Alright trumptards, you win. You won the battle, but you will not win the war

Alright trumptards, you win. You won the battle, but you will not win the war.

Trump will get elected, yes. But every bill, every law, everything he will try to pass will be blocked. He will accomplish NOTHING in his four years in office. He will be the worst president you've seen since Carter. Then come 2020, the DNC will pick someone more worthy and people will vote for him instead. Nobody will ever trust a republican ever again and keep voting democrat.

So enjoy your little "victory" for now. It will be useless in four years.

Other urls found in this thread:

suck my dick and check my digits

>Alright trumptards
you will get nowhere by insulting everyone hillary

Dont be so mad. You should've expected the rotten campaign to collapse in on itself eventually.

>But every bill, every law, everything he will try to pass will be blocked.
why do people think that passing legislation is a good thing? the more laws that get passed the more of our freedoms we lose.

We're throwing you out of every office.
You can start packing.
We need to fight on like this for every government position.

conceding defeat are we?

Looks what you've done Trumptards, CTR shills are all suicidal now.

>But every bill, every law, everything he will try to pass will be blocked.

>Implying that his Imperial Majesty, God Emperor Trump 1st of the Americas will not abolish all forms of Democracy and reinstate Imperial-Feudal-Nobility instead.

Good, I don't want him to pass jack shit. He's literally a democract in republican costuming. I just want to see that stupid haggard bitch die knowing she lost to a reality tv star.

>trump trying to pass gov't mandated paid maternity leave

Ya, no fuckin thanks m8.

> Implying this is anything other than just the beginning of throwing globalist scum out of office.

When Trump deports the 55,000,000 illegals/families there only because of anchor babies/muslims the Democrats will have reduced chance of getting back in.

>He will be the worst president you've seen since Carter.

I'm pretty sure Obama is worse than Carter.

CTR fags have reached acceptance levels I see. Good luck on the day of the rope, faggots.

Johnson/Weld 2016

Looks like our nazi frogs finally got to them

>implying Congress and the fbi aren't getting purged of thier filth as we speak and this won't be the most prosperous 8 years since Washington

The democrat party of no

The american hating party

The regressive left

Live up to those names.

>implying libcucks will have a majority in the House or Senate
Good thing Democrat voters don't know about midterms. Cuckservatives will tow the Trump line after they witness his overwhelming victory.

>Trump will be President
>Supreme Court will be filled up with hardcore conservative judges
>Republicans will retain control of both the House and Senates
Democrats are going to lose their fucking minds. God I can't wait.


>every bill, every law, everything he will try to pass will be blocked
So... business as usual then


the republicans did the same thing to Obama, it's just politics.

>the DNC will pick someone more worthy

Such as?

Yes. That's the point. That's why we're voting for Trump.

If Hillary wins, she'll bypass her way to endangering the country and its people.

The fact that you don't see that isn't surprising.

>Supreme Court will be filled up with hardcore conservative judges

Isn't this the most important reason to vote this season? Last thing we need is more liberals SJWs taking the supreme court.

>But every bill, every law, everything he will try to pass will be blocked.

Even if this were true (and I'm not convinced it is), that would be okay. Trump will make probably 3 or 4 SCOTUS appointments from the Heritage Foundation list he's already published. That alone will be massive, compared to the alternative scenario under HRC.

Add to this the various executive orders he can make (and undo) and you get a gridlocked status quo that's significantly better than the current one.

Election Day, final counts coming in.
Trump is declared the new president of the USofA.
Hillary strokes out and dies upon hearing she lost.

>the more laws that get passed the more of our freedoms we lose.

This. Excessive legislation does nothing but feed the prison-industrial complex. Let's keep our freedoms alive.


We need conservatives so that libshits don't pervert the Constitution with their (((interpretations))) anymore

El primero presidente latino
You know that's their next trick now that they have burned the black card and the woman card

Look, Donald Trump has a skill set that is just going to let him steamroll over everybody. You clucking hens will keep doubting him, and he'll keep producing. He's better than you. He really is when you get right down to it.

Just sit back and enjoy the ride. He'll give us a show. An "era". Fond memories to tell our grandchildren. Stop being such a sissy. It's unamerican.

One reason among a very VERY long list of reasons is that Trump will not cause a nuclear war. I'm positive if Hillary gets elected there will be a nuclear war.

An inactive goverment is no price compared to nuclear holocaust.

Kanye West 2020.

guess who will stuff the house full of right wing justicies?

guess who got executive orders? :^)

you lose! HAHAHA

We need a real man in office. Obama and Hillary are trying to turn this nation into a nation of cuckolds.

That's a good thing you idiot. The more a government fights itself, the less it can fuck around with the citizens or try to socially engineer shit.

Trump is a genius.

His opponents have all underestimated him, and they have all gone down under his heel.

He speaks at a fourth grade level to people because most people can only understand things at a fourth grade level.

You'll see.

You'll be happy he's in charge.

This. Obama actually paid Iran..

we're not letting you off that easy.... when Trump wins it's payback time. Get ready!!!


As long as the wall gets built I don't care

Republicans are slated to win the house and senate. If trump is elected we will have all three along with two conservative justices. Gg globalists

slow and steady

That's what they said about Obama
turns out, he got a lot of his agenda enacted, by law or by fiat

Cry more faggot

Have a snickers, Paul Ryan.

Nice quads.

You're probably right but it won't work out for them. Blacks won't vote for a Latino the same way they vote for fellow blacks or even whites. I expect if Trump gets a larger share of black voters than any previous Republican, Democrats will run nothing but black candidates for decades.

>will vote for him

You mean some guy like Michael Obama ???

Nothing he writes will be blocked because congress is Republican.

No. They just blamed the Republicans for nit wanting to give infinite money to immigration and shut down the gov over it.

Obama had complete democrat house and senate for 2 years. His big achievement was obama care and bailouts. Thays all he did.

Fpbp. Checked double o's.


Presidents acomplish things?

i havent been on Cred Forums or saw the news for a week.

someone fill me in on all the latest happenings

Kek confirms Democratic nominee 2020

fuck off jew shill, trump & hillary are both controlled

Gets only count starting from the last digit of a post number newfag.


A lot of smart people are thinking Hillary's major mental malfunctions might be from Parkinson's.

And pneumonia can be a symptom of Parkinson's.

Bitch will never admit it though.

RAMZPAUL on the Hillary Collapse just a week ago.


Now let us all think ahead a week. To the debates against Donald Trump, a man used to winning and unaccustomed to giving a shit about what weak-minded losers like Hillary think.

From the very beginning, Trump will dominate the debate stage so forcefully that Hillary will begin to feel (and involuntarily react to) the stress building up in her mind.

>Under the pressure of the debate, Hillary begins slurring her words.

Then she gets obvious hand tremors.

>Then Hillary gets facial tics.

Then she starts shaking so hard that she is vibrating at the podium.

>Before flopping onto the stage floor, Hillary hears Huma screaming into her earpiece to say something. "Anything, Hillary. Say anything, my love." But nothing verbal comes.

Other things begin to rumble in Hillary's bowels, though. The body is reacting to the sudden intense stress by preparing to void all solid and liquid waste.

> Hillary's bowels and her bladder release simultaneously as on-scene paramedics try to prevent her from swallowing her own bumpy tongue.

Based Trump stands there suppressing a grin and shaking his head.

RAMZPAUL did a couple of great videos on the seahag's health:

This one, from a few weeks ago:

And this most recent one, after the big reveal about Hillary admitting her brain damage:

And poor Dr. Drew got fired after he gave this straightforward bit of analysis:

>shills are now admitting the (((Clinton))) defeat

Ever heard of "benign neglect", fuckstain?

Congress, and Senate will give Trump and us what we want. Or they will be Schlonged and Shamed right out of town.

You fucking role players should atleast have a base understanding of the political climate before you make stupid threads like this.

Conservatives own the two houses right now and are predicted to take more control of them in the mid terms.

I'd literally be OK with a 4 year term in which congress revoked every unconstitutional extension of power granted to the president over the last 100 years.


>He doesn't know republicans control both houses of congress

This is the man who literally wrote the book on how to get what you want. Hell, he didn't even have to write it, he just got someone else to do it.

Trump?! More like... wait for it... strap in.... this is gonna be good... here it comes.... DRUMPHFHFH!!!!! ahhh ahahahahahahahahahahaha

Yep, republicans are losing the senate and he's divided the republicans more than they already were.

I don't think there is any good reason to think he'll win though.

Motherfucker, most senators and congressmen are career politicians. They'll look at their districts, realize the percentage that voted for trump, realize that Trump will fucking call them out for their obstructionist bullshit, and then will fall in line.

Trump would be entering office with higher unfavorables than most Presidents leave with. It won't be hard to justify not wholly supporting him.

I'd rather have 4-8 years of nothing than more decline.

>Gave Iran their own money back
>paid Iran

It also means nothing gets paid and that the government continues to waste more money and time trying to figure out how to manage shit.

Legislation getting passed includes things like a balanced budget, sensible immigration laws, etc. Nothing changing is saying you like the way things are now.

So you're telling me POTUS has literally zero power?

Wow, I've thought he's most influential person on Earth. America wut?

Just observing, don't shoot the messenger.

>Implying trump won't veto everything

>ignoring the sweet executive orders

>Trump will get elected, yes. But every bill, every law, everything he will try to pass will be blocked. He will accomplish NOTHING in his four years in office. He will be the worst president you've seen since Carter. Then come 2020, the DNC will pick someone more worthy and people will vote for him instead. Nobody will ever trust a republican ever again and keep voting democrat.
Given that republicans control the govt right now and will continue to do so until 2022 you should be more worried. Good luck getting control back in 2022 by the way.

I wonder what kind of mid-term election results will follow from 2 years of shameless Dem obstructionism

Trump will reach out across the aisle. And Schlong anyone who hints at obstruction.

>I don't know what negotiation is, let alone how it even works

It's okay OP, I know you're just shitposting for laughs. Nobody could possibly be that stupid.

>hen come 2020, the DNC will pick someone more worthy
Lemme guess, Michelle "kill honkey" Obama?
> and people will vote for him instead
Implying >him. (Hold on, then again maybe you mean the Michelle rumors are true?)

>what are executive orders

> Michelle "kill honkey" Obama
the first transgender president
how progressive

except that's not how it works. any legislation that gets passed is stuffed with pork and ultimately falls short of its intent. we end up taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back every time a new law is passed. i'm not saying we need to abruptly stop making new laws, but the measure of a politician shouldn't be based by the amount of legislation they are able to get passed.

>listening to NPR this morning because i don't feel like music
>two minutes in
>guest compares trump to a chimpanzee
will be nice to pull funding from these hacks once trump is in

So you do concede that he will win?
I am really enjoying how, as he progresses, they keep having to begrudgingly admit that he's succeeding at all. At the end of his presidency, they're gonna try and pass off Trump as a massive failure because he got only a 95% illegal deportation rate or something.

This is so sad and unfortunately there will be some reps that are so butthurt and spiteful that they will try to ensure nothing gets done and the country spirals further down the drain. We have to hold these fuckers accountable and purge them from public office. We have a real chance, if trump wins, to destroy the status quo and rebuild govt to work better for people, but not if we allow whiny bitches like op to stay in power.

doesnt matter we will win the scotus fight and thats all we need to fuck you over for another generation

Basically this.

In all reality Trump having a sudden heart attack and dying in office wouldnt be a horrible thing either. Pence on his worst day is still better than Hilldog at her height.

The President lasts for 4 years, sometimes 8. A SCOTUS judge sits for 30-50 years. If a Republican wins the white house this year the SCOTUS will be 7-2 for at a minimum another decade possibly longer depending on how things go.

go to bed hillary..

even if trump and pence BOTH died the real battle would have been won already
the scotus issue is why the election hype has grown so out of control

i prefer the scotus to be roughly even like it is now, i think it inspires generally better decisions when neither side can dominate

that said keep in mind trump's nominees have to clear congress and the establishment republicans don't necessarily love him, either

>the worst president you've seen since Carter
That record belongs to King Nigger

clinton 1 was way worse than obama


If Trump wins, he'd quit after a month. He thinks all the US President does is sit in the Oval Office and visit other countries.