Putin wins Russian election

When does Cred Forums think he's going to finally retire? Is he grooming a replacement?

Does it bother anyone that Russia, at the chief executive level, is a democracy in name only?

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It's maybe the most advanced democracy in the world.

See: US Puppet party such as Parnass or Iabloko made less than 2% with their score added.

Rejecting neoliberalism the american way, isn't it a sign of democracy ?

I am sorry America, tell me how your "two candidates chosen by the status quo(Trump is a once in a century exception)" is democratic

Putin doesn't need replacement, he will live forever

Good, he not invaded Poland yet
I like his style

Putin is immortal.
Russians have gazed over the borders, saw Europe, saw sweden, germanistan. They did not like what they saw.
They voted for the man who could stop it. The anti-globalist.

Putin, trump, and May are all anti-gloablists. All have stated they would like better displomatic relationships.

stupid spic, we invented democracy you idiot

This. Long live the Tzar

>we invented democracy you idiot
Greeks did that you invention thief

>Is he grooming a replacement?

"Putin 5 was a great man, a true patriot."
-Putin 7

>American """"education""""

What on earth, I had absolutely no idea they just had elections. Am I just retarded pol or was this barely covered?

Russian media doesn't get far outside of Russia and US media would rather have you believe they Russia doesn't hold elections because theyre still communist

Wasn't that parliament elections though?

Is Putin Brainiac?

Brainiac when he first appeared was a good guy and friend of superboy.

>implying Putin is not both Man of Steel and Brainiac

Which parties did the Cred Forums russians vote for?

I wanna know this too. Who do you vote for?

I made a thread. Dunno how to link properly.



>mfw the US and Russia constantly accuse eachother of rigging elections

What's Russias equivalent of most right wing, nat-soc party?


And(unofficial) ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ультраправые#.D0.95.D0.B2.D1.80.D0.BE.D0.BF.D0.B0

Russian communist party is pretty based desu.



Are you serious?

Didn't care about election, so voted at random for random parties at all 4 ballot lists. Except Apple and Pornass.

>Leader : Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky (Eidelstein)

we chose the candidates. the media wanted cruz or bush over trump so badly. same for hillary over bernie.

trump actually got through

>vote anything except right-wing
Dirty commie scum.

this is objectively the best post i've ever seen

Muh Pravni Sektor

How is getting your shit kicked in by Communists going?

I'm not a nationalist. I'm a right-wing liberal, like my Russian friends. National democrat, if you want.

This is the magic of Russia, you are even capable of making jews patriotic

Also his father is a jew, his mother is Russian.

While reading biography
>father was a polish jew
>grandfather was head of the jewish community of the village
>4 relatives are part of the 6 googleplexillion
Oy vey
>father abandoned him to go to Israel with another woman when he was 3 yo
that's better

>Biggest Paki rape gang

Britts please...

Pic related

He's a pretty cool lad isn't he

In his youth he could probably fuck up 90% of western fuccbois. Eastern Europeans are literally the master race some are intelligent but can be brutal and aggressive against an enemy.

Common we all know back's invented democray. WE WUZ DEMOCRATIC n' SHIT

>I'm a right-wing liberal
>National democrat
And that's why you eat shit.


Lots of Ukrainians and americans in this thread. Where is ivan?

Are they right?

just keeping the seat warm for mommy

Immortals dont retire


Russia was already struggling with corrupt politicians/oligarchs bleeding the country dry. Then smelly putin comes up with a plan to become the people's putin by creating elaborate documentaries and fabricated stories of his background growing up poor and shit, being a family man etc. He promises if he is elected to feed the poor Russians going through a famine. He gets the support and then does a 360 steals all the money for the food shipment which never arrived and censored and removed anyone who spoke up against him stealing the money. I know you guys like him because he is a meme, speaks his mind but he is blatantly and disgustingly corrupt he doesn't care about the Russian people, he's never fed the poor once.

I don't get Cred Forums Putin is the biggest support of muslims and terrorist chechen muslims, he welcomes muslims into his country. WTF is wrong with you cunts Trump isn't even this retarded.

When is your country disappearing from the map?

I heard EU wants to give Ukrainians visa free travel this autumn. I'm guessing the population of Ukraine will be less than 15 million or less in about 10 years huh.

>we invented democracy

I have a couple of bigger problems to worry about, so I don't care.


No you fucking frog. I would expect the French of all people to value democracy. America doesn't have democracy, but Russia's """"""""""democratic process"""""""""" is even more of a joke

As long as you dont mind your country disappearing.
I would love to see a world without Ukraine

It's not for leaf talking about democracy.
Worse than Murica.

that's some quality post, I admire you, ausbro.

> Common core education

It doesn't bother me at all because democracies are degenerate shitfests and jokes. Democracies and republics need to be replaced.

Why would the French value democracy? Their revolution and their democracy has left their country on the precipice of collapse and extinction. Any intelligent frenchman should despise democracy and freemasonic values.

I for one am waiting for the day putin to become Tsar. at which point my loyaltys will come under qustion.









Is he allowed to lose?

Holy fuck I want to see Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin in power at the same time. It would be epic.


At least our elections are free and fair, Ivan. Why don't you go inject some more heroin to distract you from the reality that your nation is plunging towards an unwinnable conflict with NATO?

Democracy had it's time. It's of no value.







>At least our elections are free and fair
Nice joke.
>inject some more heroin
We're not Canada.

he's got another banta friendo

then why the fuck are you attacking eastern euros in great Pakistan, you cuccboii?





They were such bros.


Did she get a seat at the Duma?






Can't wait till we get you wipe your country off the map, insect

>said autistic amerifat while choosing who will he vote for, clinton or bush for 10th time

Seat on the dick

This is why you'll never go anywhere, always fucked in the ass by your smarter superiors.

Because you're fucking DUMB

Fuck you cuck I will lead Vlad right to your hovel.



>everyone in Russia somehow got off heroin in 5 years, even as their country has grown more shitty and depressing from Western sanctions

good joke, Drago. I bet you have a needle sticking out of your arm right now.

>depressing from Western sanctions
>I bet you have a needle sticking out of your arm right now.
Stop looking in the mirror.

democracy as in bombing the shit out of other countries? because actual democracy was invented by the greeks...

I just did my shot lmao

>Burger Intellectuals




Why don't they make him Tsar already?
The Imperial Family is dead in the male line anyway.

Your economy was halved, Ivan. Your people are literally starving to death in the streets. I almost pity you, but it's the kind of pity one has for an anthill that gets flooded

Not surprised

>fair elections
>small minority of population get their way

Medvedev is his replacement,

Haters gonna hate;

Bitch states will bitch,

America is fucking great.




Don't you have bigger problems to worry too? With Muslims and such?

fucking snowniggers, you are worse than afrocentrists.



Fair elections only means that there's no vote rigging, or other illegal activity, and no active suppression of voters by the reigning party. Nobody would claim our democracy is perfect, or even very good, but it's not outright corrupt, like yours or Russia's.

Democracy functions poorly for making important decisions. The uneducated masses are not capable of deciding what is best, especially in questions that require educated calculation. The masses just want gibsmedat.

wew lad

We don't make lewd jokes about Natalia here.

that's what i wanna know

>good goy, vote for our puppets.
Good work friend, you are free to choose. the best candidate.

No it doesnt bother me.
Democracy is fucking retarded because the average person is fucking retarded and selfish.

Yeah, ER won, after all.

You're given the option of voting for a cuck or a cuck in canada. That isn't democracy


Zorba McDonald

Dictators do not retire, op.


And thus we lost our "dude heroin lmao" leaf.in his delusions. Sad.

>putin marries natalia
>natalia succeeds as iron lady of russia
>tfw tsar natalia the great

You clearly don't know anything about our politics, ameridiot. The dead giveaway is the fact that we actually have 3 major parties, not two. Meanwhile, you have the option of voting for a kike-puppet or a kike-puppet. Bravo.

Get a job you degenerate opiate fiend

Natalia the Incompetent? Yes, they're promoting her out of anywhere she could do more harm than good. It's not like the Duma is anything but a rubber stamp, and how hard could she fuck that up?


Back when Romans had legally appointed dictators by the senate most of them did retire when reason for being appointed for dictator ceased to be.

We choose our candidates
> 4th branch
The media is quite influential in this, of course. They sway people heavily, however it is truly ultimately up to us. Those that make decisions based off of the media coverage are sadly a very stupid majority.

if you read my pic related you will know that i know that you know i know the proper title of the tsarina.

Seems legit.

USA is the most anti democratic country in the world.

They literally go in country and put puppets in place of the original one and then claim it's democracy

All your president have been chosen and not elected by the (((jews))).

Trump might be an exception if he wins but even that I think we are being played.

it's imperatritsa anyway, Russia wasn't a tsardom since 17th century :^)

Dictator as used today doesn't refer to an elected official of the roman republic.

Weed talking about getting a job.


>Does it bother anyone that Russia, at the chief executive level, is a democracy in name only?
Well over 80% of people support Putin. How is it undemocratic that his party won a majority during elections?

Russia is a hugely criminal country with thriving criminal culture. "Ponyatiya" (laws of the criminal world) are way more popular than actual laws. Criminally-minded people elect criminally-minded government. What's undemocratic about that?


Putin is elected official
literally no one disputes he has support of Russians
thus your entire argument is retarded

Literally triggered

the english speaking world doesn't really differentiate between tsar and imperatrista since they both translate to emperor.

lmao theres still people who believe that voting anywhere in this planet actually changes anything

it's just Tsar I guess
it's Slavic version of Caesar

He will retire once the white is safely in the hands of God Emperor

what does it say?

>the english speaking world doesn't really differentiate between tsar and imperatrista since they both translate to emperor.
Not really Ivan IV was the first Tsar, and Peter I was the first Emperor.

i know it is literally derived from the name caesar, but when you translate it as a title to it's equivalent rank in english it means emperor. same was the title kaiser in german. what i'm saying is we don't differentiate between caesar and imperator if it is used as an imperial title because they both mean emperor in english. that's why people still commonly referred to tsar nicolas II as the tsar even though in russia his title was imperatrista (imperator).



i know this russia bro, what i'm saying is that outside of russia people still commonly referred to the russian monarch as "tsar" because it means emperor.

*Tsaritca - Цapицa

I am not bothered. In fact, I hope that, over time, Russia will revert to the way it has always been ruled. By Emperors with an entrenched aristocracy.

Next up, China please. The infrastructure is in place.

first production anti tank rifle; swag!

everyone knows america discovered democracy by importing slaves from afrika. america was a slave system, while the african culture was far more developed

really? it's same as in Serbo-Croatian then

Its a consquence of the vast wealth and power in the US that results in ultracompetitive elections leaving two choices. Show me an honest multiparty election and I'll show you a bottom tier player in world affairs

Inside Russia too, but Tsar doesn't mean "Emperor", it's more complicated. Europeans considered "Tsar" to be more or less a "King" equivalent, and Russians too with time, because it is used in Bible translations, Greek myth transtations and such where in English "King" would be used. Odysseus, Herod, Solomon, etc, are "Tsars" in Russian. So when Peter won the Northern War and expanded Russia again, he felt "Tsar" was not sufficient, and proclaimed himself Emperor, which put him above most European monarchs and on the same level with Emperor of Holy Roman Empire.

> he still believes in democracy

do you talk to people?

there's also kralj/korol' though
tsar is above korol', but below emperor

When will this stupid fucking meme end?

Russia's economy is smaller than fucking Italy. Smaller than fucking California. It's retarded as fuck to think that they alone control Trump.

If anything, it would be a giant coalition, like the saudis and jews with clinton

It would be like saying Germany's prime minister is controlled by Tibet! Trust me!


Korol' is Russian for king, and at least in contemporary Russian, tsar and king are considered essentially Russian and European versions of the same thing.

dunno if it's same in Russia
here tsar was used for Byzantine emperor and also Ottoman sultan, while Serbian rulers were kings until one adopted the title of tsar

It's a peculiar American disease of mind to measure everything in narrow economic terms.

You even do the same for people, saying "he is worth X dollars" is considered normal for you. Here it would be rather rude.

right, but when we translate those titles (tsar, kaiser, imperatrista etc) to the closest equivalent rank in english they all mean emperor. that is why basic history classes in english speaking countries don't bother differentiating between peter's various titles and why tsar remained the "common-use" title for russian imperators until 1917. if you take a russian history class you learn the distinction but for the average english speaker all russian monarchs were "tsars" from ivan on. all i'm saying, i know you are right though.

> he doesnt know Vladimir has Alzheimer's

Byzantine emperor is called emperor (imperator) here. And calling sultan tsar sounds rather strange to me. Though a famous Pushkin's fairy tale is called "Story of Tsar Saltan"

Putin is going to win again in 2018 and rule until 2024, then pass the torch onto Medvedev again for a term to pacify the liberashkas until Putin 2.0 steps in.

>Does it bother anyone that Russia [...] is a democracy in name only?
>Does it bother anyone that the US [...] is a democracy in name only?
>Does it bother anyone that Canada [...] is a democracy in name only?
>Does it bother anyone that GB [...] is a democracy in name only?
>Does it bother anyone that Germany [...] is a democracy in name only?
>Does it bother anyone that France [...] is a democracy in name only?
>Does it bother anyone that Spain [...] is a democracy in name only?
>Does it bother anyone that Sweden [...] is a democracy in name only?
>Does it bother anyone that Italy [...] is a democracy in name only?


you call Constantinople Tsarigrad though, right?
Ottoman sultans adopted the title so they were seen as continuation I guess

Reminder that while Putin is better than the West, he's still CO and Russia is still pretty degenerate.

Doesn't Tsar mean Caesar?

I wouldn't measure a person based on their monetary worth, but what I'm saying is that the resources to control the U.S. are lacking

If someone can be bought, then they will be bought by the highest bidder

Call me when the people complaining about corruption in Russian politics start raising hell about corruption in Azerbaijan, or Turkey, or Saudi Arabia, or Iraq, or insert you next favorite wildly corrupt western ally government here.

This, they're complaining about the occasional homo not getting to suck a dick in public in Russia while SA homos are being murdered.

Controlling people does not boil down to offering the highest bribe, you are again performing the economic reduction.

>you call Constantinople Tsarigrad though, right?
It's an archaic term.

We call the modern city Istanbul, call it Constantinople when talking about the pre-Ottoman period, and Tsargrad when talking from perspective of ancient Russians, since that's the term they used.

so you're saying that you think donald trump is vladamir putin's puppet?

>What are primaries

They need a strong leader like Putin

You faggots can't even wrangle Clinton for top level corruption and you allow her to literally run for top office

Imagine what untold corruption is at the door for Russia

just because your people are too stupid to vote for better options doesn't mean you aren't a democracy

>American Education


>what is letting the first 3/4 states to vote for the primary decide for the whole nation who's viable or not to run the country, making the others quit

>When does Cred Forums think he's going to finally retire? Is he grooming a replacement?
Putin can't retire until he saves the white race.

t. American Intellectual



Russia needs Putin any weakness and the Jews will invade.

but we do make cummy in mummy's tummy

>thinks usa invented democracy
>calls others stupid

he's kleptomaniac tho
like his dirt-poor parents got a car and Putin used it 24/7 and never lend it to his parents

then there's numerous incidents, like taking that FIFA-ring, or that kalashnikov-shaped vodka bottle from that one bigwig even thought it only costs like 500€, etc etc

>Dumb island from literally no one cares time


it truly caused me to cogitate tho.