Argentina Vs Mexico

Who's more unbearable? The beaners or German dissapointment?

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I'd have to say the Germans. Beaners are only doing what's good for their race, Germans are willingly destroying theirs.

The beaners are worse

They think they own the word "Hispanic" and are trying to make it a race of mixed race injuns

Very inconsiderate to the non mestizo hispanics

> IberianLivesMatter

Is that why they are trying to take over Japan?


argentinians are whiter

Argentinians are leftier.

Mexicans/Central Americans.

Aside from memes, Argies are good people, great music, great culture, and current president of Argentina has met with Trump before.

But the Argentinian president is literally retarded.


He's far smarter than any Mexican intellectual.

except Argentina fell for keynesianism meme and failed horribly now they have runaway inflation

failed german disappointments didn't even learn from weimar


>the muh hispanic word fagget at it again
kek, just get over it dude

why fight each other bro

I've lived and worked in both Argentina and Mexico and you can't honestly make a fair comparison. It all depends on the regions in the respective countries but I'd be happy to live in either country.

>mexican intellectuals

>just get over it dude
yeah just bean urself

In Argentina people that look like this are relegated to the slums, at least. But if I so much as decide to go to the mall my senses are attacked by obese, box-bodied Mehican women.

You never made it any farther than the donkey fuck shows in Tijuana, did you?

You know not even a donkey would touch a tub of lard mexifat kek

>not even my chinese cartoons are safe.
I want to slaughter these animals.

The term Hispanic broadly refers to the people, nations, and cultures that have a historical link to Spain.

fucking hate all this shitskins beaners coming into my country and acting like they deserve tobe treated nicely, fuck off we dont want u. we already have problems with our mestizos

>They are killing us economically
Donald Trump
Mex pride 4 ever!!!!!!.

Thats why I was thinking, this Mex vs Arg is ridiculous, we should join forces to make our economy unstoppable.

Neither, go away

You can not be serious Argentina is irrelevant for Mexico we do not care about your country and i´m not exaggerating. i was with a girl from argentina at my school and she was very polite so i dont have a problem with people from argentina, this meme originated from footbal

guys bantering arg vs mex come from retarded Taringa

shoo shoo shills take back your blue pill

where's this from?

Never in my entire life have I ever heard a Mexican IRL refer to themselves as an 'Hispano'. It seems to be mostly used by democrats in an attempt to have a big tent and rile up support, and it seems to be working since shit like Telemundo and Univision keep a lot of them in line.



Mexico is disfunctional as shit and can't even handle drug trade. Argentina is politically corrupted and the police and gendarmerie are fascist fucks.
We both need to get our shit together.

Good luck having more enemies than friends.


Mexicans are headless.

Honestly the germans. We have high standards for thwm. Wtf hapoened?

At least beaners work hard.

and chilenians are irrelevant.

This tbqh.

Imagine touching a Mexican... ugh

The only "hispanic" I have ever heard a mexican use is in "Hispanohablante", which means Spanish-speaking.
Only muricans use Hispanic for Latinamericans and later get angry when people use the word

>Argies are Malvinales
>Beaners are Texasles
>Boludos have (((the nose)))
>Juanes are masonic rape-babies

And it goes on and on

Good question. I'd say Mexico, but we're pretty fucked up desu

Callate boludo. Como es que a tu pueblo le gusta chupar tanto la pija de los Yankeelandieses mugrientos?

>Sucking on the most powerful nation's dick and your biggertrade parthner is not politics
Germany sucks refugee dick, and they do ot for free