Seriously now, is Gary Johnson an actual Retard??


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Johnson is a slave name


Who's Gary Johnson?



Retards are smarter than Gary.

he doesn't have eyebrows
looks creepy as fuck, something weird & evil about him
seems like a petty narcissist
bet he's banged 11 year old Thai sex slaves before

What is Aleppo?

What's an Aleppo, is it illegal?

Remember all those scare stories about the perils of doing weed?
Johnson doesn't.



Yes. I'm a registered Libertarian, and I'm thinking I might vote Trump because of how pathetic Johnson is being.

Have you ever known a real, long term, pothead? They're dumb as fuck. GJ is a real, long term, pothead.


Are you in New Mexico? I wanna beat the fuck out of you.

he was always an actual retard

A libertarian that's for open borders and gun control ?
Jew plant.

> realizes after his aleppo fluke that his flukes actually give him more media coverage and that his numbers actually rise afterwards
> drops small flukes here and there

This is some chess he is playing. Not 4D just yet but still chess.


each eyebrow is replaced by a pimple.

I swear he wasn't this awful in the 2012 race. What happened? Is he being threatened by Hillary's goons or did he just become way more cucked over the course of Obama's second term?


>even Ronnie doesn't like him

>Grand Marshal
That sounds like a fucking Klan title, top kek

>A libertarian that's for open borders
This is a core libertarian value.

Corejew* value.

No it's not, even Ron Paul campaigned for strict border control.

>Gary "bake the cake" Johnson

>Gary "I endorsed BLM" Johnson

>Gary "open those borders" Johnson

>Gary "jettison the flintlock" Johnson

>Gary "Donald Trump's a huckster" Johnson

>Gary "Don't you dare call them illegal" Johnson

>Gary "Geography and Current Events" Johnson

>Gary "concentrate power further via climate tax" Johnson

>Gary "$30,000 for an internet web meme picture" Johnson

>Gary "Hillary Clinton is a wonderful public servant" Johnson

Oh, so that means all libertarians are retards by default since libertarianism can only work with a smart, cooperative and law-abiding population ( subhumans fulfilling precisely 0 of those requirements ).

Just like every libertarian

Maybe running a weed company killed his brain. Like he's trying real hard to cuck-ify himself for all of the "harsh incendiary" things Trump says, while not really defending libertarianism.

Fuck, I'd rather he was literally spewing lolbertarian ancap memes on CNN than being like this.


literally the only thing they get wrong. mostly. Kind of.

Excessive or habitual marijuana usage does that to you.



>repeating yourself for no reason
That's what the kiwi said user.

I just watched that 60 minutes feature and it was embarrassing.


the only core libertarian value is laissez-faire capitalism. you're thinking of ancaps, who are about as retarded as commies


This guy is seriously such a fucking maroon. Someone please post him getting triggered over "illegal immigrant".

the funny part is that he'd used that terminology just weeks earlier.

personally I love Johnson is taking all the votes from Shillary

Mr Aleppo.

I found it.
>How is the term offensive?

Ancaps basically believe in no rulers. It has nothing to do with open borders.

in 100 years presidential elections will be about who can be the biggest retard


Hes said many times hes been using weed daily since he was a teen. Shouldnt be a surprise his IQ dropped.


>"bake the cake"

What's wrong with baking cake

>he doesn't have eyebrows

Can't unsee

What is a leppo?

didn't he want to put the national guard at the border or was that Virgil Goode?

I think he meant
>Gary "Bake the fag's cake" Johnson

His brain has just been boiled in THC.

looks like Krauthammer lmao

He's a libertarian, so yes.

>replaced his eyebrows with two symmetrical moles/spots

what the fuck is that shit




is this niga a clone?



Now slack on the faggotry and get ready for November user.

T R U M P F A G S with the CTR-tier insults.

Hilarious and pathetic.

I'm starting to think so, yes. The more I look at his face the more stupid he looks

Too much drugs.

I don't fault him for the Aleppo thing. I'm glad he asked the question.

Maybe he shaves them and those are ingrown hairs.

>mfw Austin Peterson wasn't the libertarian nominee

your confusing libertarians with The Libertarian Partyâ„¢

what a kike just look at that face

Why does he have single bumps for eyebrows

Wut? No eyebrows with matching moles in place...

kys gary you eyebrowless fgt

seriously though... what is a leppo?

Aleppo? Like the weed?

Yup, too much weed.

Wow, what a tard.

Who? Gary "Feel my Johnson" Johnson?

Yeah he's fucking retarded m8. He's not a Libertarian either.

Nope, he's just a stonerfag.

How do I sell my memes for 30k...I am tired of being a simple farmer


At first I thought Johnson was a bit naieve but overall well intentioned and harmless.

Now I'm convinced he's an idiot.


>He's not a Libertarian either.

This. My gf is so shocked at how much of a cuck Gary is, she wonders if he is a plant to ruin the Libertarian party for the next few cycles....

Then again, you see that shit like the cringe compilation from their convention and think maybe ANY 3rd option just attracts a bunch of flaming faggots

He looks fucking baked in this interview holy shit

>captcha select all the food



I think he's trying to take the Bernie Sanders supporters who aren't gonna vote for Hillary, so he's acting like a faggot to appeal to them.

I voted for him in 2012, but this year I'm leaning more towards Trump.

A less zionist Rand Paul is who I'd prefer.

gary johnson is based as fuck

>gary "go ahead and stroke and suck my" johnson

>gary "look at my huge and tremendous" johnson

>gary "smoke weed every day" johnson

>gary "fuck war lets get absolutely baked out of our minds" johnson

>gary "let vladimir "do the shootin" putin deal with syria so he can help bashar "the rod" "based god" "the bod" al assad"""johnson

>gary "donald trump is a pussy. i climbed mount everest" johnson

>gary "15%" johnson

>gary "let the gays have their ways" johnson

>gary "let me fuck your boipucci with my mythically proportioned" johnson

This dude is creepier than any creepypasta I've ever read.

why does he have pimples where his eyebrows are supposed to be~ looks like some horns are starting to sprout

He's like a less endearing Jeb! Bravo libertarians.

please tell me how Hillary or her donor are better
>pro tip: you cant

found the 60 minutes segment


He acts like any typical "adult" weed smoker
Id rather burn with vermin supreme doe

jesus christ

Cant unsee. that's all I can focus on now



He is autistic. Libertarianism tends to attract autists.

this one gets me every time

>Seriously now

>Anything having to do with Gary Johnson


Voted for him last election and listening to him now I have no idea what the fuck happened. Fully on board with Trump this time.

That video is why I will never vote for him.

Kek. These two are an actual joke


Seems like he's a single issue libertarian... weed.

He needs it to treat senility.

And what IS Aleppo?
- Gary "I'm a big boy I can tie my own shoes" Johnson

is that an iron cross tattoo lel?

>looks creepy as fuck, something weird & evil about him
agree with this, he's some kind of pedophile

Well yeah, he's a narcissist, he makes sure to let everyone know he's climbed mountains constantly

It's like he's trying to show his marijuana enthusiast credentials but is coming off senile or aloof.


Is he simply running for the pussy? Think he scores some whores?

>libertarianism in one country

wtf i hate libertarians now

This guys is a living lesson of the dangers of weed

Actually it's not. It's a potential result of applying libertarian principles, but it's not something that libertarians would campaign for unless they were actual retards or they were campaigning for the government of a country without a welfare state.

*This guy

The globalist's strategy seems to be stopping the bleed from Hillary to Trump by soaking them up with Johnson. They think if Trump's numbers stay the same from now till November, they have a chance of making it close enough to rig the rest of the votes.

Expect more Johnson by our paid for media

>Too stupid to write a post.

I have a hard time taking anyone that lacks eyebrows seriously

jesus christ

You're wrong. The media finally realized that he is siphoning more votes from Hillary than Trump so they are destroying him. They made a huge fuss about his Aleppo slip up and aren't granting him interviews anymore.

>Oh my god you racist bigot you can't just say that murder is ILLEGAL that is so offending they only murdered that person because they couldn't get revenge LEGALLY you BIGOT

You're both right, for differing values of "open borders." Trouble is it isn't really a well defined term and it migrates constantly. The same position can be called an open borders position one election cycle and an anti-open borders position the next.

In fact Johnson's immigration proposals are very similar to Ron Pauls, and not that different from Trumps for that matter, aside from the Trump nonsense about expanding a 6 foot fence to a 10 foot wall, which would cost a hell of a lot of money and not do shit.


this is your brain on weed

>120 replies
this is whats wrong with this Cred Forumsoard

OP here. You got me. I replied to a couple kikes at the very get go and then I let it go. You guys have had some real fun with this retard. I guess he's someone everyone can agree is a stupid piece of shit candidate....

What I find somewhat interesting is how it seems pretty obvious that the clinton camp is trying to put out hitpieces on him now that he seems to be bleeding more from her than from Trump.

Sorry to see you go Johnny boy .

anyone have a link to his 60 minutes interview?

Completely discredit the Libertarian party while hes taking down Trump.

Democrat POTUS for the next 50 years.