STEM fags- how is her security so shit?

Come on someone must have an answer. If she was going to put in a private server, why could she not call the like at Oracle or the jews at google to do it for her?

Esp. after first time, she surely has the shekels, how could she not get it fixed to where it happens again? Do firms just avoid her like plague bc of fear of congressional hearings?

What am I missing here?

>call the like
call the KIKE

It's simple OP.

You only store things on it, you want the enemy to have.... and if they should happen to make a donation to the Clinton Foundation... you leave some important things on it they want.

Who did these things? who took advantage of it? China.

After all it's not selling secrets.... if they are stolen and hacked.

I've heard a theory that the server was set up purposely without security so other nations or whoever was involved in the pay to play could breach and extract the information valuable to them. This would also give her a certain amount of deniability in regards to intent

Not sure though, I wish I could read more about this theory

Let's say you goys are right and go with this-- why not wipe all her emails clean right after bengazi? She has the shekels, she couldn't hire a former systems administrator for $800k a year for however long she needed him?

Also interesting, would love to know who does Trump's cybersecurity. over 100 reporters on him and his family and they have gotten NOTHING on him or family.
Not an affair, not a hooker, note a porn account, nothing. If I ever accidentally find a Jew's stash of shekels, want Trump's people to do my cyber-security.

PS- no idea if it's true or just newfag retards being assholes, but were a bunch of threads that her fucking top tech advisor asked for advice on wiping a drive on REDDIT after he was subpeonaed (and mentioned 3 x that it was for a V, VIP).

I want to think that's fake but the line between reality and bullshit has been so blurred I can't say for sure.

She is an old woman, she probably thought security was not a big deal and hired some cheap engineers. Just try talking to any 60+ year person about computers and they usually don't know shit.

She and Bill have been dirty since the 80s. They don't use professionals that might be up to industry standards, they use someone that they know they can trust or that they have leverage over. If it's some fucktard that has to ask for IT advice on reddit then so be it, the Clintons can't trust anyone else not to rat on them when they're selling national secrets and favors right out of the state department.

Also consider that for most of Hillary's political career she got away with shit simply because the media did not report on it. Stories first reported on the internet eventually making national headlines is a very recent phenomenon. So there's a chance that she's oblivious, that she's still living in the past and thinks that her lackeys in the media can still protect her as they always have.

REEEE...newfags here bc the Jews wrote about a frog, PLEASE LEAVE.
All you are going to do is ruin this place and send the people who built this...whatever we have here elsewhere.

Please lurk for ~ 1 month before you post just random, useless shit. And any memes you've carried over from le reddit-- DELETE THEM.

You are overrunning and ruining this place to where the 1/20 discussions we had that were actually decent are now 1/100.

Not even worth browsing here anymore. ..


wasn't referring to people in this thread with "NEWFAGS", referring to traffic on this site past week or so.

Yeah, I guess you make fair points. I just can't imagine she would be that fucking dumb to set up a personal server with the name "clintonemail" unless, as you said, it was intended as a sort of free honeypot for the chinese and israelis.

It's her own emails I cannot explain.

It's too perfect to not be the case

Didn't Clinton hire one of those Google tech gurus?

the whole reason for her having a private server was probably to have unmonitored communication. you don't get that by going to google who will give up all records at the first mention of a subpoena.

She and her husband (who is fucking every skank in upstate NY, and the media won't touch it) are worth ~250 mill through their slush fund, and they could not put a decent systems analyst poached from a CIA contractor on payroll for a few years?

Although maybe they interviewed a few and they ran away afraid, once they realized they'd be breaking law and could go to prison...

>you don't get that by going to google
Why not poach a contractor from booze, allen, hamilton (big contractor, where snowden worked)?

unless, as others have suggested, the shit was so clearly illegal they needed a local hick type who didn't know too much and didn't want to know too much?

Also, amazed by how trump and his family have kept themselves clean. Yes, maybe they are just all genuinely good people, but shit every tells an "inappropriate" joke or something (which the jews would be on top of in a second), and with over 100 reporters digging on trump and his family, they've come up with jack shit.

>they use someone that they know they can trust or that they have leverage over
I watched all of House of Cards so this theory makes sense to me.

"Everything [she] touches she kind of screws up with hubris."
- Powell on Hillary Clinton

The obvious answer is that she though her team could do it on her own. Turns out she was wrong and they needed to ask Reddit about how to illegally purge contact names from saved emails. The less obvious answer is that Oracle wasn't going to touch that with a 30 foot pole. Private email servers holding classified information are illegall, Oracle would have been shut down if they were helping. Besides, hiring a big company would have required lots of paperwork and wait times. The whole point of the private email server was to Kane it easier on Clinton.

Literally no amount of security can stop the stupidity of one person from compromising it. Sure you can limit the damage such a breach would cause, but without pulling the cables and ripping out any wireless connectivity no system is completely secure.

Maybe she had her fucking passwords written on a sticky note, maybe she used insecure networks, maybe whoever was maintaining the server was a shit at network security. I haven't looked too much into the specifics but it potentially could be many things.

Then those would have access to her data.
Not a good idea when you want to illegal shit that should never be seen by anyone.

>unless, as others have suggested
that one, most likely. All the people you're talking about who you'd considered fit for a job of that magnitude and have experience would know they're getting into some shit. The guy she did hire most likely knew as well, but he had less to lose than a guy who's already doing security for booz allen hamilton

It's called plausible deniability, and it's a common scenario in information security.

That's also how people introduce backdoors in their systems. They don't add a line saying "if password = TRUMP grant access", it's more along the line of a genuine-looking bug that under certain conditions will grant you access.

So if you get caught you can just say "oh, sorry, that was just a bug".

I think she's just an old geezer who doesn't really understand all these newfangled computers and emails.

How many times do you think some poor State Department IT guy had to remove Bonzi Buddy from her official computer?

There's the difference though, Trump hires the best his money can afford, Hillary hires people she knows, that have paid her or have dirt on her. A lot of them happen to be utterly incompetent or deceptively compliant

Because old people who don't know shit about computers can't tell the difference between security and shit that kinda sounds secure, but isn't really.

I could build a system that appears to work and tell Hillary that it encrypts passwords so it's all secure, but then forget to delete some default root password, leave passwords unsalted so they're vulnerable to rainbow table attacks, and have the whole database dump itself into javascript to make the site work.

She wouldn't know the difference, but it would be insecure as fuck. And even if I had a boss who knew what he was doing, if he didn't check my code he might not realize either.

What am I missing here?

Any professional would not have touched it with a ten foot poll . They would know that everything the Clintons were asking was illegal , and could get the same money or better ripping off the government honestly as a consultant with out the risk

A Black hat would have scared them. First because he could turn on them and they did not understand computers , second they could not intimidate or dazzle him with their celebrity.

So got this earn as you learn idiot to do the job, semi skilled enough to be semi useful , stupid enough to not know that they will let him swing in the wind if it goes south or will accidentally suicide himself .