Psychedelic mushrooms are red pill

The neckbeard losers at Cred Forums will tell you that psychedelic mushrooms are degenerate, while they whipe the cheetos dust off their own chins.

This stuff is red pill. The introspection you experience when you eat this natural substance that grows worldwide, and has been used by peoples from all over the world, wether vikings or native americans, for thousands of years. This mushroom can save lives and cure depression. Makes you question why the government banned it, or why the government has decided that you cannot pick something freely from the forest and consume it.

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I can agree. All your mind filters disappear and you see things in ways you couldn't comprehend without shrooms. If you get the chance to do them with friends do it. It'll change your outlook on life.

I agree user. Wish more people would try to understand this. They are the original redpill

Trips of truth


Heh, I was almost forced to consider your position, but then I remembered that Christianity forbids drug use. Tough luck pal.

>Hashish and wine were not common in the ancient Levant.

Does your bible say anything about mushrooms? No, it doesn't. What you define as drugs has been decided by politics and interests. The fact that a non-addictive, non-toxic mushroom in the forest is classified on the same level as heroin should make your eye brows raise.


I'm trolling. Christianity does not actually forbid drug use.

Oy vey, I have been rused.

Psychedelics are quite possibly the biggest blue pill I could name

Can confirm. A little shrooming once in a few years never hurt nobody.

I would have never come to pol if it wasn't for psychedelics.

Holding off on psychedelics use this year to qualify for firearm license though

Please, enlighten me.

where can i pick them

Depends on how you see the world. If you never questioned anything, then it will be a color show of no value.

If you have spent your life seeking knowledge, it can be pretty illuminating. But, in reality, a very small sliver of people can utilize it for enlightenment. It takes a lot of independent variables to fall into place.

I wouldn't recommended it, as you could end up more confused than when you began.. which would completely throw your life off the rails

I honestly have no idea which types of psilocybin mushrooms grow naturally in America, or where you can pick them. But there are a ton of them in Mexico, or you could buy them legally in Amsterdam as truffles.

Here, we pick these ones.

I disagree. I think the vast majority of people would benefit of getting to know themselves and a part of them that has been lost in all of the modern worlds stimulation and noise.

Ofc christianity doesnt forbid drugs. Most of the so called "miracles" were nothing more than priests completely fucked up out of their minds (sometimes even on accident. The incense used in some rituals was so strong and so intense in some cases that it has been prooven that it can even causa hallucinations)

They grow on cow patties. The easiest way to obtain them is to legally acquire spores and cultivate them indoors.

They're fun to do, and that's about where it ends. I've taken acid a few times but it's one of the biggest blue pills there are. Much like video games are usually blue pilled as fuck yet they can still be fun and enjoyable.

Red pill refers to harsh truths about reality. Psychedelics alter your perception of reality into a drug induced artifical one. To form a world view influenced by an artificial perception of reality is literally as blue pilled as could possible happen.

All it does is encourage some abstract thinking, but usually nothing beyond "babies first abstract thinking" where a normie thinks they've stumbled on something absolutely ground shaking where in reality it's something most philosophers have thought of an passed in their earliest stages of philosophy. If you want to unlock secrets of existentialism then study philosophy, read as much as you can, debate others who enjoy the same topic, and continue to take in as much information as you can. Substituting this process with drugs is like the poor idiots philosophy.

Psychedelics are to philosophy what guitar hero is to actual instruments. It makes retarded normies think they're deep and complex with zero effort when in reality they're just drooling idiotic drug users

>I disagree. I think the vast majority of people would benefit of getting to know themselves and a part of them that has been lost in all of the modern worlds stimulation and noise.

Try taking on the question of why you left the infinite to be within the realm of physicality's limitations.

I agree user. Magic mushrooms actually healed cure my atheism. Once Weed is legalized, we should work on legalizing magic mushrooms.

i think it has way more to do with the person that takes it than what you´re taking. If your a fucking normie moron lsd won´t change that by a longshot. Psychedelics when used by morons that just take them like they are taking molly just has the exact opposite effect and turns you into an idiot that just acts all enlightened and shanti (aka 99% of people that attend trance festivals )

Would love to try. High doses of weed edibles have made me see the world differently. Is like you get to zoom out and see the bigger picture for a couple of hours.

>Try taking on the question of why you left the infinite to be within the realm of physicality's limitations.

Which limitations? There are infinities within the mind.

A lot of the "harsh truths" of the red pill are peoples own insecurities. An introspecting ride can make one more confident and calm and in control of ones own life, in the middle of all the madness. That sounds quite red pill to me. After all, what is more red pill than to improve yourself as a person and grow? Its more about gaining an understanding of yourself, and nothing else. After all, who really knows you besides you? When you move down on a level with yourself where you have never been before, you learn a thing or two about your life.



If weed edibles blew your mind, this stuff will blow your universe.

I wouldn't be as conservative as I am with having experienced the effects of psychedelic drugs.


You've illustrated point perfectly. Thank you.

"Culture and ideology are not your friends", as human mushroom Mckenna said. As a thinking man, this phrase has stuck with me for many years. There is no thinking more pure, more unadulterated, than the thinking done without the influence of culture and ideology. It's exactly this influence that makes people scoff about psychs, and say such drivel as "its not real, it's all an hallucination".

Those of us who've seen the power of the egregore, of pepe, will benefit immensely in their budding perception of the universe, if they take a dip into the world of mushrooms. Psychedelics and the occult are very closely tied together. It's like console commands for the human computer. Bypass the operating system, go straight for the core of the matter.

As for the rest of us, who turn their minds away, who prefer to look only toward science, i find little hope in them for finding meaning or true understanding of our world.

On a side note, do any other psychonaut anons here ever feel like psychedelics should be kept away from the unworthy rabble of bluepilled normies? Call it ego, but i often feel like governments are doing us a favour by keeping psychs under wraps. Its like a natural selection process for those of us who are curious enough to venture into this world.
>pic related, pet superiority complex

I think schizophrenia runs a little in my family, probably not the best idea for me to take them

Shrooms are great man they help me enormously with seeing my problems and getting closer to God

Do shrooms for a better outlook on life. LSD if your a math and science type of guy. It'll increase in depth thinking in those fields.

You can keep your convictions after psychedelics. It just depends on how strong they are. Will they stand the test ? You might realize your convictions are stronger, or you might realize they aren't worth it. Who wouldn't want to know themselves on such a level?

I'm saying that absolute best case scenario, a person who takes it and receives the full potential benefit, only arrives at the most basic abstract thought that has already been explored by philosophers for thousands of years. The difference is that someone who came to it with sober philosophy will likely continue along the thought train and continue philosophizing, where someone who came to it through Psychedelics will become trapped in "no dude, you don't understand. It's deep shit man I can't explain it. You just don't understand dude you haven't seen the things I've seen" type thinking. Physchedlics with get you to ask the most basic question but rarely goes further because you didn't come to ask the question yourself. It's like walking down a path into a forest knowing which direction you came from and which way you're going, you'll continue on. As opposed to Psychedelics which is like being dropped on your head in the middle of the forest, having no idea where you are or how you got there, don't know which way to go, so you just set up camp and stay there.

Psychedelics are the poor man's philosophy

>Which limitations? There are infinities within the mind.

Try witnessing billions of years of evolution within the span of a few seconds..

Well, I didn't see that on drugs.. I actually saw it in a dream after my father died. Coming back to the visual, physical limitations that come with time passing by scared the shit out of me, so I got bad on drugs... Chasing meaning. Never got it. Now I just roll with it.. Yes, the mind is endless, but the art is consolidating the vision of the non-physical infinite with the reality of the life you were born with.

I honestly believe that no government should have that much control over what a person should or should not put into its body but regarding psychedlics i think that it would make sense a system like spain´s weed clubs (were you have to register and only get them on specific places that are highly regulated).``
On normies taking psychedelics i honestly wouldn´t mind. Most of them would probably just take them like if they were smoking weed and then nature would take care of them. I think we should let darwinism work on these kinds of situations. Would make the world a better place.

I've heard that LSD is electrifying and Shrooms is more organic is that true?

People say mushrooms and LSD have distinct effects. Is that true? I've taken LSD once and mushrooms once, and the effects were similar from my limited experience of each.

I think psychedelics are self-selective. I had plenty of normie friends who took them and would rave about "pretty colors". I'd be supportive, but think, "Is that really all you got out of them?"

Psychedelics are consciousness expanding drugs which act proportional to the consciousness you have cultivated. If you are an unaware normie, you have very little consciousness to expand.

If you're high IQ autist enough, you don't need em. I did Salvia, saw shit, saw that reality was an elaborate illusion created by aliens. Then it wore off and I was like "meh, that's one perspective of many."

Just read some philosophy and don't destroy your brain with that stuff.

In that order, probably because I've been enlightened by the mushroom of truth.

Of course. LSD is synthetic. Shrooms grow naturally. They are both great though. Similar. LSD was stronger for me.

LSD trip is more intense.

You're correct, but salvia is not a valid comparison to anything.. It's just evil.

Mushrooms have had the most helpful experiences of my life. It allowed me to see things from anothet angle, which in turn helps with understanding. I was a 90s kid who didn't like school so was put on ritilin at 9 years old. Stopped taking it around 16 with some pretty aweful lasting side effects. Mushrooms honestly helped me work it all out. Not saying it's for everyone, but I'm much happier in life because of them.

>Comparing Salvia to mushrooms

Thats like comparing cigarettes to beer.


And to think that they want to prevent us by law from picking this stuff freely out in the nature. Reading your story about your life improving made me happy on your part.

I do not think it is something that should be kept away from 'normies' 'bluepills' etc. From conversations about drugs with these people they just see it as another form of party drug and tend to get caught up in the visuals and the beauty of the hallucinations but don't seem to really speak about anything they found through introspection, others say that they cannot remember anything. There are of course those who do not understand the power that these drugs have and use them as if they would marijuana and they just fry their brains thinking it is a quick route to god or to living life as it is meant to be lived. So, in summary I believe that there are two ways people can misuses psychedelics, one is by not using the opportunity to delve into one's self and one's thoughts and treat it just like another hedonic drug to be used and abused. The other is one that takes the message that is given to them through that introspection and they want to live there, they think it is the truth and that it can only be accessed through psychedelics, I think that these are the people who should probably be kept from doing them or at least do them when they are with responsible users of the drugs (most of the people I have known to have done this were teenagers and so probably did not know better.)

Best reply yet. Couldn't agree more.

Thanks. The reason why it's illegal is purely money. It's really sad, a doctor will put a 9 year old on what's basically meth but eating a mushoot out of the woods makes you a criminal. Fuck the system.

There is a proper way to experience mushrooms.
Native Americans had elder guides who administered hallucinagenics for a reason.

I personally love to eat anywhere from 0.7-1.5 grams (very small dose) when I'm headed out to hear some house music or something and they give me the greatest sensation. You feel them in your chest, laugh a lot, I'll often have watery eyes from it. That's a tiny dose but effective. I've had a bunch of my friends try it out and it's rave reviews across the board. And you trip visually as well, just it's no journey high, instead you're normal plus.

Any DMT experiences? I'm trying it tomorrow. Going for a 40mg dose of 99% DMT from a dry herb vape.

Indeed. The fact that its a schedule 1 drug, lumped in together with heroin, tells us all we need to know about the powers that be. They do not have our best interests in mind.

Good luck, have fun and enjoy the ride.

Smoking it will give you an intense ride. Your 15 minutes will feel like 24 hours though.

I've heard smoking it can damage it so it's best to just heat it up?

Micro-dosing works well, yes. Normal plus is a good description.

I've only heard of people smoking it, or drinking it as ayahuasca.


Apparently handling DMT without stainless steel and burning it can damage the molecule. Gonna vape it to be safe anyway. Looking forward to the breakthrough.

Look into RCs. Most places can try out research chemicals legally. Look into 1P-LSD or 4-ACO-DMT.


being addicted to anything is degenerate.

i wouldn't mind TRYING shrooms one day though

Kek. Stuff like that doesn't phase me.

Good luck, m8

Since when were mushrooms addictive? It's impossible to get addicted to them, because your body builds up a tolerance to them. If you take them 3 days in a row, you wont feel anything from them anymore.

>if bible doesn't mention it specifically it's not a valid concern

aww man I guess I have to accept that necrophilia and being transgender is okay

They are not. You won't be hooked. Psychedelic shrooms were banned by UN.

Your life must be rough, with a mindset like that.

you have to be an idiot to think you've been "enlightened" by hallucinogens

sorry to burst your bubble

>24 hours

u a little baby

try 10,000 eternities

>this guy actually believes this
let's take a moment to laugh at him



If you think about it, the only wrong thing about necrophilia is that it could be very, very unhygienic. Transgender people are just in a more comfortable outfit really. It's probably quite hard to understand though.

If you study what drugs actually do and the potential damage they can cause, you can work around it. Being safe and moderate with drugs can bring you a great life rather than being safe and moderate without.

Not saying you need to "escape reality", just enhance it, to a state you wouldn't normally be able to achieve.

you must be an idiot if u think otherwise

and no my life is pretty great
as God is my provider


I can see that, but for everyone else you just seem like an asshole. You could use some introspection. Have a shroom.

>being this stupid

>mfw normies use psys to party
>mfw I fell for the same meme yesterday and I regret it greatly

I see now that these drug threads bring out all the degenerate filth from the woodworks.

>necrophilia and trannies are okay
please go back to plebbit

psychedelics are not for partying tard-o.
not to say they aren't great at small parties, but if that's all you're doing with them, you need to stop.

Did I say they were okay? I just punched some holes in what you're saying because you don't have a real reason for why you don't think these things are okay.

Yeah I really want to do shrooms before I inevitably lose my mind and go insane.

I already mentioned I would try them just to understand what it's like.

but I'm not going to derive some freaking spiritual journey out if it
you hippies sound like freaking rastafarians
>weed was given to us by God so we could speak with him

I've done acid a couple of times. Walked away from it with a better understanding of things that are difficult to string into words. Never tried mushrooms though. Hard to get around here.

If you've done both, which do you think is better and why?

Dude who's done lots of acid/shrooms/DMT and hangs out with psychonauts here

Fuck all of it. I used to be a social, optimistic guy, but all this shit fried my brain into a socially awkward weirdo. I know the same happened to a lot of people. There are no physical side effects of psychedelics, but the mental ones are bad and never considered. One of my buddies used to be a really motivated dude, bu ever since doing DMT upwards of 20 times, he will regularly space out during any social gathering and, when asked, say he's "meditating" (just staring at a fucking wall). You're never the same after high doses, and I believe you change for the worse.

you did actually.
you directly implied that

and they're wrong because they're disgusting and unnatural
only reason why one is legal and the other isn't is society's perception of them

Come back to me after that, bro. I would love to hear about your trip.

I had a bad trip on them last spring. It gave me anxiety and probably a panic disorder that I'm still trying to overcome

Not sure I'd recommend.

I said "if you think about it"... I'm telling you now, I don't agree with that.

A person is born into whatever and some people just really don't feel like their gender. Some people feel this SO much, that they decide to get an operation to change it. Obviously it's a real condition, you're just ignorant as fuck.

I am on six grams right now and giving myself a bit of intensive therapy. Mushrooms don't help you escape from reality, in my experience, they make you face it.

What about DMT just once?

>inb4 >just once

Yes that's because instead of using it responsibly, you used them like a fucking junkie loser. I mean really it's not hard to see. People who drink too much have get liver disease, those who don't have a great time.

Maybe he shouldn't have dmt 20 times. That's absolutely actual retard tier behavior

>You eat fungus that grows in cow shit to get an hallucinogenic high and kill your brain cells.

>We eat Cheetos.

The latter is obviously less degenerate. Drugs are degenerate hippie bullshit.

Shrooms make you feel primitive to the very last bone. If you've committed the seven sins you will feel them show you the true animal you are, with that you'll be able to change and live a better life.

>I used to be a social, optimistic guy, but all this shit fried my brain into a socially awkward weirdo.

Congratulations you saw the fire.

>bu ever since doing DMT upwards of 20 times, he will regularly space out during any social gathering and, when asked, say he's "meditating" (just staring at a fucking wall).

He left the cave.

Also weed made me permanently paranoid

take more. don't half ass it.

completely lose yourself.

anxieties scatter from psychedelics like bacteria from penicillin (also a fungus).

if you had trouble, then you must have extremely potent anxiety. up your dosage mate.

shrooms are psychic antibiotics.

are lad styx did it better

Mushroom are not degenerate. They are great.

> t. neuroscientist

Dude he's totally okay...fucking idiot

>grows in cow shit

non white detected. herbivore excrement is wonderful for anything you are growing to eat

Brah you don't know wtf you're talking about

The first generation online was taught to be liberal faggots by social media and echo chambers.

The red pill is that you are just brain fucking yourself in an attempt to gain spiritual meaning. There is no higher meaning. There are no higher dimensions with aliens. All you're doing is risking doing damage to yourself permanently. Take your existential angst like a man faggot.

Hehehe, ayyyy son... You're in for the mother of all experiences, I'm really excited for you. Three tokes, lie down, close your eyes, and marvel.
The stuff is vaporized, not smoked. Too much heat and it oxidizes, not what you want.

Pretty much the answers i was expecting to get, you guys have the idea down. It flies right over the head of those who can't read between the lines, so the significance is missed..
It's weird that i have this elitist idea about them, every time i've had a sheet of acid, or a really good flush of mushrooms, i just feel this overwhelming need to go around town on the weekends and just hand it out to strangers. Its like they're a blessing that i hold, and i have a responsibility to spread it far and wide. Quite the opposing mindsets, its funny...

I'm white. I'm just not a degenerate shit eating hippie piece of white trash.

Oh believe me I lost myself. Looked it up probably ego death.

Honestly is was probably the scariest moment of my life. I do not wish to experience anything like that ever again.

Not sure whether to do it at home as soon as it arrives or with friends. Doubt it'd make a difference if you're in another existence though.

>be 17
>go to dealers house
>going to eat a half 8th of shrooms
>he says I might as well eat more
>he lines up like over an 1/8th (probably 4 grams)
>I eat it
>he leaves me with his friend who's like 14 who I barely know and my friend in his house
>me and my friend want to leave
>get outside
>I'm tripping too hard and don't want to leave
>friend says ok and walks away
>go to go back inside house
>it's locked
>sit outside his house for a bit
>lay down and probably fall asleep or just trip hard
>tripping so hard I hallucinated that I was still inside
>for some reason I thought I was Bear Grylls
>get up
>forgot I took shrooms, thought life was going to be like this forever for some reason or I was just inside asleep and dreaming
> break my glasses with my hands, it cuts them all up
>break my phone, figure it doesn't matter cuz it's just a dream
>end up hanging out in a basement window well for a while
>go back to dealer guy house
>try to open window
>it works
>crawl in
>blood on my jacket
>14 year old kid is still in house tripping balls too
>end up chilling there and they wear off

Idk why I didn't just knock on the door to get back in, I think I didn't want to make a bunch of noise

I took shrooms a couple times after that but they still make my anxiety worse and now I haven't done them in a long time

>neckbearded losers at Cred Forums will tell you..

Have you ever even lurked this board, faggot? Psychadelics are one of the only drugs Cred Forums actually approves, moreso than weed even


drug normie detected

I agree with Canada, where's Mexico at? Let's make this a North American alliance!

Shrooms benefit you only three times maximum in your life. Anything more than that and you're just looking to end up questioning all of your life and will be out of place in reality.

The first time yay you see "everything"

The second time you see from a different view

The third time is just for the "one more time"


> where can I buy a tank of helium

Lmao I was like lmao

Psychic detected

Paranoia is good fuck I'd be party as fuck living in that jungle hell hole.

That paranoia brought me here.

I have a friend that happened to

Also, I wish we had some way to autonomously recompose the modules of our mind the way psychedelics do.

I suspect that's the true goal of Kundalini yoga, but I doubt any of us will have an opportunity to master Kundalini yoga.

It really would be nice.

Also, if you're concerned about anxiety, you'd be much better off doing acid believe it or not.

> le kills braincells meme
Small amounts of shrooms have shown evidence of neurogenesis.

No need to rush it. Although nothing can fully prepare you (and i mean nothing) for the experience, its still good to research loads.
Check out some teks on what's called 'the machine'. Its like an oversized crack pipe, works great for getting the most out of the stuff.

Friends is okay, good to have someone who you trust around, the first time can get a little hairy (was for me).
Just be sure they understand to be quiet and respectful of your mental state, it's no fun having noisy cunts around that anchor you to reality while having extradimensional sermons with the logos.


>t. Egil 17 years old

I was a bit of an asshole like you until I tried em and I can't stand potheads (pot is okay I just get really annoyed by potheads).

Literally the worst kind of person to take drugs with right here.

> pot is okay i just get really annoyed by potheads
Hooly shit this.
Pot =/= potheads
Something the curmudgeons on Cred Forums tend to forget

There has always been a presence of an elitist attitude towards psychedelics or similar substances in societies that used them as a part of their religious rituals. For example, the now extinct soma plant, which was believed to have been a psychedelic mushroom, was used by the Brahmins of the Vedic age and was restricted to their caste, at least within the context of ritual use, as it was believed only they could properly understand and interpret the message. A similar attitude is found in the Eleusinian mysteries practiced by the Ancient Greeks, where only after one has been through a series of stages with the group that they are revealed the truth of the cult, though it is uncertain that they actually used psychedelics. We find similar attitudes towards psychedelics in native American tribes where they had a more varied use from being open to all to being restricted to the shaman who used psychedelics as a gateway to the gods and to channel spirits. From what I've read about the use of psychedelics in Native American cultures the experience was one that was quite harrowing as the Shamans who were undergoing this process of transforming into a Jaguar would rive about in their hut for a few hours to a few days before running out into the jungle for a while. Elitist attitudes have always been present with regards to psychedelics substances so long as there has been an understanding of them having a religious and spiritual importance.

I'd advise you not to hand out psychedelics to strangers on the street as that could land you in trouble with your local law enforcement agency and possibly give someone a really bad trip if they are not prepared for what they are getting themselves into. The alternative I see to this is not to give them the physical substance of the drug but to actually talk to someone, understand what you have found in yourself and see if you can find it in others, be they a stranger or a friend. Vague as it, I am running out of words.

Disagree with the arbitrary number you assigned to the amount of times you can take shrooms and still benefit. If you space trips out you can always revisit the magic, but once people start taking them within a short span of time I agree with you. I think that the derealization you're mentioning only happens to people who can't handle them whether it's genetics, set and setting or if they just aren't in the right mental space at the time. Shrooms don't always make you question reality or suffer ego death either.

Sure, some retard takes a half ounce of shrooms and ends up jumping off some building or gets 52/50'd then it gets to a point where it's obviously detrimental. Eating low doses (~1.5g give or take) can produce effects that don't cause what you're talking about. Especially if you take them in nature, or something gay like a community event like bike riding groups. It just makes shit cool and puts you more in the moment.

Sauce: Have been a 52/50'd retard in the past. i dun do drugz nemore, it's been 1yr since my last trip. i cant handle that shit. Maybe one day.

I do not advocate the use of psychedelics to anyone. I don't disapprove of the use either. Just know you can fry yourself, and it won't make you enlightened. It'll definitely give you a different perspective on life which can greatly benefit you just as much as it can be a detriment.

For most people, the high from LSD is less introspective and there's less body load.

I always go outdoors. My top trip ever was 6 people with 4 doing it for thier first time...with me as thier baby sitter. Being the group leader on shrooms is so much fun. You guide the vibes. It's a fucking heroic adventure, turn off the tech and live in the moment.
This trip they had no idea I was tripping as well. Drove to a concert then camped afterward. The next morning they all told me it was the greatest afternoon and evening of thier lives. I'm pretty sure it invokes some type of hive mind and Earth spirit. Coming down around a camp fire with herbs and wine is pure heaven.

Also, milkdrop for winamp.

>mfw a few hours after ingesting seven grams of the stuff on the first occasion i tried them

i looked around after a bonghit in a smoking session i invited him to as I was getting there, and my entire field of vision was psychadelic patterns and spirals comprising everything around me. it was fucking insane, i couldn't stop giggling for five minutes.

then when i was alone afterwards I had an existential crisis very briefly before refocusing on all of the cool things that had recently happened in my life

then i became a fucking robot that could only navigate his field of vision on a triangle lattice and played the elite dangerous beta for an hour after meticulously organizing my desk and pondering for a while about life.

the federal security agents who interdicted me were lucky to have not had business. i felt i could have shot them both down with minimal effort in that state. your entire field of vision is registered in perfect clarity.

Normalfag here
This is a load of shit

I have taken shrooms, had a good experience but it didn't turn me into some hippy enlightened cunt that changed my outlook on life after taking them

>the importance of doing mushrooms with trusted people: the post

You got high for the first time at some drug dealers house, I wouldn't expect much better to happen. That probably turned you off it but then again some people just suck at doing drugs.

him being my brother, durr

dunno if another dose, perhaps heavier, would cure my resurgent misanthropy that i've been grappling with for a while now, though. its been two years, now.

Make sure to also entertain the possibility of you not reacting like most people. It shouldn't reassure you that the potential is lower, nothing can prepare you if you start experiencing ego death. For me, it was the opposite of what he's saying.

I ended up getting few visuals. Part of my trip I ended up sitting in my bed watching my ceiling morph when I would open my eyes, but when they closed I created crazy animated visuals. I was picturing personifications of War, Money (forms of capital, not necessarily paper money) and other shit that I thought were the foundation of human existence and suffering. I wish I remember that shit better, it was awesome.

>I'd advise you not to hand out psychedelics to strangers on the street as that could land you in trouble with your local law enforcement agency and possibly give someone a really bad trip if they are not prepared for what they are getting themselves into. The alternative I see to this is not to give them the physical substance of the drug but to actually talk to someone, understand what you have found in yourself and see if you can find it in others, be they a stranger or a friend.

You must think I'm an absolute fool, of course i wont go out handing drugs to people! I do, however, talk people ears off when psychs are brought up. I enjoy giving some to those who are interested, and don't blow me off as a loon. It satisfies me deeply to see the benefits of psychs flowering out of people. That 'thank you' after the trip, is soul touching to say the least.

Obviously you are impervious to it's effects.

If you don't want to fuck up your brain or your life. I feel 3 times in a lifetime is more than enough to reset your ego and let go of psychological traumas. Anything else is asking for trouble or basic drug use... there's nothing healing that comes with multiple shrooms use

Not a load of shit. Psyches will remove all indoctrination. The problem is that this ends when the half-life of whatever drug you are taking reaches a threshold that no longer affects you. You can take some things you learn after the experience is over with you, but the vast majority of it you will forget. Over time you lose what you took away from the trip because you start participating in your countries cult-ure again.

I've never understood how that could be safe

Well, my background isn't shroom heavy. I've only done shrooms once. LSD multiple times. Guess I'll take your word for it since I honestly don't just know. I'll try and save my next two. Any opinions on what ages you think are best to take them at? ie. 20 -> 35 -> 50

LSD, you get to keep your balance and things are less wavy but more fuzzy. Shrooms you get a little discombobulated and your fingers swell but you feel it more.

is that you john wayne?

is this me?

>literally does not know me
>proceeds to execute a judgment

keep that ego inflated bub

you KNOW everything

as someone who has taken many psychedelics, they are nothing but a blue pill that fill your head with garbage metaphysical thinking, and thats if youre lucky.

Fair enough man, didn't mean to offend I just thought that it being an anonymous forum and the lack of knowledge I have about you and your attitudes towards drugs that I ought to side with caution since you were speaking about it as something that you really feel the need to spread to others when you get a good flush. Sometimes those opposing mindsets can really carry some people away like they have to diffuse the tension by actually doing things like that when they are still under the influence as they can see the opposing mindset as a product of their sober, repressed, and/or sedated mindset. I hope that make sense and clarifies my position somewhat.

>Psyches will remove all indoctrination.
No, you idiot, they change perception. Do you have even the simplest concept of philosophy beyond "diogenes, woah, he totally knew, man. fight the power, bro"? Changing your mental state can give you an alternate perspective of life, and reverting to a common state of mind can adjust your perspective to what it tends to be in that state, but at best, taking any halucinogen or psychedelic is just adding another filter to the already convoluted mess that is the human experience.

Each to their own, the way I see it.. shrooms gets you fucked up and makes you change your perspective on life while high but afterwards you go back to normal and only idiots will take the experience and preach out to others about "le redpilled drug"

I feel that this is just a way to justify using shrooms like weed users justify their use, the only difference is weed users say "it's natural" and people who use psyches will use the "enlightenment" bullshit

I am not against people who use drugs but please keep your bullshit away from people who don't use

I know a fair amout about the neuroscience of psychedelics and during one period of my life I tripped over 100 times over the course of 3 years, I can answer any questions about psychedelics and tripping if people have them.

Listen to your body. I have friends who take them once a year, they rent a cabin and bring beer, BBQ, and overall have a great time. But shrooms are not your every weekend party drug. Their purpose are to heal you get out of the hole society makes you dig yourself into.

Don't do them alone either. Find someone you trust, preferably the nicest most sincere person you know, better if they don't use any drugs.

This is huge, during a shrooms trip the people around you can make you or break you. Someone with a strong honest personality that knows you will be your best "shaman" even if they have never tried them. Best advice I can give anyone who wants to or has tripped

>...over 100 times over the course of 3 years. How often would you say you were tripping each month? Were you using mostly one substance? Did you use the substances more one year than another? What made you stop? Do you still use psychedelics? Do you think you came out of the experience a different person (say more religious/spiritual when you had not been before)?

t. Faggot who hasn't read Jung and eaten shrooms
> All it does is encourage artificial abstract thinking
Man are you ever retarded for someone who claims to know philosophy. Language and its associated structures of reasoning are what's "artificial" in humanity. The mushroom makes you as plainly human as possible. You think in a way I could only imagine Christ himself did. You feel emotions that can never be described.

As another user said: shrooms aren't for idiotic normies that will just see colors and say "doooood" 500,000 times.

I started with philosophy. I read and read and read. From Buddhism to Hinduism, Daoism to Christianity, Existentialism to Psychoanalysis. I learned more in the few hours on shrooms than I ever did reading dozens of books. It all came together and I understood the natural truths of the world. It is the ultimate red-pill, but only for those who are prepared to receive it.

Only works on people who cant already do it without mushrooms must suck to have to eat something from cow dung to be able to what comes naturally to us that are already enlightened. Protip ive done mushrooms and they did not teach me anything i didnt already know

this x1000

> mfw pure mathematics student
I'm sticking with the natural stuff until someone legally produces LSD in a controlled and monitored environment. Not takin the chance and fucking up my brain

i take O-acetylpsilocin every single day, and i make good money doing consulting and get laid alot.

but i don't 'trip' on it anymore, it's just like... i am the best possible version of myself when i get my vitamin DMT every day.

Strange that you learnt a supposed natural truth of the world and you did not come out of it more tolerant and more compassionate towards the mistakes of a stranger on the internet. I would have thought if you really did come to this truth why is it that you do not educate or correct their way of thinking in a way that does not belittle them?

but you know they're just idiots right

i agree with you completely and like i said take DMT daily, but, i just tell people drugs are bad.

fuck them. they're just food. i don't care how much of the truth a cow or pig knows, either.

Srsly people, you're playing with fire taking psychedelics.

It can really fuck people up leaving them with long lasting mental disorders and there is no reliable way to control your experience.

It's better not to even fuck with that shit. Humans probably weren't meant to eat a fungus grown off cow shit.

You have to reify the spiritualism you're denigrating in order to say that.

At the *very* least, psychedelics give you insight into some of your mind's component boundaries and what happens if those get recomposed.


microdosing? That's pretty cool man. Obtain it on the deep?

I'm answering this but it'll take a few minutes

Some people get lost by traumas, egos, and many other things.

For example, someone with bad acne that learned to just live with it, may do just that.

With shrooms that person may see himself differently and want to change that. He or she may want to take care of it.

Of course it's not bad to have acne but it's also not bad to fix it. But shrooms do allow you to see things differently.

Another example, you may have a friend who calls you nicknames and you have known this person for years so you don't think much of it and always let it go.

After shrooms it may lead you to question his behavior, you may realize that you don't deserve to be nicknamed by a "friend"

Shrooms play a huge role...and they heal. But should not be abused.

Red pill= Shrooms, LSD, Blow, Adderall.

Blue pill= Ecstacy, Xanax, Oxy

> "no dude, you don't understand. It's deep shit man I can't explain it. You just don't understand dude you haven't seen the things I've seen" type thinking
Uh, these are realizations beyond linguistic systems. How would you like them to be explained? It will always be vague, like Schopenhauer's finger pointing to the moon.

Your quest for detailed writing (philosophy) on this subject tells me how much you actually know. Which is very little.

Thanks, it was a bit of a barrage.

Friends are a good idea if only so you don't drop anything flammable when you enter the trance, you won't know they're there if you do enough

> Using the sacred mushroom recreationally to listen to degenerate music and live like a teenager

Kill zherself please

Isn't it 51/50

I have about .6 grams dried, will his be enough to get some effect?

Mushrooms are one of my favourite drugs. 2 separate trips stand out and it confuses me how different the trips were.

Did them at a party and while walking home I had the fullest of realizations of what it meant to be a free person. In that moment I h derstood with every fiber of my being that I could go where ever I wanted. Instead of taking the direct path home I walked around my small town and experienced 200 years of history. The sky turned this odd purple colour and I found a tree stump that looked like starmie.
The other time I did em at my friends cottage and laughed my ass off for 8 hours straight. I laughed at the dirt, at the ceiling, even other people laughing set me off. The stars looked to be connected as though a blanket was draped over our sky. One trip was deeply enlightening and the other I laughed like a school girl.

I'm getting some acid next week for the first time. What can I expect?

t. Faggot who watches the Joe Rogan Experience

its legal. and no, i don't microdose. i actually take massive doses daily. i get it a kilo at a time, they say a dose is 25mg, i take 50mg twice a day. it keeps me normal, social, and well adjusted.

i don't really believe in 'tripping', i think 'tripping' is like, being unable to really handle it; you know monks and shit in the himalays have taken acid, but, nothing changes about how they act or behave. nothing.

its kinda hard to explain.


Indoctrination effects perception. Perception doesn't necessarily do the same to indoctrination. I'll concede that point, you're right. I don't know anything about philosophy other than Socrates' trial and Watts. Diogenes seemed cool as fuck though, with the whole Alexander-sun thing. I don't believe in any of the other bullshit you quoted though.

I think it's hilariously braindead of you to condense an extremely terrifying/liberating experience into something "red pill" or "degenerate". Psychedelics are an unspecific amplifier for the Consciousness. They literally are what their user is capable of making out of them emotionally/mentally, good or bad.

If anybody ever needed a red pill about psychedelics, try this one on for size: Less is More.

Legal? You sure about that? Sounds crazy to be able to function on a full dose of DMT.

Unless its not like the DMT I've encountered...

And fortunately they're not included in drug tests.

starting a new job tomorrow.
ive actually been thinking if i stop being all depressed and shit starts going well for me i should re-visit shrooms.

been a few years and i miss it

And yet people do abuse them couldnt all of this be accomplished by talking with someone infact i know it can i use to do with my ex who had problems because of certain drugs which made worse her anxiety. The thing i find most funny about mushroom users is they always think theyre more enlightened than everyone else which is hugely egotistc something they claim they get rid of during their trips aka ego death. Food for thought.

Nah dawg i get you, i actually had a little chuckle at your caution. No offense taken!

Pretty sure 51/50 is 72hr. hold in the ER or equivalent. 52/50 is when you go to a behavioral health center where the real crazies are. I met some crazy fuckers in there.

Congratulations on the new job.

Shrooms felt really good it's so surprising, i thought i would just be confused and delirious but its a bit like cocaine where you feel this intense pleasure.

>The thing i find most funny about mushroom users is they always think theyre more enlightened than everyone else which is hugely egotistc something they claim they get rid of during their trips aka ego death

This so much, this entire thread proves it easily once more

hey thanks

> Did mushrooms once
> Changed my life from being an introverted vegan hippie to a buff sociable portfolio manager
> Did it with gf at the time, now wife. We have 2 kids now. She learned her natural place in life in the experience and I learned who God really is and what He wants from me

Your friend's problem is that he was a stupid degenerate and got greedy. He wanted to see the mind of God and he was blinded. The Hindus are well aware of this phenomenon, it is common for their spiritual leaders to go completely mental

Doing mushrooms caused me years of severe depression, too intense.

You're a beta cuck, mother nature has spoken.

And i did it all without being on shrooms, really makes you think.

melatonin is just DMT plus a Co2 molecule.

DMT has in fact been found in living mouse pineals.

the pineal gland produces melatonin.

REM sleep occurs at the lowest blood Co2 levels.

N,N DMT and 5-MeO-DMT are illegal. 4-aco-DMT is unscheduled. a dozen other DMT's are unscheduled. as far as i'm aware there's never been an arrest made for any form of DMT.

as far as being able to function (far superior functioning, physically and mentally) on DMT, i'm pretty sure that everyone used to have high levels of DMT at all times in their system until recently. just a hypothesis with some evidence behind it.

truth is, people think it be like it do, but it don't. its just really really hard to explain why but once you realize who and what you are it just stops affecting you like you think it does.

the fact is that there is no such thing as a 'psychedelic drug trip' and most people will never comprehend that.

and to add on to that, peoples problem is that they just don't have the balls to do what i do.

Poor OP, in some areas of the Southeastern U.S. we got somewhere between 4-5 different species most Commonly "Blue Meanies" and Cubensis. Just look at the geographical location maps;

But there are still like 2-3 other varieties of psychedelic mushroom I don't know the names of and am not looking up, growing within the several fields I've found both of those.

>How often would you say you were tripping each month?

Sometimes it was once a month and sometimes it was every weekend or 3 weekends every month. There were periods where I would go a month or two without tripping every now and then. Throughout the 3 years I tripped around 30-35 times each year.

Were you using mostly one substance?

I did mushrooms around 35 times, LSD 40 or 45 times. LSA around 7 or 8 times, DMT once, Salvia around 6 or 7 times, did 2-C type drugs (2C-I, 2C-E etc) around 10 times.

Did you use the substances more one year than another?

The second year was my first year of college which was when I did it most because I suddenly had access to psychedelics that were cheap and high-quality and I was friends with multiple dealers.

What made you stop?

I didn't really "stop" but I got to a point where I largely satisfied my curiosity. They will always remain interesting but I got to the point where I didn't have a burning desire to do them anymore. Now, I just do them if I come across them and I have no obligations etc, doing them once a year or 4-5 times a year now is fine and I don't crave them at all. Also, I left school and took time off and I returned to study a subject that requires way more effort for homework etc so I have less free time now.

Do you think you came out of the experience a different person (say more religious/spiritual when you had not been before)?

Not particularly because I had already had an interest in religion/spirituality etc before. I got into mushrooms when I was 15 and that greatly changed my personality but that was before all of this. The biggest change from those 3 years was it super reinforcing in my mind the importance of those aforementioned things and of living well and making good use of the time you have and not wasting it.

It also changed how I interacted in social situations and conversations. I have a lot better judgement now about how to act and about what to say.

>Alcohol has sometimes been invested with religious significance.

>The present day Arabic word for alcohol appears in The Qur'an (in verse 37:47) as الغول al-ġawl, properly meaning "spirit" or "demon", in the sense of "the thing that gives the wine its headiness."[citation needed] The term ethanol was invented 1838, modeled on German äthyl (Liebig), from Greek aither (see ether), and hyle "stuff". Ether in late 14c. meant "upper regions of space," from Old French ether and directly from Latin aether, "the upper pure, bright air," from Greek aither "upper air; bright, purer air; the sky," from aithein "to burn, shine," from PIE root *aidh- "to burn" (see edifice).[25]

Worth checking out, but they don't fix any problems with the world.

Cool info, thanks for sharing! Here's one of my favorite pepes. How would one go about getting what you get?

>take drugs
>duuuude it's the REAL redpill XD

>the rothschilds put flouride in the water to calcify the pineal gland and cause global autism killuminati

People who think eating shrooms makes one a degenerate are total cucks.
If you are well studied, having taken countless redpills in your life, shrooms makes all of the redpills work together.
It's like jet fuel for your brain. Within hours, connections will be developed in your physical automata that would have taken decades to achieve.
They truly are "redpills", the profound effects they have on one's ability to conduct research and analysis is why they are illegal.

Of course it's because you've experienced something many others haven't. I will never experience killing someone, I have a friend who was in Iraq and took many lives during combat. He states to be "enlightened" more so than any person who hasn't killed anyone. I can't and won't argue with that.

Different perspectives. But yeah many people let shrooms get to their head as well, with anything tho.

7 grams of mushrooms is what convinced me to stop being degenerate and become based. Quit smoking, quick drinking regularly, quit sleeping around. Now I just want the best possible family. Quit my mechanic job and now am going to school for mechanical engineering. I grow my own mushrooms and do 7 gram doses every few months. They are based. I micro dose twice a week for lifting.

You built a tolerance to it a long fucking time ago, whatever you're getting from it now is uncharted territory and I don't think anyone on Cred Forums should be following your footsteps too closely. If I'd tried the same thing with LSD I am sure I would have lost my fucking mind.

i recommend

also atmospheric Co2 has gone up since the times when people had more realistic mentalities. combined with a bunch of other factors.

and DMT is pretty much a pussy hair away from tryptophan and melatonin...

no, nobody should follow in my footsteps. all advice i give should be disregarded.

>It can really fuck people up leaving them with long lasting mental disorders

That is rare and almost always only happens in people with underlying mental issues. The studies (published in mainstream peer-reviewed journals) that have examined the prevalence of mental disorders among people who have used psychedelics found that not only do psychedelics not increase the risk but that there was a slightly lesser rate of mental disorders among people who have used them compared to those who haven't or compared to the general pop. (I forget which)

Thank you for sharing, it is good to hear that you came out of the experience a more conscientious person. I would have thought that such a volume of drugs would be damaging but I guess it depends on who you were prior to it all. I am someone who only does psychedelics once a year at most, I did a few before I started Uni but I don't think I took any at all during my three years of my BA until the last semester. I found them to be very insightful but very exhausting experiences that really require a particular place and time to do them so I have a different conception of what the effects and impacts of a high volume of usage would do.

What I wouldn't give to walk in his shoes for a day though. Any longer and I'd think I was a chair or something.

those people deserve it.

ive done weed before which i liked, but what are shrooms like? what do you see? what do you feel? what is it like overall?


> Mushrooms should have taught you o be empathetic towards the weak and/or computer screens that may or may not actually be people
You missed the part about "natural" truths eh? What part of nature insists I help the weak and stupid? Are you an open borders cuck too? Where do you think you are?

Psychoactive drugs simply make your mind work harder, they aren't like benzodiazapines, sedatives, stimulants, or anything else that only results in CNS manipulation or excessive serotonin secretion within the synaptic cleft.
They dramatically enhance your brain's efficiency, years of work can be consolidated into hours if you do research instead of wander around aimlessly, like most plebs waste shrooms for.

I don't watch television and the only person I've listened to who speaks about this subject is Terence McKenna

Roegan is like the retarded cliff notes version of everything I've learned. I understand how you can see him as a moron, I do too

It's not about what you see, it's about what you think. Weed and shrooms are nothing alike. I do shrooms alone in complete silence and darkness. It allows yours brain to do what it wants and make connections you previously could not.

I mean its cool that it's a psych drug thats non addictive and stuff but it's also fungus that grows on shit

would they still work if ground up and put in pill shells?

I sincerely doubt you can get years of work done in hours when you're hallucinating m8

These are them?
I probably kicked over/ran over with lawnmower 1000s of dollars worth of shrooms as a kid

Expand? I've been thinking how cool it would be to take 4-AcO-DMT or a heroic edible dose while in a float tank. (sensory deprivation container) inb4 I'm a Joe Rogan cuck

It's very difficult to focus even when microdosing

Yes they would. I take them in smoothies. Plus growing them yourself in cakes made of brown rice flower and vermeculite, means they taste better.

there's really no such thing as hallucinations.

what you're calling hallucinations is actually just retarded people being retarded.


>This stuff is red pill. The introspection you experience when you eat this natural substance that grows worldwide, and has been used by peoples from all over the world, wether vikings or native americans, for thousands of years. This mushroom can save lives and cure depression. Makes you question why the government banned it, or why the government has decided that you cannot pick something freely from the forest and consume it.
word salad. sad to say mushrooms gave you schizophrenia /:

At what dose? A microdose, or 100ug? Serious question, taking full advantage of this stuff as a "learnining enhancer" seems to be all about improvisation. Very little consolidated knowledge out there about this subset of usage.

i'm friends with a few old deadhead hippies not too far away and they gave me a few tabs of actual acid to try once when i said i was interested in having a trip for introspection purposes

it was a pretty positive experience, but at the same time psychadelics are something i wouldn't want to do all the time or even more than just once or twice

overuse starts to ruin the effect, use them when you are truly facing a difficult problem within yourself because you can learn a lot by what you see and think about when using them as a kind of medatation

Ok which of your memeshrooms cures depression.

can you give me an example of what you think? do you get mental images or just your thoughts expand or something?

Well said

>what is wine?

The semen of Christ.

First of all, stop listening to Joe rogan. He is a fucking retarded and doesn't know anything. I'd do heroic doses of shrooms in a tank but don't have one. I do it in my bed room with no sound, at night, blackout blinds up, all electronics off.

It's like you are asleep but have full control of your dreams. But they aren't dreams, they are your memories. And you cycle through them and go more in delta into them.

Wow TIL that every real trip ive had (seeing walls decompose into fractals, seeing similar symbols assimilate in an imaginary core of my mental state, seeing the outline of star Gods) is just me being retarded! Actually you have never tripped if you haven't full-on hallucinated. Anything else is just microdosing.

Whatever helps you affirm your worthiness to the machine user

YouTube search: Terence McKenna mushrooms

"when you get the message hang up the phone"

psychedelic teachers and speakers have been saying this for years. hell even terence mckenna stopped taking shrooms after his heroic dose.

psilocybin cubensis 5 dried grams on an empty stomach fast for a day before hand and sit in silent darkness.

You can literally see your thoughts expanding like bubbles, see their scrawled appearance on the walls of your mind's cave and as the walls are slowly recycled, the thoughts become memory-caves of their own. At least that is one mental state that acid tripping gives a lot of people I've met...

>Whatever helps you affirm your worthiness to the machine user
Unironic XDD

What do you think of Duncan Trussell? He was on his podcast. I lost interest in JRE after the first few months, hardly ever check out what he produces anymore. He introduced me to Terence McKenna, though. Tanks in my area are around $149+ for a four session package. I think I'm going to try it sometime in the future.

Sounds awesome in regards to the memories you have. Have you tried the opposite though, as in meditating? Is that even possible?

Thanks for the redpill.

Its like the first time you got high on weed but times 100. It leads to all sorts of realizations and you see everything in a new way that you hadn't even thought possible.

Everyone's experience can be different but what many people find is that mushrooms and especially the first trip on them (if it has the right dose, setting etc) can help them have important insights about themselves that help them stop acting in unhealthy and unhelpful ways.

It can be used in a way that lets you become aware of and then eliminate or reduce bad personality traits like being overly-emotional, impatient, quick-to-angry, self-centered, social anxiety etc.

>The neckbeard losers at Cred Forums will tell you that running down, subduing, raping, then eating another human being is degenerate, while they whipe the cheetos dust off their own chins.
>This stuff is red pill. The satisfaction you experience when you eat another human being that grows worldwide, and has been practiced by peoples from all over the world, wether vikings or native american indians, for thousands of years. This act can save cannibal lives from starvation and cure depression. Makes you question why the government banned it, or why the government has decided that you cannot rape, kill someone freely from the suburbs and consume it.

Eating these was the best decision I ever made. Not even kidding... Psilocybin enabled me to change from a DUDE WEED degenerate kid into an educated man. I am planning on taking the BAR soon.


Based Watts reference. What do you think about his lectures?

the hallucinations and fractals and shit stop happening when you stop being retarded.

i'm not even capable of hallucinating anymore.

eventually you're just grounded. in reality.

Joe Rogan, 2015
Brought to you by SquareSpace©
cue the hempforce mustard

after my first time with weed i noticed i became less anxious, as anxiety is something i suffer from. it helped a small bit, but did change me nonetheless.

if shrooms are like that, i should get on top of them. i live in NY so where could i go about obtaining some?

You're not truly red pilled until you spend a few weeks in a mental institution

I concur, mushrooms can make you introspective but can also make you confident in your own abilities.

Don't do acid though, its the blue pill. Frankly acid is satanic and will make you feel gay.

Start by asking someone not on the internet

Not if you have mental discipline.
I take moderate doses, microdoses are good for beginners, I used to take moderate doses about once a week and read for hours, watch old films (Ingmar Bergman was a favorite), I'd choose a subject and study it like a season long lesson plan.
Rote learning won't work, data is meant to be like a tree in your mind, swinging branches leading to central points and all of that.
If you apply yourself, shrooms are incredibly useful, if you're a hippy pleb, you'll just stare at a wall.
The difference is between Shamanism and Recreation, you don't 'download' information or anything, it just allows you to establish a massively broad understanding of a subject for you to comb through afterwards.

10/10 quality post no /s included

Just because you're not a fucking hippy doesn't mean you weren't affected in some way by the experience.

Fucking leaf, you didn't trip to the point of introspection and openmindedness. Acid usually doesn't do what shrooms can do, most of the time it only changes your visual perception. Shrooms, on the other hand, can change your mental perception and worldview

If you have the money then go to Amsterdam because psychedelic truffles (same thing basically) are legal there.

Otherwise ask all the people you buy weed from and ask your friends who smoke weed if they know where to get some.

why are psychedelics legal in amsterdam? is holland just known for having things like that legal?

>be me
>watching NFL on LSD.
>become massive racist think of monkeys everytime I see black people.

>Pepe save us from the shills

I'm interested in trying psychedelics just once in my life, but every person I've ever known that's done them is a completely fucked up person

It's at a point where I can usually tell from having a conversation with someone that they've abused psychedelics. After a certain point in talking to them there's always a moment where I realize that what I'm saying isn't actually registering to them. Something about those drugs make it so they can't really process the meaning of other people's words. Hard to describe but I've noticed this consistently in everyone I know who's done them

Same thing happened to my brother lulz

When he came back from his trip one if the things he said was "black people are not the same as us, they're not human"

You're gonna make us fags with fried brains lose or false sense of normalcy. It took us a long time to come back from our drug-induced psychosis. Will we ever make it back to reality guys? Guys? What do you mean Cred Forums is literally all in my head and solipsism is real? GUYS? GUYS SOMEONE HELP!!!

this hippy bullshit enlightenment muh psychs muh reality muh introspection faggot shit is only USEFUL for people who are too stupid to do basic introspection or entertain philosophical ideas without the aid of powerful mind altering chemicals

basically if you NEED to shrooms to 'open your mind to new ideas/introspect' you are a complete and total idiot

go study some philosophy. what am I? does a self exist? is there an objective world? what is knowledge? what is truth? what is the relationship between language and the world> etc etc

shrooms are fun and all but please if you tout their mind opening timothy leary bullshit, all it shows is that you're too stupid to open your mind under your own volition

go read a book

that's not to say shrooms are fun or can lead to profound experiences, just remember you're just drugging yourself and blathering retarded phil101 tier garbage

They take a more libertarian approach to drug policy. Mushrooms and weed are seen as soft drugs there and not as something that harms people. Actual psychedelic mushrooms used to be legal until some incident where a mentally-ill person took some and died jumping into a canal and they made them illegal but there was a loophole that made it so psilocybin-containing truffles were still legal. The truffles are the same sort of mushroom but they are just grown underground which causes them to turn into truffles instead of growing on top of the soil and becoming mushrooms. They are sold all over the place there and have been for years. There was a lot of pushback against making mushrooms illegal and now that the truffles have not caused any issues there the government doesn't really care about the truffles and has not made an effort to ban them.

ever hear of the lemon juice tech? it will amplify what little you have

Can anyone comment on the fact that after doing psyches, even after a year post consumption patterns still look trippy? Or were they always that way?

Although I agree. I have met a disproportionate number of bluepilled folk who have taken mushrooms.

Then again, they weren't exactly the most introspective or scholarly people I have ever met. Maybe they were just born stupid...

>if you NEED to shrooms

last number of my post is how many grams i eat next trip

howz about we just pley some games together insteads yknIm?
we can all be chill lax n shiizzz

well, fuck

1) many people who have taken psychedelics report a similar view where it seems that many people who have never tried them don't actually pay attention to or don't understand well what they themselves are saying. Taking psychedelics often helps people think about what they say better.

2) You should consider that maybe you are the one with the distorted viewpoint.

3) It has been shown by a large amount of psychiatric and neuroscience-related research that many people who trip experience a state where their ego is less present and they are more open-minded. Some of the research has shown people are more open-minded many months after a trip. So the research actually indicates they would be more likely to better able to understand conversations then a regular person.

4) Many people take them and don't benefit from it because they are not at the right stage, or they take it in the wrong setting or they choose not to think about how to improve themselves etc. Not everyone benefits from it and you have also probably met people who benefited from it but you never even realized they had taken it.

Its something that perfectly healthy well-adjusted people can benefit from and find interesting. Remember that the Greeks took a psychedelic drink at the Eleusinian mysteries for thousands of years and famous Greek intellectuals and philosophers spoke favorably about it.

It could be HPPD (not likely as it would be way more obvious) or it could just be that you just pay more attention to how images actually appear now.

Just did 150uG of LSD for the first time two nights ago, was definitely an experience. Was all alone and just wandered the streets of my city for 14 hours. Saw a lot of crazy shit, did a lot of crazy shit, and felt a lot of crazy shit. I haven't done any drugs before this (haven't even drank alcohol), but do mushrooms have a much different effect?

However, maybe I just didn't do enough, but I wouldn't say it was some deeply spiritual experience or that I learned much through it aside from the fact reality is extremely malleable and subjective

It was interesting seeing my subconscious projected on my surroundings though, that's for sure.

*for a thousand years

It's much safer than buying from a dealer
On the off chance cops check your mail you can just say you have no control over what random fuckos send you in the mail
Cops won't check though.

why is tenryuu so perfect

why do shroomers and such pretend they are doing some deep thing

cant they just admit its fun and nothing more.

>finding yourself


Where the fuck do you even get mushrooms? Do drug dealers sell them or what? If dealers sell them how common are they?

Those fuckers don't do anything. They taste good, though.

>It all came together and I understood the natural truths of the world


this is the kind of shit we're talking about right here

claiming to be fucking borderline enlightened by psychedelics like lmao read more faggot

except the bible DOES mentions shrooms. they call it manna!

A number of ethnomycologists, including Terence McKenna,[21] have suggested that most characteristics of manna are similar to that of Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms, notorious breeding grounds for insects, which decompose rapidly.

some people like to say it's something else, but that's just damage control. also jesus did a shit ton of shrooms and put shroom dust in the wine to make people trip out and see him glow

You can do it with weed too


Or maybe your company is just so fucking boring he'd rather space out than listen to you.

Tor if you have no friends who have shrooms
So glad I don't have to deal with nogs as my only source of drugs

Why are you hating so hard?

You're missing my point, I understand the mind-expanding part of it, I mean that my experience is that these people become genuinely socially inept. They can't hold normal conversations, even if it's about some deeper philosophical shit. They can't take a serious stance on anything, even just for the purpose of argument. They are all very solipsistic and don't seem to really believe anything, and I think their use of psychs is the cause (that said, the other common thread was problems at home, usually absent fathers). Still, I've known people from broken homes that didn't do psychs, and I haven't noticed this in those people.

because it pisses me off that we have thousands of years of philosophical tradition continuing in the present day which is just being ignored it seems because some people think taking shrooms is a substitute for actual philosophizing

shrooms are fun and all but if you really want to blow your mind go study and practice philosophy (instead of staring out the pretty flowers going DUDE TRIPPY or pretending you lost your ego, whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean..)


it pisses me off that this ^ sort of shit is taken seriously and yet the literal millennial(s) of ongoing discussion and work put into the nature of the self, whether it exists, whether it's an illusion, whether it's transcendental, is there a subject of experience? can things persist through constant change? etc etc is being ignored

go study philosophy if you want to OPEN YOUR MIND MAN

After shrooms why would you waste your time picking a stance? Half way through a conversation you realize how inept people's social beliefs are

On the other hand, maybe psychedelics don't make people like that. What if people who are like that are just more likely to experiment with drugs? You say you have known people from broken homes that aren't like that, do you know anyone who was normal and then changed after experimenting with drugs? Otherwise you're just passing judgement that you don't have real, personal evidence for.

Have you ever taken shrooms or psychedelics?

Philosophy is a subject and it's subjective. Shrooms are a drug that has healing benefits.

You should write a book though

>You should write a book though


Unfortunately all I've been able to find are datura, and apparently the effects are usually quite unpleasant and frequently you can't even remember the experience. Also it can cause death and the concentrations of active ingredients are notoriously hard to predict from one sample to the next even from the same plant.

This shit is literally growing in the parking lot of a rehab center I dive past. Wonder if the patients know its a psychedelic.

Also please tell me where I can find some peyote or mushrooms. And how hard is it to join the NAS, I don't have my Indian card but I do have a couple ancestors who where native.

You can often philosophize on psychedelics, you're actually more likely to come to the philosophical conclusion on psychedelics.

You can legally purchase spores on the clearnet and grow your own. Or you can just buy a RC like 4-aco-dmt or other analogues which is also available on the clearnet. Neither substances are illegal. sauce:

Here is a link to a place in Arizona where you can do peyote legally and they provide you with a tent in the desert to take them at night. There is like a 50$ annual membership fee and there might also be another fee for the actual trip but I don't remember. It is legal though and they have been around for a while without any trouble from the police.


non-psychonauts are cucks, the enlightenment equivalent of blue pilled

If it pisses you off that much. Spread the word, you keep telling everyone to read a book. Cred Forums only goes so far...

Psychedelics are great, but all the times I've done them its just reaffirmed my beliefs about how little life matters. I'm content with the absurdity of life now.
It fixed my depression related to finding meaning in life though.

>Christianity forbids drug use

then why does it say in genesis that we have dominion over all plant life?

You replied to me thinking I was the guy who said he was pissed. I was just a 3rd party who couldn't tell if you were serious or not. Any books you'd recommend though? I've been listening to Meditations by Aurelius on YouTube.

I tried A. Muscaria once I would not call it a hallucinogen.. It was inebriating . I was at a Grateful dead show at Red Rocks in Colorado. At one point I was dancing my ass off and some guy asked me if I was;"alright"..

I was actually irritated that he'd imposed his limitations on me but said Yah sure and kept dancing..

this is the actual song..

Why don't you grab a cactus and shove it up your ass, and see what God thinks about your dominion over plant life?

I grow datura for ornamental purposes, but you hit the nail on the head. This stuff will kill you and different parts for the plants contain different amounts of alkaloids they also vary from plant to plant so picking the right dosage is near impossible. One of my classmates took the plunge and nearly ended up with kidney failure. as far as payote lots of sites have 'san pedro' in stock look up how to make a shake out of it contains mescaline like peyote. As far as shrooms check out shroomery for tek guides I suggest the 'PF tek' method for growing shrooms. a good website to get them is ralphstersspores. happy hunting

You're a newfag, we eat cacti and experience new dimensions of thought.

I have discovered Terence in the Desert under a starry sky and I have followed his teachings. It is reality unfiltered, and an experience that every philosopher should have.

Only a non Hellenistic pleb would scoff at the Elysian Mysteries, but there's something they knew that every citizen should experience it.

You're putting plants where they don't belong. This isn't God's plan :^(

That's the lining of his robe.


dubz of truth

weed and lsd make schizophrenic people show symptoms sooner. It does not increase chances of mental disorders, but no substance is meant to be used for long periods of time or frequently for that matter.

I'm subject to random and non random drug screenings at work. I know marijuana is detectable for ages, how long are these psychedelics detectable for?

Not at all, those cacti were put in the desert for hermetic traditions to find and use. Why else would the lord make Peyote breast shaped if it were not meant to attract us?