How do we fix fat people Cred Forums?

How do we fix fat people Cred Forums?

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Like niggers, theirs is an incurable disease of the mind and soul. They lack discipline, honor and shame.

The only fix is open hatred.

if you really want someone that you like to stop being fat you text them every day with "why do I care about you more than you do? DROP AND GIVE ME 20, FATASS" or whatever. EVERY DAY.

Not that I have to tell you this, but fat shaming actually works. So does slut shaming. So does anti-semitism. The more someone wants to shut you up, chances are they know they are wrong and you're right.

Turn them into soap. Make murder of obese fucks legal.

mandatory fat jails and education centers.

force diet those fat fucks and teach them how to cook proper food.

Oscillating waterslides

Make them buy two plane tickets if their blubber extends into my undersized economy seat with barely any legroom

99% sure you're fucking around, but this doesn't work for everyone. If it's someone you like, you know what's going to work on them. For some, shame. Others will just get worse from it.


Higher sales tax.

If you have universal healthcare, put in place more taxes that hits the fatsacks hard, make that tax pay for their future healthcare costs.

turn them into soap

i for one support fat tax. and eventually

Goverment controlled diets

ITT: Authoritarians authoriarin'

Getting rid of fat people -- in America, at least -- is as simple as making them bear the full, unsubsidized costs of their decisions. Let insurers opt out of covering them. Let employers explicity opt out of hiring them.

When it becomes to expensive to be fat, you'll have fewer fat people.

how about you ban junk food

>solving everything with higher taxes


Get rid of socialized healthcare and obesity disability, let them pay for the consequences of their lifestyle.

People aren't capable of making good decisions for themselves though

make it illegal to give healthcare to any person over, say, 40% bodyfat

why should I care about some fat fuck faces?


You're going to have to ban a hell of a lot more then that.

Right. But economics teach us that when you subsidize something, you get more of it. We (Amerifags at least) subsidize fat people in myriad ways.

The flip side of that? If you penalize something, you get less of it.

People might not make good choices in a neutral or subsidized environment, but many more of them will if *not* doing so costs them their livelihood, bigger share of income, etc.

In my perfect world they would all be burnt to ash in a legal genocide.

1) everyone has to weigh in
2) depending on how fat you are you have a varying amount of time to lose the weight
3) gov't provides perfectly healthy and effective diet and workout plans
4) after your alloted time is up you get weighed and if you're healthy/normal you get to live. if you're not it's off to the furnace with you
5) system becomes well-established and accepted by the masses so several generations of ~burning fat~ later, obesity is virtually nonexistant

assuming they don't want to lose weight
neck shot or make it as hard as possible to be a fatass.
Or just get Greenpeace to push them back into the ocean.

I work in healthcare, and fat fucks usually die early, but the one's that don't have their legs rot off from diabetes. Then they are content to live in nursing homes that cost 200 bucks a day at least, on tax dollars from people that aren't human pigs.

Kill anyone over 350 that isn't active is my opinion. By active I mean professional football players, which is a small group.

RIP most of Cred Forums, but you deserve it because you can't stop eating, like animals. Only humans here now.

Banning assault food.

Concentration camps do wonders for a slim figure.

Its the truth and you all know it.

Mathematically, aren't fat fucks cheaper then?

I mean, a fat guy dying of a heart attack at 40 years old is just going to cost us the gas to dump him in a graveyard.

Meanwhile, the athlete lives to 100 on pills and is stuck constantly seeing the doctor for his body that is too damn old.

Man, why is everyone god damn obsessed with fat people. The world is in chaos and faggots are either pushing this retarded body positivity shit or bitching about it.

Who gives a fuck? Fatties will lose weight dodging drone strikes in WWIII, or they will die.

Ham Planet here.
What would we do for someone like me?
Where I know how to not be fat, what to eat, what to do (generally speaking) but remain grossly obese.
I live around enablers who make this possible for me and none of us live off of the government which is odd to say considering the averages.
I often wonder if I know how to do better for myself then others must know as well right?
Then is it a question of incentive or motivation, or both?
Or should I simply be turned into compost?

No, they live in nursing homes. It costs a fortune to keep these piles of human garbage alive. I say let them rot in the streets, people will be less apt to be fat pieces of shit. Talk to anyone in healthcare, from surgeon to nurses assistant, they will say the same thing. Fat ="disabled" now. Eat your way into someone wiping your ass on the people's dime.

Nothing, let them live however they want as long as everyone pays for themselves

they should read

the obesity code by Jason fung

and follow it afterwards

Compost, you contribute nothing, sorry. OR you could stop blaming everyone else for the fact that you can't control yourself. Only admitting that you can't control yourself, like a woman, will you become a man.

i live in texas and its truly something to behold. literally 95% or so of mexicans i see are >5'6 and morbidly obese. how do these disgusting, toad-like people breed so much when theyre so grotesque on average? i wonder this ever day

read the obesity code , it's a really good book

on mobile so I don't want to type a lot, but take a look at it . the logic pans out

You simply need to find some new motivation. I lost a huge chunkof weight by getting out and walking more and mostly eating a ton less. Drink water to feel full and pretty much settle with two small meals and I couldn't stop losing weight.


I'm fully aware that I can't control myself. It would be why I'm where I'm at. Very poor self discipline.
I'll have a look you fucking leaf.
Well if anyone ever tells me where to find the motivation I'll give it a shot. It usually burns out within a month then I go back to stuffing my face.

At least I'll feed the crops well.