election? Nil (he'll probably stand down in 2018 or 2019 once a successor has been properly groomed and the Labour right has been defeated)

>Only way you would have a pass is if your MP explicitly asked for one, and could then prove it was necessary for your work.
