The existence of the time capsule was known to researchers...

The existence of the time capsule was known to researchers, but for decades they were unable to access it due to the complex excavation process involved which included penetrating thick layers concrete and dodging mines planted by the Nazis. Researchers say the items were preserved in excellent condition.

Other urls found in this thread:,Marble-bust-of-Hitler-found-in-Gdansk

This is the picture of the latter but holy fuck I can't see anything at all...

And it's gothic German cursive so it's 50 times more difficult too...

More pictures here!

Those women need to get their filthy fuckin hands off of those documents.

Oy Vey, rev up those ovens to burn that evil propaganda!

But for realz, Pepe is only an /ironic/ symbol for white nationalism

>write letter in time capsule
>write so bad nobody can read it

They look jewish, why am I not surprised.

Why would they put 2 copies of Mein Kampf in a time capsule?

They knew that this ideology had no real future and Reich wouldn't last forever. Otherwise hiding Mein Kampf books would be unnecessary.

>antifa / kikes destroy any document that may portray nazi germany in a positive light
>will probably alter them to say how the holocaust was real and shit.

What if the letter mentions kek?

There probably weren't

I thought you Germans were supposed to be efficient.

they were found in Poland not in Germany and we respect history

Cursive was never efficent espeically not that Kurtz or whatever it was called. That Gothic looking shit that they thought in schools in Nazi Germany.

Can confirm, we didn't smash this sexy son of a bitch so far either.,Marble-bust-of-Hitler-found-in-Gdansk

Only Nazis would landmine their own time capsule.

1. and 2. Volume you double niggers. It is even on the cover.

so what does the letter say?

It was just a prank, bro?