Why does Cred Forums hate Asians again?

Why does Cred Forums hate Asians again?

Which ones?
Don't be racist, OP, there's many types of Asians

We only hate "gangs of quintessentially english asian men"

Orientals you fucking dumb leaf.

Why do you say Cred Forums hates Asians? In fact, most Cred Forums people love Asians. But only far east Asians. Truth be told, more East, more Cred Forums like them.

I don't.

/pol is not a racist board.
we dont hate Asians.

I dont. I hate niggers and mudslides.

fuck chinese people though

As an I asian, we love whites and they love us back.

And if you hate east asians AND browse Cred Forums at the same time, that's just incredibly hypocritical.

Why don't asians divorce?

getting really sick of the non stop Asian shilling here every day lately, its actually making me hate them more than I normally would.

And im not even talking about the AM/WF spammer, he's such a beta low life he doesn't make anyone mad. But all the other threads are starting to get annoying for anyone who has ever actually seen an Asian in real life and not just online.

stability and tradition are ingrained in their culture

They hate failure

>tfw japanese

Feels good

Because the woman can just start fucking their son if she gets bored/lonely/horny. Where in most cultures she would go outside of the family for that and eventually cause a divorce.

I thought chinks were based homogenous.

Do we hate asains? i didnt think we did?
>America projecting

Hory fuck, I had a guy in my one of my classes at college who looked exactry like pic. Also turned out to be a Cred Forumstard.

I don't.

Those people are called humans.

They're loud as hell. Girls are cute though, but their intelligence sorta makes up for it.

It's the Jews. Divide and conquer is their typical strategy.

The only Asians that i like a the Japs cause my great grandma came from there, all other fucking asians are stinky streetshitters and should die.





have you taken advantage of any weeb white girls yet?


Because they are intelligent and reliable allies to the Dindus, and actively undermine our culture from within.

It'd be nice to filter them out of online games, but otherwise I don't mind them. They are smart, hardworking, don't trust niggers, and are family oriented.

What does this chart even represent?

No, white girls are disgusting. Almost all sluts.

it's red and blue, so I'm assuming it has to do with with the american voting system

when one group is voted more, it's percentage is represented.

Divorcing it's for savages

You lucky fucker

I've got nothing against Asian Americans, considering my good friends are Chinese, but I don't like China. Fuck them and their shit manufacturing. God emperor will bring it back to standard.

??? But it's entirely possible to have an increase in both democratic and Republican voters

>tfw yellow fever
how do I cure myself from this disease

你不是很好人Danold。im sure your chinese friends all love you。

it's okay, as long as your tastes in asian women isn't shit


How do Koreans fare? [spoiler]I'm actually not Korean but everyone I meet seems to think I'm Korean

Asian voters rapidly began switching to the Left wing party as SocJus grew and spread.

Opportunistic rats.

>How do Koreans fare? [spoiler]I'm actually not Korean but everyone I meet seems to think I'm Korean
What are you?

Also think Most people like koreans. K-popfags and pho-fags are gaining ground int he west. The only people that don't like Koreans are japs and chinks.

not to mention gangnam style literally became a household name everywhere.

Except all asian porn ducks because the women are crying and they have giant bushes. And they're getting fucked by an Asian with a tiny dick

Stormfags, redditors, and 9gaggers invaded Cred Forums.

I'm actually a dirty Filipino but my light skin, proper nose structure, and hair generally make me Korean-ish

Jealous they aren't part of the superior asian race
Whites race is dying, not even breeding with whites anymore just breeding with every other race. Spreading multicultural bullshit and interracial relationships like wildfire.

When you are white you have to worry about your son/daughter telling you they are gay/trans or come home with a nigger

jav is fucking terrible I agree, doesn't excuse the disgusting asian women in american television

why is it so hard for them to hire asians that look like k-pop stars? hollywood is already full of plastic surgery so it shouldn't be a problem.

>german wojak
>Brits trench

Fuck outta here


Most of the propped up JAV idols come from modelling backgrounds, there are countless ugly ones you don't see which are the same as their american counterpart.

I hope you have cancer japanese are the worst i am mongolian you are subhunan

They don't have empathy to the extent the white race does, either that our they are just massive betas which is degeneracy

>implying that's a bad thing

Whites have too much empathy. It's led to a lot of problems in the modern world.

litterally nobody hates asians.

some people hate the thought of racemixing with them, and even that is not a majority here i'd wager

we just want the asian women to be whores. in reality asian women are the most materialistic bitches. asian men are fucking alphas and have no sympathy for their fellow man, their using their money to buy up everything that does not suck, they leave china and want to buy all of canada and the u.s they hate china. but fuck dammit stop making people you motherfukcers. your like fucking niggers in africa, u wont stop making people who need fucking jobs and women.

literally every current problem facing the western world has to do with white empathy, if you ask me it's time we embrace our short yellow overlords and adopt similar cultural standards.

Children of Asian immigrants are often SJWs, have you noticed that? They hate white people and most of all: they hate themselves.

Uwotm8? Winlanders are the most beloved shitposters on this board and many other boards. Don't even try to deny it.


Chinese are Jews. Japs are based. Koreans are eh

I don't see it, it's mostly the white people in my community that's still hung up on social justice.

>Big breast

But the fact that we have empathy is also why western civilization is the way it is, the fact that we were able to create trust based societies while maintaining a degree of individualism unmatched anywhere else is why we're the best, I just think we've been infected by the ideology of communism/Socialism/multiculturalism after we opened ourselves up to external influences

I don't care.
