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it scares me that there were no planes

wtf I hate freedom fries now

>not realizing controlled demolitions are done electronically and not manually

what did he mean by this?

stay woke
nice dubs

>floors coming down on one another cause debris to be blown out of a window
>this is somehow proof of a controlled demolition

>the truther meme

Lol nice theory except for the part where scientific research proves it wrong and the logistics behind the cover-up render it impossible.

God, to think I used to believe this kind of conspiracy shit. What a faggot.

What are the "logistics" about NORAD being down that day?

If members of a foreign intelligence agency were arrested in connection to 9/11, including former military demolitions experts, I'm sure we would have heard about it.

Also, there's no way they would have had access to the building. They would have needed passes, and entire floors would had to have been shut down to do the work on them.

we would have heard if that had happened. Someone would have told us.

> where scientific research proves it wrong and the logistics behind the cover-up render it impossible.

pffff this isn't 2008 anymore, your "muh science" argument have no weight ever since "scientists" have flooded the news with stories how "scientific" studies "prove" Hillary Clinton would make a better President or how Trump is objectively a nazi. Anybody can print whatever they want in these rags called science journals (unless its Nature).

Do you believe in climate change?

i find it amusing how blue pilled faggots tell themselves "see how conspiracy theorist think everything is planned they have to tell themselves that because the world being chaotic scares them" when actually they are the ones afraid of a reality with nefarious groups who guide it

>flooded the news with stories how "scientific" studies "prove" Hillary Clinton would make a better President or how Trump is objectively a nazi.

Source? God I hate leaves like you

What's the point of involving the airplanes in the first place?

It was programmed incorrectly and triggered early.

No matter what, its a bomb going off early.

NORAD is never down.


>It was programmed incorrectly and triggered early.
how often do you think that happens

dramatic imagery
looks more like an attack
can't be easily pined to demolition

But user, I was taught on the faceberg that "Truther" is a funny meme and I should mock people who believe in stuff like that.

Logistics like
>the folks who planned 9/11
>the workers who places the demolition charges
>the company that employs them
>the news outlets
>anyone who observed the demolition set-up
>anyone that anyone involved may have told

This massive cover-up, all unraveled by two college kids with grainy footage and unclassified documents that the same government who allegedly killed 3000 citizens for. . .some reason. . .didn't immediately have killed when they released their video. Nor did they stop the video from being circulated. Haha sure makes sense.

Except scientists aren't saying any of that, you fucking shit-chucking apeman.

>you think A is real but not B despite the fact that A and B both are investigated by the same sorts of people. Therefore B is real.

Lol not relevant if i believe in climate change.

what was the endgame for 9/11.



Israel did 9/11

You're living in it

you do know that the WTC was closed for maintenance to all public two weeks before the attacks for the first time in 20 years.


that easily explains how they could have set everything up and the timing is a bit coincidental.

not that i have settled on what story i believe...just saying, the chance for discretion was there

No. But two 110 story buildings did. The bottom corner of the building was destroyed by falling debris. People stood and watch it burn from the bottom.

You fags will believe anything.

am I doin it right??

thanks user I learned so much

Apparently for Bush to invade Iraq then Obongo to create ISIS by pulling out too early and letting ISIS take the oil

The increased government control and mass surveillance you're living in today.

fuck off tripfag

Hmmm, forgot to remove the [embed].

They didn't kill them because they expected them. Advanced weaponry was used to send a message to certain internal parties. Joseph Farrell talks about this stuff quite a lot. So does Catherine Austin Fitts and a few others. The "truthers" drowned out people like Judy Woods. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that they were actual plants.

This. This particular facet of the conspiracy theory was debunked a decade ago. It's a testament to cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias that it's still around.


what did he mean by this?

I kinda figured that much, just came here wondering if there was more too it,
an even more elaborate plan.

Nice evidence faggot.

Never forget that there was never in history a building like that burned for hours.

>not understanding how pressure works

must be a virgin

There's also the fact that it was so close to two collapsing giant towers. It would have been weird if it had actually stayed up.

> The bottom corner of the building was destroyed
>Clearly collapses from the center

desu I think the jews did 9/11 but that could easily be the falling building dust moving faster through the building and blowing out that one window

truthers STILL can't accept this is what happened

if you were trying to time a detonation on the largest fucking building you have ever detonated on it would be pretty hard to get the timing perfectly.

they probably weren't quite sure how fast it would fall.

invade multiple middle eastern countries to defend america and israel.

we had no reason to defend ourselves until 9/11 happened.

israel is planning to buy the land from us for free once we gain control of it and make greater israel.

>Not knowing about buildings sympathetically collapsing

>heat travels downwards

You could at least try.

heat travels in all directions

only heated air strictly goes up

Fuck you and your no planes disinformation campaign. There were obviously planes involved int he attacks. Who was controlling them, who was on board, is a matter of debate. But There Were Planes. You CIA/FBI disinformation faggot.

Rate it 9 out of11 OP.

hello it me moloch here

19.5 you say?

Holy fuck you are retarded. Please be a shill

guys can anyone tell me
If there were planes or nah?

I'm not a robot

How come the bomb didn't blow out the other windows?

There were planes that hit the Twin towers.

Planes hit the twin towers. I watched it happen. The dispute is whether or not they'd be enough to make the towers collapse just from their impact.

PROTIP: You're not going to become a special snowflake just because you don't believe a couple of planes hit the towers.

The planes existed and did not exist at the same time. They are both a wave and a particle. Try not to think about it too hard.

Even if it all were orchestrated by "da ebul 'luminaty", why would they both crash planes into the twin towers and blow them up at the same time? Is the Illuminati run by Wile E. Coyote?

This could be explained by the pressure traveling through the pipeline in the building and rupturing at that point, possibly at the curving point of the pipe because its weakest there.

Are you really this stupid or is this an act?

As a scientific skeptic, I simply cannot even humor the idea of the twin towers being collapsed by a demolition. Arguments for this are based entirely on speculation and confirmation bias. There is no actual indisputable evidence in favor of it. But there is a perfectly reasonable scientific explanation on how the towers could have collapsed from the plane crash. If those steel beams couldn't have been warped by the fires, then I guess every blacksmith in history was in on the conspiracy.

do you remember the other terrorist attack on the WTC? The one that came close, but failed to knock out the supports necessary to bring it down.

That's why.
You need the impact of watching the towers collapse. Nobody cared when the building was left standing.

So many fucking shills holy shit

No, this was air movement caused by the massive ground fall above it. You people are so fucking stupid.

I live in hope that someday the truth will be known. I think this is why they speedily work to destroy Europe, the US, and all Western Nations. To hide their crimes. Execute the inquisitors. Bury the truth forever. We live in dark times.

Once each tower began to collapse, the weight of all the floors above the collapsed zone bore down with pulverizing force on the highest intact floor. Unable to absorb the massive energy, that floor would fail, transmitting the forces to the floor below, allowing the collapse to progress downward through the building in a chain reaction. Engineers call the process "pancaking," and it does not require an explosion to begin, according to David Biggs, a structural engineer at Ryan-Biggs Associates and a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) team that worked on the FEMA report.

Like all office buildings, the WTC towers contained a huge volume of air. As they pancaked, all that air—along with the concrete and other debris pulverized by the force of the collapse—was ejected with enormous energy. "When you have a significant portion of a floor collapsing, it's going to shoot air and concrete dust out the window," NIST lead investigator Shyam Sunder tells PM. Those clouds of dust may create the impression of a controlled demolition, Sunder adds, "but it is the floor pancaking that leads to that perception."

No, I don't. I remember a plane colliding with the Empire State Building, but nothing along the lines of crashing a giant jumbo jet into much of anything.

>Nobody cares about several passenger planes being crashed directly into multiple important buildings as long as those buildings don't fall.
Real talk: Were you on drugs when you typed that? You're letting hindsight bias get in the way of logical reasoning. The American public would have been moved regardless of whether the towers had fallen or not. That's common sense and you need to prove otherwise.

The floor collapsed, causing the air to push out.


>compressed swamp gas

No, it was programmed to collapse the building. The optics are irrelevant to it, that was the job of the mind programmers to overcome and they by and large did.

They where drones shaped as orbs with holographic tech.

None of the contrived physics you employ to defend your point of view will explain what happened to WTC7. All the scientifically plausible explanations go out the window when examining WTC7.

Don't narrow your examination of the event on just the buildings, and the physics involved. Look at what lead up the the attack, and what followed the attack.

WWIII between Islam and the Christian/Jew west. They want Islam and the west to wipe each other out so they can usher in the NWO Luciferian religion.

Anyone who looks into this conspiracy is going to see that the official explanation is bullshit.

Here is an organization of thousands of professional architects and engineers who agree.


Pic related is building 7. Only had small fires on the lowest floors; did not suffer alot of damage from the debris, yet, just like the two towers, suddenly plummeted to Earth at freefall speed, a condition NEVER seen in a so-called structural collapse, but a condition that is ALWAYS seen during a controlled demolition.

Those buildings were wired

Friendly reminder: if they're coming after tannerite it's a gungrab

I was talking about the 93 bombing.
It would have taken down the building if the bomb had been positioned correctly, but fortunately it didn't. As a result, people moved on and it didn't have much of an impact.

A plane crashing into the Empire State Building apparently didn't either. I'm not familiar with that one.

there was never a building in history that got hit with tens of thousands of gallons of jet fuel.

>Don't narrow your examination of the event on just the buildings, and the physics involved. Look at what lead up the the attack, and what followed the attack.
Yes, cloud your judgement with politics so the conspiracy will seem more plausible on a superficial level.

All of you are ignoring one important piece of information: the WTC never existed to begin with. It was a hologram simulation, which explains some of the weird things people noticed about it. The simulation wasn't perfect. I'm surprised they managed to fool the public for so long.

can't believe you fucktards still perpetuate these asinine truther theories, do you realize that the floors collapsed faster than the external structure??? very simple...

A bombing is entirely different from ramming jumbo jets into buildings. Your obligation is to prove that "da #ebul 'luminaty" thought that two planes wouldn't be enough. If you can't do that then you don't have an argument.

Besides: How many people died from the bombing? Certainly not as many as in 9/11, even without the collapse of the towers. Fighting the fires would have, and did, prove almost impossible. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to believe that two planes wouldn't have been enough. Rigging the towers with explosives would have been like shooting a man before throwing him out of a plane.

> do you remember the other terrorist attack on the WTC? The one that came close, but failed to knock out the supports necessary to bring it down.

WTC is a very prominent American landmark, and if a terror attack were to occur it would be a high priority target. A previous terror attack means nothing.

> You need the impact of watching the towers collapse. Nobody cared when the building was left standing.

KEK, you actually think that people didnt give a fuck until they fell?

Do not so easily disregard recorded history as irrelevant political machinations.

> Only had small fires on the lowest floors; did not suffer alot of damage from the debris, yet, just like the two towers

How do we know this? nobody was really inside or nearby...

>nobody was really inside or nearby



This fucking topic makes me question all of /pol

fucking tinfoils

WTC7 was on fire, and had also been subjected to the impact of falling debris from the WTC1. But nothing we know explains why the building fell, into a neat footprint, as it did. What cause all structural supports to fail at the same moment, creating the symmetrical collapse as recorded on video? There is only one explanation. An explanation most people are unwilling to accept.


It takes weeks to prep a building.

>inside job

History does not influence the way a building collapsed. Appealing to history is literally feels over reals.

even nist gave up on the Pancake theory.

What's your excuse?
Also you have no concept of even simple physics. Kys

>using Aristotelian physics

Welcome my son, welcome to the machine.
Where have you been? It's alright we know where you've been.
You've been in the pipeline, filling in time,
Provided with toys and Scouting for Boys.
You bought a guitar to punish your ma,
And you didn't like school, and you know you're nobody's fool,
So welcome to the machine.
Welcome my son, welcome to the machine.
What did you dream? It's alright we told you what to dream.
You dreamed of a big star, he played a mean guitar,
He always ate in the Steak Bar. He loved to drive in his Jaguar.
So welcome to the machine.


>collapsing debris doesnt travel downward

>buildings fell at free fall
>debris clearly falling faster than building


They didn't fall at freefall speed though.

Watch footage and audio from the base of the tower. Freefall is 9 seconds or something. Both buildings fell slower than that.

Also on many angles of the collapses you can see some parts of the building dont fall right away especially on the sides of the building. The north tower especially had a chunk of the lower part of the building that took a while to fall down

Freefall is a meme usually coupled with footage of the collapses where the base of the towers are obscured

No it wasnt. Source: was there.

I know, I'm mocking the misconception that truthers frequently bring up to prove that it was a controlled demolition.

>a building collapsing because its support structure was torn apart by a jet is contrived physics

Collapsing WTC 7 by controlled demolition just strikes me as a weird conspiracy too. If it remained standing its not as if the public wouldnt be just as affected by 9/11 and we still would have had an excuse to stick our dick in the ME. So why bother with a controlled demolition?

Explain this then.

Yeah I've never heard that shit either.

Someone explain this

a ligher structure cannot collapse at near freefal through an exponentially stronger structure.
It happened three times within hours.
This is all that need be said really regarding whether they were brought down or not.
As for the planes, it serves no use without more evidence to say anything about planes.
Lastly, Ryan Dawson has already shown us who was behind it.

The conspiracy theory behind WTC 7 is that it was the intended target of flight 93. It was supposed to be hit, and was rigged to go down like the 2 towers.
It was never hit, but they had to collapse it anyways, because what are you going to?


go away normie
muh jet fuel is the most normie tier tinfoil there is

NORAD wasn't down. Their job is too look for bomber wings flying in over the Arctic, not civilian air traffic inside CONUS deviating from its flight plan.

The retards who think the Air Force was too omnipotent for 9/11 to happen are the worst fucking kind of truther. The USAF was oriented towards external air attack which would be clearly visible coming across the oceans or the pole. They were never equipped to detect or stop an enemy air attack originating out of fucking Pennsylvania.

>the government is incompetent
>the government is capable of pulling off one of the most intricate and elaborate conspiracies in modern times

Pick one and only one

>you can eyeball free fall speed

Id love to see the measurements and calculations you used to determine that what you said is a fact rather than a buzzword you're using to feign legitimacy. The planes destroyed several floors at once on impact, the weight of the debris absolutely would fall to lower floors before collapsing the entire building. Why do you hold on to this meme that there were bombs when there are other explanations based on evidence we already know happened for a fact.

Why would Bush need pretext for the war if they didn't even follow through with providing faked WMDs as proof they were right? Why do a good job faking said pretext when you're too dumb to get the war right?

They were holograms, you fucking retards.

But that requires that you assume you know flight 93's target, and that bombs were placed in the building. Again, for a literally who building that no one mentions anyway. Twin towers are good propaganda, wtc 7 doesnt have the same impact. It wouldnt matter if it was still standing, the propaganda would still be just as powerful. So I dont see the point in its collapse being a conspiracy, more likely a side effect of the twin tower attacks.

you regularly give them the money, how that transaction can be called buying?
You give them money, they give portion of it back to you, and you give them land
it is retarded reasoning

The truth... the real truth... is that the elite play chess on so many multidimensional levels that most will never see the truth.
Bush was a pawn- same as Obama- in a much bigger game.
For example, there were so many many people that were breaking the truth about 9/11 very early on. Imagine you needed something- a public scandal- big enough to draw most eyes while not large enough to completely have us withdraw from the region. Wonder what that might be? What might that look like?

>daily reminder that 9/11 was the first time in human history that a building collapsed frok being on fire
>daily reminder that WTC7 was a strong ass fuck 50ish stories building that wasnt hit by a plane
>daily reminder that WTC7 is UNEXPLAINABLE and makes every 9/11 theory plausible

Holy shit you americans are stupid. Do you lose IQ when they cut off a piece of your dick at birth to pay homage to the Jews?

Go into Iraq, Afghanistan, install private banks, acquire mineral resource rights, gain contracts to re-build demolished infrastructure, secure poppy fields to ensure heroin epidemic a decade later

This, and jewish wealth


>people don't lie, nah never
>people don't have agendas!

all it would take would be one mis-rigged bomb, you truly are trying to derail this aren't you?

what a great post leaf, a true shit post indeed

Why didn't you stupid fucks double jump before hitting the ground?

Why do people with no engineering experience or even knowledge in a trade within construction decide to shit up the world with their opinion? Every conspiracy theory about 9/11 does one thing, and one thing alone, very well. It completely denies a single fact that destroys the conspiracy theory completely from the ground up.

I used to argue this shit and I gave up a long time ago.

Fuckers like you are the reason that we might have a Hillary presidency. You unfailingly deny facts because they don't agree with your narrative. It's so pathetic.













It clearly starts to fall sideways while WTC7 fell straight down like controlled demo

Have this, if you have the time

Nice cherry picked propaganda pictures. In reality wtc 7 was shitting smoke. It also had debris fall on it and sustained shockwaves from the towers collapsing right next to it. That kind of event is unprecedented.

If you can link a video where you hear bombs go off I would ve impressed. Ive seen comparison videos but have never heard or seen evidence of bombs going off, aside from speculation because it kinda sorta looks similar.

Why do people like you assume all people are retarded?

Aren't you aware a random fire cannot burn through a building's concrete and steel "skeleton" ? Are you implying engineers didn't build it to withstand such weakass fires? Do you believe engineers are superior Gods with 175 IQ ?

t. a canadian engineer

>It also had debris fall on it and sustained shockwaves from the towers collapsing right next to it. That kind of event is unprecedented.

LOL yes that "unprecedented shockwave"
Hey man do yourself a favor, do not reply in this thread anymore. You fucking sheep piece of shit

ITT people who have never passed gas, evidently.

Oh for the love of all that is holy shut up.

You're rejecting the damage done by the collapse, concussion, flow dynamics, chemistry, and metallurgy, as well as basic principles of math.

... You're laughing and calling shockwaves a myth.

I'm not assuming you're retarded. You're proving it.

>there are STILL people who don't know about the WTC 7 gash

go back to bed kiddies


>thousands of cubic meters of air being compressed
>the air will escape where it can.

made my synapses fire.

There's no fucking way WTC 7 isn't the smoking gun. (((they))) know it and we all know it now.

Im the sheep, because Im skeptical of your baseless interpretation and you cant back your propaganda up? You compare WTC 7s collapse to different buildings that had fires, and even use a pic that doesnt show the immense amount of smoke spewing from 7.

Which leaves out the other factors that were unique to wtc 7, the debris from the twin towers as well as the force of impact which is unprecedented. Rather than consider that perhaps these added factors caused the collapse you flatly deny them and call me retarded, and literally say
>stop posting
How do you know you yourself are not a sheep to controlled opposition shills? Your posts lack actual substance, only a simple mind could be convinced.

yeah like what happen when girls live together and they synchronize their periods

>gravity is universal


>I watched it happen
hi CIA.

>fell straight down

no it fucking didnt, when will these memes stop

>pic related

building 7 fell on this.

forgot pic

This is the correct answer. Sadam switched from dollar to euros in October, 2000.

if not Norad then regular air services. If a plane is unresponsive, why wouldnt fighter jets be scrambled to intercept?

clinton foundation can be directly tied to 9/11 through cheney and haliburton.

why did the top of the building of WTC 7 collapse first then?

riddle me that faggot

Heres what happens to an ARMORED plane when it hits steel and concrete.

>trying to tell me an aluminium body went through steel cause it was going fast


what happened to all the shills that where spamming :( ?



what does it mean

It means everyone is ignoring the Israelis with flamethrowers and rocket launchers attacking emergency services and civilians that day.

Front of car hit with flamer

what would make this hole at this angle
>and cause an explosion inside the ambulance?

What weapon do we know that causes instant rusting ?

>retarded enough to be a Truther in 2016
Wew. There sure are a lot of villages that have been deprived of their idiots by the internet.

and turns rock to glass?

Those idiots allow you to live.

>but no more.

>turns into dust in the wind

the endgame was president
Hillary Rotten Clinton. which makes it absolutely imperative that Donald Trump wins the presidency.

Mr.Austrailian Shitposter, please direct your shitposts to the other, more active 9/11 thread

do you even newton?

also, the vidya is about a SOLID WALL OF REINFORCED CONCRETE designed to protect nuclear reactors, and THE WALL WAS DESIGNED TO MOVE to absorb impacts.
you really are retarded.

the WTC towers were not "steel"
the buildings were constructed using cantlilevered floors off a central pilla with a NON-LOAD BEARING curtain wall of aluminium and glass.

Boeing 757 max landing weight: 198,000 lbs
thats almost 100 long tons you faggot.
moving at 500 mph, thats a hell of a lot of newtons smashing into a flimsy NON-LOAD BEARING curtain of aluminium and glass.

the towers fell because they were poorly designed, 50 years old and were built by low-bid contractors using substandard materials.

the god damned things swayed +/- 20 feet in the wind.

al quaeda could have brought them down with a single bomb if they could manage to smuggle one in anyplace except the basement where the central column was rooted.

the cantilevers were the weak point, and once a few of those gave out, it was all over, the house of cards was coming down and nothing could stop it.

i am so sick of you Troofer faggots spewing your bullshit everywhere.

im not so much in conspiracy shit. but the issue of building 7 makes me unironically think

>Israelis with flamethrowers and rocket launchers attacking emergency services and civilians that day.



> turkroach trying to think

wtc 7 wasnt hit by a plane.
that's true

it WAS hit by tons of flaming rubble falling from 1000 feet up.

but let's pretend that a huge hole wasnt blown out of it's side, or that it too was a shitty cantilever/curtain wall crackerbox...
instead lets discuss methods by which we can blame some jews for arab atrocities.

shhh dont ask questions.

just let the troofers spin out of control.

as their stories become more and more retarded they will begin to turn on themselves

InB4 "the towers are still there, just cloaked in a stealth feild..."

You can tell by the pixels in the released 9/11 videos that the flamethrower and RPG wielding Jews were edited out. Men in black were also there with mind wipers so nobody remembers it happening.

man according to this american architecture would never out stand a war and would fall like domino .though it shouldn't come as a surprise since mere strong wind causes national catastrophe

Is that you Larry Silverstein?

> heat travels downward?

God damn this!

>If members of a foreign intelligence agency were arrested in connection to 9/11, including former military demolitions experts, I'm sure we would have heard about it.

Clearly you didn't hear / see video of the Mossad agents filming and dancing on the rooftop at that time.

There was never a steel beam that had a melting point low enough to be affected by burning jet fuel there is a reason steel is made in a foundry you know.....

Nigga what???

((("PULL IT")))

Also BBC reporting it collapsed ~20 mins before it actually did...


I don't see any glass there

would it blow your mind to know that cia, fbi, and other confidential records were housed in WTC 7?

I already posted the evidence.

Google : vitrification.

I already posted the Fuse Inspetion of the Litel fuses.

For you specifically, Why didn't they collapse when they where bombed in the basement the first time, then having to send people in to steal the blueprints and the do the anaylsis and find the structural weakpoints, if what you suggest of frequency of mass x velocity squared is correct then you should explode because your heart is beating.

I know what vitrification is, that's just bedrock. What makes you think its vitrified?

It was not just the twin towers and building 7 the pentagon and a field in shanksville that was attacked.

There where armed men on and around the washington bridge that had to flee after a fire fight and arrests, Attempting to blow the bridge

Washington DC was attacked , the capitol building, a Shooter in the Mall Hollywood had a gunman and the white house was attacked also.

>Collapse at free fall speed
>From an office fire

>Every single beam collapse at the exact same moment
>From an office fire

American education i guess.

We also cannot forget about how all the gold was stolen about of the twin towers.

You can tell its glassed by the streaks in the stone.
>Not to mention all the builders getting radioactive and the sight having a shitload of radioactive particles in the area..

New York is still radioactive because of it, only a few more years and the rad levels go back down.. 4 years left?

out of*

>gosh my typing is bad.

There where alot of things not reported on 911.
>yes you an hear on some of the police scanner recordings armed men with trucks filled with explosive weapons...

They where interviewed and paraded around on national TV then deported to Israel and it was deemed above top secret classification.

which streaks in the stone are you talking about? would you circle them on your image?

>can't see streaks

I'd have to circle the whole picture, all the streaks of 2 colours in the stone mean its been glassed.

Check out picrelated for an example of what vitrification looks like

If you're saying what I think you're saying, then you're mistaking different rock bands for vitrification

are you telling me rock bands go sideways???

>are you also telling me the twin towers where tens of thousands of years old because the basement wells melded into the rock?

Be thankful I am not discussing Part 1 of confusing tongues.

Memes aside, isn't this one of those laser tunnel things that by some quantum fuckery lets you see back in time?

no one answered my question, why did the top of WTC 7 fall first?

I do believe that planes hit the WTC's but WTC 7 is bullshit and we all know it

that was (((their))) master plan, attack, distraction with other attacks, then the main reason WTC7

yes, rock bands can easily go sideways, especially in areas (like Manhattan) which used to be mountainous.

The different colors also closely match the rest of the Manhattan schist layers, examples of which you can easily see in central park

It's CERN and the hydrogen collider, and the bernstein vs. bernstain conspiracy, aka the mendella effect

but don't take my word for it!

they literally just made a hand held device massive and added a shitload of detectors that do nothing onto it and they have hit a wall in their research because they are all losers and basically started satan worship to enhance their science, really pathetic of them.

>you can make a particle accelerator some cut tubing.

thats cute centimetre tall mountains?
Jack ass you do know the "hijackers" are still alive.

You guys need to fire your propaganda team.

do you know geology wo-


you almost got me you sombitch

The point I am trying to make
>Glad you caught onto it was bout to start cracking jokes about sideways mountains.
Is that these rocks are not glossy ie not glassed.

What and the whole construction teams saying its part of the basement and not part of the stone.

guys please PLEASE watch this

Thanks poland Bro

Dude its just a compression artifact

but those rocks WEREN'T glossy, user. also, If it was vitrified, there wouldn't be groundwater leaking into the site from cracks

Even the Nist Report says you are wrong.

Is this a compression artifact ;) ?

I'm not saying things can't be vitrified, but how in the hell does an article on nuclear forensics (aka not at all related to 9/11) prove anything about the rocks from your photos being vitrified

that's simply what the rocks look like there

Except it happened...

>Around midnight, on Saturday, February 12, 2005, a fire was detected on the 21st floor. The fire spread quickly throughout the entire building, leading to the collapse of the outermost, steel parts of the upper floors; firefighters needed almost 24 hours to extinguish it

Next day with the fire extinguised...

The Nist report was pretty clear about the basement bro.

>theres a reason they needed to check the radioactivity and research vitrification to provide an answer.

We will never know the full extent of the damage or what really did take place, but we can safely say some nefarious elements where involved going so far as to assassinate some of the hijackers that came out saying that they where indeed alive and not party to the attacks.

>I also apologize for my country-men but theres a pretty good reason you are told not to listen to us, Picrelated.


nice derailment from the truth, flag, and checked

you may have reclaimed the thrown australia, but will you be my ai girlfriend?

user, that page wasn't related to their 9/11 reports, it was describing how they would go about testing materials left behind in a hypothetical nuclear terrorist attack

so again, those rocks aren't glossy, the colors are different geologic bands, and the area is generally smooth because is pretty clearly an active construction site

>after the building is already collapsing

How retarded do you have to be? Seriously.

The Truth is Demons and Aliens and Magick are all real 911 was an inside job and only we can save the Universe and I am not even being sarcastic.

It is time to take a stand.
>as soon as Trump is in the Oval Office and I have not been deceived I shall have my citizenship processed and be escorted via private Jet to Darpa HQ

You understand the Pharisees call me Master right?
>who do you think you are trying to fool ?

planes bring down buildings, ok

Obviously dust from the collapsing buildings (it was pretty warm dust).


Nuke or Not doesn't change the fact people proffitted from the devestation nor does it change who got paid.

not so sure about that Sonny Jim

Heres footage of missiles being fired from atop the wentworth building.

just because you're paranoid doesn't mean we aren't watching you

Glad I got your attention want to see some Magick ?

sure brah, shitpost away

suck it, come get me we are posting on a belly button lint collection board

oh no, truth my get out, holy shit!

what is gas compression?

Do you know why usually heat travels upwards? to maintain equilibrium. Usually "heat" in the air goes up so that the pressure balance is maintained. Now. Inside that building, where an explosion has just occurred right above, which part do you think has "higher pressure"?. The part of the building that's being smoked out from the explosion, or the lower parts that haven't been damaged yet?

go check out amateur footage of NYorkers on the street during 9/11, no one had a clue there were supposedly planes. News Stations told them planes hit the WTC and so the rumors spread. Even the reporters didn't see any planes. What you saw on TV was fake, the buildings just exploded, the planes were added digitally later , no plane could be seen LIVE.

Im no disinfo shill, jew or anything else. After spending 1000 hours investigating 9/11 i honestly can no longer believe planes hit the world trade center, nor the pentagon. And it's no secret that the pentagon wasn't hit by a plane among conspiracy theorists, yet tell those same conspiracy theorists you have doubts that the WTC was hit by planes as well and you're told to fuck off.

Maybe there were plane-like cruise missiles involved since there were reports of a small airplane, rocket like thing hitting the WTC. but no huge ass Boeing.

But i gave up on 9/11 anyway, i just admire those that pulled it off for the "great" and astonishing work they did. They tricked the entire world, they split up those that wanted to research the event into tiny groups by giving false hints, evidence and desinfo agents spreading more false clues. Who ever was in charge of 9/11, that group almost deserves to be in control of the world.

And no matter what I say, my disbelief is necessarily the result of being a shill or a useful idiot. Glad to know at least one of us is on the right course. God bless you, fellow truthseeker.

If you are sitting on this or something very similar to this and believe this is "evidence" of controlled demolition, you are a moron. Plain and simple.

hey not all of us are degenerate reprobates sitting on a dragon dildo like your self cum sucker.

Lay off the meth, faggot.

realized you might be linking to something specific so I removed the post.

>but if you don't think Police Firefighters and Paramedics and survivors testimony is good enough source because "death to america" why are you even posting ?

they really need to teach reading comprehension and emu fighting skills in rooville

>implying we don't sit in these

Just piss in the Bottle Mate.


How to tell someone is retarded:

They think 9/11 was an inside job and that the source-less images they saved from Cred Forums are proof.

imagine if they had fucked it all up completely and, instead of falling down cleanly, the buildings just fucking exploded out of the blue, all over the city, killing thousands more.

That would have been fun.

>how to tell someone is retarded

not looking at evidence and disregarding facts

how to tell someone is an excellent goy:

they swallowed the official version and didn't question it in the slightest, and didn't come to the conclusion that it was an inside job perpetuated by CIA and Mossad, used to justify an imperialist policy in the Middle East.

Can I be redpilled now?

if you read this thread you already are

>9/11 truther who can't read

Big fucking surprise.

Im calling the ones using images as proof retards, the rest of you are just fucking idiots who think you understand advanced physics and demolition technique because you read Wikipedia, and that that somehow gives you credibility when discussing the towers collapsing.

What is air and gasses being pressed down through out the collapsing build and exploding windows and shit.

>Who ever was in charge of 9/11, that group almost deserves to be in control of the world.

solid evidence right there detective
i'll put that in the evidence locker next to your finger painting and nap time teddy

>what is knowledge?

observation and repeating what you have discovered

the real red pill is knowing what bias is being placed, or what intention of influence, and knowing which to filter out, it's a matter of our being, human instinct

It's why we know when someone is lying in our face, their body language tells us

> implying (((they))) aren't already controlling the world.

Yeah right , a plane hits side of the tower yet the Floors collapse perfectly , instead of breaking first where the heat was higher , and the building should have cracked in 2 pieces with the part above falling on the side

>implying pic related arn't the reason they are inventing artifical wombs and only pretend to rule the world.

>we are smarter than everyone else because we use body language to tell when someone is lying
>on the internet

Using body language to tell if someone is lying is something literally everyone does, you are not special because you choose to overanalyze and see shit that isn't as easy to explain as you make it out to be.

Weird shit happens when massive amounts of force are applied to anything, especially something as complex as a skyscraper. The fact that you think it is impossible for the towers to have fallen themselves proves how uneducated you are.

Im sorry but it is actually a laughable attempt at governance.

>Imagine for a moment why they want to leave humanity behind (laughinggirls.jpg)

>wierd shit like "we where only there to document the event" :^)

WTC was not a giant accordian you idiot

you obviously didn't watch the videos posted in this thread, wtf kind of kindergarten did you crawl out of?

You're a fucking idiot and the closest thing you have to a basic knowledge of physics is watching Lego towers fall over.

Shit doesn't work the way you think it does, I know this is a hard concept for you to grasp.

I will explain it to you in the simplest way I can


>9/11 truther calling me uneducated
>while telling me to watch his 9/11 truth videos

I watched enough to know you people are fucking retarded. 99% of their "proof" is them saying shit like "THAT ISNT HOW IT WOULD HAPPEN" and "THE BUILDING COULDN'T HAVE COME DOWN LIKE THAT WITHOUT DEMOLITION CHARGES". It is the most circular logic I have ever seen, your arguments literally prove how ignorant you are.

the rubble burned for months. doesnt sounds like a kerosene fire to me

Aluminium is not stronger than steel.

>we have already established this earlier in the thread.


No plane hit. Wtc7 fell
Apparently the plot of an afghan. Invade Iraq.
Prominent Jew gets large insurance payout
Meanwhile Americans have had their rights eroded.

Seems legit

Such weak baits these days...

now you're just getting pathetic

go start a steel beam on fire with JP5

don't forget to film it

all that falling debris inside doesnt even puncture the outside. lel.

You are literally fucking retarded. It honestly makes me feel better about myself knowing there are people as uneducated as you with about as much common sense as they have college degrees. None.

quad 7's of truth!!!!!!!!!!

>all these fools not realizing that they could be fake conspiracies
In my opinion, if we follow the USA did 9/11 theory, there are two plausible theories:
>the us knew in advance, was even warned loads of times, but ignored it
>the us got some arab goons to hijack the planes for them
But why would they do it?
Let's look, shall we?
The USA did/let 9/11 happen, theoretically, because of Israel telling them to, for the next phase of their master plan.
They would weaken their competitors, and the same time start the shitstorm that is the refugee crisis, basically two birds with one stone.

how does it feel knowing that your side of the arguement as fallen to such lows as name calling.

If there actually was a Total war WW2 style.

I don't think anyone except China and Russia could compete with the west.

The middle east literally has no production facilities ore indigenous technology to make weapons or produce the logistics needed for a total style war military.

It would be Germans vs Poland all over again. We'd wipe them out so fast it would be a joke. Especially if we decided to Kill on sight ANYONE that wore any arab like clothes.

but he feels good man, let him be, being wrong

>imagine if they had fucked it all up completely and, instead of falling down cleanly, the buildings just fucking exploded out of the blue

The only controlled demolition I've personally seen (only 4 years before 9/11), that's pretty much what happened. A young girl got decapitated by flying debris and quite a few others got injured.

There is nothing else to argue about, your "evidence" is factually inaccurate and you refuse to acknowledge that you have no idea what you're talking about. You're a pigeon dancing around on a chess board saying you won after shitting yourself repeatedly.


I don't even know what to believe anymore about 9/11

OP is s human polyp. No one belts it was a bomb.

If it was a bomb, why bother flying planes [or fake planes]. Bombs are scary too. Sage. I thought you guys are over this nonsense now.

non argument, you just pretty much admitted you have no bullets left in your chamber

you lost, deal with it, WTC 7 was the main target that day

so fuck off JIDF

>he thinks I care about some asperger on the internet who thinks he is intelligent

You're maybe one of the dumbest people I have ever talked to on this site, and I regularly visit Cred Forums.

>Also, there's no way they would have had access to the building. They would have needed passes, and entire floors would had to have been shut down to do the work on them.

Lucky Larry owned the WTC complex and hired a security company which is owned by Bush.
It was easy as fuck to get access to the Complex.

The police scanners are live broadcasts and news reports and interviews are all not related to the event I am guessing ?

>your so angry you don't even know who you are talking to anymore.

>getting so assblasted you can't even recognize a joke anymore
top kek truthers

>tfw you discover marvin p bush was security director for dulles airport

Nice source dipshit, did you pull that out of your ass or get it from

actually the source is New York Port Authority......

try harder, your attempts at triggering me don't work

again with the derailment with personal attacks and no info to disprove 9/11 wasn't an inside job and WTC 7, which is the key, proves this shit was fake false flag

Literally none of these people can provide source because it doesn't exist. They make shit up in their minds, make connections between unrelated things, and even connect shit that isn't even there.

They will use their ignorance as a weapon because it is literally all they have, windows being blown out from air pressure are now charges detonating, the building falling in the way it was designed to means it was a professional demolition, the owner of the WTC not being in the building (honestly when the fuck have you seen a Jew actually working?) means he helped plan it.

These people are just stupid people who want to feel smart and get attention at the same time, they are children.

Gee I sure love these images without a source of any kind

>No planes


>implying people don't lie and deceive all the time

>implying we trust someone who is a denying when there is video EVIDENCE






Keep going you mouth breathing loser, I'm sure I will believe your asinine garbage if you spout it to me ad-nauseum like you do to your poor family.




Heres the DEA report.

>also the port authority was housed in WTC 1



just like we believe (((you)))

I haven't actually read this mongfest of a thread, but it's literally (literally) a pluming cloud of dust/smoke/debris due to a window being blown out.

but you're missing the big picture, it's WTC 7

explain to me how the top of it went down first, it housed government documents, 1 fire reported, they called off the firefight and recovery and said it would be "pulled"

why people get so upset at those who question the narrative given by government?

do these people just believe every single thing daddy government says?

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