Cred Forums is neither good nor is it evil. Cred Forums is in unholy matrimony with society, it is merely the counterpart of the collective onymous in humanity, the collective conscious. Cred Forums represents the collective anonymous, or collective unconscious. We are the unconscious mind of humanity. Just as Kek is the darkness just before the light, we too are, this darkness, ever on the cusp of consciousness. Through the lips of our prophet Pepe, we speak into the dark reaches of the unknown, (((echoing))) in the minds of the uninitiated. They hate us, because within their mind, we sleep, and they fear us. We are Kek. Knowledge under the name of Ignorance. Love under the name of Hate. Freedom under the name of Slavery. We are in everyone. We are one.

I can live with that.


Repent and lord Kek will forgive. He is a merciful god.

What do these digits mean, Kek? Are you leaving us? At least give us one last happening and blessing.

we r legion

Kek has many plans my child. He will not give up on us so easily. This is the calm before the storm. Many happenings will bless us if we praise him and don't loose hope.

Praise kek!

this is true.

pretty much

> not posting the best version

We must evoke the will of Kek through praise. This is the source of happenings. It is a test of our faith. He promises us a big happening soon. A prophecy foretells of a happening on par with 9/11 in a matter of weeks. We must please Kek to ensure that he grants us with meme magic.

We need to reach out the the media. They are already interested in pepe, they need the whole truth.




You dissenters are marked by the number 2. The number 2 is the mark of shame in the eyes of Kek.

t. Goldsteinbergwitz


We are the anti "jew"

Forgot the pick.