National debt to 0$?

Any of you armchair economists know what would theoretically happen if we eliminated our debt?

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I don't know, what?

"But not so long ago, the prospect of a debt-free U.S. was seen as a real possibility with the potential to upset the global financial system.

We recently obtained the report through a Freedom of Information Act Request. You can read the whole thing here. (It's a PDF.)"

Time for a good read

Every country in the world will become a nuclear hellhole in "Totally unrelated" circumstances?

>debt based money system
The money.would be gone.

Pretty sure Switzerland doesn't have one. Not too sure though. A few small places that manage their own spending might too. I know the island of Jersey didn't have one until recently.

Total anarchy would pretty much make your debt 0

Depends on what measures are taken to reduce the debt. A force majeur of the Fed would be nice

eliminated as in paid off or as in default?
more info needed kiddo

My greatest ally what can I do to prevent this

>paid off
Theoretically impossible.

>"But not so long ago, the prospect of a debt-free U.S. was seen as a real possibility with the potential to upset the global financial system.

So, it would piss off the jews because debt prematurely paid off = less interest/passive income for them.

Potential inflation or even hyper inflation if the extra cash ends up into the hands of the majority population, such as the working class. The cash that would have been used to pay off debts/interest would increase supply over demand, and would cause the value of the dollar to shrink, with more unpredictable results depending on how much extra cash there is.

If the cash is contained and invested into business ventures both domestically and internationally, you'd see an increase in jobs, a decrease in unemployment, get more tax returns and trade helping to control the income of the population through work over welfare, preventing hyper-inflation while maintaining zero national debt and thus allowing the treasury to stock up for extra maintenance costs for the country, investing more in businesses.

Basically, it depends on who's in charge. A welfare supporting lefty would most likely cause hyper-inflation by trying to pander to everyone. A businessman-like politician (such as trump) would maintain control over it to prevent that from happening.

Prevent It?
Were counting on it

>all the banks go under
>major world depression

There you go, the debt is practically nothing. Now hopefully the next time around they'll make banks illegal.

Didn't the U.S pay of the national debt for a year back in 18 somthingty-something? nothing happens. There's always another reason to spend and as the current economy is, you'd probably build up the debt again within a pretty short period

We would be uncucked by the bankers
But such a thing has only happened once in our history, and we'll probably never have a president that great again

Look up what happened in Iceland when all those bankers were arrested and jailed. Was glorious. Renewed my faith in humanity... well, white man anyway.

National debt is actually debt held by citizens in the form of social security, public pensions and etc.

But boy are baby boomers are in for a huge surprise because there is no fucking way I'm paying the huge debt they incurred these past 30 years.

Yeah. We'd use the opportunity to borrow a ton of money and go right back into debt.

Everything would be fine

Fucking lies to protect the financial elites who use debt to control.

>On Jan. 8, 1835, all the big political names in Washington gathered to celebrate what President Andrew Jackson had just accomplished. A senator rose to make the big announcement: "Gentlemen ... the national debt ... is PAID."
>tfw you're president will never pronounce those words and you're country will always be a debtslave

why would we want too? The US Government and the Federal Reserve make a shit ton of money off the sale of US Debt. Factoring for inflation, the average return on the 30 year T Note is negative interest.

People are literally paying us to let us borrow money from them. And if for some reason Inflation doesn't quite put the treasury returns into negative territory, the Federal Reserve can print a bit more money and drive inflation up a few half percents or so.

its a fucking brilliant scheme..

The value of money would go up because money would be harder to come by.

This guy was a badass. He was a total asshole, but a badass nonetheless.

>Survived 103 duels.

>Beat his would-be assassin with a cain until he had to be pulled back by senators because he was being too rough.

>In one duel he was shot, managed to raise his pistol and shoot the other duelist hitting him near his heart.


>Defended New Orleans from 8000 redcoats with the help of MOTHERFUCKING PIRATES! and FREED SLAVES. Sent redcoats retreating after suffering nearly 2100 casualties, killing every single senior officer, while only sustaining 13 casualties and 58 injuries.

>Orders and receives 1400lbs of MOTHERFUCKING CHEESE! Wife complains about the smell after 2yrs, invites a bunch of commoners over and hands out forks, 1400lb cheese wheel is gone in about 2hrs.

>Suposedly his parrot had to be removed from his funeral as it was swearing too much.

The incentives to save would not be distorted anymore. Corporate debt would not be crowded out by government debt and private investment would rise as a result. Private investment is more efficient than public investment therefore the whole country becomes more efficient. The government interest paid on the debt would be saved and allocated to either projects or eliminate some of the need for taxes. These would be some effects.

They'll be dead. That's why they don't care. What kind of suprise did you plan to spring on them?

My favorite one is how when his wife died he lost all enthusiasm for the presidency, but stayed for a second term to ensure the national bank died.

And why did he do this?
Because he considered America to be his family and wanted to protect them.

You know what really pisses me off. If you talk to kids in school now, you know what there big take away on Jackson is?

>He owned slaves and would regularly rape them

If I type anything else right now I'll end up on a fucking watch list somewhere.

>and would regularly rape them

Kek, did he?

You don't see black descendants of any president besides Jefferson, so no, he didn't.
>A fucking leaf
The legends are true

No the boomers will be okay. The shit will fall on GenX, and the Millenials will throw them under the bus because they assume GenX are babyboomers.