Communism won

Communism won

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>in Germany

His body is going to go to shit in ten years, if he doesn't drain a sleeping pill cocktail before then.

United States. I'm going to personally spit on everybody who harped on about 'muh slippery slope fallacy' 10 years ago and called me a bigoted idiot for disproving of faggots and trannies in high school.

The cosmetic surgery industry will likely be booming in 10 years. The demand for surgeons will be unprecedented.

best trust in Jesus. the synagogue of satan jews have destroyed the world with communism, then bringing in the false prophet (muhammad) attack dogs. it's all in Revelation

He looked more like a girl in the first image.

All that money spent just to look like a butch tranny.


How many fags are just trannies in denial?

>calls himself gorgeous
>is an abomination

Jesus was Jewish.

It's funny that modern rightwing always try and link Communism into the modern culturally progressive issues of today. You latch onto the boogie man of the Right from a different era and apply it to today. The fact is every communist state is/was far less degenerate than modern day liberal democracies on social issues. The Soviet Union specifically condemned the west for their decadence and degeneracy.

Actual communist "intellectuals" constantly preached for the destruction of the family and all that bullshit.

You think that's the worst it has?
It also fucks dogs.


wait, is that all the same person?

Looking at any rich old person will prove that cosmetic surgery can only go so far, and that doesn't even factor in the tranny vector

>what are subversive communist schools of thought

w-what? is this real

how do you figure that an Egyptian Catholic was Jewish

full circle

y u mad? The money goes to the straight surgeons you imbecile. xD

You cucks need to think like a jew.

Just like Mr Garrison

>be faggot
>pay for hormone treatments
>can't go back
>i-i-i'm lesbian guys. t-this wasn't a mistake at all.

First thing that came to mind

>I like women
>Im gay
>Im a woman
>Actually, I still like women
>I wish I still had my penis
>I bought a gun
Account inactive.

Whats truly sad is that at the very least, women can go back, men can't. Hows that for cis white male privilage.

Makes me sick. I know one who has lived in a stable family with married parents n' big house and literally half of his kikebook garbage is reposting socialism shit. He's 21, has a redhaired batshit gf, drives his dad's Mercedes and jobless (rich parents). He's sooo proud of himself not wanting any children.

"Why marriage will be unnecessary in 5 years", "Islam vs. Christianity: which one is worse (close result!)", "Nuclear energy and the mafia-lobby: why they are still being operated" on kikebook.

Cred Forums, should I beat him up the next time I see him? I really want.

stay strong brother

the fire rises

Do you even history?

This is what happens when you do not take a mental illness serious.

Would you let a schizophrenic live in delusions and hallucinations? Or would you try to re-orient them to reality, teach them coping skills and if all else fails give medications.

Most of the young men could just have low Testosterone levels, something that easily treatable.

This is how they destroy the foundation of the west to install a new socialist police state through the backdoor. Lurk more fucking idiot

>women can go back

Apparently they become infertile after the 1st round of testosterone.

Don't beat him up physically. Learn to debate and tear his beliefs to pieces. Leave him the shell of man that he truly is.

>be low test
>come out at gay
>decide to mutilate your penis and become trans
>remember that you are a dude and like women, come out as lesbian
>date a dyke that tries to look like a boy

Women produce testosterone.
That's what gives us our sexual drive kek


You god damn stupid americans calling every god damn degeneracy a communism. What does this have to do with Stalin gasing half of the country?


Who did Stalin gas?

Your mom a communism!!

>It's funny that modern rightwing always try and link Communism into the modern culturally progressive issues of today.
>All of their intellectuals (Chomsky, Tim Wise, Zizek, Bidel,Piketty etc) are marxist
>All of the left-wing parties are full of "ex-communists" and communists
>Their favorite international organizations are full of "ex-commies" and commies (the EU, every fag organization, every open-borders organization etc
>There is no link goyim

How is that relevant?
We're talking about a massive artificial dose of test.
That said, I don't know for certain if it's true or not. It's just something that was stated in a documentary I watched.

Look at the people who promote this stuff

Don't think so user, but I can't be assed to look it up. Remember the "man" who gave birth a few years back? Woman on male hormones. Plus women make testosterone naturally. Some, like Obama's husband, more than others.

We're talking about communist subversives undermining our culture and economy. They have created this problem so that they can provide their solution.

Its the Jews. But those same Jews are leading your in every major aspect. I am sure if I searched hard enough I could dig up some Americans who promoted these same "communist" values we see as degenerate.
What about capitalisam and product of your degeneracy such as corporate vampires?
Monsanato? Legalization of weed? Promoting blacked porn.

What is your culture?

Bro, this kid grew up rich in Toronto. He was born rich as fuck. Chances are he didn't need the government's help to pay for the boob job.

No you moron. "cultural marxism" is a perfectly applicable term for the modern social justice movement, because marxism is ultimately about the "oppressor" and the "oppressed". Economical marxism is about the oppressed proletariat and the oppressor bourgeoisie. The modern left is ultimately about the oppressor white/cis/male and the oppressed nonwhite/trans/gay/female.

It makes perfect sense.

Praise KEK!

I am just saying we need more precise and strict and precise definition. Communism is too vague and it sounds like cold war boogeyman. Nobody is going to buy that shit.

And "it was the jew" is too offensive for the public talk.

Make sure you don't get caught but yeah. You should

Yeh. Thinking back it was a BBC documentary so they were probably making shit up for the sake of drama.
I hope so anyway. I don't like the idea of stupid, middle class white girls sterilizing themselves just because they're gullible.

>man dressing up as a woman is dialectic materialism

you fucked up, bro.

Cultural marxism, this phrase works and is accurate. Don't sperg out about it's origing and history. We can view it as an emergent phenomena, that is good enough

Were do I read up on the topic? That's just too vague man.

Er hat sich doch selbst genug bestraft. Steh drĂ¼ber. Er lernt's oder geht unter.

I'm somewhat curious, what exactly do they do with vulva/vagina/womb etc. during the operation?

>what is cultural marxism

How many trannies are just fags in denial?

Start with Frankfurt School

like other biological waste, it's thrown out basically


kek, have to admit when I first saw this photo I thought that was the dude pre-op and some random blonde chick

Also, this

I guess you could start by reading about the Frankfurt school, and how they moved to Columbia university. Since then their world view has spread like a plague across western universitys.

Look up Yuri Bezmenov's lectures if you haven't already watched them.,

I always imagined they just sew a hot dog or a pepperoni or something down there and say they're good to go.

How do combine these political forces into global hegemony?

Mr garrison?

They literally cut a flap of skin from your lower abdomen and mold it into a vaguely penis looking thing with a manual pump inside it.
Here is a good video from the 90's litterally predicting what's happening today.

Not true. I know someone who had a kid after months on it. Luckily, the kid isn't a girl, so hopefully it won't be as fucked up as its progenitor

>The demoralization process in [the] United States is basically completed already. For the last 25 years... actually, it's over-fulfilled because demoralization now reaches such areas where previously not even Comrade Andropov and all his experts would even dream of such a tremendous success. Most of it is done by Americans to Americans, thanks to [a] lack of moral standards.

That's good to hear. It sucked to think of these girls ruining their lives, even if they are retarded.

>Skin from lower abdomen

Do you think they get ticklish when something rubs against it? Because that sounds like the most nightmarish thing I could imagine.

Gender is yet another way to divide the working class. Gender in communism along with family values are destroyed. Capitalism has won my friend.

But that is not marxism. Marxism is strictly economic. """Social""" marxism is NOT marxism. Its all about abolition of the self in favor of collective rule, economy, and existence. Gender does not exist in true marxism. Nor can it.

Where is the video of the FBI arresting you for sharing underaged nudes?

Most people who had a major facial plastic surgery looks disgusting. Only chin implants and nose straightening looks ok. Botox is cancer too.

Except you can't destroy gender because it's not a social construct you fucking retard

This is really depressing.

He probably meant traditional gender roles.

Ya except now Medical Schools are taking in a bunch of plumpy fat green hair dyed mexican queers and bulldykes to fill diversity quotas.

The straight surgeons will be saving lives because the queers are too emotionally unstable to do that, really makes you take things into consideration when there's a physician shortage looming and limited spots are given away for such vanity.

And that quote is from 1983...

lmao he got gay too.

Destroy the social concept of gender. Brainwash the masses to refute it. None of this special snowflake individualist degeneracy. There is nothing dividing the worker but the biology and psychology that has always existed. If this fails, then patriarchy must be introduced so as to keep men and women in their respective places. The working classes is unified through its respective places in society and understands them wholly. The working class can NEVER be united when we have degenerate fucks like this running around claiming ""oppression."" Destroy the bourgeoisie and you destroy all oppression.

Thanks to Obamacare, your two options for government funded healthcare are electric scooters for the obese and genital mutilation surgeries/hormones for trannies.

All this guy posts about is hurting other poor people who disagree with his "ideology" as if it's some sort of revolutionary praxis.

Thanks FDR

>thinking the patriarchy is artificial

We're high functioning apes. Men conquest and women submit 90% of the time. Capitalism is the result, not the cause. Communism is literally nihilism with a flag

The transgender issue will work itself out, in time.

Just wait for the freaks to kill themselves when they realize they've become Frankestein's monster in the flesh, a makeshift facsimile of a human being held together by duct tape and delusion.

They only had to fuck up one generation for it to snowball out of control.

Patriarchy would be enforced. This liberal bullshit of allowing men and women to act autonomously would come to an end. The key is to crush the individual will for money and power. Once you do that, anything is possible.

**that is not to say that it isn't the default.

Patriarchy is the default, but in an ideal world it would be abolished. If such a society would fail the patriarchy would be strictly enforced through social norms.

>but in an ideal world it would be abolished

Men and women are different for a reason user

You're poor. Sorry. Have some dignity about it and class the fuck up. You work all week for scraps. Social mobility rate has declined below your odds of advancing in medieval England but hey, got that new iphone right? Then you subject yourself to ritualistic self-flagellation in "solidarity" with some popular pet group of to pity for being worse off but you don't do shit about that either, just cuck. But truly, it's a show of appreciation for your own situation; disingenuously virtue signalling to those beneath you out of gratitude, instead of becoming indignant about these material conditions as a whole and organizing opposition from your role therein, don't even recognize it because you don't Marx. Or hide behind identity politics. Class-cucking to the right ; struggle-cucking to the left. No accountability for you in your position is there? You sorry lumpen fuck.

That is not communism. That is just some welfare queen faggot that is pulling out the entire gay card deck. Obviously he realised the woman card was actually bullshit.

Hahahaha you should have warned me this was a laugh and lose thread, you kickball playing mudman

Behold the wonders of sclocialized medicine. What the state deems worthy is paid for by all and things like individual judgement, consequences, and cost are antiquated ideas. Oh what a wonderful world we live in.

Yea I would have a question um, what you gon do when they come for yoU? Bad boys bad boys, wat u gon do. wat u gona do when dey cum 4 u.

Even if this were true. (it's not) you'd literally die before you could get it. The wait would be insane

In 10 years the cremation industry is going to be booming. No matter how much the sjw Jew media praises this shit, this mentally ill people will always know something is wrong with them. Something that can not be fixed with chopping your dick off, naturally no one wants to see that thing in a coffin, so cremation is they the only way a parent can bring their child bad to their natural gender.