Huh....well he makes a good point!

Huh....well he makes a good point!

Other urls found in this thread:


Full vid btw


A max net worth is a better idea.

Hey, so why don't we interfere with business for like NO REASON AT ALL!.

Hurrr, I'm such a genius.

>Earning money is about needs

>walmart employees have to be subsidized
or the government could get their hands out of everyone's business

>own a business
>maximum wage enforced
>say fuck it, set my salary to 1 usd /week
>set myself up with company expense card and live off of that.
>company never oficially turns a profit because my raising living costs
I already know of several small business owners who do this.

We actually do have a maximum wage, it's called the Balkenende norm.

>make 100 mill a year
>can no longer expand my business to reach more people
>my business is the only one who has the cure for cancer and every STD known to man because I have the cures patented
>I can no longer sell more than x amount of cures a month/year

OK I've just incorporated 1000 different businesses and I personally only make $5 / year now. --Rich person


Are you stupid?

>You can't earn more than the arbitrary number I impose because reasons

Jesse is based as fuck. Wish he was running for President instead of Trump.

First put a cap on medical salaries, let's say 80k/yr and see the surgeon shortage appear.

If you cap salaries and wealth you cap drive and ambition.

Millions of people wanted to be "the next bill gates" not because of how smart he was, but because he was the richest man in the world. If every "rich" person has the exact same amount of money, there's no reason to reach beyond that plateau.

Why do you commies never understand basic human motivation?

>durr pay people to not work
>I promise they'll still look for jobs tho!
>hurr cap people's wealth
>I promise they'll still grow their businesses tho!

>set myself up with company expense card and live off of that.

>confiscate CEOs entire wage
>redistribute to all employees
>their yearly pay increases by twenty cents

Thanks George!

Big business owners need quite a lot of money you fucking retard
>you think it's cheep to purchase land and to employ people

No, just evil.

Maximum wage+crazy inflation=recipe for Sucess.

Wow, really got the old neurons firing
wtf I hate money now

Every unit of value is arbitrary. As value is subjective.

Regardless of how dumb it is, it would make for a cool experiment.

Sage and move on, nothing to see here.

Two reasons this is retarded.

>People who own pass-through corporations can never ever grow their businesses, since they're taxed as individuals.
This kills the small business.

>Inflation will eventually catch up with whatever pie-in-the-sky number you come up with because our currency is worthless paper.
You might as well set it at $10,000 maximum, since not even 100 years ago that was a huge as fuck salary.

>but we can just raise it over time, hurr durr
How is that working out for Social Security?

Good luck enforcing a maximum wage.

Obviously such a policy would only work if loopholes like that were avoided.

>hurr durr what are corporations

I hate this stupid retard.

>I'll just commit tax fraud to circumvent it. Easy peasy.

Good job producing the ready-made capitalist talking points. It's true to an extent but you pervert and torture it to make a political point. Millionaire, perhaps, but nobody is motivated by their desire to be a billionaire. No current billionaire has given that as a motivation, nor have I ever heard of any public figure of wealth say something like that. For one most billionaires just got there by luck so they couldn't have had the motivation in the first placs. Crassus for instance just happened to invest in property after a great fire and during a period of rebuilding.

So he calls himself a libertarian?
Isn't that, like... less regulations? Not more?

Still doesn't explain why we should bother. Tall poppy syndrome isn't going to help the poor. If we want to fix capitalism we need reforms actually aimed at helping people, not just 'muh equality muthufuka' shit.

Yes, I also think that Jews should not be allowed to have more than a certain relatively low amount of money. Look at Soros who uses his wealth for anti-white propaganda

What right does the government have to decide how much a man can earn anyway?

No he doesn't.
>Ventura frequently described himself as "fiscally conservative and socially liberal."[49]

B-but Jesse was the guy who gave Trump the idea to become President in the first place.

business owners don't get a wage. This fucking faggot should have just stuck to wrestling

100 mil/year is not made through "wages".

Yes, billionaires are lucky to have great genetics and traits such as intelligence and skills.

AKA Libertarian.
He says he's a libertarian all the time on his show, and is even voting for Gary Johnson.

>What right does the government have to decide what is illegal anyway

>wealth is a genetic trait


There is not a single defense to not having a maximum net worth. EVERY SINGLE ultra-rich oligarch uses their massive wealth as a tool to subvert democracy, fund protests and revolts, buy politicians, and tread on 95% of the population.

>wouldn't apply to banking elites


People do shit like that everyday. It isn't an issue unless you get audited, or you tank the company and lose other people's money.

Or if your owed taxes get high enough for uncle Sam to come sniffing.

>max 100 / year
To make it work you need also:
>All excess profit must be re invested into growth or employees

Only for public positions though, not in private businesses.

Why would a man that doesn't know if saw combat or not in Vietnam think he has the faculties for discussions on economics? Is he just faking it like wrestling?

And also be in every country.

>Let's put an arbitrary limit on successful business endeavors
>This will not impede on anyones ambitions
I genuinely like Jesse Ventura, but that's sad if he actually did say that.

>the value of a human life is gauged by money
>not by genetics
>not by personality
>not by deeds
>not by morals

w e w

future confirmed for retards and Idiocracy being a prophecy.

I'm all for doing work and earning money but there seriously is a point where a maximum yearly earning and spending of an invididual should be imposed. 100million? I'd be happier with 50.

The distribution of wealth is a grossly neglected problem, and by "distribution" I don't mean gibmedats - I mean of all the wealth that exists, more of it shouldn't belong to a minority of people.

There's so much more to life than a 9-5 and a roof over your head, yet it isn't a rarity that many people live and die in the same city before seeing much else of the world or doing much else besides working like a slave then going home.

100 million dollars is more than enough to do anything you'd like to do. You could travel the world, eat good food, own any car you want, own an aircraft, pioneer a business, just anything under the sun short of launching a rocket to the moon - but enough people working together with 100 mil each could accomplish that.

Capping salaries and wealth does not cap drive and ambition. If everyone was just given 100 million, THAT would cap drive and ambition. Everyone being at the limit would do that.

There's no reason anyone in america working a 9-5 job flipping burgers should make less than 50k a year, and there's no reason a mentally retarded person who lies in front of a camera for the next hollywood blockbuster should be making more than 100 million. There's no reason for a business mogul to be personally earning more than 100 million when that value is largely part of their company - a company that wouldn't exist without the tens of thousands of employees who do an exponentially greater amount of work combined than the mogul could ever dream of doing.

If you've lost all drive to do more for the world after earning 100mil a year, you're just a shitlord.

lol, why does he care? Libs are retarded in that they think that income is fixed and can be distributed like slices of pie and that rich people are only rich at the expense of everyone else. It's not how income works, read an econ textbook

That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard. Literally government limiting how powerful you can be in relation to itself.

Most wealth isn't in currency.

>rich people are only rich at the expense of everyone else.
>implying this isn't true

How does one go about setting and enforcing a maximum wage?

>If everyone was just given 100 million, THAT would cap drive and ambition

No that would ruin the economy you clueless retard.

Also burger flippers are in low demand, high supply, moviestars are in high demand low supply GET THE FUCKING PICTURE YOU FUCKING IDIOT

Sounds like a great way to shit all over the economy.

The US had something close to it during our glory years from WWII until the early '60s -- much higher tax rates for the very wealthy.

Starting with Nixon, ta rates for the wealthy have been going down for 40+ years and you can see the result.

Effects of heavily taxing Elon Musk :

>Doesn't create driverless cars saving hundreds of thousands of lives

>Doesn't start Tesla, beginning a new generation of electric cars, potentially slowing or stopping global warming.

>Doesn't figure out cheap spaceflight, allowing humans to escape Earth in the event of an extinction event.

Effects of taxing Elon = at best driverless cars take longer to arrive, leading to over 100,000 deaths globally. At worst humanity goes extinct.

Billionaires are our only fucking hope at avoiding extinction.

They are arrogant + smart enough to try and save the world. Let them try.

kike detected

we need to tax 100% of profits nationwide and fund elon musk's ventures with it. businesses can keep operating while funding o glorious leader

Society needs to find a way to distinguish between people who CREATE value and people who TRANSFER value.

We need people to CREATE value, yet these are often the jobs that are shit on. (Example: offshoring and mass import of 3rd worlders undermining STEM jobs.)

Yet the fastest/easiest way to the most money is often through jobs that involve TRANSFERRING value. (Example: real estate agent. Stock broker.)

If someone becomes a billionaire by creating things of value I don't think their tax should be high, though I could understand some requirement that they reinvest to create more value.

But value transfer types should be taxed at 90-95%.

there are a many burger flippers as hopeful actors and actresses. You're the fuckin idiot here.

You're more than a complete fucking idiot if you actually think any actor should be paid more than another for equal work. Acting and telling lies and pretending for a living? You like that shit?
Hillary is for the special people like you.

why are you assuming he wouldn't do those things anyway?

protip he's not motivated by money

>heavily taxing Elon Musk prevents the development of driverless cars

New plan

Tax the fuck out of Elon Musk. Driverless cars are the vaping of automobiles.

Stop making us look like a bunch of retarded kids

Real estate agents and stockbrokers create value too though.

Actually that won't work. A huge portion of motivation is lost when you remove the ability to earn large amounts of money.

Arrogance is the driving factor for most billionaires. Taking all Elons money, then giving some back to him and saying "figure out cheap space flight" for $100,000 a year will not work.

Also "kike detected" - not an argument.

Didn't say he was motivated by money. Money is the tool he uses to achieve greatness. He is driven to be great.

SOURCES PEOPLE how can you just say money=motivation

Most "billionaires" don't have billions of dollars to toss around it's usually tied up in their business(es). Idiot liberals think that the net worth is how much a person makes in a given year.

It's not all his money in those coprorations...

>I want to build a hospital that costs $700 Million.
>I want to fund cancer research clinical trials that cost $500 Million.
>I get taxed at 50% of my income.
>How many years will it take me to treat my first patient in my new hospital?

This is a terrible idea. People will keep their money in the corporations and the corporations will hold/control all the wealth. They will shift it off-shore because free-trade and tax havens.

Fucking liberals never think through their bullshit.

Heh... Nothin' personal kid...

*teleports behind you*

there is no situation where driverless cars will outperform or replace even a majority of driven cars, and in the meantime they have the potential to cause more accidents than not.

Tesla vehicles are prohibitively expensive to the point where making them popular enough to replace traditional cars will never feasibly happen when a majority of people hold the minority of wealth. Your cheapest entry for a Tesla car is over $600 a month. These are luxury cars, not "for the people" cars. It's a brand name that's starting as expensive and will either die or remain an expensive brand name. Keep in mind that electric cars are not even a new concept. There have been a tremendous amount of electric car attempts over the past 40 years.

>cheap spaceflight
Again, if by cheap you mean luxury - sure
>escape earth
Oh you were just retarded all along.

Underrated post

I can sort of see the argument for not giving money as a hand out. this makes sense as it create a system where victimhood is promoted in order to achieve success.

However, that doesn't mean that the money recovered from the extremely wealthy cannot be used to the benefit of everyone. Better roads, school, public transport, free health care, etc.

This is the most retarded shit ever. Electric cars are neither new nor practical. The fact is, the amount of energy required to power the car is still the same and you still get that power from fossil fuel. You literally save nothing. Infact you make things worse, those things are made from some pretty exotic materials that are extremely hazardous to the environment.

If you really wanted to save the environment get a second hand car with the smallest turbo diesel you can find and run it until it broke down completely. This would, factually, be better for the environment.

But we know you won't do that, because you're a hipster who wants to signal virtue to the world without knowing a single thing about it.

The irony of using a billionaire in this context is where the humor is found. You have literally been tricked in to parting with your money through idealism, disregarding the truth completely because it doesn't fit your ideal.

>Only allowed to earn $100 million per year
>Only work as hard as required to make $100 million per year

how are people supposed to live off of 100 million a year?

The the Japs basically have a maximum wage but I don't think it's law. I imagine it was the same in nazi Germany.

>there is no situation where driverless cars will outperform or replace even a majority of driven cars
Why are burgers so stupid?

Drivers cars can drive way fucking faster than human driven cars. Self driving speed limits can probably be completely removed at the self driving car will be able to tell what speed it can safely drive at far better than any human can.

You can also get rid of traffic lights. Self driving cars can just organise themselves to avoid each other safely without needing to stop.

Tesla is bringing out cheaper cars in the future friendo.

And how much work do you think you'd have to do to earn 100 million a year?

Clearly you're nowhere close yet - so what work do you think you'd have to do?

>People are this logical
>The only reason they do the job is for money
Found the kike.

Kill yourself commie scum

>mom drank heavily during my pregnancy
>first post on Cred Forums
>FAS blatantly noticed by all

What if the CEO of a companies pay was capped at x times the amount of the lowest paid worker

I love the highlighted words, to really point out the propaganda for the dumb goyim

It won't be surgeons. It'll be nurses first, already a shortage coming next year due to new laws regarding LPN licensure.

I think you should be asking yourself that one pal. If there was a max wage that would set a max cap on the amount of money you can make. Once you hit that maximum with your business why would you expand your company any further or even do anything after that cap has been hit? How often do you work for free?


How does one enforce a maximum wage?

The real statement is how subsidation of poors is wrong

>Set maximum net worth
>Person approaches that net worth
>Instead of letting parasites take his money, he moves his assets out of country or leaves entirely.

This, desu. The rich will be rich enough to avoid the laws that will stop them from being rich. Sure, make the law: it won't work

There's no point in any of this "rich people can't be too rich" shit.

Even if you directly take money from the richest people and give it to the poorest people, any individual gets very little.

>he bribes/threatens politicians who try to enforce the law

denmark.. highest taxes anywhere, everyone pays them... cucks

You forget most people don't want to pay for poor little rapebaby rasmusses