Serious social and political discussion

Cred Forums is a pretty redpilled board, but you guys still don't understand something.
Who is the real enemy?
Who is the core of all problems?
Religion? Jews? Muslims?
The real enemy are women. Women are light minded, easily influenced, extremely privileged children that need control. But you let them loose, slowly giving them more and more power, ignoring their "feminism" retardation. I remember when feminism was just a joke, but it massively grew, simply becasue it got ignored. Although feminism wasn't always this degenerate. At first it was just about giving women right to vote, but now, 100 year later, it's about getting more and more privilege just because you have a vagina.
Women are causing tons of problems so if you want to change something, you need to start with your women.

We are pretty far gone, but it can't be too late.
Gonna post some stuff itt to discuss.

Other urls found in this thread:


It isn't all women; some are just more susceptible to the message of "tolerance."

It's the majority

>the real enemy is x, destroy them
You will not fool me again, satan...

Lucifer wasn't really a bad guy
He is the one who enlightened people after all


No, it's mostly women.
You think the last few generations haven't been completely poisoned by their ability to vote and make major decisions? The second women got onto boards of education was the second everything went out the fucking window because now they control the entire ethos of your upbringing, whether you like it or not.

Where do you think all these numales came from?

Don't ever trust the vaginal jew

>The real enemy are women
actually the real enemy are cucked men who let women do this type of shit

real niggas slap them and knock some sense into them

Even if you accept the premise that women in politics, the workplace, etc. is our biggest problem, how do you think they got there? Who put them there? Practically speaking, you won't be able to get them all out of those positions until you get rid of Jewish legislators, lobbyists, etc. first.

How about the real enemy are the women who raised cucked men?

left, female human employs r strategy

right, cat employs K strategy

>The real enemy are women
The real enemy are the r type

Uhh I'm oppressed

Women are just taking control because the true, masculine, leader male is non-existant. Think of how many people ages 20-40 had legitimate father figures. Think of how many men you guys know that are TRULY men (ambitious, not affected by others, strong opinions, etc.) What he have now is a bunch of broken faggot beta males that don't understand what being a leader is, yet they are trying to fuck as many wimminz as possible and kind of breaking females down.

The way I look at it is current feminism is man's fault. It's like a relationship between the general male figure in society and the general female figure in society. The male is currently a beta bitch, so when the female has had a bad day, she spouts bullshit nonsense, and the male either has no respect to successfully call her out or just takes it. Women aren't meant to be leaders, because they are emotional beings. But there is currently no leader so she is trying to take up the mantle. And we all know how most relationships end where the female has the pants on.

That dirty white males

That's right, males should put women in their place in order to fix things.
We need revolution



One can only hope man =/

I think it would need to be a revolution in NEETs using their 100% free time to gather themselves and start doing stuff with their lives, taking on careers etc... it would take at least a passing of a generation imo though, because once a woman doesn't respect a man she never will (not all the time but most of the time). We need to have kids with a woman that respects and is more invested in us than we are them, and show the kids what a male figure truly is. It wouldn't matter if the kid was male or female

Don't die like this

>absolving eurocuck nu-males from responsibility
Yerchanig please

I would argue then that the REAL problem is the traitorous beta males who allow them to act out, or even support them.

>Jude subverts media
>Media brainwashes woman
>Woman commands Beta
>Beta obeys woman

Women and children are the enemy.
We have to help the Niggers and the Jews stop them!

>easily influenced
True, and who is influencing them? That's the real enemy.

>I remember when feminism was just a joke
You don't unless you're over 60 years old. If not then damage was already done before you were born.

we get it, your mother hated you.

i wonder what was the male response in the survey

Those periods "."

I like how this guy's thinking

Found the roastie/nu-male

That image was debunked a long time ago, Slavshit.

And guess who made women that way?


Sage this JIDF shill thread

Where was it debunked?

Do you have proof?

>the enemy isn't the jews goy
>it's women! don't breed at all that's the true redpill!
fucking armenian, no different than jews. even look the same.

Just because you say so doesn't mean it's true. I'll be happy to know what's wrong with it so either debunk it in this thread or stfu.

Hold up I have to do a quick google search.


Yeah let's trust a site that skews results and is owned by jews

Not quite so bad, but not great either.

>pic related

>fucking armenian, no different than jews. even look the same
Can't really argue with that one

I have never heard of a man going to jail over child support, my father never paid for me nor my sisters and he's a free man

We are our own enemy.
Men are the problem. 100% of the quality of a woman's life is determined by the men around her. We can see this in action over and over again. They can't fend for themselves in nature, they can't fight wars on remotely the same level as men, they can't even generate corporate success without using the systems men already built. If we were to turn on them and bring them back to reality in a unified from there would be literally nothing they could do. Just look at how overpoweringly the Muslim world did this multiple times across history.

Our biggest problem is the social conditioning on men and women is so strong that we can barely scrape together enough numbers to effect an actual dialogue, let alone a resistance to a system that actively cultivates the downfall of our civilization. The primary reason I can find for this is simply men have nothing to fight for. Their country demonizes them, the society rejects them, women belittle them, they have no family, no children, and no god. They have nothing left to keep them propped up, and no fire burning within them to make them fight. The system that be has given men every reason to give up and no reason to fight.

So what do we do? If anything we can see right here, without leaving Cred Forums, that most men are checked out and just watching the world burn, and can you blame them. Absolutely everything outside of being a MGTOW is extremely high risk, low reward scenario. You try to start a family and cultivate society you first have to weed through the seemingly unending hordes of unfit women, and then if you do settle down with someone you run the risk of them destroying your entire life on a lark. If you fight back you run the risk of being hurt, maimed, killed, imprisoned, and/or losing the fight horribly and making it all meaningless.

At this point I'm wondering if we even can win, or if we are merely playing a game where the best we can do is make sure that everyone loses.

Your mother probably was afraid to force him give ailments via lawyers.

It does happen in the US quite frequently. Here is particularly bad case of it:

I've seen it before but you're definitely on to something. Most women make decisions based on emotion and are extremely easy to manipulate, even the ones who are "smart". I know a girl who makes bank and went to Johns Hopkins and she's a fucking retard when it comes to anything political. Doesn't even respond when you show her facts or even try and get her to use logic. Its literally all virtue signalling.

Wow, that's really sad.

>True, and who is influencing them?

Nobody. Women were always like that. Stop protecting women and blaming Jews, you retard.


>Stop protecting women and blaming Jews,
Why? You're not making a good case for that.



>Why? You're not making a good case for that.

YOU need to make a case that women behave like they do not because it's their nature but because of evuhl joos. If you think that posting your erronous and fallacious pic like makes a case, you are more retarded than I thought.

Based ruskibro
How's your elections going? A lot of reported cheating I heard.


>cats and humans have the same personality types
furries pls go

>that women behave like they do not because it's their nature

Female behaviour in the West underwent a massive change during the last few decades and if they're so easily influnced then they're not the agent here, so we need to look for outside source of influnce which is mainly media and academia - both riddled with Jews.

>erronous and fallacious pic
Point out those errors and fallacies.

>Female behaviour in the West underwent a massive change during the last few decades

No, it didn't, retard. Women were always like this but were being kept in check.

And even if their behavior changed, YOU have the burden of proof that the change isn't natural but the work of Jews.

I can't find the original debunk picture but it goes along the lines of "Most of those women are unironically good feminists and goyim, also you repeated one twice you Stormfag"

>Point out those errors and fallacies.

Many of the cunts in that pic either aren't Jewish or aren't feminists. Most of the cunts in that pic are completely irrelevant and don't even have an own wiki page.

Moreover even if all them were relevant it still doesn't prove jackshit, just like pic doesn't prove that the Irish are behind gun grabs.

It's literally a pic for retards.

>It isn't all women
This "not all" mentality is absolute god damn cancer to society. Stop telling us to find the diamond in the rough. Stop telling us that 1% of Muslims, or 1% of black people, or 1% of women being decent is acceptable.

2/2 Let me also add that it gets posted less and less. Actually only you and that norwegian stormfag posted it in September.

>Who is the real enemy?
Fear, desire, and social cohesion.
re: Buddhism

>jews are not the source of everything bad in the world

Fuck off kike

>but were being kept in check.
I agree, and Jews are behind removing those checks.

>I can't find
So fuck off.

>Many of the cunts in that pic either aren't Jewish
Point them out.

>or aren't feminists
Point them out.

>just like pic doesn't prove that the Irish are behind gun grabs.
If Irish were a majority behind a second wave feminism than I'd be suspicious of them as well.

Jews gave women the right to vote and the right to work full time

Notice how the whip is cracked by an officer, not a constable. This is not by chance. Violence should not be up to those with nothing to lose.

Also notice how fucking effective it is. Literally one slap and the jumping degenerate ceases, and assumes her position of subjugate. You can see her bow.

>I agree, and Jews are behind removing those checks.

Prove it, retard. In all the years I have been on Cred Forums nobody ever was able to prove it.

>Point them out.

No, YOU need to prove that they are all Jews and all feminists. Start with Clara Fox, please prove how she was involved in a war on women. Come on, make me laugh.

>If Irish were a majority behind a second wave feminism

First prove that Jews were behind the second wave of feminism. And just a sec, are you claiming that the first wave was not bad? I bet you support women's suffrage you stupid fuck.

God bless that cat

It's simple. Females are interested in the competition between males. They are "for." Males aspire to avoid unnecessary competition. They are "against." You are a bunch of monkeys.

>Also notice how fucking effective it is

You are right. The only women that aren't retard are mongoloids (asians, a few south americans like peruvians, paraguayans), probably because they are aducated in strong traditional values since childhood, or just because something in the mongoloid race.

But seriously, Ivan. I know beta cuck faggots who would object more. That was ONE knock, and she bows like a japanese store clerk, right after building up courage to jump and shriek through polizei breaking up their degen-athon...

>In all the years I have been on Cred Forums nobody ever was able to prove it.
If you're rejecting circumstantial evidence then I have no desire to convince you further.

>No, YOU need to
I don't, you said that many of them are not Jewish so you surely know who you're talking about, so point out the gentiles

>First prove that Jews were behind the second wave of feminism.
If the fact that it was started by a Jewess and majority of it's idelogoues were Jewish is not enough for you than I have nothing more to add

>The Feminine Mystique is a 1963 book by Betty Friedan which is widely credited with sparking the beginning of second-wave feminism in the United States.[2]

>I bet you support women's suffrage you stupid fuck.
I support voting rights for taxpayers outside of government employment.

>Girl of the far left of the feminist side somehow misspelled "slut" on her stomach.

>I support voting rights for taxpayers outside of government employment.

Yeah, thought so. You suuport women's suffrage, you defend the first wave, you defend women and blame Jews. You're the typical nafalting white knight. You're scum.

>If you're rejecting circumstantial evidence

You mean "fantasy facts".

Damn, seriously?
I thought it'd be Germany or something, not Japan.

White societies won't exist without white women but they'll manage without Jews. You defend Jews and blame women. You're the typical good goy (or are you perhaps a yid?)

>You mean "fantasy facts".
Disproportionate Jewish involvement in various anti-white endavours is a very real fact. Interpretation of that fact is up to you.

>You defend Jews and blame women

I didn't defend Jews but indeed I blamed women. You defended the enemy (women). You are scum.

>Disproportionate Jewish involvement in various anti-white endavours is a very real fact.

No, disproportionate Scottish involvement is a fact. Damn you, Scots!!!

>You defended the enemy (women).
If you accept this premise:
> Women are light minded, easily influenced, extremely privileged children that need control.
Then women are not an enemy but a tool used by whoever influences them.

>No, disproportionate Scottish involvement is a fact. Damn you, Scots!!!
Dodging the issue, ok.

So, are you a yid?

Lol watching you and the other guy go at it, clearly you are a kike or a kike sympathizing faggot.

Flag says Russia, texts says pic related.