This is Germany, today, now. Refugees riding segways while talking on their new phone, wearing the swaggiest clothes...

This is Germany, today, now. Refugees riding segways while talking on their new phone, wearing the swaggiest clothes. (not related to the one in the vid., but he sums it up) Also a normal german class at the start.

Your opinion Cred Forums?

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those are immigrants not refugees. If those people should be here is another question. Plus this seems to be a parody but german music is so shit I wouldn't really be surprised if they are legit.
get in here krautanons

This is why I changed all myour euros pounds got flat in the uk.

Reminder all nationalists buy British support Brxit.

Fuck the Eu elite and there plan destroy are cultures.

>those are immigrants not refugees
I know. But I've seen a lot of refugees riding segways in the city, talking over their new phone and wearing swagger-clothes.

Sadly not. That is not a parody, more a song young Germans love to hear

This is the punishment for plotting against Poland which was a christian kingdom

Yes, it's the German people fault.

Of all the """refugee""" videos I've seen, most of them are wearing expensive branded shit, and holding iPhones before they even get to their destination.

Absolutely invasive.

stfu. u ploted against us.

we christianized you in the first place fggt

Because it's so bad for young people nowadays of different background to enjoy their hobbies such as singing and riding segway that they need to be criticized for what they do. You guys are hypocrites, and no wonder why you right wingers are not liked.

Fucking kill yourself, jew.

>we christianized you in the first place fggt
Sounds like Poland will need to return the favour and uncuck you all.


You guys refuse to revolt and burn politicians alive, so I guess you just deserve it really

Well at this point I'm open to literally any solution. Maybe they have some special Slav pheromones that keep muslims at bay since nobody even wants to come to their countries.


Get fucked

our* muhammed

Lets call them what they are, Invaders. Not immigrants, not refugees, not poor wittle bby mooslums, they are nigger invaders

Dis is my jam.

>Maybe they have some special Slav pheromones that keep muslims at bay since nobody even wants to come to their countries
Can't tell if you're using sarcasm or not lol

But, as we both know, the East isn't as developed as the West. If you saw two houses, one was alright, but wasn't the best, and the one next to it was a massive two story house that was spotless and absolutely beautiful, I'm sure you already know what house you'd choose to live in.

Kek, what the fuck is this city ?

>AfD got 8% of the youth vote
>AfD got 16% of the elder vote
>in the rest of Germany it's the reverse

What the fuck is this fucking place ?


Absolutely haram


Everyone butthurt over something so literally ratified that there is an active push to send migrants to Poland, but Cred Forums doesn't want to admit that

It was just my germanic attempt at humor ausbro.

80% of the german population vote for one of the Merkel parties

>implying Seehofer won't get rid of Merkel and rule the CDU instead

I heard he was increasingly popular among CDU voters...


Merkel will lose her power after Trump is elected president because she is Obama's puppet.

Czechia christianized Poland. The duke that converted to christianity in 966 precisely tried to avoid influence from Germany

I didn't see anything about the gang raping in that video. I wonder why.

>If you saw two houses, one was alright, but wasn't the best, and the one next to it was a massive two story house that was spotless and absolutely beautiful, I'm sure you already know what house you'd choose to live in.

The one that isn't full of Muslims