A globalist multiculturalism paradise

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They're slowly turning Paris into South Sudan. Look at all these 20 year old males as they try to get some work.

London is bretty fucked too lol

That looks pretty terrible for London DESU Senpai.

these globalist fucks will get us all killed.

Well we did have that earthquake


We need a Final Final solution to purge the earth of all the true deplorables.

What part of Paris is that, anyway? Not the 2e arrondissment, is it?

It's always a majority of military aged males.

18th arrondissment. near Sacré-Cœur.

fug, should've gone there before it turned to shit.

>muh god tier country

Can you even imagine a large group of white men sitting around so idly? Maybe if you gathered up our most fucked up junkies they could create a scene nearly as ugly. But there's no way any large city would let white men get away with it.

No, white men get together and get shit done. We don't lounge around waiting for someone to do it for us. Those fucking animals are just sitting there waiting for someone else to solve their problems.

We've let our greatest cities fall to the infestation of human size rats. It's fucking horrifying.

Jesus fucking christ, I love ur country

"Stop being a bigot, they just need to build more hospitals to put all of those doctors to work and get them off the street."


Paris got Backed To Fucking Africa!!

Detroit 2.0, incoming.

It's rare that a video makes me feel better about living in Mississippi.

Diversity is Strength

Jesus, i wonder how this is going to affect the tourist trade and the economy in general... thats the only time the cuckernment will act, when the big corporations start losing sheks.

Can any frenchmen tell me why they all sit around like that in the street like bums? dont they have houses? they arent homeless, right?

It used to be beautiful, a Jewel of the Western world. Now the 18th arrondissement looks like this.

This is beyond memes. Just sad. 3 minute video and I saw maybe 2 french people - and even they looked more Syrian or North African.



They got evacuated two days ago. They're already coming back

Syrians and North Africans are grade A immigrants compared to the rest of them.

Paris is like a shittier version of Buenos Aires.
If you want neo classical architecture, red wine and horny beautiful women don't go to France come here.

What's the story? Is that just the one block where they congregate the most? Or does the entirety of Paris look like that ?

lol that guy is so beta he holds his phone like a creep instead of just filming normally.
>be french cuck
>can't even film the niggers ruining your country because you're too scared to get killed

He would risk getting his phone stolen that way.
How would he upload the footage of them acting naturally then? Think before you post.

Yes, but which city, Paris or Buenos Aires, has more white women at this point?

this is sad. it was full of gangs and homeless when i went in 2012 but not even 1/10 as many as this

not an argument.
it could get stolen anyway. he just need to man the fuck up if he wants to make a statement.


He is walking through a jungle of wild animals who will steal and rob anything they can get their paws on. When you are outnumbered with no police presence, you have to stay of of the light to survive.

how did Quebec city become the whitest French city on earth over night ?

My dreams of going on a romantic honeymoon to paris with my waifu have been crushed. On a side note where do they get these people from?


Merci Kevin, ca fait du bien de me rappeler qu'on est supérieur a la France en tout point...

tits or gtfo


Can I visit Quebec without knowing how to speak French? Their Melee scene is great.

the camera moving up and down made it look like an old cartoon

No, only a few streets, mostly in Northern Paris (18/19th districts) which are already enriched.

The rest is fine, just very dirty, many gipsy beggars, pakis and nogs selling plastic eiffel towers.

For the last few months the police has been expelling them:

Goddamn, everywhere they go turns straight to shit.
It's fucking uncanny.

definitely it would be the same as visiting Paris 30 years ago for tourists the French in Quebec are just dicks to non French Canadians not to tourists from other countries

They didn't evolve with the capability for civilization, that's why they've never had one.

How does Paris even function?

>Can I visit Quebec without knowing how to speak French?
Nah, your gonna get raped by a bunch of blood thirsty fake Frenchies...



>I would fight 20 people at once

That's nice

New camp:



Why the fuck does France have a city named Stalingrad? Is there a French translation or what?


Oui, montre a ces blokes a quel point le Québec est supérieur a leur merde de Winnipeg ou Shatgary...

No it's the 19th on Avenue de Flandres. By the way those niggers seem pretty happy with their situation, they' re just here doing nothing as usual, occasionally fighting each other.

Just don't visit Paris then you rocket scientist.

Named after the battle of Stalingrad in 1945, France was 1/3 communist at that time.

Choose your battles, Hans

Choose your battles.

Is Marseilles any better? Been wanting to go there since reading the count of monte cristo.


How do those buildings look African to anybody? Thanks Bibi!

Kek. Your problem is that you assume French are white.

>Is Marseilles any better?

Poor Kevin...Marseille is a muslim khalifat...

I would even go as far to say Quebec city is better then Paris even with out the huge black population but with the new dark Frenchman the 2 cities are like night and day without the Eifel tower they got nothing on us

I've been to both Paris and London. London is pretty fucked but it's nowhere near the level of fucked that Paris is. The only whites I saw in Paris were tourists

there's only one hope left for froggy land


wew thats crazy. Russia doesn't even have a Stalingrad anymore

That is seriously fucked. A major European city, and I can count the number of white people I saw with one hand.


No, it's pretty mch the same. Paris and Marseilles are the two biggest cities in France so naturally they attract migrants like flies on fresh dung. Everywhere else is relatively unenriched though. I personally recommend visiting Lyon and Rouen, two cities with a history and culture at least as rich as Paris.

>I personally recommend visiting Lyon

Jean...arrete de mentir...un bougnoule qui interdit un renoi de Lyon...

"try to get some work"


I am honestly enchanted by that image. Don't even want to fap. She's just gorgeous

lets hope Russia has a nuke target on that fucking place

I recommend that any tourists wanting to visit France stay only a couple days in Paris, see the Louvres, Notre Dame, Sainte Chapelle, etc.

Then head to the countryside, it's a different fucking country. Go see the Mt St Michel, Normandy beaches, Gothic cathedrals, nice landscapes, real French food, etc.

The Paris mayor has been socialist for more than 10 years now and I can feel the downfall. They are building social housing in the most expensive neighborhoods to import niggers and sand niggers.

pls be my UKR gf

>They are building social housing in the most expensive neighborhoods to import niggers and sand niggers.

La maladie mentale n'a pas de limite...

Why are your leaders doing this?

my family landed in QC in the 1600s best city on earth in my opinion

It's going to have a huge effect. Look up Paris Syndrome, nips literally get PTSD from visiting that shithole.

Nom de famille? Tu viens d'ou...

Il s'appele Mohamed
Il est inscrit au chômage
Il arrive du Maghreb
Couscous et Djellaba
Il a ramené sa famille,
Toutes ses femmes et ses enfants
Il ne parle que le Kabyle
Et ne lit que le Coran

Mohamed, mouche à merde
Nous ne voulons pas de toi
Mohamed, mouche à merde
On va te ramener chez toi

Il joue l'incruste partout
Pour pouvoir être embauché
Il ne sait rien faire du tout
Et il passe sont temps à glander
Harlem Désir est ton Dieu
Parce qu’il te donne tous les droits
Il te protège, te rend heureux
Et te laisse vivre chez moi

Mohamed, mouche à merde
Nous ne voulons pas de toi
Mohamed, mouche à merde
On va te ramener chez toi

Nous l’avons croisé un soir
Dans une rue qui était noire,
On a voulu l’éduquer,
Mais nous l’avons crucifié,
Nous nous ne sommes pas inquiété,
De toute façon il n’y avait pas le choix
Dans son sang on l’a laissé
Il n’avait rien a faire chez moi

Mohamed, mouche à merde
Nous ne voulons pas de toi
Mohamed, mouche à merde
On va te ramener chez toi
Mohamed, mouche à merde
Ce soir tu vas souffrir
Mohamed, mouche à merde
Ce soir tu vas mourir

I saw a show about French cooking, Michelin stars, etc... and covered a restaurant in Lyon that cooks some dish in a big fish mold for parties which was neat. Lyon seemed like old fashioned France to me, which is cool.

Lis ça Quebecbro:

talk about symbolic man

Un vieux pays de culture ancestrale,
Comme l’est encore notre belle France,
Doit préserver c’est bien normal,
Le droit des peuples qu’est la différence.

Aujourd’hui il y a trop de mélange,
De Races et de civilisations
Etre raciste n’est pas étrange,
Mais devient la seule solution

Différences, pas de fraternité
sans les différences,
L’égalité n’existe pas, oh non!

Toutes les cultures ont le droit d’exister,
Mais les conflits actuels nous démontrent,
Qu’il est impossible de faire cohabiter,
Ne serait-ce que deux religions

L’Europe est devenue cosmopolite,
Et tombe dans la décadence
Elle est l’enjeu de tous les terroristes,
Et le jardin de la délinquance

Nous ne pouvons que réagir,
Face à l’extinction de notre Race,
Demains sera peut être pire,
Nous sommes plusieurs
il n’y a qu’une place

Je méprise cette intégration
Qui n’ engendre que la soumission,
Priorité aux nationaux,
Le pouvoir Blanc n’est pas de trop!

Différences, pas de fraternité
sans les différences,
L’égalité n’existe pas, oh non!

Différences, pas de fraternité
sans les différences,
L’égalité n’existe pas, oh non!

I don't why they keep the rent so high when this city has litterally became a shithole city from a 3rd world country.

Used to be a Roman city. That's as old fashioned as it gets.

La mémoire de nos ancêtres,
Ainsi que même nos traditions
Un de ces jours vont disparaitre,
Sous un mélange de religions

Les allogènes, roi du tchador,
Et les coupés du 8eme jour,
Obtiennent le pouvoir, Pas d’accord!
S’infiltrent un peu plus chaque jour,

Mais lorsque ’on veut se défendre,
Et réinstaurer nos valeurs,
Les gens refusent de nous entendre,
Ils se sentent coupable à cette heure!

Mea culpa, l’Homme Blanc est coupable
Mea culpa, coupable d’être Blanc
Mea culpa, l’Homme Blanc est coupable
Mea culpa, coupable d’être Blanc

Les sages de Sion sont réalistes,
Lorsqu’ils dénoncent les mariages mixtes,
Mais l’Homme Blanc devient raciste,
Lorsqu’il continue et persiste

Mea culpa, l’Homme Blanc est coupable
Mea culpa, coupable d’être Blanc
Mea culpa, l’Homme Blanc est coupable
Mea culpa, coupable d’être Blanc

Aujourd’hui nous sommes abaissés,
A de vulgaires marionnettes,
mais demain nous seront libérés
Luttant à la gloire de nos ancêtres!

Mea culpa, l’Homme Blanc est coupable
Mea culpa, coupable d’être Blanc
Mea culpa, l’Homme Blanc est coupable
Mea culpa, coupable d’être Blanc

Degenerate egalitarianism, aka cultural Marxism. People tend to forget that it all started in France in 1968.

Pic related is a social housing apartment in a neighborhood where a square meter is 12K Euros. They will probably put refugees in there, they will even have a nice view.

Bouvier my family is mostly in Saskatchewan and Ontario now though

Bassem Braiki vit a Lyon, Jean...

nips only got that because their so terribly isolated they believed paris was like all the romantic depictions of it, and that it's not full of pleasantly xenophobic frenchman who don't know what "SELFIE DESU NE" means.

Like most things with japan, it's their own fault.

Tu parle un peu de Français...j'enticipe la réponse...

Interesting. I forgot my European history. Thanks for dropping the knowledge, french bro.

Is it worth seeing without having beggars and scammers all about?

Generally speaking, can an English-speaking American travel the French countryside, staying in chateau's and enjoy themselves? AKA is the interior fit for tourism?

The rent will only get higher
The good parts of town has its area reduced

>tfw you'll never get to experience any European country in it's glory ever again

Kind of depressing. Honestly saddened I'll never see their beauty in person, now.

Your opinion is clearly shit

Yeah, off course Moose Jaw is the real deal, right, James?

I want to save this from these savages.

Peru looks more civilized and clean than "Europe".

Sorry, Western Europe, we leave you to sort it out by yourselves.

You can ask for peace-keeping forces but you seriously need to uncuck yourselves before and forced distribution of your stupidity under the slogan of solidarity is not going to fly.

Mais la Chrétienté est de la merde Juive, Jean...le paganisme est la vérité et la vrai voix des hommes Aryens...

it will get minarets and re-used. Do not worry.

I hope you are ready for civil war, France.

I used to speak it when I was a kid but I am definitely not fluent by any means but I can speak a little French . growing up in a all Anglo town in Ontario will do that to you . and yes that link you provided is us though I didn't know we had a family crest lol

Ce n'est pas pour une raison religieuse, mais plutôt artistique que je souhaite conserver des lieux comme la Sainte Chapelle.

>a square meter is 12K Euros


Lets not get ahead of ourselfs


That looks worse than Valparaiso after New Year

French déteste ce terme...on est les vrais Canadiens...les Anglos devraient avoir le terme, English-Canadian...

Quand même, n'importe quelle marque Sémite me dégoute...

maybe the surrender jokes went too far

Go now if you can before it gets lost forever. There are still some parts of Paris, London, Oslo, ect that are still nice. You owe it to yourself to see it once as it used to be.

I should visit one day, it would be like visiting a 3rd world country and secretly think "I am glad I do not have to live here".

What a world we live in where Central Americans consider Europe the third world. Imagine going back in time 50 years and telling your Grandpa some shit like that, he would probably think you've gone mad

Quand un beaner du El Salvador rit de toi, ca va tres mal...

Buenos Aires

Does anyone have that webm of a handsome Aryan man walking through London and minorities are EVERYWHERE?

As long as the majority of whites can keep this shit out of their little world it will never get fixed.

Its true. Im Sure the quality of life in El Salvador, Costa Rica, and Uruguay have far surpassed places in Europe now. If not, they will soon enough.

>We don't lounge around waiting for someone to do it for us
>Literally sits in his house all day while the world goes to shit

We don't use MaM anymore. It's "adult males" now.

agreed 100% always remember Ontario is Quebec soil fucking united empire loyalists have no right to even be here if only old Benedict Arnolds march on Quebec city was successful new France would be massive the Texas of the north

It is getting there, our little homogeneous society is getting better and better, albeit at a slower pace than I would like. There is still a considerable education and wealth gap.

you could always head north like the rest of central and south Americans are but I imagine you are in an all white walled compound or some shit so stuff isn't that bad

>she met the Tunisian boy on Facebook thinking she was going on a date

oh my. sauce plz.

You do not need to be in a walled area to be safe here, I live in a small town and I leave my door open most of the time. You see kids running around and playing,

Place de la République

How can anyone look at this and not think "gee, maybe that Hitler chap was right after all" ?



>actually talking about QC here

Shut the fuck up you bunch of fucking retards.

Plus we're already getting enriched by Muzzie vermin and blacks.

what the fuck happened in three goddamn years?

Can any wine-niggers explain this to me?

this place probably has a really comfy christmas

I like the music, but Christ...

>At least we're not speaking German.

nice man don't take any offence but the only news I ever hear coming out of el Salvador is full blown anarchy and ms 13 gang activity

It does, they even build an ice hotel for the Carneval

That's why I'm a white nationalist. Third world people produce third world conditions.

I can't believe it either but after being in Paris (2008, can't imagine what it looks like now) I have to say Buenos Aires, unironically, even with all our shit-tier Bolivian and Peruvian immigrants.

chill out bro I haven't been in 2 years it cant be that bad already can it ?




It was gorgeous m8. So depressing that it's just slowly drowning in filth and no one is rescuing her.
Last time i was there was 09' before The Mudslide.

It's getting worse.

You don't talk about this town here.

why cant they just stay away from white peoples cities since we are evil why would they want to experience our oppression

Was in paris in 2009 and it looked nothing like what I'm seeing in this thread. It was decent still. My god things have turned bad.

You trust the MSM way too much.

What a slut!

man that is depressing as fuck to hear

she looks like a chink, any admixture?

No, she's definitely French

Jesus Christ, I'll never complain about London ever again.

There's no white country that is safe. Most (read: all) white humanist deserve to be subjected to violence. These irreversible changes are entirely their fault. They're the ones who invite 3 billion third worlder into our cities on the basis of... fuck I don't even know what they're trying to do.

But there's nothing better than seeing some three fucking Somalian vermin getting out of a bus, each with a stroller.

How many times throughout history has the demographics changed for a western country like this - and did it ever recover?

Kill yourself you fucking globalist scum
Are the French going to have a civil war?
If so I'm gonna swim over the fucking channel and join in on the muzzle killing fun.


Whenever Americans say "White" they really mean "Anglos or potential Anglos" so in this sense the French aren't "white." The French are obviously European though

i grew up thinking france and germany would be like fairy tales. i hope the french start that civil war now. godspeed, frogs

basically every major city in a western country is filled with shitskins.
The city enables them to be absolute leeches, no doubt about it. I wonder how long the world is going to be complacent with this continued degeneration of white cities. Why is this okay yet the rest of the world's cities are allowed to be homogenous?
WWII was big fat mistake

This. At least Eastern Europe will survive. And parts of Latin America.

youve never had to live somewhere with this level of niggery you snide german fuck

>allies stormed normandy and have bitten bullets for this

Yeah, I was thinking about going to school in Germany etc.. I don't want to see my fatherland being raped by filthy shitskins who are just there to take advantage of the nice country made by the white people.

This has to be one of the most depressing and enraging things I have ever seen. Not much time left to save Europe.


>all those soldiers who died for France are probably rolling in their graves right now

You will never be the White leader of an African country ;_;

If they are destroying our countries, why not go take theirs over (again) but this time finish the job

french anons, is there going to be war soon? im a pale pajeet but i'd love to shoot some mudslimes after hearing my mom tell me how she had to climb through a bus full of dismembered body parts after the mumbai bombing

Fuck Michael is one disgusting man. And that guy is probably jew.


I like how the distabilized image makes it look like everything is bopping up and down like a 30s cartoon.

Michelle Obama is fucking disgusting

Sir David Attenborough managed ok.

Nope, not Jewish. Scottish, and kind of authoritarian (and pro-African, fwiw)


i learnt to poo in loo and now im coming for you
>a leaf

How scared should a tourist be if he visited El Salvador? Say, compared to OP's video of Paris?

That was before our genocide. The good old days...

So, what was that currency you guys wanted to use, the Canadian dollar? Oh, wow! Well that doesn't make a lot of sense now, does it? So lets dig deeper. So how will you recoup all of the losses when it comes to the money your province will lose when it no longer has aid pouring in from oil country and Parliament Hill. What will you do to replace that? Along with the billions upon billions the federal government has poured into your province to erect and maintain all kinds of infrastructure? Remember, all of your hydro-dams, electricity plants, highways, and well, pretty much anything related to public infrastructure you and the population of Quebec so gracefully use every single day? Surely, such a self-autonomous region would be able to pay back Canada for use, and procurement of said infrastructure? It would only be fair, right? Considering it is all owned by the federal government, you would have to. On top of that, do you mind footing the bill, without the help of the rest of Canada, mind you my francophone friend, of the rather large population of Native and Metis reserves and communities within your would-be country? Because you can guarantee they would expect it, and if you did not provide it, would immediately cause MASSIVE tension, and violence, within your newly founded country. Have you forgotten the Oka Crisis so quickly? If the Indians flipped over a fucking golf course, do you not think they are ready to fuck even more shit up over you cutting some benefits? P1/2


What are you rambling about, leafman?

>he fell for the "Quebec would have no economy if it weren't for Alberta" meme

Why are Albertans so dull and boring?

By the way my friends recently visited Alberta and apparently every girl between 18-22 is a single mother, but fortunately they found some that weren't single mothers to fuck.

Sorry mate. Like Eesti said, it will end up like this:

Albertans believe that literally everything in the rest of the country (especially Quebec) was built using Albertan oil money. It makes up for their insecurity over being materialistic and having no culture

I knew it was bad before I went and it still was depressing. Saw a ape shitting behind a nice statue in the CBD and one of the few qt's I saw was with a nigga

wow I've never met a passive-aggressive lead before

That video is perfect to trigger Japs too.

Is anyone taking bets on whether the Eiffel Tower will still be standing 50 years from now?

Yes, because at the current rate they won't have the technology to destroy it

That made me want to throw up, never seen so much degeneracy compiled into one video.

she looks like a mild sjw... but so pretty.
I dont know why but i always dreamed about getting a canuk qt.


>meeting an arab in person
she literally deserved it. probably a mudslime anyways.


Libshit would just say they all need free housing to get then off the streets.

What does this translate out to?

>implying whites wont swing back to ethnocentrism HARD
We'll either start killing everyone who doesn't look like us or we'll die as a race.

If we don't do the former, then we deserve the latter.

why are they doing this though? are there any facts or statistics whatsoever of africans positively contributing to society more than other ethnicities/races? are they accepted just as decorations for ''diversity is our strength'' meme?

>People tend to forget that it all started in France in 1968.

lol no

There is one country resisting the mudslimes.


Before Africa was yours
Now France is ours

Oh and Quebec is cucked. So dont bother talking about Quebec. Its going down the shitter too.

It's like comparing London Ontario to London England

Both wonderful I guess, but not really a good comparison.




Pretty accurate.

I think that was modelled on a young Brigitte Bardot

Settle down, Mr Krabs.

All those poor women and children out there on the street

Surprised they don't have a Graffiti-B-Gone crew take care of that.

It's a nice structure to let go like that

You guys ever think of the millions of gallons of french blood spilled in ww1 and 2? And 100 years later it all turned out to be for this? sad!

The people look skeezier too.

This thread makes me sad.

If europe falls, we fall. If the war goes knocking the door, you can count on me going there to help my bros.
im strong, im fit i dont give a fuck

Not just that, but think of the fact that people would vandalise these monuments in the first place

These days, all I can think about are my personal mistakes and how much better my life would be if I hadn't made those mistakes. Regret is a poison.

Next time we fight. Its side by side. Stay strong argentina bro.


Yeah, but France has so much great old architecture they don't think of it as anything special.


This type of mentality is why they eventually won't have anything


how is called the "ww2 chicks" fetish?
Is my favorite shit but i cant ever found nothing dude... Help a brother.

in america is called "pin up"


A source close to the victims said:
>>"It was a warm night,
>>and she expected to eat strawberries and grapes, and to drink Coke,
>>but then the attack took place."
The fuck???

>"montre a ces blokes"
>Chiale contre les blokes
>Utilise les photos d'une bloke pour ses posts
Get your shits together, user.

What the fuck France, why would you let them do this? Do you not know what a revolution is? Fucking pathetic.

And there are protests there almost everyday and in different Arrondissements for completely different reasons on the same day. It's pretty much shit.

thanks bro


Pin-up girls is the term you're looking for

Happy fapping my white brother

I'm getting Paris syndrome just from the picture

Génie est pur laine, de quoi tu parle, Bubba?

Because migrants are all in Montreal. Quebec is the whitest province in all of Canada.

Oh yeah
P.S Fuck off we're full

also check out rockabilly chicks, they mimic that aesthetic/fashion

you are welcum

mmmm ... needs more niggers

After the terrorist attacks in Paris, that statue became an unofficial memorial site, covered in flowers, candles and the names of people who died in the attacks. The 2nd picture shows it just before the shrine was tidied up by the city:

It's pretty distasteful to twist this symbol of mourning into some spiteful anti-foreigner narrative.

Marseilles is the main meme shitty dystopian city of France iirc. Had a French teacher once who trash talked it. The Italian counterpart is Naples, according to testimonies on a chinese claymation forum



Looks like some of the tent cities in NYC or L.A.

It started in 1789 in France.

It all men are equal, then niggers and Arabs are equal and flood your lands because quality and brotherhood and bullshit the kikes made up to subvert the country.

>It all men are equal, then niggers and Arabs are equal and flood your lands because quality and brotherhood and bullshit the kikes made up to subvert the country.

Bretty good for a Big Bubba....

>It all men are equal,
Among class in the same nation, NOT between nations, NOT between peoples.
It has been subverted by the jewery in the 70's, just after the feminism test and the 68 hedonism movement.

this needs music to give it just the right tone:

I travelled to Paris last year, and I'm pretty sure the Paris video was made around the Stalingrad Metro station where I stayed. Now, every few months, there's another riot @ Stalingrad.

There are shithole areas in Seattle that are like miniature versions of this except 90% of the perps are white, and a majority of them are not old men. But Paris is several orders of magnitude worse.

One interesting difference is that not many of the Seattle homeless have cell phones. Half the homeless in the video seemed to have fully-charged phones.

Except it is going on right now.

And to say we should do something that would effect the situation would be seen as mad or over the top.
We should invite over some of those right-wing Japanese and Right-wingers from other countries to show world-wide solidarity. Not just that but to be SEEN through the media's filtering and cover ups. That requires organization.

This isn't going to happen. There is not enough energy or momentum.

You on this board are probably the most inclined to do something or organize.

>>That look of absolute disdain
His anger stirs, anglobros...

>all those islands of inflatable mattresses in the street
looks pretty comfy in a surreal way - i wonder what it's like to live that way

>women and children were also sexually assaulted at public swimming pools in Babenhausen
Jesus Christ. My old base was right next to that pool. I swam in it often.

I think she has a facebook in the description

My cousin went to Paris last summer and said it wasn't what he hoped it would be. Now I know what he meant. Can't believe we lost the jewel of France to hordes of shitniggers.

Thank you for posting this. It's good to see all that shit gone


>You on this board are probably the most inclined to do something or organize.
I smell a ruse

We give, and we give, and we give, but its never enough.....

My mind just literally orgasmed. This is too beautiful. I will visit one day i hope, if France still exists.

>Half the homeless in the video seemed to have fully-charged phones.
They have nicer phones then I do and designer clothing.

How is this possible if none of them work?

>Japanese girl expects France, discovers North America

Niggers are literal trash

Sickening racism, Moshe Dayan...

she represents the france that you see today and that led to what you see today

> kikes calling anyone trash

The city of love






If you burn Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver

Canada is not so bad, no where near France or Germany levels.....

It does me too, totally fucking evil. Leftists... the people responsible... Jews... cuck whites... feminists... immigrant aliens... holy shit, they all have to be held accountable

Ughhh STFU xenophobe I'm a feminist and you're a disgusting anti-semitic bigot white male, your ideas don't matter .. you're not welcome at my cafe again, and nobody likes you... leave... Ughhh fucking ignorant bigot

Meh, Haiti is an exception. The rest of the Afro-Caribbean is much better by comparison. You look at IQ and crime stats though, and account for the fact that there's no border conflicts and massive amounts of tourist money flowing in, you come to basically the same conclusion.

More French than Paris

Agreed. But as a fellow Newfee in the states, why do we thing Canada under Pierre Trudeau will fail unless we important millions of unskilled people who dont speak our language?

Shit. As a weeb, that is painful to watch.

A taxidriver from Argentina told me once

>You spaniards are fucking up, you're doing exactly the same thing we did: Letting niggers in. You let this many niggers into your country and see what happens.

I wanted to run away from this mess but, to be honest, we became the mess long ago. Specially people from the south. 80% of the time that I read about rape in the paper is either a nigger or a southerner.
I get outraged at the gang rapes of immigrants that I read on Cred Forums but 5 southern spaniards just got convicted for gangraping a 18 girl and beating her up so...

Being this naive....

RIP paris

In only seven days...

What about Italy?

What a shithole

That's UK fucking retards.

Yes it does.
May 68 was done by jews who then took control of the left.
That's why the boomers must die if we want to take back the control of our country.

The guy on the right is wearing this shirt saying "I'm Muslim don't panic" as he acts violently and destroys property.

what's the difference

Yeah what's the difference between a mexican and an american.


It's not a city, it's a subway station

>Among class in the same nation
That isn't true either though. A street sweeper with an IQ of 80 is hardly the equal of a surgeon, scientist, etc with an IQ north of 130. Any way you cut it, they are not equals in the least.

Exactly, Mai 68 is when shit went down. My father grew up in Saint-Denis in the late 70s during the second waves of immigration from the Maghreb. He was surrounded by shitskins and witnessed the fall of Paris from the beginning.

He became a cop and ended up hitting antifas and muzzies every few days.
It goes without saying that he is fully redpilled but I can't imagine how it must feel to have know France when it was still decent and to see how shit it is now.

This enemy waves not one, but two standards in battle. A double-standard, if you will

Oy vey! So diverse, so vibrant, so peaceful !!! So much better then having those pesky whites around.

was that a gay couple holding hands at 2:47?


Reminder that blacks and Muslims are over represented on the streets of Paris because whites are at work.
Shitskins as a rule don't work and are free to roam about to pass the time.
The Paris region is one of the richest in Europe. Millions of whites live there and have high paying jobs but you don't see them because they are working to pay for the shitskins' indolent lifestyles.

>filled with niggers
Can confirm

This just makes me feel so defeated. I'm sorry for my frogbros having to deal with this shit that their moronic "leaders" have forced on them. I'm praying for the future of your beautiful land, my allies.

I believe when ever they mention equality during that period it is everyone is subjected equally and fairly under the law since abuse against the peons has always happened beforehand. To hold those above and below to the same standard was a radical idea.

Huh, it's almost as thought people who grew up and lived in abject poverty are maybe not the best/safest people to be around. Funny how that works.

>mostly in Northern Paris (18/19th districts)
What exactly are you talking about ? Have you not been to the 9/10th arr. ? How about talking a walk up the Blvd. Magenta or step outside the Gare du Nord ?

Living in Paris, I try the best I can to keep the tradition and culture where I come from.

Paris is lost, there is no soul and culture left there, only getting assraped.

This is even worse than the plaza of the central station here in Milan

That looks like Detroit.


>participate in war

>where were you in Iraq and Afghan, are you bombing ISIS?

Very nice.

It won't last.