Is it human?

Is it human?

Will it blend?

na looks like an elephant.


are the parents worth it? if yes sure if stupid teenagers? fuck no kill this thing AND the trash that made it.

does "it" have human DNA?

if yes, then yes

does it exist?

Will it become nigger or a jew or not?

If it does - it's not.

looks like a fine wage slave tht will be born into poverty and never escape it.

No of course not, don't be silly. A fetus is a unique species of organism that is exactly like a human but without human rights. However it miraculously becomes a human at an arbitrary physiological development stage.


Abortion is a human sacrifice ritual -- the most powerful known to exist. It was invented by eugenics operatives within the occultic elite to cury Satan's favor while gaining his protection of their warmaking, usury, currency manipulation, and control over the minds of men.

Why is abortion the most powerful form of ritual human sacrifice? Because it entails the most defenseless victims conceivable (the unborn) being murdered by the very persons most duty-bound to love and protect them from harm -- their own mothers, and medical doctors who've sworn oaths to their gods to do no harm.

These ritual murders which society misnames abortions are, furthermore, carried out in a nonchalant and routinized fashion exclusively to facilitate hedonistic apathy, laziness, and convenience; symbolically placing ten seconds of vaginal pleasure above the value of a human lifetime's worth of a living, breathing human being's consciousness.

In short, Satan loves abortion because it symbolizes evil within cruelty within evil. It proffers that a few seconds of vaginal contractions mean more than human life itself, and it does this using the greatest symbols of love and compassion (mothers and doctors), satanically inverted into spiritually numbed, unfeeling executioners.

So the next time you see a western woman screeching about her abortion rights on the steps of some state capitol, look into her empty eyes and know that you're seeing more than a simple murderer. Look into her eyes and know that you're seeing a demon, the very definition of evil. And know that the steady stream of death she inflicts on the unborn is what powers the elite's satanic karma.

Is it human?



what is "human"?

I am an atheist and basically agree with this

Course not. It's a chain of chemical reactions devoid of meaning, until it developes a nervous system also composed of a chain of chemical reactions......

what is 'what is'?

Or is it dancer?

Does it matter? Only if it's white.

Its sign is vital.

hol up lemme get this str8

>woman who is pregnant kills thousands with dirty bomb
>the child in her womb is an innocent human

so how would they imprison her without imprisoning the baby?
would the baby be able to sue for false imprisonment once its born?

deport her and her nigger child to canada

It isn't a baby, it's a fetus.

No. It is not.

What else could it be?

A baby is usually given to family, put up for adoption, aborted, or taken to a foster home if born while the mother is in prison.

it doesnt think therefore it isn't

Neither does a newborn, and yet killing newborns is illegal.

N korea has that shit covered


Not yet, but it can become one. The same way egg, even fertilized, doesn't immediately become a chicken.


im n ot a rocket surgeon but im pretty sure they do we just don't remember about it later in life,on the other hand what op posted is bunch of cells put together it probably doesnt even have a brain yet

No but it will be if left unharmed. So you can say its in the process of being its own human

I guess women perform a shitload of abortions every month then lmao

human or not, we just kill them when we don't need.

The hypocrisy of pro-lifers is that they insist a fertilized egg is a human being, and yet they don't regard the fact that over half of fertilized eggs fail to implant as a major medical crisis. If there was some problem that killed over half of children born, then everyone would be freaking out, but the phenomenon that kills half of fertilized eggs gets mentioned virtually never even by the people who think that fertilized eggs are human beings.

We can only hope.

If they're healthy, they don't. Menstruation shouldn't happen with fertilized egg. I disagree somewhat with the user and his pic is clear strawman, but your claim is kinda complete bullshit.

It is undeniably human. The debate is whether or not it is a person.

Not really but also not part of another humans body.

Not quite, it's not self-aware so it doesn't feel pain like a self-aware human. It's like a more complex tadpole.

At least in the first weeks. Very late it's becoming more similar to an actual born human, still not self-aware, but with a more developed brain to support nociception and learning.

It's an ape infant.

If it's parents are European and white: yes

If it's black: no.

It's that fucking easy.


Whenever the subject of abortion comes up in college I always say out loud "Abortion is a necessary evil", and that makes everyone uncomfortable, so they change the subject.


This is the thing about the works of the devil. Once you start recognizing them, the rabbit hole goes uncomfortably deep.

I really think Cred Forums would benefit if the discussion went from talking about the (((bergs))) and the (((steins))) and start focusing on Satan.

It becomes a human with rights once it becomes conscious. Before that it's a lump of tissue. You dont give an egg the same rights as a chicken

Nobody is saying that it hasn't human DNA, we're saying that it doesn't deserve to be considered a person in a legal sense.

You are autistic. I'm glad I saw this, as now I have already read the stupidest thing I will ever read.

What about plan b? Should that be illegal?

This, this & this.

The Jews are followers of Satan.

It looks delicious.

Just like a squishy, meaty jelly baby.

Fuck u OP. Now I'm hungry.

I am stealing this.

If its a nigger,mudslime,pooinloo or chink,no.

No, not yet

Technically, if it weren't human, you could just fry them up like shrimp and it wouldn't be immoral.

Save it, my friend; It's yours.

>Nature being nature is the same as purposefully aborting an otherwise viable pregnancy for the sake of convenience


Depends on how much melanin it will have.

They ought to at least regard it as a medical crisis worthy of research, much as one regards any medical issue that kills a large number of people.

homo erectus

Wtf is this. Is this some kind of feminist/tumblr echo porn?

If you can't afford it, abort it. That is the truly the conservative solution.

>has human DNA
>is genetically human
>has all the scientific qualifications for life

Yeah I'd say it's a living human

>it's a lump of tissue.

What are you made of? Stardust?

it is objectively a human. whether it is ''sentient'' is debatable. its humanity is not.

If it's still early-term/a zygote, then it's, at best, equivalent to a brain-dead human; living, has human DNA, but no functional brain or mind.

Some. Not all. And Satan works through a lot of people. I'm tempted to say most people, even.

read OP's question nigger. All he asked was whether or not it was human.

Holy shit. Intense man.

This thing crawls out of its mothers pussy down into its mothers pouch to finish the pregnancy

I think that it is a sentient being

My point is, since he says, "Is it human", I'm saying, "well, technically speaking, yes, but..." That is, the answer is technically yes (well, depending whose definition of 'human' you're going by) but they don't have the most important aspect on basis of which we consider humans worthy of rights.

not unlike braindead mongols.

Having a barely functional brain isn't in the same category as not even having a brain formed yet.


do explain. whether the cause for a non-functioning brain is an accident or not having developed it yet, the matter of the fact is that it cannot think. one cannot be for abortion and against euthanizing braindead individuals.

if nothing else, one could say that not having developed a brain yet is ''better'' than being braindead, as the being is likely to become a healthy individual with capacity of thought.

Personally I think that if someone is actually brain-dead, then no, they are not, in fact, a living human for ethical purposes, since the part in which their mind (which is the 'being' for ethical purposes) is constituted has died. I thought you were using 'brain-dead' hyperbolically.

It ain't a horse.

then am i right in assuming that you are for abortion and for euthanizing braindead individuals? if so, can i get you to admit that it is morally unjust yet acceptable at the same time?

Is a sperm human?
How about a human hair or even saliva?

My position is that ultimately the best course of action morally is the one that minimizes the total number of abortions, especially late-term ones; however, I think that banning abortion is not the way to do it. People will still get abortions even if they're illegal. Instead, we need to change the circumstances that lead people to get abortions, i.e. we need better availability of birth control and better sex education.

im not a hundred percent sure about how it works in burgerland, but birth control is readily available. and i am unsure what you mean with better sex education. to my knowledge, teens, sometimes children, are already being taught about how to get pregnant, what comes after it, and how to avoid it.

not that it answers my questions, so ill ask again: are you for euthanizing braindead individuals, and do you admit that an abort is morally wrong, regardless of the necessities?

If it has a heartbeat (and brainwaves), it's human

I think it's Kantian ethics, whereby you figure out if something is ethically good by asking if everybody did it, what would happen to humanity? And if everybody aborted whenever they got pregnant, that would obviously be bad.

If the parents are leftists, the fetus needs to be aborted anyway. That's for the best.

Especially if the mother is a batshit insane SJW, the baby will be better off aborted.
I saw a picture on youtube about how a poor baby was abused and had all sorts of feminist bullshit written all over his naked body.

It has all the information that makes us humans, but still is.not.human. Is like a pot, the potter use this clay, he makes it the form, when finished the clay looks like a pot but is not. To be a pot it needs to be baked to transfor the clay into ceramic. Once it is done, it is a pot finally.

Clay doesn't contain information necessary to become a pot.

>to my knowledge, teens, sometimes children, are already being taught about how to get pregnant, what comes after it, and how to avoid it.
There's where you're wrong. In some parts of the country, sure, but here in Burgerstan there are still counties, a sizeable number, where even the public schools teach 'abstinence-only education' on the grounds that teaching people how to use a condom could lead to fornication.

>are already being taught about how to get pregnant, what comes after it, and how to avoid it.
>kids are told not to get pregnant
>they get pregnant on pupose because thay are rebellous kids
Yeah, really nice plan.

you believe that having sex being taught universally in burgerland will lead to less abortions?

Is it human?

does it have a fully formed and conscious nervous system?

nigga, what are you on about. i cant even tell if thats sarcasm, whether youre agreeing with me that the current education does not function, or something else.

most abortions (and pregnacies in youths) are not happening because they are not being taught about sex, but because they feel like they can risk it, or forget doing the do while drunk, and so on.

pls be my ai gf

Knowing how to use birth control properly will lead to less abortions, yes. In the absence of proper education all sorts of rumors circulate about under what circumstances one can or cannot get pregnant, most of which are wrong.

I don't know most mammal fetuses look like weird reptilian fish babies until like 5 months, honestly this could be a bear fetus and you probably couldn't tell the difference

of course it will lead to less, but i dont think it will lead to a significant drop, based off of the pregnacies in countries which is teaching about sex to teens universally.

why do the mentally deficient want to ban abortion? here's what i dont get: those who benefit the most from it (poor single mothers) have an option to get rid of children who are statistically likely to just become social welfare parasites like their mother. yet stupid fundamentalists want this? religion, not even once.

Summed it up perfectly, thanks user

It's a human, but that's not the question that should be asked.

"Is it a person." is better.

A comatose vegetable is a human, but they are no longer a person. They do not have hopes or dreams. They do not think or have any aspirations at all.

>if born

Jeff, get the hammer

Do you?

>No of course not, don't be silly.
It is a human embryo

>A fetus is a unique species of organism that is exactly like a human but without human rights.
This is why people laugh at you

>However it miraculously becomes a human at an arbitrary physiological development stage.
We all know the miracle of birth is the special moment when life begins. But no, it is already human, it just becomes its own human being at birth.

No. Nobody is even born a human. You become a human... Or dont.

>Abortion blah blah blah lies blah blah Satan blah blah nonsense blah blah bu blah blah.

> Look into her eyes and know that you're seeing a demon
He's know what a demon looks like - he see one on every mirror.

Slippery slope, user. Where's the line? How much brain function qualifies you as a "person"? Are infants people? What about adults with the mental capacity of an infant? Both are effectively animals in terms of intellect, below animals in most cases because they can't even move or feed themselves. And once you've established that humans are not always people you have goalposts you can inch forward little by little. If you can't read by age 5, are you a person? If you have ADHD are you a person? If you don't haven't finished high-school are you a person? Can we determine personhood by an IQ test? What score would disqualify you? 20? 40? 60? 80? Perhaps anything below 100?

Tread carefully, sir.

>I am an atheist and basically agree with this
If you believe there is a "Satan" deity then you cannot be an atheist.

You know what I use to actually care about abortion.
Then that whole "Beast Bill" fiasco happened.
I don't give a shit anymore.

cogito ergo sum

doesn't matter til it makes with the cogitation, man. til then it might as well be a turnip, human DNA or no

>when is person created.png

Most retarded meme ever. I see whipped cream and olive oil on the table behind your phony "science man".

>The hypocrisy of pro-lifers is that they insist a fertilized egg is a human being, and yet they don't regard the fact that over half of fertilized eggs fail to implant as a major medical crisis

They love it when their "god" is the murderer

>Is a sperm human?

No, it isn't. Gametes do not have a full set of human DNA.

>How about a human hair or even saliva?

Human hair does not have the capability of maturing into a human being, nor does saliva.

not yet, still "killabel"

>The Jews are followers of Satan.
The jews invented satan. No made-up abrahamic religions, no satan.

It's a package deal



How's high school going?


you had your moment badselfeater now fuck off back to your cave faggot

ps. This is how Moloch gains power through sacrifice.

>Yeah I'd say it's a living human
A living human what?

You can't say its "alive" or a "being" because we all know you'd be lying so we'll pretend you said living human tissue.

>well this whole litter of kittens died except one
>guess it's okay to murder the last one lol

Nothing more amusing than liberals making arguments that appeal to a deity they don't even believe in.

This is probably the stupidest post on Cred Forums at this moment. When you equate murder to natural death, you need to give YOURSELF an immediate natural death and improve the human race.

>God can't hold the reigns of life or death!!!

No, and neither are we.

>If it has a heartbeat (and brainwaves), it's human
Anything that has a twitching muscle and few neurons firing is human?

What are you 5?

>I think it's Kantian ethics, whereby you figure out if something is ethically good by asking if everybody did it,

That's not Kantian. His first rule was to one's self (self-determination) which firmly supports a woman's inherent right to decide for herself if she will bear a child or not.

The only thing that gets me is the arbitrary development period they set on the fetus. After a certain amount of time you're allowed to say "OK, it's a human now?"

It's just the fact that it IS arbitrary. If abortion is legal it should be legal at any time up to the point the mother starts to contract and give birth.

If you don't agree with that then you're just saying that is OK to kill a baby when it's more convenient to disconnect yourself from its humanity.

>This is probably the stupidest post on Cred Forums at this moment.
Then why did you post it?

>When you equate murder to natural death,
Abortion is not murder. It's not even killing anything or natural death because the fetus isn't a living being yet.

Besides, by your own extremely poor logic, what would be natural about about dying before you even became alive?

yes. anybody who thinks otherwise can't into science and should go back to school

youre confusing being human with the idea of being a person

Yes, but Humans don't have any inherent value

The right:
Fetuses are human
Niggers are human
Death Row Convicts are not human

The left:
Fetuses aren't human
Niggers are best human
Death Row Convicts are human

The alt-right:
Doesn't exist

Cred Forums:
White Fetuses, human or not, are a precious and rare commodity and must be preserved
Any other Fetus is not human, not because it is a fetus, but because it is not white.

>The only thing that gets me is the arbitrary development period they set on the fetus.
The educated people know it's not arbitrary, but rather a certain level of pre-natal development. Not all fetuses develop at the exact same rate so there can be some variation on when would be the best time to be born.

>After a certain amount of time you're allowed to say "OK, it's a human now?"
The Big Science Word is "viable"

> If abortion is legal it should be legal at any time up to the point the mother starts to contract and give birth.
I would have put it at 15 years and periodically remind the kids they're still on double-secret probation.

>If you don't agree with that then you're just saying that is OK to kill a baby
Worst syllogism ever. Not even an argument.

This is why rights-grabbing Constitution-hating anti-choicers are reduced to these weepy, emotional, "wittle bitty bebe" pleas and other whiny hypebole. After years of shrieking, crying, screaming, holding their breath until the pee goes running down their legs, they STILL cannot come up with a single rational argument for the state to put doctors and women in prison for making basic health care decisions.

Why not just say "I don't care, as long as it's dead?"

a human: yes
a person: no