Real Map projections

I feel Trump barely squeezes out a victory in November. Trump has been polling over 10 points in Maine district 2 so I foresee him splitting off one of those electoral votes, and Clinton has been dropping like a rock in NH and I fully expect it to go red again.

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He'll get CO and NM. Probably not NH

Trump is going to take Hillary to the wood chipper when the debates begin.

The realistic result in the end will probably be around 70%-80% with Trump.

Hillary is a bag of shit any everyone knows it, the media is just forcing the "shes doing well meme" down everyone's throat.

lmao imagine being this delusional

what the fuck m8

Last poll had Trump up by 5, I see where he's coming from, but I don't see it being sustainable until November.

This is unrealistic. Trump's bump has come to halt and if the race follows its natural trend, we'll be back to Clinton +3-4 in a few weeks. The reason Trump is performing so well right now is because Clinton supporters are discouraged by her bad couple of weeks and are less likely to say they are LVs to pollsters. Naturally this skews the results. Over time, this effect will dissipate and she will retake the lead. She'll likely take FL and NH and is definitely taking NV.

i think MI is flippable

This makes me feel relieved as a Clinton supporter. Here is my current prediction.

That's too optimistic for Trump. I'm a moderate who wants Clinton to win, and wishes I could be in the US to vote for her.

Giving Trump Nevada and Florida seems like a stretch, honestly. He's going to win Ohio and Iowa, but there are a LOT of Latino's in NV and FL and they are registering in record numbers. Clinton also has a superior ground game/turnout operation, especially in Florida.

Florida Latino's are mostly either descended from Cuban immigrants or Cuban immigrants themselves, both traditionally vote Republican.

I live in NV, am Hispanic, and Legal hispanics (ya know, the ones who can vote) like Trump.

You also have to take into account the Shy Trump voter effect in that. Trump supporters have been physically attacked in the streets, and accusations of being a racist is enough to keep them from showing their public support as well. Check out the Shy Tory effect, we're likely seeing it again here.

>Trump's bump has come to halt

There is a TON of hard data showing that Trump is suffering with Hispanic voters.

How am I shitposting though? I'm making coherent points.

kys leaf

>You also have to take into account the Shy Trump voter effect in that.

To play devil's advocate you also have to take into account the disgruntled bernie/third party voter as well. Me and a lot of people honestly don't like either candidate. With that said, I'm voting for her because she at least might provide stability. Trump neither has the temperament or the wisdom to be in the oval office, imo.

t. registered independent who vote 1xnader, 1xjill stein in the last elections

they keep painting PA blue for some fucking reason.

The (((Wall Street Journal))) themselves said they just hope Hillary doesn't get blown the fuck out in PA.

She literally has no white WORKING people on her side.

>She'll likely take FL


I've been posting this map for ages now. I stand by it forever.

>colorado and vermont blue

I'm Puerto Rican and at least half of my family and I are voting Trump this November. Trump doesn't need to win the majority of the Hispanic vote, he just needs to siphon enough away from Hillary to win.


That's laughable.

I highly doubt the discouragement is temporary.

i'm only watching one state election night: PA

when PA falls so does the country.

Dream on.

She will though. She's been up there through the vast majority of the race, and she has a ridiculous ground game advantage.

>winning Florida
>Polls show she is losing


yeah, I'm eager to see what kind of results Get Out The Vote programs will end up having

I'll be laughing:

Obama won this state 20+

Now kill yourself.

>Cubans = Mexicans
Not all Hispanics vote the same way, and it's Mexicans threatened by his policies. I thought you were a CTR proxy but you would have to be retarded to equate those two so you must be a canuckuck. Nobody outside this hugbox thinks Hillary is losing after that collapse, let's be honest, that's what it was. One cough during debates and she's done. And she will cough.


shit tier shitpost. bye leaf

There was nothing but factual information and reasonable speculation in my post, user.

There are a lot of non-Cuban Hispanics in FL. I believe that they are a majority of the overall latino population.

Trump will take CO.

Also he's going to get a nation wide boost after each of the debates. So probably VA as well.

He'll end up with around 340 electorals.

Whats it like living in a fantasy world

No he won't. Why the hell would he be able to pull off what the far more competent and organized Romney couldn't?


LMAO gtfo syrup nigger.