So guys... do you think it's possible that Jews are Neanderthals?

So guys... do you think it's possible that Jews are Neanderthals?

>Neanderthals were more intelligent than modern man
>Sloped skull, protruding mouth

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It would explain how they've seemingly been around practically since the dawn of history.





Slav and anglo

I think sloped skulls are linked with certain sub-races. Full blooded Euros can also have fairly steeping foreheads.
The ones who on the other hand have straighter heads are the ones who happen to have the most paleolithic European phenotypes i.e CMs and Alpines.

Kennewick man.. Haplogroup Q.

Haplogroup P (Q and R)... egg heads?

Oppenheimer was a Q, I think.

The Central Asian progenitors of Native Americans had narrow skulls and long faces but they got rounder over time.

The Euro skill may have gotten more "baby like." Might have been altitude or climate adaptations or people thought rounder headed mutants were cuter.


Maybe Central Asian mated with archair Europeans with rounder heads.

Nah, the similarities are just convergent evolution via high degree of inbreeding.

>more intelligent


remind me again parasite, who invented like 80% of everything? Was it jews?

The answer is no.

Have you seen an Anglo? They are nothing like neanderthals.

>So guys... do you think it's possible that Jews are Neanderthals?

this is fucking retarded.

jews have big noses, and are generally small in stature and are matriarchical

there's nothing to indicate jews have anymore neanderthal genes than white people or have any at all

What about the extra empathy they would have from Neanderthal DNA wouldn't they feel bad about slaughtering babies and drinking the blood?

it's hard to say when looking at such ancient phenotypes, but while it's true for instance that long headedness was present in both, CMs are also known for their mostly straight forehead

consider that iirc Kennewick man is seemingly related to the ANE people(i.e Mal'ta boy), and these folks seem to show up in the genetics of pretty much all Eurasians, from neolithic Iranians, to north Euros, to east Asians and to native Americans

perhaps such a combination is what makes some mediterranean skulls from the levant like that, bust also some north Euro skulls

These people would then very little African admixture since they have non-black traits but Albert Einstein had a E haplogroup y-chromosome. That sort of hints at some African admixture.

Anyone with strong Neanderthal features and no big African markers would be.. 100% grade A Eurasian.

darrell issa is eastern orthodox, but he is a complete piece of shit also.

I think they may be more clever at being conniving. It's the Gypsy blood that has always dominated their actions. Think of show business, finance which is really just advanced gambling on a global scale, and comedy. I think homo sapiens are more scientific and strategic over long terms and this allowed us to develop the weapons that we crushed the neanderthals with and subjugated most other races

idk jews are middle eastern aren't they? if you are saying the ashkenazis who i assume were converted are neanderthals, maybe, neanderthals lived in europe.

Mfw the Jews could have been wiped out with bones

Point is, while jews may be more conniving, they are not more intelligent. Their average IQ is 96. And they often cite the "ashkenazi" jews, but their outlier IQ's (top 1%) is 2 standard deviations away from white outlier IQ. So they are definitely not our intellectual betters.

Being a scumbag lying piece of shit is not intelligence.

the similarity between jews and gypsys is probably just cultural though. both self-segregating groups of Mediterranean-adjacent origin. other than the nomadic/insular cultural traits, they are very similar to italians, greek, and levantine people in a lot of ways.

Yeah, this is kind of what I meant. It also bears mentioning that there are several types of intelligence. Jews seem to be very good at manipulating other people like chess pieces.

Global politics to them is like a grand chessboard.

>neanderthals lived in europe.

Neanderthals where mixed in with the white germanic people in Neander valley in what's now modern day germany. There DNA is also in the French, dutch, and other germanic country's. Basically any where there was viking goths.

The Central Asian man mixed with dark skin archaic Europeans that looked like dark South Indians.

The sloped head may have become less common in the offspring of R1b haplogroup men who mixed with the archaic Native Western Europeans.

The straight forehead in the white man may be something inherited from archaic Europeans not their Central Asian forefathers.

Horse riding Central Asian warlords with sloped foreheads invaded Europe and bred with straight forehead females.

>do you think it's possible that Jews are Neanderthals?
no, because there's some evidence Neanderthals died out because they did not trade for resources

>Neanderthals where mixed in with the white germanic people

Did Germanic-speakers even exist when they went extinct?
Maybe proto-germanics

Those "archaic Europeans" were the Nordic Aryans of Central Asia, they were not swarthy.

>more intelligent
They had larger heads. Every human group (besides certain Africans) have their DNA in them.

Inbred retards arent special.

Died out, or were interbred out like the Native American population?

In other words, their genetic markers aren't completely wiped out, they're still represented genetically as intermixed into human blood, since they were similar enough to breed with humans.

Source on this map? Highly interesting

Whoa Vin diesel is a Neanderthal?

>More intelligent
>Neanderthals lived in their most evolved state for 300,000 years
>Their most important achievement in those 300,000 years is scraping stones together to make a fire

By contrast, modern humans have lived in its most evolved state for 100,000 years and we've already conquered agriculture, medicine, engineering, the electron state, and put a man on the moon.

>poor communication skills
Jews have very good communication skills, this is why they make good lawyers.

some might be nephalem afterall
might have to dig deeper into babylon

I don't see why your pointing to outliers instead of averages as a means of determining collective racial intellectual superiority. Your logic goes "if A's top people are smarter than B's top people then A's general/average population is smarter than B's average general population. Otherwise the chinks in your leaflet country are your intellectual superiors based off that same iq metric. If your going to make claims, leaf, then at least decently back them up with evidence, you Sweden-tier national.

They were pretty close we gotta admit. Now it's like whack-a-mole on steroids, and that's just counting dissecting propaganda and Correcting the Record™ correctly.

I'm just saying it's gotten them this far, it's disingenuous and it always will bite them in the ass after time. That's why they always get kicked out or targeted. But now they've tricked us into giving them a country so it's gotten even more worrisome. I don't disagree there's a reason whites have been the alpha-predator, but even rats escape hawks from time to time

that's a little kid. Let's see how his skull grows out. Will it slope? The Central Asians were darker and chinkier back then.

that kid may not be 100% representative of ancient Central Asians and may be the product of a more modern mixing or migration.

And even the greatest chess player knew kin we're the biggest threat to the west

It's possible. Ashkenazi Jews are a bit of a mongrel race. They have Arab, African, Salvic, Oriental, and central European DNA. If you remember correctly, the average European has about 2-3% Neanderthal DNA, with Asians having slightly more, so it's logical to conclude that higher Neanderthal DNA equates to an overall higher IQ. Since the Jewish race is only a few thousand years old, it's possible the Ashkenazi IQ came simply from mixing with the most intelligent Asians and Europeans, which would explain why other types of Jews show mediocre IQ scores at best.

Bible is about Hebrew screw ups.

History has a lot of Jewish screw ups. If Jews were great at the chess game, they would have never gotten kicked out of Israel and they would have never gotten punked in the past.

A lot of ancient Jews cut their losses and converted to Christianity.

If ancient stereotypes hold up then Canaanites were good at selling shit, negotiating, avoiding getting invaded, and juggling hazardous neighbors until everything goes to shit.

They do have higher IQs, which makes it hard to explain their general lack of innovation.

I would say they probably tend to be lazier and less ambitious. There's probably a genetic predisposition for that, too.

also, the smart Jews saw WW2 and the holocaust coming and split.

Some of these holocaust survivors got really old.

"Only the strongest genes survive this shit."

He was also the voice of the Viper car alarm system.

they have high *verbal* iqs. Their visual IQ is ...well....above the average african.
It's probably why they don't like good art.
Their visual cortex just gets confused by it.



Nigger you just went full retard. Neanderthals have all the features of a cold weather humanoid, not a desert dwelling one.

I bet OP's a jew pushing this nonsense theory

>Neanderthals were more intelligent than modern man

Can we just dispel with this fiction?

They had little innovative capacity, poor communication, they may have died out because they couldn't understand coats. (srs).

Cro-Magnon (their male linage is alive today in many Nordic and Slavic men, female lineage is in some Native American women) arrived in Europe and completely outcompeted them. I say out competed, because there are no signs of warfare between them. And if there were, the Neanderthal would've been BTFO that much faster.

If the Jews had more Neanderthal DNA they may not be so bad at visual arts tho. But I see the resemblance OP. But you are still a faggot for posting this.

Oh kek its so obvious now.


Fuck this thread got me. I'm actually crying with laughter. Its fuckin true mate. Remember that Neanderthal and humans originally breed together in the Jewish homeland.

What is the genetic history of the Jewish peoples? It'd be very interesting to read, considering the fact that they've been around since the dawn of civilization.